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知识经济时代创新与团队协作越来越受到重视,但在线学习的知识进化研究多针对学习者个体而缺少群体研究的视角,对知识进化过程的动态性分析不足,进化机制等尚不清晰。本研究基于进化认识论,将在线协作知识建构的知识进化基本单位确立为知识种群,在遵循遗传、变异与选择机制的同时,进化过程又呈现出复杂的知识创造特性。本研究分别以本体论、认识论和方法论为透镜,透视了在线协作知识建构的知识进化本质,并体现为客观知识的创造、集体知识的形成和自组织进化;确立知识创造的前馈过程和反馈过程,构建了知识种群的形成、竞争与协同和自组织进化模型。  相似文献   

动态能力强调企业的发展与环境相匹配,这一过程需要持续的创新支持。技术与市场的发展推动了创新范式的转变,企业与多元化的创新参与者联合在一起嵌套在密集互动的网络中实现创新获利。网络化创新打破了组织界面,是基于资源跨组织边界流动的价值创造和分享,知识创造和网络嵌入构成企业动态能力的微观基础。企业一方面面临由知识基础性风险带来的知识发现、整合及转化的压力;另一方面面临由嵌入属性带来的网络开放度、权力、控制的压力。基于压力筛选的逻辑,企业动态能力向两种机制拓展:一是以跨组织的知识识别、创造和获取为核心的学习能力机制,二是发展、维护和支配组织间联接的网络能力机制,由此构成网络化创新下企业动态能力模型。  相似文献   

在线协作学习的常态化为跨学科知识创造提供了契机。探究跨学科视阈下在线协作学习知识创造模型对于培养学习者的创造性思维具有深远意义。然而,已有研究大多聚焦于宏观层面和微观层面,从中观层面构建跨学科在线协作学习知识创造模型尚付阙如。为此,以知识创造SECI理论和协作知识建构理论为支撑,构建在线协作学习知识创造螺旋模型。采用滞后序列分析法对知识创造过程进行分析,通过行为弦图与行为转换图验证了模型的有效性。结果表明:分享隐性知识有助于为知识创造提供起点,提供学习支持有助于实现知识的联结化,营造灵活氛围有助于促进学习者的协作交互。未来持续拓展跨学科知识创造螺旋模型的相关研究与应用,以期提升学习者的知识创造能力。  相似文献   

随着知识经济和学习化社会的来临,知识已经逐渐取代了劳动力及有形资本,成为生产和价值创造的核心要素。基于对知识所具有的重要价值的认识,为了更好地发挥知识的生产和创造功能,知识管理逐渐成为一个使用频率很高的概念。知识管理就是为实现特定的目标,对知识资源进行有效的组织和控制来实现知识的流动、共享和创造的过程,其不仅成为提升企业核心竞争力重要的理念,而且对于深化高校师资队伍管理体制改革,提升高校师资队伍的素质,促进高校的内涵式发展和可持续发展也具有一定的理论意义和实践价值。知识管理的理念对于高校的师资队伍建设有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

组织知识是实现组织的目标的基础,它们的积累和利用体现了组织记忆能力,而组织记忆是指特定组织如何收集、存储和利用组织中的经验、技能与技巧的活动。学校的组织知识决定着学校的核心竞争力,学校的组织记忆能力则决定着学校持续发展的能力。本文基于知识管理的相关研究,以人的记忆过程作为类比,提出了一种利用虚拟学习环境促进学校组织知识积累的机制——学校组织记忆的基本过程模型,阐述了学校利用该模型提高和改进自身组织记忆能力的基本方法。本文还介绍了基于此机制设计开发的虚拟学习环境——PRIME学习支持系统——在组织知识形成和发展上的具体做法。期望能为学校实现动态的知识积累和管理提供指导,并引起人们对学校组织知识和组织记忆的重视。  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的来临,知识正成为组织经济增长、财富创造的主要生产要素。随着市场环境变化的加剧,组织采取项目的形式进行管理也势在必行。组织知识来源于内部和外部两种途径,分别形成组织内部知识链和组织之间的知识链。知识沿知识链流动,实现知识共享和知识创造。项目全寿命周期管理各参与方均存在知识的流动。  相似文献   

