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深化理论研究提供理论支撑   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
党的十六大把“三个代表”重要思想同马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论一道确立为党必须长期坚持的指导思想,使“三个代表”重要思想的研究工作达到了新高度,提高到了新境界。十六大以来,教育战线兴起了学习贯彻“三个代表”重要思想的新高潮,推动了研究工作的不断深入。教育战线“三个代表”重要思想的研究工作有这样几个明显特点。一是同马克思主义理论的研究紧密结合。“三个代表”重要思想与马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论是一脉相承又与时俱进的科学体系。加强“三个代表”重要思想的研究,使我们进一步深化了坚持和巩固马克…  相似文献   

南京电大开设“计算机科学与技术”专业(专升本),依据现代远程开放教育的特点,在C 程序设计语言课程中采取四种媒体,五种辅导手段,使得学生学习科学知识、培养创造能力、提高学历层次,而辅导手段中的电话答题是必不可少的一种手段,做好电话答疑要善于正确捕捉学生的问题,答疑时要明确、精炼、讲究语速,并对学生加以引导、启发,同时也要实事求是,可能情况下对设备进行改进,提高答疑质量,使电话答疑在远程开放教育中起到更大的作用。  相似文献   

指出了当前帮困助学工作存在的问题,从立法、资金来源、信息管理等方面分析了其原因,并从工作形式和工作内容上探讨了高校帮困助学工作发展的几点对策。  相似文献   

"几何画板"是windows环境下的一个动态的数学工具软件.它提供了画点、画线(线段、射线、直线)、画圆(正圆)的工具,以及旋转、平移、缩放、反射等图形变换功能.几何画板又不同于其他绘图工具,它能动态地保持给定的几何关系,便于学生自行动手在变化的图形中发现恒定不变的几何规律,从而打破了千百年来数学学习就是一支笔一张纸的局面,成为提倡数学实验,培养学生创新能力的有效工具.把它和数学教学进行有机地整合,能为数学课堂教学营造一种动态、开放、新型的教学环境.给学生进行探究学习提供了一个广阔的空间.  相似文献   

王国维说 :“《红楼梦》者 ,悲剧中之悲剧也。其美学价值即存乎此。”《红楼梦》的悲美价值即在于全篇自始至终笼罩一种虚空和宿命的感伤氛围。曹雪芹之所以呕心沥血写这部奇书 ,亦是为了表达“一种无可奈何的人生空门的悲叹 ,一种不可救药的末世衰颓的感伤 ,一种犹如梦幻般缥渺难寻的愁思 ,一种梦醒了无路可走的苦痛 ,一种明知不可为而为之的探索”。他笔下的艺术形象都洋溢着人生空幻的感伤情调。林黛玉是曹雪芹用生命塑造出的不朽的艺术典型 ,诗人的气质是她独特个性的一个动人心弦的侧面。甚至可以说 ,在林黛玉孤傲的灵魂里 ,发挥其聪慧…  相似文献   

大学生深度辅导工作是落实中央16号文件,培养高素质人才的重要举措。以概念研究入手,通过比较分析并结合工作实际,确定了深度辅导的概念。进一步归纳总结出深度辅导的工作内容及流程,并提出五类工作模式,对于提升深度辅导水平和促进大学生思想道德建设有一定现实意义。  相似文献   

For postsecondary students with disabilities influencing reading performance, printed class materials pose a substantial barrier and have a negative impact on academic achievement. Digital technologies offer alternative ways of accessing print materials for students with print‐related disabilities. Alternative media is a broad term that encompasses a variety of formats into which printed text is converted. Alternative media, together with assistive computer technologies designed to read aloud the text, provide a means to access textual information and bypass the difficult reading process. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of model programs and pertinent research on the use of alternative media by postsecondary students with print disabilities; we will identify promising practices for students whose disabilities negatively influence reading performance.  相似文献   

随着建筑业飞速发展,未来建筑对建筑师的国际化、信息化和技术化要求越来越高,针对未来建筑发展趋势,本文首先分析了具体需求及现状,目前《力学结构》课程分为《力学结构》(1)和《力学结构》(2)两部分授课,论述了不同课程阶段重点培养的能力和知识点,最后针对未来建筑需求,提出了建筑学专业力学结构课程的教学方法改进思路,建议针对国际化、信息化和技术化需求加强专业英语、计算机技术、多专业协作能力和实践能力培养。  相似文献   

现在的学生大多是独生子女,生活在优厚的物质环境和家长的保护圈中,他们是温室里的花朵。学生最终要独立面对社会,独立面对生活,但在现实生活中,人难免会碰到失败和挫折。作为学校、家庭有时让孩子体验一点失败、挫折的滋味未尝不是好事,可以以此培养孩子克服困难的勇气,培养孩子对待挫折的正确态度。  相似文献   

