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基于资源的混合式学习的教学设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
混合式学习是将传统面对面教学优势和在线学习优势相结合的一种学习模式,它不仅扩大了学习者参与学习的机会,延伸了课堂教学时间,而且支持了学习者的自主学习和个性化学习。但混合式学习的优势并非自然而然产生的,它离不开精心地设计与实施。源于此,文章提出了一种基于资源的混合式学习教学设计过程模式,然后运用此模式对华中师范大学《现代教育技术》实验课的一个专题"多媒体教学设备使用和维护"进行了教学设计,并对其应用效果开展了行动研究,实证表明该模型具有一定的合理性和可行性,能够较好地指导混合式学习实践的开展。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of living animals on pupils’ intrinsic motivation and knowledge. Various studies from the late 1970s and 1980s stress the high effectiveness of authentic learning experiences in pupils’ knowledge acquisition. However, there are only few current empirical studies on this topic. The research question of our study is to assess whether the use of living animals in the biology classroom supports intrinsic motivation and knowledge acquisition. In a pre-/post-test design, 185 fifth graders received two different treatments: the experimental group (N?=?74) was taught with living harvest mice (Micromys minutus) and the control group (N?=?111) received lessons with the same content which was presented in short film clips on laptop computers. Knowledge acquisition was assessed with open-ended and closed questions, while intrinsic motivation was tested with an adapted version of the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI). There were no differences in knowledge acquisition between the treatments. However, the results of the IMI showed significant differences in favour of the experimental group in interest/enjoyment, perceived competence, and perceived autonomy. Thus, living animals exert a positive influence on motivation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to survey and report on the empirical literature at the intersection of science education research in Latin American and previous studies addressing international research trends in this field. Reports on international trends in science education research indicate that authors from English-speaking countries are major contributors of publications. Despite the internationalization of the science education community, as represented by the publication of the work generated in non-English-speaking countries, research trends in science education in Latin America are uncommon in the literature. Therefore, it was deemed important to explore the scholarly productivity of science education researchers from Latin America to learn about the research orientations pursued by scholars from this region. Collective review findings are presented with respect to author’s nationality, publication volume generated in each country, research type and topic, collaborative research, and areas for future research. Of the ten countries represented in this study, Brazilian authors were the most research active scholars followed by their colleagues from Venezuela, Mexico, and Argentina. The History, Philosophy and the Nature of Science (HPNOS) was the topic that most attracted the interest of Latin American science education researchers, and the Empirical Qualitative studies was the most frequent research type combination in the analyzed publications. Findings in this study suggest a relationship between investment power in Research and Development (R&D) and the scholarly productivity not only in science education but also in the scientific field in the countries of the region.  相似文献   

The increasingly widespread use of social network sites to expand and deepen one’s social connections is a relatively new but potentially important phenomenon that has implications for teaching and learning and teacher education in the 21st century. This paper surveys the educational research literature to examine: How such technologies are perceived and used by K-12 learners and teachers with what impacts on pedagogy or students' learning. Selected studies were summarized and categorized according to the four types introduced by Roblyer (2005) as studies most needed to move the educational technology field forward. These include studies that establish the technology’s effectiveness at improving student learning; investigate implementation strategies; monitor social impact; and report on common uses to shape the direction of the field. We found the most prevalent type of study conducted related to our focal topic was research on common uses. The least common type of study conducted was research that established the technology’s effectiveness at improving student learning. Implications for the design of future research and teacher education initiatives are discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines the structure of topic movement within face‐to‐face postgraduate university seminar discussion forums through a conversation analytic approach. The analysis of 12 audio recordings of seminars showed that in spite of clear differences in the management style of sessions by seminar leaders there were important consistencies in their normative structure of participation. Previous research has shown that the turn‐taking procedures used as a basic organisational feature of the talk have been seen to result in a regular change of topic within seminars. Although the research here supports these findings, the data showed that topic change was only one aspect of the topic negotiation process. The analysis in this article illustrates that topic negotiation was an ever‐present feature of the talk and that, in addition to frequent ‘successful’ changes of topic, there were also innumerable ‘unsuccessful’ topical interjections. One prominent source of such failure was the presence of overlap in the seminar talk. In addition to being of value to educationalists wishing to understand educational processes, this analysis is viewed as having significant relevance for the development of alternative distributed media for hosting interactive seminars as it shows the implications of the interactional ‘affordances’ of learning environments for the achievement of interactive talk. This article suggests, therefore, that research and development in this field would benefit from detailed studies of the affordances of these alternative hosting media.  相似文献   


Background: The importance of digital technologies for enhancing learning in formal education settings has been widely acknowledged. In the light of this expectation, it is important to investigate the effects of these technologies on students’ learning and development.

