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There have been many previous studies exploring the relationship between R&D performance and firm size; however, to our knowledge, this issue has never been examined in terms of R&D output elasticity. This paper therefore sets out to re-examine the relationship of the two variables using R&D output elasticity as a measure of R&D performance. A total of 126 manufacturing firms, listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange over the period from 1994 to 2000, are taken as the analytical sample. One practical consideration for choosing these particular firms is the relative abundance of data available for the variables for a longitudinal investigation. The estimates suggest that there is an approximating ‘U-type’ relationship between R&D productivity and firm size. This finding suggests that both large and small firms have higher R&D productivity, and even when the sample is divided into the high-tech and traditional sectors, such a finding still holds. Therefore, in contrast to the prior studies, this study shows that size offers advantage in R&D performance.  相似文献   

本文针对追加评价这一新型评价模式,研究包含反转负面追加评价的评价信息对在线消费者态度矛盾性的影响。通过研究实验和方差分析发现,包含反转负面追加评价的评价信息对在线消费者的作用呈现负面影响,从而使消费者态度矛盾性提升,其影响力大于一般形式的负面评价信息;追加的形式和反转的极性特征对消费者由于态度矛盾性水平差异带来的评价信息偏颇吸收行为具有缓解作用,从而降低积极态度对于负面评价信息的抵御能力。  相似文献   

The Internet facilitates access to online product reviews and comments written by consumers. This paper offers new insights on the motives and antecedents of the reading behaviour of consumer reviews in online opinion platforms. This research was carried out from 2005 to 2008 using a case study approach. The case involved working with a prominent and successful online opinion platform (CIAO.com). The company was so successful it was purchased by Microsoft for $486 million in 2008 and is now incorporated into their main search engine which is still a market leader today. The research highlights four different types of motives that drive customers to read online reviews: decision-involvement, product-involvement, social-involvement and economic-involvement motives. The outcomes also demonstrated four different new types of motives: self-involvement motives, consumer-empowerment motives, new social-involvement motives and site-administration motives. Several related themes were also investigated, such as the preference for reading or writing online reviews and the reasons for choosing one over the other. The research tested the relevance of the online reading motives and their influence on consumer buying and communication behaviour. In summary, some theoretical and practical implications are highlighted and discussed.  相似文献   

创新关注点前移催生了激励范式转变的需求,在产学研基础研究合作过程中简单依赖财税政策支持可能造成激励不足和公共资源扭曲。本文利用2004-2018年我国信息与通信技术领域(ICT)的相关数据,基于负二项回归重点探讨了不同财税政策激励之下产学研基础研究合作与企业突破式创新的关系。实证结果表明:产学研基础研究合作有助于企业实现突破式创新;企业获得的研发补助对此过程产生了正向调节作用,而税收优惠对此过程造成了负向调节;进一步探索不同财税政策组合情境,发现在适当的研发补助支持下,税收优惠可以形成创新激励效应。研究结果丰富了产学研基础研究合作过程的相关激励理论,也为政府利用财税政策有序引导相关基础研究合作进程提供了思路和科学依据。  相似文献   

新兴大国正抢抓新一轮技术变革的机会窗口,着力推进企业的技术赶超;但这也诱使企业在战略性新兴产业赶超过程中出现"投资潮涌"现象。本文基于资源累积与进入时机的交互效应,探讨了新兴大国企业进入战略性新兴产业赶超的时机选择机制和绩效生成机制,进而通过数理建模和仿真分析比较了不同进入时机的追赶绩效,最后以我国高铁产业为例进行了剖析。研究表明:(1)企业内部存量资源和外部环境资源共同影响企业进入时机的选择,新兴大国企业应选择战略性新兴产业演化的混沌阶段后期或主导设计形成期进入;(2)鉴于单纯的进入时机并不能决定赶超绩效,因此企业进入战略性新兴产业后,还需选择适宜的赶超战略和路径,以谋取资源累积与进入时机的交互效应;(3)先动优势较强的新兴大国企业,应选择战略性新兴产业演化的混沌阶段后期实施赶超,并应实施以技术突破为主导的复合战略;而先动优势较弱的新兴大国企业,应选择战略性新兴产业演化的主导设计萌芽期实施赶超,并应实施以市场导向为主导的复合战略。  相似文献   

国家创新驱动发展战略的实施需要充分掌握中国技术创新的投入水平,而RD资本存量是其重要组成部分。本文根据RD活动的特点,重新设定了滞后期、折旧率、RD支出价格指数和基期资本存量等参数,再采用永续盘存法对1998-2012年间中国大陆31个省市区的区域RD资本存量进行重新估算。同时,本文还采用Theil指数测算了中国RD资本存量的地区差距。结果表明:(1)绝大部分地区的RD资本存量均呈增长趋势,但在2001年后其增长速度逐步放缓;(2)RD资本存量差距由以地带内的差距为主向以地带间的差距为主转变;(3)总体差距和地带间差距的演变轨迹类似于"V"型,而地带内部差距不断缩小并趋于平稳。  相似文献   

