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In this article, we present an overview of a self-archiving service for the Brazilian Digital Library of Computing (BDBComp) and describe a user experiment conducted to evaluate it. This experiment involved several potential real users, including computer science graduate students and professors, and archivists/librarians. The results of this study and their implications for similar services are described and analyzed, following sound statistical principles, which can serve as a basis for other similar studies. These results and their analysis indicate that we have successed in building a usable, efficient and learnable self-archiving service, properties which are essential to bring users to the system.  相似文献   

黄和平  毕军 《资源科学》2006,28(6):20-27
循环经济要求的是资源效率与效益化原则,对区域循环经济的评价及指标体系设计也必须贯彻这一根本原则。物质流分析(MFA)方法为资源、废弃物和环境管理提供了方法学上的决策支持工具,也为区域循环经济的评价与研究提供了新的思路。本文以地处长江三角洲的常州市武进区为例,在阐述物质流分析方法及其指标的基础上,运用层次分析法和巢式等级理论,构建了适合于研究区的区域循环经济评价指标体系和权重体系,确立了区域循环经济评价指标分级标准,拟定了区域循环经济评判模型,并对其循环经济发展状况进行了分析和评价。结果表明:①本文构建的区域循环经济评价指标体系、权重体系、及指标分级标准对于本研究区是适用的,其评价模型也完全可用于相关区域的循环经济发展评价,为今后该领域的深入研究提供了一个可供参照的雏形; ②武进区2004年循环经济发展综合评价指数处于IV级水平,即基本不循环状态,其下属的3个功能指标的评价结果表现为:资源化>无害化>减量化; ③从各个具体指标的评价结果看,资源生产率、废弃物排放强度、工业用水循环利用率、城市中水回用率、危险废物处置率和城镇生活污水处理率是其中最为薄弱的几个环节。文章最后对循环经济评价指标体系存在的问题进行了分析,并对今后区域循环经济的发展予以了展望,为区域循环经济和可持续发展研究提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

Recently, online recommendations have become a main channel for enterprise promotion; however, little evidence has been directed toward understanding the fitness of products information in the online recommendations context. The current study examines the fitness of recommended products information and budget of customers selves’ situation tries to find the key factors that buy exceed the recommended products in the online channels. Drawing upon the customer satisfaction index (CSI) and the price information seeking behavior (PISB) model, this paper proposes a research model and validates it in the context of recommendations from the well-known e-commerce websites from 342 participants. With Amos 18.0 this study finds that, in the online environment, the constructs of CSI are evaluated in online recommendations, in addition, finds the fitness of products information can be vital factor impact perceived quality, value, satisfaction, and buy extra. Moreover, the budget constraints of customers positively impact price comparison, and price comparisons negatively impact satisfactions. This research sheds light on the buy extra behavior in online recommendations and provides insights into the marketing promotion strategies in electronic markets.  相似文献   

Research and development (R&D) investment activity plays a crucial role in developing high-tech industries. In recent decades, China has made sustained investments in its domestic high-tech industries, with the goal of increasing their productivity. This paper investigates the effect of this investment on relative R&D efficiency across China's high-tech sectors. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was used to generate quantitative indices for sector comparisons. The analysis of this study indicates that overall R&D investment efficiency did not increase from 1998 to 2009, despite R&D expenditure increasing by 2188%. Over the same period, most sectors suffered from decreasing returns to scale (DRS), presumably also reflecting the inefficient R&D investment. Most of the sectors showed significant fluctuation on R&D investment efficiency. This research result indicates that the problem of China's high-tech industry may be from the inefficiency of its technology commercialization processes, and therefore represents a critical parameter for policy makers and managers.  相似文献   

Understanding the main determinants of Internet banking adoption is important for banks and users; our understanding of the role of users’ perceived risk in Internet banking adoption is limited. In response, we develop a conceptual model that combines unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) with perceived risk to explain behaviour intention and usage behaviour of Internet banking. To test the conceptual model we collected data from Portugal (249 valid cases). Our results support some relationships of UTAUT, such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence, and also the role of risk as a stronger predictor of intention. To explain usage behaviour of Internet banking the most important factor is behavioural intention to use Internet banking.  相似文献   

Thinking of government as entrepreneur is a unique lens through which to view a subset of government actions. The lens is not a template for an evaluation of government policy; rather, it is a characterization that underscores the government's purposeful intent, ability to act in new and innovative ways, and willingness to undertake policy actions that have uncertain outcomes. Our focus is on the U.S. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. We argue that the innovative action of government - the innovative use of public resources through the SBIR program to target and support research in small firms - does lessen innovation barriers that cause small firms to underinvest in R&D. However, this government action is subject to entrepreneurial risk, namely the a priori uncertainty that the funded research will result in a commercialized product, process, or service. We quantify the uncertainty that the government accepts in the context of innovation supported by the SBIR program; or stated alternatively, we quantify the probability that a project funded by the SBIR program will fail to commercialize its results. Our empirical results show that the entrepreneurial risk that characterizes the SBIR program is, on average, somewhat more than the probability of failing to get heads on the toss of a fair coin. Importantly, however, our evidence shows that there is a large range in the entrepreneurial risk that the government accepts—across the projects, the predicted probability of failure covers essentially the entire range from 0 to 1.0.  相似文献   