Purpose: This study explores longitudinal empirical research on digital learning in the context of primary and secondary education. By focusing on a small selection of the peer-reviewed literature, the aim is to examine the kinds of longitudinal study published on this topic during the period 2012–2017 and, thorough categorisation, to bring together insights about the reported influences of digital technology use on students’ learning.

Design and methods: The databases searched for the purposes of this review were Scopus and Web of Science. Of 1,989 articles, 13 were finally included in the review. Using qualitative content analysis, these were analysed, coded and categorised.

Results: The reviewed studies were found to have approached digital learning in different ways: they varied, for example, in terms of research methods and design and the digital technologies used. The studies addressed different aspects of learning, which we assigned to six categories: affection, attitude, and motivation; subject-specific knowledge and skills; transversal skills; learning experience; elements of the learning environment; and identity. We identified both positive and negative influences of technology on learning.

Conclusions: This review offers a snapshot of the variety of research in this fast-moving area. The studies we explored were found to approach digital learning from several different perspectives, and no straightforward conclusions can be drawn about the influences of digital technology use on students’ learning. We conclude that further longitudinal studies of digital learning are needed, and this study assists by highlighting gaps in the existing literature.  相似文献   

Many factors affect students’ learning approaches, including topic conceptions and prior study. This research, undertaken after a first‐semester compulsory subject, explores students’ conceptions of biochemistry and how they approached their studies. Students (n=151) completed an open‐ended survey analysed phenomenographically. Those with cohesive conceptions were found to be more likely to adopt deeper approaches to study than those with fragmented conceptions, a result unaffected by various demographic parameters. Compared with earlier research, a semester of study increased the percentage of students with a cohesive view, with no concomitant change in learning approaches, suggesting that cohesive conceptions are a necessary but not sufficient criterion for deep learning outcomes. Compared with results for a science major subject, more of the students with cohesive conceptions used surface approaches. This may reflect a regression to safe surface approaches when faced with an unfamiliar topic or high total workload driving a strategic approach to learning. It could also reflect a perception that this material is only a tool for later application. The present findings indicate the crucial importance, when university studies begin, of enabling students to build an overarching conception of the topic’s place in professional practice. This concept building should be applied across the entire curriculum to emphasize application and integration of material (key graduate attributes). Improved conceptions may provide crucial motivation for students to achieve deeper learning, especially in these foundation service subjects. These essential changes to the learning context may also better prepare students for increasing self‐directed/life‐long learning.  相似文献   

Although educational games have become quite popular in recent research, only a limited number of studies have focused on the effectiveness of these games. While numerous claims have been made about the effectiveness of games, the studies that examine educational effectiveness often contain flaws resulting in unclear conclusions. One possible solution for these shortcomings is to focus on separate game elements rather than on games as a whole. A second solution is to take into account students’ perceptions of instruction as they are likely to affect students’ interpretations and learning outcomes. This study investigated whether the addition of the gaming element ‘competition’ to a computer-based language learning environment is related to students’ motivation, perceptions and learning outcomes. Additionally, this study probed into the effect of instruction, i.e., the instruction of a gaming or learning environment, on students’ perceptions of the environment, their motivation and learning outcomes. 83 students participated in this study, all working in a game-based learning environment for learning business English conversation skills. The results demonstrate that competition is not significantly related to students’ learning gains and only partly related to students’ motivation. Moreover, the majority of students perceived the environment as a learning environment, even when they were instructed to be playing in a gaming environment. To conclude this paper, the practical and theoretical implications for the fields of instructional design and educational games research are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have compared student performance for the same or similar classes delivered both online and face-to-face. However, few studies have explored the role that a change in learning environment plays in the student’s ability to transfer skills and knowledge gained in prerequisite courses to follow-on, or post-requisite, courses. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between student demographic factors, learning environments, and the transfer of skills and knowledge in undergraduate accounting education. In addition, this study examined student perceptions of online learning both before and after the course learning sequence, and the specific accommodations instructors made to their instructional design to facilitate the delivery medium change in learning environment. Data for this study was collected from 2,324 students and their corresponding instructors participating in a sequence of two undergraduate accounting courses at a large Midwestern U.S. university. Results revealed a positive relationship between a student’s performance in post-requisite coursework and GPA, the number of completed credits, and enrollment status (full or part-time). Instructors made delivery medium specific adjustments in course topic coverage, student participation, and group work to accommodate for the perceived capabilities of the learning environment.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,教育游戏在教学过程的应用越来越广泛,但学界对其应用效果仍颇具争议。为考察教育游戏对学生学习效果的影响,文章采用元分析法,对教育游戏的实验与准实验研究进行了梳理与分析,发现:相较于传统教学方式,教育游戏对学生的学习效果产生了中等程度的正向影响。之后,文章将学科、知识类型、故事情节、参与方式、研究设计类型作为调节变量,检验了调节变量对研究结果的影响。依据元分析结果,文章针对未来教育游戏应用提出了建议,包括依据不同学科特点设计相应的教育游戏、依据知识类型特征选择合适的教育游戏、增强教育游戏情景设计、增加小组参与的教育游戏模块、注重研究设计的多元化等。  相似文献   


