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本研究通过10周教学实验,考察了健美操、街舞、篮球和乒乓球四个项目对110名女大学生社会性体格焦虑的影响。结果表明:女大学生在进行项目选择时,具有不同的社会性体格焦虑;选择健美操和乒乓球项目女生的社会性体格焦虑显著高于选择街舞项目女生;10周的健美操、街舞、篮球和乒乓球体育教学课,均不能有效降低社会性体格焦虑,街舞项目体育教学课后,女大学生的社会性体格焦虑有显著增加。  相似文献   

以体育舞蹈和太极作为不同的锻炼方式,对高职学生进行追踪实验,考察自我观念中身体自我、生活满意度、焦虑与锻炼方式的关系,促进人们对身体活动与心理健康关系的认识,同时为人们健身方式的选择提供参考。  相似文献   

有氧健身操对女大学生身心影响的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过查阅文献资料和对女大学生健身操班的跟踪调查与实验,从生理学、心理学的角度对有氧健身操运动的健身、健心效果进行了全面地研究,对持续参加有氧健身操锻炼的女大学生锻炼前后的各项身心方面的指标进行了测试。  相似文献   

不同锻炼方式对中老年心脏功能影响的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用二次台阶实验方法,对参加12周不同项目锻炼方式的529名中老年人心功能能力进行测试。研究表明,传统体育和慢跑快走锻炼方式对提高中、老年男子和中年女子的心功能能力效果显著。同时球类项目锻炼方式,不仅对提高中年男子心功能能力有显著效果,同样也对提高老年人的心功能能力有非常显著的效果。有氧体操锻炼方式对中、老年女子心功能能力的提高均有显著效果。  相似文献   

以学生的多项体能水平作为主要的效果指标,对青岛、东莞、重庆、泉州、厦门和蚌埠等试验基地的小学、初中、高中共6所学校进行试验研究.结果显示,不论课改试验区还是非课改试验区.新的体育学习评价都能充分发挥其导向、激励和反馈功能,有效地提高中小学生的体能水平,从而有利于学生的健康发展;新的体育学习评价运用于课改试验区所获得的效果也明显好于尚未实施体育新课程的非课改试验区;尤其值得注意的是,新的体育学习评价对学生体能水平的提高程度呈现随年龄的增长而不断增大的趋势,高中生的体能水平进步幅度极为显著,且小学和高中女生的进步幅度也明显好于男生,建议在下一步的体育学习评价改革中进一步关注与重视初中女生的体育学习需要.  相似文献   

以不同运动项目、运动方式对高三学生进行10周的体育干预实验,探讨体育锻炼与考试焦虑的关系.结果表明:有规律的、具有一定运动强度的各种运动方式的课余体育锻炼都能够降低高考学生的考试焦虑水平.集体对抗类运动方式对于考试焦虑的降低优于个人非对抗类运动方式.具有集体对抗类运动方式特点的运动项目对于降低高考男生的考试焦虑水平最为有效,具有个人对抗类运动方式特点的运动项目对于降低高考女生的考试焦虑水平最为有效.揭示不同运动项目、运动方式对高考学生考试焦虑干预的不同效果,帮助高考学生科学选择最佳的体育锻炼项目,采用最佳的运动方式,有效地降低考试焦虑水平.  相似文献   

宁静  于亚涛 《精武》2014,(4):67-68
本研究拟分析河北大学普通高校田径课程教学现状的基础上,将音乐与游戏等娱乐性教学手段应用于田径课教学,从趣味性、娱蛋蚌篓学进行针对性的研究,其研究成果将对改尊田径课程的教学,对大学生饭炼态度的发展具有一定的理论与实践的意义。  相似文献   