知识基础理论强调知识在组织中的核心地位及异质性知识治理对组织发展的决定性作用,对现代产业学院建设具有重要启示意义。知识基础理论视野下,现代产业学院可视为典型知识密集型组织,知识源战略是现代产业学院发展的根本动力,知识共享、整合、创造与转化形塑的知识交往过程构成现代产业学院运行知识逻辑。为形成多中心协同共治知识治理格局,应构建现代产业学院强联结网络结构、强化基于契约的信任和完善协同保障机制,更好促进现代产业学院内知识流动与创新。  相似文献   

大学是保存、传播、发现和创造知识的主要场所。大学知识管理可以围绕"SECI"模型完成对显性知识和隐性知识的有效管理。建设知识共享的组织文化和学习型组织是大学知识管理实践的基础。绘制知识地图、设计知识管理系统、建立e-learning学习平台和创建"知识场"等是大学知识管理实践的重要内容。  相似文献   

王鹤亭 《文教资料》2012,(18):174-175
针对高校传统的个体教学模式下学生学习过程中知识点之间孤立分散的缺陷,本文提出基于知识整合的高校教学协同模式。通过高校教学过程中课程、组织、内容等多方面的协同,改变以往师生、学科、课程、知识点和教学要素相互分离分割的局面,发现专业知识的内在联系并加以整合,给学生提供一个有机联系的知识体系和能力结构,并有效培养学生的知识整合与创造能力。  相似文献   

大学的核心本质是知识创造与知识传播。大学的知识可以分为大学组织自身的知识以及社会所需要的知识两个部分。通过分析知识的不同类别与不同组织形态的关系以及不同的知识创造和知识传播的方式与组织形态之间的关系,构建组织模型的基本分析框架,识别不同的大学组织模型的基本特点和存在基础,进而探寻各类不同大学的最佳组织模型。对各类组织模型的分析还发现,知识经济时代下,网络组织模型将逐步成为大学的重要组织形式,并对大学治理体系的构建发挥关键作用。  相似文献   

Purpose: To examine the contribution of horizontal and vertical organisational learning and its timing to the effective integration of teachers in classes they have not previously taught. Three hundred and forty-five teachers from 64 schools, with at least 4 years of teaching experience, completed questionnaires about the extent of horizontal (OL) and vertical (KCM) organisational learning, its timing and its benefits to teachers as they began to teach classes they had not taught before. The hypothesis was confirmed that independent components of OL and KCM contribute to preparing teachers for their classes. The timing of teachers’ exposure to this learning was found to serve as a mediating factor between OL/KCM and the benefit that teachers gain from the information. The organisational learning process is presented in a broad theoretical perspective that clarifies the reciprocal relations between vertical/horizontal dimensions and their benefits. More effective ways are discussed for introducing educational knowledge.  相似文献   

Goldfish trained to discriminate between signals paired with shock (S?) and signals paired with shock omission (S+) with a linear presentation procedure, originally learned (OL) to control the signal state of a shuttle box and showed a decided preference for the S+ signal. In Experiment 1, following OL, groups had one OL signal replaced (S+ or S?), both signals replaced (S+ and S?), or the OL signals reversed (S+ and S? reversed) and were then tested in a transfer training procedure. In transfer, groups with one signal replaced maintained discriminated performance at OL levels; the S+ replaced group was slightly superior to the S? replaced group on the first day of transfer. With both OL signals replaced, discrimination dropped to chance performance levels, whereas, with OL signal shock pairing reversed, discrimination performance dropped below chance levels. In Experiment 2, following OL, extinction procedures consisted of turning off the shocker (0% shock) or of shocking 100% or a random 25% of the trials. A fourth extinction procedure (R,) retained the trial start response-dependent shock-omission contingency, but shock differentiating the S+ and S? signals was eliminated entirely. Extinction of the S+/S? discrimination was measured both during extinction training per se and with reversal retraining of the S+/S? discrimination later. Groups for which the OL S+ was paired with shock during extinction extinguished on both measures, but groups for which the OL S? was paired with shock omission did not extinguish, especially as shown by the reversal test procedure. Theoretical implications and the implications for several conditioning procedures are discussed.  相似文献   