The study of Russian children’s illustrated magazines at the various stages of their formation and development remains a relevant topic due to the evolution of their printed forms in the context of the transformation of the media environment. The first Russian children’s magazine was Children’s Reading for the Heart and Mind [Detskoye chteniye dlya serdtsa i razuma] (1785–1789). This publication contributed to the creation of Russian periodical literature for children, and it provided the point of departure for the creative efforts of numerous publications that followed in its footsteps, including even present-day Russian children’s magazines.

The aim of the present article is to study the evolution of the forms of Russian children’s illustrated magazines under modern processes of the transformation of the media environment. This goal has determined the objectives of the paper: to study empirical materials related to this topic, consisting of numerous children’s publications from different historical periods; identifying the relevant stages of the development of children’s periodicals; examining the content and formal characteristics of children’s periodicals; applying an integrated approach to working with the most important aspects of Russian children’s magazines in the process of transforming the media reality.

Our research methodology is based on a structural approach, which has been updated to incorporate structural-functional, structural-formal, and system-synergetic approaches as well as linear regression methodology. The problems that arise from the epistemological context are determined by the significance of the integrated approach to the study of the formal structure of Russian children’s illustrated magazines. When we review the state of research in this area, we see that there have been very few studies of Russian periodicals for children despite the relevance of the topic.

During the process of their formation and development, children’s magazines came into being as a special type of publication with varying subject-thematic, ideological, political, pedagogical, and commercial orientations. They differed in their target audience, content, and presentation, and they were made available to a wide circle of readers. The content of these publications mainly included fiction, journalism, nonfiction articles, sociopolitical commentary, entertainment, and advertising. We have provided a theoretical justification of our research methodology, which uses the general scientific structural method and facilitates the study of the evolution of Russian children’s illustrated magazines. The methodology has allowed us to draw conclusions about how their formal structure as well as the larger media environment were transformed over time.  相似文献   

To understand student learning in undergraduate quantitative communication research methods course, this study examined relationships between perceptions of course topic difficulty, course topic understanding, and their relationship with students’ level of math anxiety, need for cognition, and learning strategies. A total of 196 participants voluntarily took part in this study. Results revealed that a higher level of math anxiety leads to a higher level of perceived learning difficulty for topics in the course and leads to a lower level of content understanding of the topics. For topics related to “Research Methods and Measurement,” a higher level of need for cognition results in a lower level of perceived learning difficulty and results in a higher level of content understanding. Use of critical thinking learning strategy has a significantly positive effect on perceived content understanding of topics related to “Research Methods and Measurement,” as does elaboration learning strategy on that of “Statistics.”  相似文献   

Energy saving and carbon-emissions reduction (ESCER) are widely regarded as important issues for progress towards ensuring sustainable forms of economic development. This Taiwanese study focuses on the effects of a series of educational activities about ESCER on students’ knowledge, attitudes and behavior. Sixty fifth-grade students from two elementary school classes were assigned to an experimental group, and 59 from two others to the control. Covariance and qualitative data analysis were conducted after 14 lessons on the topic in both ‘treatments.’ The following key findings emerged. First, hands-on ‘energy-saving house’ learning activities seemed to have positive effects on students’ knowledge, attitudes, and behavior toward ESCER, even as the design of authentic learning activities was recognized as not being as closely aligned to the students’ daily lives as they could have been for achieving behavior-related outcomes. Second, students demonstrated slight gains in conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge via the hands-on activities, but some ESCER misconceptions persisted. We conclude that students’ learning processes, prior learning and authentic contexts for ESCER-related work should not be ignored in the attempt to link knowledge to action in teaching and learning activities.  相似文献   