苏丽  姜宁  张玥  牛燕媚  苑红  席翼  傅力 《体育科学》2008,28(4):43-47
研究目的:研究有氧耐力运动对骨骼肌PGC-1α表达及由此对肌纤维类型的影响,旨在探讨骨骼肌对耐力训练产生适应性反应的生物学机制,从而为有氧耐力运动增强骨骼肌细胞氧化能力提供理论依据.研究方法:选用雄性C57BL/6小鼠90只,随机分为3周(TC)、6周(SC)、9周(NC)、对照组和3周(TE)、6周(SE) 和9周(NE)运动组,建立无负重游泳训练模型,采用Northern blot、Western blot,免疫荧光和mATPase 染色分析各组骨骼肌PGC-1α表达及肌纤维类型的变化.结果:有氧运动各组骨骼肌 PGC-1α转录和翻译水平与各自对照组相比显著提高.mATPase染色结果表明,各运动组运动后腓肠肌纤维类型百分比没有显著改变.结论:有氧耐力运动可诱导骨骼肌PGC-1αmRNA和蛋白表达增强,但并没有导致骨骼肌纤维类型的显著变化.提示PGC-1α可能在骨骼肌对运动训练的适应性过程中发挥重要作用,而单纯运动并不能诱导肌纤维类型转变的发生,其可能是细胞内代谢和外界干预因素共同作用的结果.  相似文献   


Purpose: Maximal heart rate (MHR) is an important physiologic tool for prescribing and monitoring exercise in both clinical and athletic settings. However, prediction equations developed in adults may have limited accuracy in youth. The purpose of this study was to systematically review and analyze the available evidence regarding the validity of commonly used age-based MHR prediction equations among children and adolescents. Methods: Included articles were peer-reviewed, published in English, and compared measured to predicted MHR in male and female participants <18 years old. The standardized mean difference effect size (ES) was used to quantify the accuracy of age-predicted MHR values and a priori moderators were examined to identify potential sources of variability. Results: The cumulative results of 20 effects obtained from seven articles revealed that prediction equations did not accurately estimate MHR (ES= 0.44, p < .05) by 6.3 bpm (bpm). Subgroup analyses indicated that the Fox equation (MHR = 220–age) overestimated MHR by 12.4 bpm (ES = 0.95, p < .05), whereas the Tanaka equation (MHR = 208–0.7*age) underestimated MHR by 2.7 bpm (ES = ?0.34, p < .05). Conclusions: Age-based MHR equations derived from adult populations are not applicable to children. However, if the use of age-based equations cannot be avoided, we recommend using the Tanaka equation, keeping in mind the range of error reported in this study. Future research should control for potential pubertal influences on sympathetic modulation during exercise to facilitate the development of more age-appropriate methods for prescribing exercise intensity.  相似文献   

社会性体格焦虑与锻炼动机和行为的关系在国外的研究中还存有不一致的结论,但是多数研究者肯定社会性体格焦虑对锻炼动机和行为的影响。由于国内目前仅有极个别研究者涉及此领域,本综述在介绍国内外社会性体格焦虑与锻炼动机和行为关系研究进展的同时,也希望能将此方面研究纳入我国锻炼心理学研究领域。  相似文献   

We measured the effects of stride rate, resistance, and combined arm-leg use on energy expenditure during elliptical trainer exercise and assessed the accuracy of the manufacturer's energy expenditure calculations. Twenty-six men and women (M age = 29 years, SD = 8; M body weight = 73.0 kg, SD = 15.2) participated. Twenty-two participants performed two tests, one without the arm poles (leg-only) and the other with arm poles (combined arm-leg). The other 4 participants performed one test without the arm poles. Both tests consisted of six 5-min stages (two stride rates, 110 and 134 strides.min-1, and three resistance settings: 2, 5, and 8). Steady-state oxygen uptake (VO2), minute ventilation (VE), heart rate (HR) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were measured. Repeated measures analysis of variance determined higher (p < .001) VO2, VE, and RPE, but not HR, during combined arm-leg versus leg-only exercise at any given intensity. Increases in stride rate and resistance increased VO2, VE, RPE, and HR with the greatest effect on VE and HR from Levels 5 to 8. The manufacturer's calculated energy expenditure was overestimated during both tests. Although the oxygen cost for elliptical trainer exercise was calculated to be approximately 0.1 ml.kg-1 per stride and 0.7 ml.kg-1.min-1 per resistance level, VO2 varied widely among individuals, possibly due to differences in experience using the elliptical trainer, gender, and body composition. The elliptical trainer offers (a) a variety of intensities appropriate for most individuals and (b) both arm and leg exercise. Due to the wide variability in VO2, predicting the metabolic cost during elliptical trainer exercise for an individual is not appropriate.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the social physique anxiety scale’s factor structure and item properties using confirmatory factor analysis and item response theory. An additional aim was to identify differences in response patterns between groups (gender). A large sample of high school students aged 11–15 years (N = 1,529) consisting of n = 562 males and n = 967 females. Confirmatory factor analysis and polytomous item response theory examined the structure of the scale. Items shown to be invariant across were identified using multidimensional differential item functioning methods. Graded response model results showed that item parameters were high with low associated standard errors. Multidimensional differential item functioning results revealed six items are biased in favor of either men (33%) or women (17%). The primary source of differential item functioning related to the item composition, and internal (male) or external (female) frames of reference.  相似文献   

