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研究性学习是培养学生创造性学力的重要的学习活动,中小学实施研究性学习,是基础教育课程改革中学习方式的革命,是一场学与教的革命。它是培养学生具有创造性学力的生长点,也是教师施教的创新点。因此,教师应掌握研究性学习的特点,并努力成为指导研究性学习的专家。  相似文献   

学习岛──工作场所学习的一种新形式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工作场所学习不同于传统的学习和培训形式,它将学习与工作角色联系起来,强调核心能力的培养,并得到了越来越多的关注。“学习岛”则是德国对工作场所学习模式的一种创新,它既具有工作场所学习模式的特点又有自己的独到之处。本文通过对“学习岛”这一新的培训理念做简单的介绍.对其产生背景、内涵、特点、实施实例的分析,以求对我国的职业教育带来启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

This article argues that research and educational practices relating to gifted students can highly benefit by linking up more closely with the mainstream of research on learning and instruction. The CLIA-model for the design of powerful learning environments that consists of four interconnected components (Competence, Learning, Intervention, and Assessment) is thereby used as a framework. The kind of learning processes needed to acquire adaptive competence are well in tune with features of exceptional performance, namely active, constructive, self-regulated and goal-oriented learning. Therefore gifted students should be taught in powerful learning environments that induce in them learning processes that embody those characteristics. Interventions focused on gifted students such as acceleration, grouping and differentiated instruction can benefit from taking into account the components and characteristics of the CLIA-model.  相似文献   

The continuous professional development of teachers is crucial in our current knowledge-based society, yet empirical research on experienced teachers’ learning outcomes is scarce. In this study, we examine perceived changes in classroom practices and in competence as outcomes. By making these outcomes measurable, we can relate them to several individual teacher characteristics and professional learning community characteristics. A questionnaire was administered to 490 experienced teachers from 48 Flemish (Belgian) primary schools. Multilevel analyses show that of the professional learning community characteristics, only reflective dialogue is significant for perceived changes in practices. As for individual characteristics, self-efficacy relates positively to both perceived changes in practices and in competence. The relationship between teaching experience and both learning outcomes, however, is negative.  相似文献   

透过课堂学习研究构建实践共同体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今的世界充满了变化,教师的专业发展成为学校持续发展的关键因素。课堂学习研究希望通过对一节研究课的设计、实施、评价和分享,在教师群体中建立实践共同体,从而提升教师的专业能力。本文将以温格提出的实践共同体理论作为分析框架,通过对一个课堂学习研究实例的质性分析,表明课堂学习研究所具有的协作特征为教师创造共享的知识、价值观和信念以及发展共同的历史提供了一个平台。  相似文献   

浙江林学院就如何实施教师指导监控下的大学英语自主学习模式进行了理论与实践两方面的探索。对试验结果进行客观分析,结果表明:大学英语教学中,采用教师指导监控下的基于网络以及口语合作组的自主学习模式的教学效果明显,学生认可度较高。针对存在的问题提出一些行之有效的解决方案。  相似文献   

在当今文化全球化时代,跨文化交际已凸显了我们时代的特征,跨文化交际能力已成为高等教育培养的重要目标。文章阐释了自主性学习能力、跨文化交际能力以及两者之间的关系。通过分析05、06级英语专业学生的自主性学习和跨文化交际能力的现状,提出了如何通过自主性学习渠道,努力培养和提高大学生跨文化交际能力的三点具体措施。  相似文献   

本文针对大批学生英语学习掉队、高分低能现象普遍、“聋子”“哑巴”英语现象严重等被动局面,从心理语言学角度在总结外语学习天赋证据的基础上,系统探讨了如何学习英语更有效。指出:每个正常人都应该能够学会英语;习得为主,学习为辅,是克服英语高分低能、“聋子”“哑巴”英语的有效途径;发挥个人多元智能长项是保证不让一个人英语学习掉队的最好办法。  相似文献   

现代认知心理学视野中的学习迁移观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于学习迁移的探讨历史长达约一个世纪 ,但是关于学习迁移的实质、学习迁移范围等的探讨至今还没有一个较为统一的观点。从现代认知心理学的视角重新审视学习迁移的基本理论 ,在三种认知理论的指导下 ,提出发现学习迁移的基本原则 ,这不仅有助于学习迁移的研究 ,而且对树立“为迁移而教”的教育理念亦有益处。  相似文献   