罗小明  赵春 《科研管理》1997,18(2):49-52,,48,
本文建立了国防科研项目评审的指标体系,并对项目管理中的评审模型进行了研究。据此,设计开发了国防科研项目实施计划管理的DSS,给出DSS的详细结构及其特点。  相似文献   

企业信息化中IS/IT战略管理研究剖析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张玲玲  林健  李军 《科研管理》2002,23(3):25-31
IS IT战略管理是当前信息技术研究与发展的重要内容 ,本文分析了企业信息化中存在的投资收益问题 ,即“信息悖论”问题 ,简要评述了近年来IS IT战略管理的研究现状 ,分析了研究中存在的问题和不足 ,并提出IS IT战略管理的进一步发展方向  相似文献   

In the information management literature, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is recognized as a technology capable of providing operational and financial benefits to firms, and it is rising as the dominant IT service delivery model. Considered to be a promising solution it is garnering interest among researchers and professionals. However, SaaS can represent a vulnerability to firms due to its nature. The weighing of the pros and cons leads to firms’ uncertainty regarding SaaS adoption. Through the lenses of technology-organization-environment (TOE) framework we examine the contextual factors that influence the adoption of SaaS. Furthermore, this study explores the moderating effects of the environmental context in the adoption of SaaS and how it shapes the direct influences of technological and organizational contexts of the TOE framework. Data collected from 259 firms were used to test the proposed model. The study found the significance of the technology, organization, and environment context for SaaS adoption. Moreover, it was found the moderator influence of the environment context between the organization context and SaaS adoption. This study contributes to a deepest understanding of the determinants of SaaS adoption by providing a holistic theoretical lens, advancing newer paths of approaching the TOE framework.  相似文献   

There is a strong interest among academics and practitioners in studying branding issues in the big data era. In this article, we examine the sentiments toward a brand, via brand authenticity, to identify the reasons for positive or negative sentiments on social media. Moreover, in order to increase precision, we investigate sentiment polarity on a five-point scale. From a database containing 2,282,912 English tweets with the keyword ‘Starbucks’, we use a set of 2204 coded tweets both for analyzing brand authenticity and sentiment polarity. First, we examine the tweets qualitatively to gain insights about brand authenticity sentiments. Then we analyze the data quantitatively to establish a framework in which we predict both the brand authenticity dimensions and their sentiment polarity. Through three qualitative studies, we discuss several tweets from the dataset that can be classified under the quality commitment, heritage, uniqueness, and symbolism categories. Using latent semantic analysis (LSA), we extract the common words in each category. We verify the robustness of previous findings with an in-lab experiment. Results from the support vector machine (SVM), as the quantitative research method, illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed procedure of brand authenticity sentiment analysis. It shows high accuracy for both the brand authenticity dimensions’ predictions and their sentiment polarity. We then discuss the theoretical and managerial implications of the studies.  相似文献   

Software as a Service (SaaS) is regarded as a favorable solution to enhance a modern organization's IT performance and competitiveness; however, many organizations may still be reluctant to introduce SaaS solutions mainly because of the trust concern—they may perceive more risks than benefits. This paper presumes that an organization will augment the trust of adopting SaaS solutions when perceived risks decrease and/or perceived benefits increase. To gain insights into this issue, a solution framework using a modified Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) approach is proposed. The core logic is to treat perceived benefits and perceived risks as two distinct themes so that a visible cause–effect diagram can be developed to facilitate the decision makers. A case study is conducted on a Taiwanese company—one of the world's leading manufacturers in the niche and specialized resistor markets. The findings suggest that the case company concern more about strategic-oriented benefits than economic-oriented benefits and more about subjective risks than technical risks. Some implications are addressed accordingly.  相似文献   

以创新系统理论为基础,采用DEA-Tobit两步法对山东与河北两省的共78个县域农业创新系统效率进行了评价分析,结果表明,农村基础教育水平、“市场建设”以及“技术服务和推广人员工资水平”对县域农业创新系统效率具有显著的影响,而政府科技经费与中高等教育水平并不具有显著的影响。提出了提高县域农业创新系统效率的建议。  相似文献   

