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根据汉语句子,完成英语句子。注意句中“看”字的英译。1.今晚我去看电影。Im going to a film tonight.2.让我们一起去看足球赛好吗?Lets go to the footballm atch together,shall we?3.他昨晚看电视了吗?D id he TV last night?4.他父亲每天看报纸吗?D oes his father new spapers every day?5.不要讲话了!请看黑板。Stop talking。Please the blackboard.6.请把你的新钢笔给我看看。Please m e your new pen.7.他明天将去看望他的朋友们。H e s going to his friends tom orrow.8.他朝四周看了看,但什么也没有看见。H e,but nothin…  相似文献   

1. Look, he's playing football with his friends on the playground. 看,他正在操场上和朋友踢足球。  相似文献   

IT 作为第三人称单数,常常用来指代单数的事物,其实它的本领可不止如此!不信,我们一起来瞧一瞧。 [It 的基本技能】1.It 可以用来指除人以外的一切生物和事物。如:—Where’s his book?他的书在哪里?—It’s in his desk.在他的书桌里。  相似文献   

Every dog has his day.公元前5世纪,希腊诗人品达罗斯(Pindaros)在他的《哀悼颂》(OdesofCon-dolence)里面写有这样一句诗:thus every dog at last have his day—He who this morn-  相似文献   

张新峰 《英语辅导》2017,(11):45-47
功◆能◆口◆语 1 确认物品所属的表达方式 常考口语 —Is this your pencil?这是你的铅笔吗? —Yes,it is./No,it isn't.是的./不是的. —Isthatyourbackpack?那是你的背包吗? —No,it isn't.不是. 免费套餐 —Is that his book?那是他的书吗? —Yes,it is./No,it isn't.是的./不是的. —Is that my cup?那是我的杯子吗? —No,I think it's his cup.不,我认为是他的. —Excuse me.Are these our apples?请问,这些是我们的苹果吗? —Yes,they are.是的.  相似文献   

一天,蒂姆的数学老师看了他的作业,发现他全做对了。老师很高兴,同时也十分惊奇。他把蒂姆叫到桌前说:“蒂姆,你这次的作业全都做对了,怎么回事?你爸爸帮你做了吗?”蒂姆的爸爸通常确实帮他做作业,但是头天晚上,因为他不在家就没有帮蒂姆,所以蒂姆回答说:“不,先生,我爸爸昨晚很忙,我不得不全由自己做了。”One day,Tim’s mathematics teacher looked at his homework and saw thathe had got all his sums right.The teacher was very pleased and rather surprised.He called Tim to his desk and said to him,“You got all your hom…  相似文献   

In this thesis, the author introduces his life and the social background at those days, from which come Jane de la Fontaine’s masterpiece——Fables and his philosophy of life and his influences on both his time and modern time.  相似文献   

刘磊 《考试周刊》2007,(31):119-120
柯勒律治认为诗人的作品也是他的哲学。(Hispoetry is his philosophy under the action of strong winds of Feel-ing——a sea rollinghigh.)本文试图通过柯勒律治的个人传记《文学评论》和他的一部诗作《古舟子咏》简要地阐述他的哲学思考以及美学理论并说明浪漫主义的一些特点。  相似文献   

在英语中,有一类用某种动物的名称来比喻人的词。现释例如下:1.beast兽,喻指凶狠的人Just look at the way he treats his wife!He is a beast. 且看他对待妻子的那副样子吧!他是个凶狠的人。  相似文献   

put on和wear 两个都是表示“穿、戴”的动词:试看下面两个句子:(Unit 21)-What is he doing?-He is putting on his coat.他在做什么?他正在穿外衣。Look!He is wearing a new coat today看,他今天穿着一件新外衣。  相似文献   

A Brave Boy     
约翰一向表现不好,但忽然有一天老师发现他竟跳河救人。是真是假?请看下文。John was nine years old,and he was a very bad boy,so his mother always asked him when he would behave (表现) better.  相似文献   

李勇 《今日中学生》2006,(30):27-28
在英语中,人们常用各种不同习性的动物来比喻形形色色的人,此时往往用一个字就把一个人的品行刻画出来,从而使语言变得生动形象,趣味横生。现例释如下:1.beast兽Just look at the way he treats his wife!He is a beast.且看他对待妻子的那副样子吧!他是个凶狠的人。2.bear黑熊The old man is a bear;he is always grumbling.那个老头是个鲁莽汉,总在发牢骚。3.bird鸟Jim took his bird to the pictures last night.吉姆昨晚带着他的女朋友去看电影了。4.cat猫Don"t listen to her gossip;she is a cat.别听她搬弄是非,她是个心地恶毒的女…  相似文献   

JIA Yu-kun 《海外英语》2014,(5):188-189
When talking about Napoleon,people always focus on his military talent,his empire,his famous code or even his final defeat—Battle of Waterloo.Few people will remember his quest for Egypt and his mysterious‘troop’.This thesis will discuss the forgotten troop of Napoleon and its influence on the development of Egypt and the world.  相似文献   

1.He spends all his free time with his grandchildren.他所有的空闲时间都是和他的孙子孙女们一起度过的。spend度过;花费  相似文献   

新手上路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旁白:吉伯特打算周末去看一下他的表哥——弗兰克。弗兰克十七岁,吉伯特真的很喜欢和他在一起。这两个男孩正在研究汽车杂志。Narrator:That weekend Gilbert decided to visit his older cousin-Frank, He was 17 years old and Gilbert was really fascinated with him. The boys were looking through car magazines.  相似文献   

Jokes and Humor     
I C aught E very Step M r Brown was reading his evening paperw hen there cam e a trem endous banging down thestairs.H e jum ped up熏ran to the hall熏and dis鄄covered his schoolboy son sprawled on the floor. “ ” Did you m iss a step芽 asked his dad. “ ” N o熏I caught every blessed one选 cam e thebitter answer. 我一级也没漏 布朗先生在看晚报,忽然传来一阵什么东西从楼上摔下来的响声。他跳了起来,跑到厅里,发现自己上了学的儿子四脚朝天地躺在地上。 “你是不是踩漏…  相似文献   

You can't catch his body.你摸不着他的身体,You can't see his shadow.你也看不见他的影子。when strong,he shakes the houses.他威力大时,房屋也摇晃。  相似文献   

allowance,make allowance for这一习语的意思为“原谅”,“考虑到…的情况”。1.The boy had certainlydone wrong,but his father made allowance for his youth.这孩子肯定做错了,但是他父亲原谅了他的年轻。2.In judging his work,we must make allowance for hislack of experience.在评定他的工作时,我们必须考虑到他缺少经验的情况。Andhow  相似文献   

在一部美国西部电影中,一位老警长年轻时枪法如神,威振四方。当时因匪徒猖獗,新警长请他复出平匪,他说:“My day is gone.”从字面看,他的话含义是:我的日子已经完了。因为“is gone”一般的解法是“死去”或“失去”。但这里的 day 指的是“得意的日子”或“辉煌的时期”,表示他觉得自己老了,无用了。我们时常可以看到这样一句古谚语:Every dog has his day.(每条狗都有他的出头之日——即凡人都有得意时。)莎士比亚笔下的哈姆雷特也曾指出:The cat will meow and the dog will have his day.(猫会喵喵叫,狗  相似文献   

主人公Larry认为自己总有一天能成就一番惊人事业。可目前他必须在Christmas到来前找到a job,否则his son Nick将被判给其前妻抚养。为了不让Nick失望,Larry找到了a job——a night guard at the New York Natural History Museum(纽约自然历史博物馆)。  相似文献   

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