The growing interest for measurement of learning outcomes relates to long lines of development in higher education, the request for accountability, intensified through international reforms and movements such as the development and implementation of qualifications frameworks. In this article, we discuss relevant literature on different approaches to measurement and how learning outcomes are measured, what kinds of learning outcomes are measured, and why learning outcomes are measured. Three dimensions are used to structure the literature: Whether the approaches emphasise generic or disciplinary skills and competence, self‐assessment or more objective test based measures (including grades), and how the issue of the contribution from the education program or institution (the value‐added) are discussed. It is pointed out that large scales initiatives that compare institutions and even nations seem to fall short because of the implicit and explicit differences in context, whilst small‐scale approaches suffer from a lack of relevance outside local contexts. In addition, competence (actual level of performance) is often confused with learning (gain and development) in many approaches, laying the ground for false assumptions about institutional process‐quality in higher education.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to analyze the meaning and presumptions of competence in the concrete context of knowledge capitalism. First, the nature of competence as a ‘commodification of human ability’ that obtains a standardized monetary value to sell in the labor market, is elucidated by applying Karl Marx’s critical theory. Second, it is further investigated that, in the new context of the global learning economy, the production of the competence as a commodity itself becomes a key industry, representing itself a crucialsub- system of knowledge capitalism. Third, this paper explains how competence discourse has a great deal to do with the current drastic changes in the educational paradigm from ‘nation-state education’ to ‘global learning economy’. These changes are illustrated by how traditional school subject-based curricula are replaced by competency-based curricula, academic qualifications integrated into a unified form of qualification framework, and school achievement is evaluated according to the ‘demanded workplace competence’. It is also argued that human competencies by nature have ‘double-bind’ characteristics: while it is pushed to meet the demands as knowledge commodities, human beings themselves are beyond any notion of tradability, and the new capitalism based on human commodities, if any, should reveal new rules to play the game.  相似文献   

交际能力理论,交际途径原则是现代语言学尤其是社会语言学发展的产物。交际能力理论,交际途径原则促使外语教学研究从以教学方法为中心转向以学习过程为中心,促使外语教学的重点从句子水平的形式准确上升到语篇水平的意义流利,从而引起了外语教学理论的革命和外语教学实践的飞跃。交际途径是外语教学的一种大纲设计法,是以培养交际能力为最终目的的外语教学原则。交际能力的内涵决定了交际途径可以成为不同外语教学流派的汇合点,可以成为语法词汇大纲与功能意念大纲之间的一种拆衷。探索交际途径教学的策略和方法的突破点在于,如何在外语教学实践中妥善处理语言能力和交际能力的关系。将来形成的占主导地位的教学策略和方法应该是以培养交际能力为最终目的的,个性化的,铃铛样化的,折衷化的。  相似文献   

This article reports a mixed methods study on the contribution of various aspects of pre-service student teachers’ learning in initial teacher education (ITE) to their professional competence in a Five-year Bachelor of Education Programme in Hong Kong. Special attention is given to how student teachers’ non-formal learning in higher education contributes to their professional competence, an under-researched area in teacher education. A total of 282 student teachers participated in the quantitative survey, 18 of whom were interviewed. Although  Undergraduate Learning Experience: Formal Learning and Non-formal Learning was not the most highly rated factor, multiple regression indicated that it was the only ITE professional learning factor that significantly predicted all dimensions of professional competence. This supports the hypothesis that non-formal learning as a part of learning in higher education makes a significant contribution to student teachers’ professional competence. The qualitative findings showed that non-formal learning provided opportunities for service learning, co-curricular activities, and student exchange programmes with different objects of engagement. Student teachers constructed pedagogical content knowledge, general pedagogical knowledge, and knowledge of context through hands-on experiences, professional dialogue with practitioners, and observations of others’ practice. Such knowledge contributed to their competence in classroom teaching and to work in schools. Implications for ITE are discussed.  相似文献   


This article, written primarily from the perspective of employment‐related learning, seeks to challenge several common assumptions about the Learning Society: that learning depends on the provision of education and training, that provision is based on sufficient attention to wants and valid assessment of needs; that provision is appropriately distributed between different types of knowledge; that transfer of knowledge is an event rather than a process; that expertise can be represented in terms of propositional knowledge alone; that current job competence is an adequate basis for assessing individual capability or organizational need. An alternative conceptual framework is proposed which takes account of recent research into the complex, multifaceted nature of expertise; reframes the concept of transfer as a learning process which requires dedicated time and effort; treats individual learning for employment in terms of comprising capability, competence and understanding; clarifies the tension between short‐term efficiency and long‐term adaptability in people and organizations; and provides operational definitions for studying learning groups, learning organizations and a learning society.  相似文献   