改革开放30年中国留学生派出政策回顾   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
中国留学生的派出政策,是反映中国改革开放进程的一个重要方面,显示出中国教育国际交流开放的程度和规模.派出政策分为公派和自费两个层面.改革开放30年来,我国公派留学工作大致经历了五个发展阶段,其政策变化主要表现为派出规模、结构和选派程序等方面的调整:1978-1981年为恢复阶段,1981-1986年为进一步开放的阶段,1986-1992年为调整和规范阶段,1992-2001年为向社会化、法制化方向发展的阶段,2001年至今则是根据"入世"后的需要,侧重培养专项性和高层次留学人才的阶段.公派留学至今仍属于"计划"体制,但在具体操作上日益体现出"公开、公平和公正".自费留学政策历经1981-1986年、1986-1992年和1992-2008年三个阶段的变革,其走向主要表现为在人才流动"准出"方面由严格控制走向宽松自由,并且使自费留学活动成为市场经济的一部分.在这一历程中,不仅自费留学由最初的受到限制、需要"特殊照顾",发展成为了每个公民权利的一部分,而且公费留学也成为人人享有的平等权利,受到法律的保障和制约;国家对留学工作的调控不仅走出了在一定程度上盲目、无序的误区,走上了健康、正常的发展道路,而且一般老百姓也由对出国留学的狂热和盲从,恢复到了平静和理智的心态.  相似文献   

笔者以教育学课程为例,从理论依据、教学目标、操作程序、操作策略、考试评价五个方面构建了高校师范生公共课研究型教学模式,并进行了教学实验,结果表明,研究型教学模式的教学效果明显优于传统教学模式.  相似文献   

产学研结合是西北农林科技大学动物科学专业国家级实验教学示范中心专业课程教育的重要特征之一。目前,产学研紧密结合是我校动物科学专业办学的主要模式,是培养动物科学专业本科生人才的根本途径。动物科学专业经过毕业生调研、用人单位回访和多年教学实践,逐步探索出基于产学研结合的"请进来、走出去"互动式教学模式。  相似文献   

阅读动机对学生的学习效果有重要的影响,因而高校图书馆应加强对大学生阅读活动的有效引导。本文通过对大学生阅读动机的分析,探索图书馆导读工作的有效途径,以实现图书馆服务育人的职能。  相似文献   

Increased interest in the specialized needs of students with severe developmental disabilities has resulted in a doser examination of the service delivery system. The complex nature of services required by this population often necessitates a larger network of professionals to assist the client and his or her family. As a result of specialized requirements, the need for consultation may be increased and modification of practices may be needed. This article surveys some of the issues involved in the consultation process. Emphasis is placed on the special partnership that is required in order to provide effective services.  相似文献   

研究分析企业的用人思维及其对人才能力和素质的需求,采用综合职业能力观,分析研究了高职学生职业能力及职业核心能力的结构及其相互关系,为改进高职院校学生素质综合测评,不断提高高职学生职业能力和综合素养提供参考。  相似文献   

Increasing the number of Aboriginal students graduating from university is a goal of many Canadian universities. Realizing this goal may present challenges to the orientation and methodology of university curricula that have been developed without consideration of the traditional epistemologies of Aboriginal peoples. In this article, three scholars in the Faculty of Education at the University of Victoria take up this issue by dialoguing with each other about the possibilities of incorporating Aboriginal perspectives into their courses. These conversations are woven together into the narrative form of a four-act play in which the authors caricature their personalities to highlight their initial resistances and eventual reconsiderations. As non-Aboriginal instructors from different cultural backgrounds, the authors confront issues of respect, responsibility, and (mis)representation as they struggle with the dilemmas involved in cross-cultural understanding. Through this journey they come to imagine a world where cultural differences, including the traditional epistemologies of Aboriginal peoples, present possibilities for greater understanding of each other and more authentic expressions of our humanity.  相似文献   

This article is an account of a collaborative self-study of the process of providing written feedback on assessment to our teacher education students. Our five-year study grew out of concerns that written feedback might not always meet the learning needs of our students. The study was informed by on-going analysis of our reading of the relevant literature, our experience conducting a qualitative research study of students' perceptions of written feedback on assessment, and our professional conversations along the way. We became increasingly aware that our personal beliefs about learning and teaching underpin our respective approaches to providing written feedback on assessment. The process of critical reflection enabled us to achieve a congruence of professional practice that resolved our concerns about the nature of written feedback and enhanced our respective pedagogical practices.  相似文献   

文章介绍了VPN及相关的隧道技术,详细分析了IP安全协议,介绍了Internet密钥交换及完整的Ipsee体系结构。并阐述口安全协议的应用。  相似文献   

With a renewed focus on early intervention, teachers must address the difficulties students are having as early as possible to promote their progress. Culturally and linguistically diverse students may not respond to universal interventions that have shown efficiency for mainstream populations. In order for Response to Intervention to be effective, we need to include diverse populations when researching all tiers of instruction.  相似文献   

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