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诚信不是外显于生活之外,而是与生活交融在一起,是一种生活方式。在人类的历史中,不管社会生产方式如何改变,诚信一直是人们所必须选择的生活方式。但诚信生活又是有条件的",群体逻辑"正是人类诚信生活的根本因素。现代社会重建诚信生活,必须建构真正的群体、民主宽容的群体、公正的群体。  相似文献   

研究性学习的真正的目的在于倡导和培养类似科学研究的、自主性、探究性的学习方式.把研究性学习方式渗透到教育的各个领域包括中学历史课教学中,有利于师生达成教学目标,使学生在主动参与和探究中实现自身知识、能力和人格的健康发展.  相似文献   

心理学认为,学习的迁移是指在一种情境中获得的技能、知识或形成的态度对另一种情境中习得知识、获得技能或形成态度的影响。简而言之,迁移就是一种学习对另一种学习的影响。在课堂教学中,学生学习的迁移有两种基本形式:一种是把新学习的内容纳入到原认知结构中去,从而发展原有的认知结构,  相似文献   

Since the publication of The Boyer Commission Report (1998), inquiry-guided learning, has acquired a certain cachet and is often suggested as a universal answer for various teaching and learning ills, particularly in research universities. However, while the report focused on inquiry-guided learning, it defined the term only generally or chiefly by anecdote. Twelve years later confusion still exists about what inquiry-guided learning really is and how to do it, whether in a single course or across the curriculum. This article offers a review of representative literature on inquiry-guided learning as well as guidelines for classroom and curriculum practice to address this confusion and to offer clarity.  相似文献   

Over recent years there has been a convergence of ideas about how students learn. This is useful information for developing teaching methods that make effective learning more likely. An attempt to put this into practice in an introductory education subject is described in detail. It involved making decisions about issues that are common to different approaches to teaching in higher education. These included the way activities were structured, how experiences were used, the sorts of choices students could exercise and how learning was distributed. It is argued that learning in higher education depends on the balance that is struck in terms of these and related decisions.  相似文献   

This paper describes and interprets the process by which two novice mentors of English teachers, who are experienced high school teachers of English, learnt to construe their new role by articulating differences and similarities between their practice as teachers of children and as mentors of teachers. The evolving competencies that the focal mentors attributed to their learning are interpreted through the metaphor of 'learning to mentor as learning a second language of teaching'; an organising framework that emerged from the findings of a qualitative case study that investigated the learning process experienced by two veteran teachers of English in their passage from teaching English to school children to becoming mentors of teachers of English (Orland, 1997). The study suggests that although the passage from being a teacher of children to becoming a teacher of teachers is shaped by strong emotional and motivational dispositions, it is also a highly conscious and gradual process of developing communicative competencies, whereby the mentor learns to redefine his/her context of teaching in order to make sense of his/her new context of mentoring. At an operational level the study indicates that there is a definite need to prepare teachers for this passage by providing opportunities to voice and articulate these connections in teacher education programmes.  相似文献   

将学生的生活与数学的学习有机地结合起来,让学生熟悉的生活实例走进课堂,充分利用学生已有的生活经验,创造性地使用教材,使数学教学贴近生活、形象直观。同时让学生到自己的生活中去感悟数学、理解数学,并能运用数学。让数学从生活中来,再到生活中去,必将使学生的数学学习学得主动,学得轻松,学得有趣,学得更有效益。  相似文献   

在古代哲学家那里,哲学是一种对一个人的存在方式和生活方式的转变与改造,是对智慧的追求。哲学能够带来思想的平静、内在的自由以及宇宙意识。哲学以一种"治疗剂"的方式呈现它自己,目的是治疗人类的苦恼。哲学将自身展示为获得独立与内在自由的一种途径,并且,在这种状态里,自我意识只依赖于它自身。哲学被当作哲学著述只是中世纪以后的事情。  相似文献   

小议二语习得中的学习策略与外语教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习策略是近年国外应用语言学家广泛研究的课题之一,特别是在成功语言学习者使用策略研究方面取得了一定的成果。主要从成功者学习策略的分类,使用策略的特点、影响因素、策略培训等方面评析这一领域已取得的成果。为适应我国外语教育的特点,我国教育工作者应在此基础上结合具体实际,开展具有中国特色的学习策略研究,进行外语教学改革。  相似文献   