Preparation for lifelong learning using ePortfolios   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Rapid technological change, increasing globalization and a changing world of employment with multiple roles during one's professional life are necessitating a change from knowledge to learning societies. Full participation requires lifelong learning skills, meaning the ability to solve problems, work both independently and in a team, communicate effectively in all formats and on all levels, and self-direct one's learning and professional development needs. Universities need to take responsibility in preparing students for lifelong learning. While engineering and science degrees traditionally do not emphasize the importance of lifelong learning skills new programmes of study are now being introduced, often using electronic portfolios to support engagement with learning objectives and reflection. This article describes an electronic portfolio initiative that is targeted at engineering and computer science students. The initiative aims to create awareness among students on the nature and importance of lifelong learning skills, to facilitate the development of such skills and to assist students in showcasing their competence regarding these skills. Interviews with industry representatives regarding the characteristics of a lifelong learner and the values of constructing and presenting portfolios were conducted and have resulted in strong support for the electronic portfolio initiative. The article provides background on lifelong learning and electronic portfolios, outlines the design of the initiative and then focuses on feedback from industry representatives.  相似文献   

The importance of students' learning to learn competence for academic achievement, as well as their well-being at school and in life, is increasingly emphasised by educators and policy makers in national curricula and educational strategies. In an uncertain and complex world, learners need to become autonomous, be able to analyse challenges and apply knowledge in different contexts, address complex tasks, and create new knowledge. This article explores concepts and approaches to the development of students' learning to learn competence in the context of education in Estonia. First, the conceptualisation, model and dimensions of learning to learn competence are described and related challenges for teachers are analysed. Second, an overview of Estonian teachers' current practices, beliefs, knowledge, skills and occupational standards relevant to students' learning to learn competence is provided. We discuss how Estonian teacher education policy may enhance or inhibit the work of teachers when supporting students to develop learning to learn competence. Future directions for teacher educators and how to prepare teachers to support the development of students' learning to learn competence are suggested.  相似文献   

赵继雪 《时代教育》2014,(11):285-286
The phenomenon of language transfer has always been a central issue in the field of second language acquisition. Meanwhile,the role and status of mother tongue in the process of foreign language learning has been a controversial topic for both linguists and scholars as well. Normally divided into positive transfer and negative transfer, language transfer can be widely observed in the language teaching process during which the negative sides hinder the learning of new language while the positive sides facilitate the acquisition of new knowledge. In the specific context of China, language transfer mainly focuses on the transfer of learners' mother tongue-Chinese in English learning process. In this paper, the author mainly discusses the positive transfer of Chinese to those art students whose English competence is relatively poor taking its aim at figuring out a proper strategy for English teaching.  相似文献   

学生学习素质论——一个有待重视、探讨与利用的范畴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学习素质是学习系统的基本品质;学科学习素质则是学科学习系统的品质。学习系统强即学习素质优,学习的质量与效率才高。教师了解学习素质的构成要素及其作用,可洞察学生的学习素质及学习潜力,用系统的观点去解决学生中存在的问题;学生了解自身学习素质各要素状况,可充分发挥潜能。学习素质教育应是学习指导的主体任务,是素质教育不可或缺的基础性环节。除整体学习指导外,应将提高学科学习素质的要求作为中小学校主要课程与大学基础课程的教学任务,列入课程教学大纲。  相似文献   

设计最优化学习环境是面向21世纪的"适应性教育"所提出的要求,它有助于学习者形成"适应性能力"。OECD的研究认为,要善于提炼新学习的基本特征,这就是主动建构、自我调节、情境相依和协同努力。与此相连的新学习本质观主张:在学习过程中学习者应积极投身于学习活动中,持续努力,确保成功;重视学习者已有知识,强化知识组织,形成合理的知识结构与线索,形成一种完整的知识图景;遵循信息加工能力的限制条件,重视学习中动机、情感与认知的动态交互;培养学习者理解概念、通晓程序和自我调节的协调能力,致力于达到学习迁移的效果。为此,设计最优化学习环境的基本原则是:生本教学、自我调节;注重交往、善用合作;关注动机、情知相依;利用旧知、因人施教;富有挑战、减负增效;紧扣目标、不断反馈;学科融合和内外互通。  相似文献   

The focus of this article is on the experiences of staff members involved in a student support programme. The experiential, social, and student-centred approaches incorporated in this programme provided not only students, but also academics with pathways to lifelong learning. Functioning in a community of practice (CoP) (with students and also with like-minded colleagues) created an enabling environment for the development of effective teaching and learning approaches, as well as practical skills. Additional positive results relate to the fact that academics are aware of the importance of and more equipped with the competence to scaffold students towards becoming more effective in the learning process.  相似文献   

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