Open distance students differ in their preparedness for higher education studies. Students who are less self-regulated risk failure and drop out in the challenging milieu of open distance learning. In this study, the differences between the application of self-regulated learning strategies by low and high achievers were explored. A multi-method research design was applied. Quantitative data were statistically analysed by factor analysis (n = 246) and effect sizes. Medium to small effect sizes were found in quantitative data. Qualitative data were collected by means of semi-structured interviews. Low achievers rated their self-regulatory behaviour higher than high achievers, yet qualitative data revealed that high achievers are more self-regulated. The value of this research lies in the identification of low achievers’ use of self-regulated learning, and recognising the need to create awareness of the self-regulated learning skills necessary to support these students.  相似文献   

智适应学习系统究竟是否会对学习效果产生积极影响?哪些关键因素会影响智适应学习系统的学习效果?研究采用量化元分析的方法,对近20年来国际上有关智适应学习系统的学习效果的60项实验与准实验研究进行分析和评价.研究发现:(1)智适应学习系统提升学习效果的综合效应值为0.560,即智适应学习系统对学习具有中等程度的正向促进作用...  相似文献   

The fundamental concepts of ethics: value, obligation and responsibility are what many of us use in our everyday decision‐making on issues that affect our lives. Students in the coursework unit ‘Science and technology in contemporary society’ learn about these concepts in relation to science and technological research and development. The learning takes place in small teams within an online learning environment. This research study reports on a case study that investigated the nature of the collaboration by virtual team members undertaking semi‐structured online tasks to develop an understanding of the topic on ethics in the coursework unit. Students’ perceptions of the usefulness of this type of learning, the types of collaboration that took place between virtual team members and an analysis of the quality of the completed tasks resulting from the virtual teamwork are presented in this paper. Factors affecting the success of the learning experience are also discussed.  相似文献   

This qualitative study examines the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics in learning designs from the perspective of learning sciences. The literature on the topic indicates that there is not enough research on including diverse learning outcomes in the designs for learning. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to understand how AI and robots impact physical, social-emotional and intellectual learning outcomes through the implementation of learning designs that are guided by selected design principles. In this study, the design-based research (DBR) methodology was employed for investigating learning in naturalistic contexts. The intervention was implemented in a primary school in which learners used educational robots. The main findings reveal that the development of an integrated analytical framework, which considers a broader spectrum of human potential, allows for analyzing students’ learning outcomes in a more integral, inclusive and balanced way. This, in turn, promotes students’ learning by using AI and robots. Another finding reveals that the impact of using AI and robotics on learning designs is reflected in learners’ personal trajectories having different pathways and paces. Finally, the lessons learned and the challenges to be overcome are summarized, and recommendations are made for future research for the enhancement of learning experiences that use AI and robotics.  相似文献   

混合现实(MR)作为虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)的高级发展阶段,以沉浸式、跨时空、强交互等特点在教育教学中得到广泛应用。但对国内外文献分析发现,学界对混合现实技术的教学应用效果仍有分歧,对学生学习绩效的影响研究存在较大差异。为探究混合现实技术对学生学习绩效的影响,研究采用元分析方法,对2010-2020年间国内外33项混合现实技术支持下的实验与准实验研究进行量化分析,其总样本量为1460,重点从学段、学科、实验周期和学习场所等调节变量进行深入探析。研究结果表明:混合现实技术对学生学习绩效具有积极的正向提升作用;同时,其应用效果受到学段、学科、实验周期和学习场所等调节变量的影响。依据元分析结论,研究对未来混合现实技术在教育教学中的应用提出了推进学段贯通式MR教学,加快MR与学科融合发展,整合碎片化MR教学资源等建议。  相似文献   

Empirical investigations on students’ conceptions of cell biology indicate major misunderstandings of scientific concepts even after thorough teaching. Therefore, the main aim of our research project was to investigate students’ difficulties in learning this topic and to study the impact of learning activities on students’ conceptions. Using the Model of Educational Reconstruction, a four‐phase design was carried out. Firstly, there was the clarification of science subject matter. Secondly, students’ conceptions were investigated, and finally, the learning activities were designed. An evaluation of these learning activities was carried out using five teaching experiments, each with three 9th grade students (15–16 years, Grammar school). Interpretation of students’ “pathways of thinking” and their conceptual change during instruction was framed theoretically by experiential realism. Theoretical framework, methods and outcomes of the study may contribute to a deeper understanding of students’ ways of thinking in the field of cell biology and reveal the process of conceptual development by using well planned learning activities.  相似文献   

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