哲学上对事物成败的因果论断多有探讨,认为内因与外因是决定事物成败的决定要素,而其中内因起主导作用。但关于内外因关系决定论在经济学的应用少有研究,十九大报告提出的“创新是引领发展的第一动力”,可见,创新的重要性,为此,本文拟分析在中国的创新技术进步中,究竟是技术进步的“内求”方式还是“外求”方式带来了中国的技术进步。本文认为,“内求”式技术进步指通过自我技术创新与自我创新环境的培育带来本国技术进步,而“外求”式技术进步指通过对他国技术的模仿、借鉴与引进,带来本国技术进步。在对文献进行综述并定义技术进步的内外求方式的基础上,本文发现,现有文献虽然研究了技术进步的“内求”或“外求”的其中一种方式,但少有研究把内外求技术进步的方式纳入一个模型展开分析的。虽然强调了资源配置在技术进步中的作用,但缺乏把“内外求”要素纳入一个模型并同时考虑资源配置对技术进步的影响,即缺乏把市场机制与政府调控方式纳入一个模型,并细化其内涵与影响的研究。本文拟进行阐释,首先把技术进步的内求方式和外求方式予以细化并量化定义,分别用研发资本存量、人力资本存量衡量内求方式,并用IFDI研发资本存量、OFDI研发资本存量、国际贸易研发资本存量衡量外求方式。把市场机制的供给侧结构性调整、需求侧结构性调整,政府调控的财政政策与货币政策,作为主要的资源配置方式纳入模型进行研究。利用2008年-2015年中国各省份的静态面板数据模型,并采用逐渐加入变量的回归方法,首先探讨全样本的情况,为分析市场机制与政府调控的影响,适时的加入了市场需求、市场供给、财政政策、货币政策与“内外求”技术进步要素的交乘项,并在此基础上分析了我国东中西部地区的情况。研究发现,无论是依托中国自主创新的“内求”方式还是依托对外国先进技术学习模仿的“外求”方式,都能够有效的带来中国全要素生产率的进步,但“内求”方式起主导作用。供给侧结构性调整、需求侧结构性调整等市场机制要素与财政政策、货币政策等政府调控要素能够扭曲“内求”与“外求”技术进步要素对全要素生产率的影响,且这种扭曲效果在中国的东中西部地区的影响具有地区差异,受时间效应及省份地区效应的影响。在新时代为推进技术创新,一方面要发挥市场机制与政府调控的作用,另一方面要提高自我技术研究能力与加强自我创新环境的培养,在“内外求”要素中,重视二者的前提下,重点强调“内求”式技术进步能力的培养,同时不松懈地向他国学习已有的创新经验。  相似文献   

Structured document retrieval makes use of document components as the basis of the retrieval process, rather than complete documents. The inherent relationships between these components make it vital to support users’ natural browsing behaviour in order to offer effective and efficient access to structured documents. This paper examines the concept of best entry points, which are document components from which the user can browse to obtain optimal access to relevant document components. In particular this paper investigates the basic characteristics of best entry points.  相似文献   

Phil Cooke 《Research Policy》2005,34(8):1128-1149
This paper proposes to review and assess social scientific debate about the origins and nature of innovation in modern society. It focuses on three sub-sets of conceptualisation, critique and commentary that refer specifically to sub-national or regional innovation systems. Research in the latter field has grown enormously in recent years. Moreover, new perspectives from other disciplines than regional science have been promoted. One distinctive view of relevance in that it is focused on the role in innovation of specific ‘entrepreneurial universities’ in relation to industry and government is, of course, the ‘Triple Helix’ approach. This is reviewed and sympathetically critiqued. A second view, less sympathetically critiqued here, is one that itself attacks all so-called ‘new regionalism’ for stressing the importance of institutions, industry embeddedness and the micro-science of regional economic development. Dazzled by ‘Globalisation 1’ and the totalising power of ‘scale’ geographies, this rejection of the worth of spatial analysis at less than the global or national ‘scalar envelope’ is assessed for its potential insights into weaknesses of the regional innovation systems approach but found wanting in both technical accuracy and scholarly competence. Finally, the state of the art in regional innovation systems research is sketched by reference both to recent longitudinal findings and elaborations into specific technological fields, particularly but not only Bioregional Innovation Systems that help move us towards a newer theory of economic geography in the knowledge economy, based on ‘regional knowledge capabilities.’ The analysis conclusively proposes ‘Globalisation 2’, a ‘ground-up’ knowledge-driven evolution of the earlier ‘top-down’ multilateral trade institution and corporately driven ‘Globalisation 1.’  相似文献   

姚潇颖  卫平  李健 《科研管理》2017,38(8):1-10
本文利用2012-2013年中国七个省市战略性新兴产业的微观调研数据,构建logistic回归模型,对产学研合作模式及其影响因素的异质性问题进行实证分析。研究结果显示,产学研合作受企业技术创新因素、结构因素和环境因素的影响,其中技术创新因素影响尤为突出;分别考察"产—学"合作和"产—研"合作,进一步发现两者及其影响因素的差异,"产—学"合作受到创新绩效和政府税收优惠的显著促进作用,而"产—研"合作则受RD强度和所有权结构的显著正向影响;同时,不同合作方式的影响因素也有所不同,联合研发、技术转让和咨询服务合作形式受技术创新因素影响较为显著。最后,归纳探究主要结论并分析政策含义。  相似文献   

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