Previous research has used cluster analysis to examine how social physique anxiety (SPA) combines with motivation in physical education. This study utilized a more advanced analytic approach, latent profile analysis (LPA), to identify profiles of SPA and motivation regulations. Students in grades 9–12 (N = 298) completed questionnaires at two time points assessing SPA and motivation regulations, psychological needs, enjoyment, effort, and characteristics of physical education peers. LPA identified four profiles representing Autonomous (13.4%), Average (39.3%), Low Autonomous (25.2%), and Autonomous and Introjected (22.1%). Profiles were replicated at a second time point, and evidence of profile measurement invariance across gender was found. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) showed profile differences. The model-based analytic approach to identify profiles of SPA and motivation regulations differed from cluster analysis profiles. The profiles were not driven by SPA, rather autonomous motivation is the dominant factor associated with physical education motivational experiences.  相似文献   

体育锻炼对记忆力影响的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育锻炼能增强人的体质,提高人的素质,这已为大家所共识。体育锻炼对人的记忆力是否起作用?本文对40名在校中师生实验验证,结果证明:体育锻炼不仅能增强体质,也能增强人的记忆力,对学生好好学习,牢固掌握所学的文化知识同样起决定作用。  相似文献   

本文通过对不同练习氛围中的焦虑现象进行实验研究与探讨,表明练习者的状态焦虑水平对练习效果影响较大。  相似文献   

Purpose: Based on self-determination theory, the purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between social physique anxiety and intention to be physically active, while taking into account the mediating effects of the basic psychological needs and behavioral regulations in exercise. Method: Having obtained parents' prior consent, 390 students in secondary school (218 boys, 172 girls; Mage = 15.10 years, SD = 1.94 years) completed a self-administered questionnaire during physical education class that assessed the target variables. Preliminary analyses included means, standard deviations, and bivariate correlations among the target variables. Next, a path analysis was performed using the maximum likelihood estimation method with the bootstrapping procedure in the statistical package AMOS 19. Results: Analysis revealed that social physique anxiety negatively predicted intention to be physically active through mediation of the basic psychological needs and the 3 autonomous forms of motivation (i.e., intrinsic motivation, integrated regulation, and identified regulation). Conclusion: The results suggest that social physique anxiety is an internal source of controlling influence that hinders basic psychological need satisfaction and autonomous motivation in exercise, and interventions aimed at reducing social physique anxiety could promote future exercise.  相似文献   

黄晓丽 《体育科技》2010,31(4):89-91,94
大学生体质弱势群体是指由于身体患有不适宜参加剧烈体育运动的急、慢性疾病、或运动器官功能不全、或体型过度肥胖(BMI≥26.5)或瘦弱(BMI〈20)、或体质虚弱的群体,也是当今大学普遍存在的一个群体。由于该群体在生理上具有体质虚弱、体型过度肥胖或瘦弱、身患残疾等特点,不仅造成了该群体体育运动能力的相对低下,也对他们的心理产生了自卑、交际范围狭窄、对同学的优点嫉妒等消极的影响,这导致该群体具有体育厌学心理、技能学习的畏难心理体能低下的自卑心理等心理现象。从需要的角度运用社会认知理论探究大学生体质弱势群体的体育锻炼心理,认为大学生体质弱势群体仍具有满足生理需要的、提高自我效能感、提高社会适应能力、满足情感需要等体育锻炼心理需求。  相似文献   

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