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Wuyutai, a century-old tea brand name, started its business with the sale of jasmine tea and over years, its business scope has been widely developed to include a variety of tea types. In particular, in the recent years, it has evolved into a group corporation through intensified tea processing, chain-store operation and opening flagship stores with cultural elements, witnessing an annual sales volume of up to 600 million RMB yuan (approx. 90 million USD).  相似文献   

<正>Wuyutai, a time-honored tea brand,celebrates its 125th anniversary this year.Since its founding in 1887, Wuyutai has been committed to its motto of "always m...  相似文献   

The century-old tea shop "Wuyutai" was awarded 2007-2008 China's Top Ten Retail Franchised Brands. In order to explain the reason for Wuyutai's success, I think the following figures may speak.  相似文献   

<正>Irecently paid a visit to the headquarters of Beijing Wuyutai Tea Company. In the office of its president Ms. Sun Danwei, I was impressed by the calligraphic...  相似文献   

In today's era when sophisticated package is valued for the promotion of products, hand-packing in century-old shops, simple but skillful, reminds customers of the nostalgic past.  相似文献   

The 40-acre factory compound, huge storehouses, modern production and distribution lines, and hard-working staff members, all these impressed me so much when I took an interview event with Sun Yingbin, logistics manager of century-old tea brand Wuyutai, in its logistics and distribution center in the suburb of Beijing.  相似文献   

这些日子,为着观赏园子里的小落叶松,我每天早上都朝园子的方向散步。世上再也没有哪种颜色比现在落叶松的颜色更可爱了,它们简直让我眼前一亮,备感愉悦,沁入心底。但是这种美似乎转瞬即失。不经意间已有一抹翠绿转入夏目的清素无华。春去冬来,落叶松都有它无与伦比的关丽的瞬间,这已足以使人欣赏它了。  相似文献   

鲜花与钻石,芬芳美丽与地久天长,仿佛都与爱情有关。  相似文献   

The newly-built Daqing Municipal Library, opened on April 23, the World Book and Copyright Day, boasts a collection of 2 million copies and many valuable classics. Its 24- hour self-service library has ushered in a brand new era of"pleasant reading'for local residents in Daqing.  相似文献   

Walking along the West Lake, unwittingly I was already in the heart of the hometown of tea - Shuangfeng (double peaks), Glowing rays shone over rounding ranges of hills, fragrance of tea leaves permeated, and fresh springs wound through valleys, I realized that I had been in China National Tea Museum, a retreat from the hurly-burly of metropolitans.  相似文献   

刘善龄 《寻根》2002,(1):24-29
茶乃开门七件事之一,梁实秋《喝茶》云:“北方人早起,路上相逢,辄问讯‘喝茶么?一中国人以茶为人生必需品已有千余年,而饮茶在西方人的生活方式里渐渐占据重要的位置,却是近二三百年的事。“茶,消散了我的愁苦,它,使欢乐调剂了严肃,这饮料给我们带来了多少幸福,它增加了我们智慧和愉快的欢呼!”  相似文献   

我不是植物学家,但是很久以来,我总觉得收集花草是一种快乐。我喜欢碰见自己不认识的植物,然后借助书本来识别它,等到下一次我在路边看到它摇曳弄姿,我便能叫出它的名字了。倘若发现的是稀有植物,那就更令我开心了。大自然这伟大的艺术家,在这个大千世界中创造出了普普通通的花  相似文献   

Beijing Ditan Spring Book Fair this year has drawn to a close with visitors reaching up to 400,000. Twenty years ago, the first Beijing Book Fair was opened in the People's Cultural Palace, attracting unexpectedly a large number of visitors. The book fair was later moved to Ditan Park and is regularly held three times a year in spring, summer and winter. The book fair this year took place from April 30 to May 11, making it a two-week paradise for book lovers.  相似文献   

Spring Festival is the most important traditional holiday for the Chinese nation. "Happy Chinese New Year" is a brand for cultural exchanges with foreign countries initiated by the Ministry of Culture. This film introduces celebrations of Chinese New Year in Thailand in 2013 and presents the joyous and auspicious Chinese Spring Festival and the colorful Chinese culture from the eyes of government officials from two countries,  相似文献   

More than 100 years ago, a merchant from Anhui founded a tea shop called "Wuyutai" in Beixinqiao in the downtown of Beijing. His name is Wu Xiqing. 124 years have passed from then on and today Wuyutai has emerged as a major brand of Chinese tea industry.  相似文献   

茶圣陆羽与信阳茶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王中夷 《寻根》2009,(3):132-136
陆羽(733~804年),字鸿渐,是我国古代杰出的茶文化奠基人,因其著有世界第一部茶学专著——(《茶经》,被尊称为“茶圣”。据民间传说,陆羽在写《茶经》前,曾对申州义阳郡钟山县(今信阳市平桥区、泖河区一带)、光外黄头港(今光山县杏山、独山一带)、固始祁门山(今固始县段集乡齐山一带)等地的茶叶茶事做过考察。  相似文献   

筆墨紙硯,是中國傳統的文房四寶.它們各有并共有與之配套的種種器具,可以籠而統之將之合稱為"文房用具".我正在閱讀學習的一本華慈祥先生所著的<文物鑒賞叢書·文房用具>(上海書店出版社2004年版),還有一部朱季黄(家滔)先生主編的<中國文房四寶全集·4·文房清供>(北京出版社2008年版),都是專門講這些用具的.華先生是從文物鑒賞角度講的,朱先生主編的更是一本圖錄.  相似文献   

An outstanding enterprise must be an enterprise with cultural pursuit.Wuyutai has developed a unique corporate culture through its chain store operation.Wuyutai treats each of its franchised stores as its partner and friend, with an aim to continue and promote the time-honored brand.  相似文献   

<正>The successful operation of Wuyutai’s tea stores in Liaocheng, Shandong Province is owed to the century-old brand’s pursuit of perfection in quality and serv...  相似文献   

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