高职英语教学实行隐性分层能够提高不同层次学生的学习积极性,教师应在学生分层、目标分层、授课分层和测试评价分层四个环节积极探索才能更好地培养学生自主学习能力。  相似文献   

思想政治课学与教的生命链具有学科特殊性。两股链在深层结构与表层结构的联结下,形成双螺旋上升的结构形态。双螺旋结构的基本要素由四个极点与四段生命链构成。四个极点分别是学的极点、教的极点、学生极点、教师极点。四段生命链分别是:教师的制约段、促进段和学生的上升段、回落段。学与教的双螺旋结构的展开与教师教的策略和学生学的策略密切相关。  相似文献   

自由教育来源于古希腊罗马时代,其本质在于培养一种特定的生活方式,拥有这种生活方式的人就是自由人,或者说是公民或绅士。在今天看来,虽然纽曼的自由教育思想包含有一些过时的思想,但是其深刻之处不容否认:学习和教育的目标是培养一种人格;对于受教育者自身而言,自由教育的价值在于获得更好的生活方式;纽曼的自由教育在今天更多地演变为所谓的通识教育。现代大学教育的根本使命应该在于发展受教育者获取知识的能力,而不应该仅仅是增长知识的总量。知识本身就是目的,而不仅仅是手段,更应该是一种生活方式。  相似文献   

语文研究性学习是一种开放的学习方式。在语文教学中,恰当、合理地运用,可以事半功倍,早日实现我国新一轮教育改革的目的——增强学生对自然和社会的责任感,突出培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,获取新知识的能力,分析问题和解决问题的能力,收集和处理信息的能力,交流与合作的能力。  相似文献   

论教师生存方式及其现代转型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教师生存方式的转型是教师专业发展研究的题中之义。由于传统文化的制约和教育传统的影响,教师在日常教学生活中,经验消解了理性,重复消解了创新,从众消解了个性,处于一种自在自发生存状态。只有凭借文化启蒙、制度规范、自我反思以及社会评价的转变,教师才能实现由自在自发转向自由自觉的理性化、创造性和个性化生存。  相似文献   

论教学作为一种"可能生活"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"可能生活"是人类行动能力所能够实现的,幸福生活是"可能生活"的目的,实现"可能生活"是幸福生活的前提。教学是促进人生成与发展的活动,是人的可能性的展开过程,是有目的的创造性生活,教学应是一种"可能生活"。教学回归生活世界是指回到人和人的真实生活,它为教学走向"可能生活"创造了条件,而教学过程的价值关注是实现"可能生活"的必要路径。  相似文献   

This article describes and evaluates work undertaken as part of ATEE-RDC19, an exploration of using scenarios to enhance students' learning in teacher education. Action research was carried out with students who were following a module entitled National Curriculum and Beyond on an Education Studies degree. Students discussed and devised a scenario for 2020 and the need for the curriculum in schools to prepare students for life in the future. New curricula were devised to address the needs presented by the scenarios then justified, presented to and discussed with peers. Students completed questionnaires regarding their opinions of the use of this learning and teaching strategy. Students expressed their wholehearted approval for this kind of learning even though many had found the process difficult. They agreed that the use of scenarios had enabled them to widen their thinking about the curriculum and become more responsible for their own learning.  相似文献   

长期以来,研究者大都从宏观的角度对教育机会均等进行分析、探讨并提出相应的措施,而对教育机会均等在微观方面存在的问题却关注较少。现行的课程改革倡导和推行研究性学习,可为学生提供均等的参与机会。具体表现为:赋予每个学生均等参与活动的机会;课堂教学所具有的开放性,有利于师生互动的机会均等;教师角色的转变,有利于每个学生发挥个体潜能;学习内容具有开放性,有利于因才而学,因材施教。  相似文献   

通过对中央电大公共外语课程调查结果的总结分析,对电大外语课程的教学环节、网络课枉、专业英语和其他语种课程设置及考核改革提出了建议,以期为新一轮电大公共外语的改革提供思路。  相似文献   

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