This study presents a comprehensive framework to identify dynamic radio frequency identification (RFID) adoption and diffusion from three different perspectives: stages of adoption, levels of analysis, and domain of issues. The main concern of this study is stages of adoption, which covers three phases in respect of the maturity of the RFID project and the sophistication of business applications and RFID technology. The level of analysis involves different units of analysis beyond the organization level, including the industry- and country-level, which is lacking in the current literature. To understand dimensions of RFID issues, a strategy, technology, organization, people and environment (STOPE) based approach was applied. An extensive review of prior literature was conducted to find various RFID success factors and the Delphi method was applied to find positions of these factors within the framework. Based on the Delphi, some factors belong to early stage of adoption, and some others persist in the later stages of adoption. At the country level, factors such as RFID national policy, R&D policy and income per capita were accepted by most experts at the preliminary and intermediate stage; strategy and environment were accepted as important domains. To find practical implications of the framework, a case study of Indonesia was conducted at each level of analysis. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was applied to identify most important factors and important domains of issues with respect to the factors from the Delphi results. At country level, RFID policy, vision of leadership and RFID potential market are the most important factors; strategy and environment are the most important domains.  相似文献   

研究探讨了高绩效工作系统对团队创新绩效与员工幸福感的影响,以及员工感知的高绩效工作系统的中介作用和领导成员交换的调节作用。运用多层线性模型对经理与员工配对数据的研究表明:经理实施的高绩效工作系统对团队创新绩效、工作满意度及工作-生活平衡满意度有积极影响;员工感知的高绩效工作系统在经理实施的高绩效工作系统与工作满意度及工作-生活平衡满意度之间表现出部分中介作用;领导成员交换调节了经理实施的与员工感知的高绩效工作系统之间的关系;进而,领导成员交换调节了员工感知的高绩效工作系统对经理实施的高绩效工作系统与员工满意度的部分中介作用。  相似文献   

Although Taiwan is one of the world's leading producers of information products, it lags behind advanced countries in the application of information technologies. The strength of Taiwan's industry lies in its low-cost manufacturing capabilities, which in recent years have been undermined by rising wages. Faced with a massive relocation of production activities to China, the Taiwanese government is trying to prevent the hollowing out of domestic industry by encouraging local firms to embrace new information technologies to strengthen their ties to multinational firms. The initiative aims at enhancing the flexibility of production and speeding up responses to the market through concerted actions by brand marketers, parts suppliers, and assemblers. New technologies underscore new working methods that erect entry barriers to protect existing network relationships.  相似文献   

Although Taiwan is one of the world's leading producers of information products, it lags behind advanced countries in the application of information technologies. The strength of Taiwan's industry lies in its low-cost manufacturing capabilities, which in recent years have been undermined by rising wages. Faced with a massive relocation of production activities to China, the Taiwanese government is trying to prevent the hollowing out of domestic industry by encouraging local firms to embrace new information technologies to strengthen their ties to multinational firms. The initiative aims at enhancing the flexibility of production and speeding up responses to the market through concerted actions by brand marketers, parts suppliers, and assemblers. New technologies underscore new working methods that erect entry barriers to protect existing network relationships.  相似文献   

针对小灵通这种基于“落后”技术的产品,分析了其商业化价值。小灵通拥有强大的商业化能力,显著地提升了我国两大语音通信市场特别是移动电话市场的价值,其对消费者福利的年均贡献达到近百亿元。鉴于我国居民的实际收入水平增速较慢,小灵通的绿色环保特征及其与固定电话的捆绑关系,预期小灵通还会有更长的生命周期。  相似文献   

本描述了英国对中小企业创新政策的一项研究实例-Supernet从兴起到衰退的历程,并从其运行机制入手,通过在分析其供需方行为的基础上,对其最终衰退的结果进行了一定的剖析。  相似文献   

Whilst our knowledge of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems continues to evolve, there is still much to learn. This paper offers some relatively rare insights on the use of CRM systems and the strategic impact on the processes of intermediation and disintermediation in order to improve customer service. This research was conducted from April 2007 to 2008 using an interpretative case study approach. The case involved working with a leading international insurance company (given the pseudonym of INSG) and some of their intermediary customer service agents. The research highlights some design characteristics and philosophical insights regarding CRM system approaches and also offers some useful practical insights on the impact of CRM in changes to the deployment of some intermediaries, leading to a process of disintermediation, in order to improve customer service. In summary, some theoretical and practical implications are highlighted and discussed.  相似文献   

Research on the use of trademarks by innovating companies is growing. Yet, large research gaps exist in our understanding of the use of trademarks beyond manufacturing and beyond specific service sectors. This study focuses on the creative and cultural industries (CCIs) and argues that these industries represent a salient case to advance research on trademarks. After reviewing the main characteristics of CCIs, a conceptual framework is developed to classify motives to trademark and motives not to trademark for firms in these industries. The paper offers original empirical evidence on the relevance of these motives from survey results on a sample of 486 European firms in five selected CCIs.Results from principal component analysis are used to propose a taxonomy of firms with specific attitudes and strategies towards trademarking. All results are discussed in terms of their implications for using trademarks as the basis for novel economic indicators of product variety and innovation.  相似文献   

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