There is a lack of research in the area of the influence that task autonomy (TA), organizational learning (OL), and group cohesiveness (GC) can have on technical education teachers' innovation of professional development (IOPD). Therefore, this study aimed to probe into the influences of TA, OL, and GC on IOPD by technical education teachers, and their relationships. We conducted a questionnaire survey on 265 full-time teachers. The results showed that TA, GC, and OL of technical education teachers revealed significant positive relationships with the degree of IOPD. The teachers' TA and OL are critical factors to their IOPD, as they are positive predictors.  相似文献   

This article has two interrelated purposes. The first is to explain how various forms of bias, if introduced during any stage of a meta-analysis, can provide the consumer with a misimpression of the state of a research literature. Five of the most important bias-producing aspects of a meta-analysis are presented and discussed. Second, armed with this information, we examine 15 meta-analyses of the literatures of distance education (DE), online learning (OL), and blended learning (BL), conducted from 2000 to 2014, with the intention of assessing potential sources of bias in each. All of these meta-analyses address the question: “How do students taking courses through DE, OL, and BL compare to students engaged in pure classroom instruction in terms of learning achievement outcomes?” We argue that questions asked by primary researchers must change to reflect issues that will drive improvements in designing and implementing DE, OL, and BL courses.  相似文献   

This study draws upon theory and methods from the field of organizational behavior to examine organizational learning (OL) in the context of a large urban US school district. We build upon prior literature on OL from the field of organizational behavior to introduce and validate three subscales that assess key dimensions of organizational learning that build upon and extend prior education research: psychological safety, experimentation, and leadership that reinforces learning. Data from 941 teachers across 60 schools in this urban district suggest that organizational learning is an underlying condition which is expressed by teacher perceptions of subfactors of psychological safety, experimentation, and leadership that reinforces learning. Implications for adopting the conceptual framework and methods employed in this research for studying organizational learning and school change are discussed.  相似文献   

随着知识资源的不断丰富,对知识进行有效的组织和管理,实现知识的快速检索、共享和重利用,充分有效地利用知识资源已成为知识管理的一项迫切的研究课题.知识地图是知识管理的工具,在分析知识地图的概念、特点的基础上,提出了基于知识地图的知识检索、知识获取、教育应用的知识管理应用模型.教育应用模型由学习诊断和专家知识地图两个子模型构成.  相似文献   

空间应用系统要求能够依据业务需求,快速、灵活地集成各种已有和新添的Web服务,实现基于空间知识网格环境的协同工作和应用集成,实现按需服务.提出和设计了支持空间知识服务的语义服务描述模型和基于语义的Web服务协同模型,利用协同模型将分散空间服务组合起来.通过引入动态服务组合和服务匹配、绑定机制,并且和空间知识本体库密切配合,实现资源动态绑定,真正有效地支持空间知识服务的动态组合与协同.  相似文献   

陈静  王轩 《现代教育技术》2010,20(8):109-110
R2D2模型是一种网络教学模型,它主要从学习者风格出发,设计阅读、深省、展示、实践这四种教学活动来实现知识的获取、知识建构、知识表征、知识应用和知识转移。笔者从R2D2模型的基本思想出发,以基于问题的网络课程为例,探讨其对网络课程设计的影响和启示。  相似文献   

论文基于本体方法,给出了知识点本体模型、知识点教学本体模型以及知识库本体模型的一种定义.在此基础上,依据相应的模型,按照一定的步骤,可以构建基于本体的ICAI领域知识库.  相似文献   

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