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This paper examines how the restructuring of Australia's university system and the introduction of corporate managerialism has changed the work performed by academic staff. The paper illustrates how the emergence of higher education as both a major export industry and a vehicle for attaining greater international competitiveness has led to more intense regulation of academic work. Within a context of funding cutbacks, substantial inequities have emerged between and within universities, as they compete more aggressively for higher education markets. Hierarchical line management, with clear divisions between different categories of academic staff, has substantially replaced collegial forms of administration. This paper demonstrates how these processes have worked to undermine the effective implementation of Equal Employment Opportunity initiatives, as women remain concentrated in the lowest paid and least secure positions within universities.  相似文献   

Based on key governance and organisational characteristics from the 1970s universities have been conceptualised as organised anarchies and loosely coupled systems. More recently, a number of studies have argued that universities have been changing their internal governance and organisational structures leading to tighter vertical steering and the emergence of more integrated organisations. In this article, it is argued that while tighter vertical integration indeed might be observed, this does not necessarily imply greater horizontal integration in university organising as well. By drawing on case studies of five research‐intensive universities in five different countries, we discuss how strengthened hierarchical governance is driving increased organisational specialisation and professionalisation, but that this also may result in horizontal de‐coupling within universities. The article ends by a discussion of the positive and negative implications of coupled, de‐coupled and loosely coupled organisations.  相似文献   

我国的大学评估在较长时期内伴有浓厚的自上而下的行政主导色彩,政府资源在大学间的分配与评估结果存在紧密联系,大学更倾向于凸显自身优势而非探究自身问题。在推动世界一流大学建设和教育评价改革持续深化过程中,中国大学的评估体系逐渐发生变化,国际评估由此兴起并发展成为一流大学开展自我评估的重要机制。本研究通过对早期3个大学的评估案例分析,指出早期开展国际评估的大学进行评估时带有鲜明的问题导向,在其自身蕴含的强烈变革意愿的牵引下,评估促成了大学的人事管理体制机制、校院两级管理体制、跨院系学科建设等多层次的自我变革。此后,国际评估机制在中国一流大学群体中不断扩散。高等教育评估制度环境的变迁是国际评估机制扩散的重要基础,对先行者的学习效仿则是扩散的直接动因,在合法性机制作用下国际评估机制不断扩散且持续制度化并内嵌于大学治理体系中。  相似文献   

The activities of teaching staff members in universities have changed considerably over the last few years. The interests of the latter in some of these activities have also changed. This article analyzes the difficulties facing university teachers in their efforts to meet the demands made on them in modern universities. The proportional increase in resources means that teachers tend to devote them‐selves to activities that are more productive from a professional or a personal point of view while neglecting others. Universities should make changes in their organization and everyday functioning which would permit a more rational division of the necessary tasks. In addition, university administrations should increase the resources available to their universities in order to bring about such changes.  相似文献   

我国高校博士生招生制度呈现治理结构由单一政府管理向多元主体共治转型、价值取向由公平优先向质量优先转换、招生方式由单一模式向多元模式并存转移、招生对象由无差异化大众向少数优异群体或特殊群体转变的演变轨迹。当前我国高校博士生招生模式四元共存表现出政府的越位和错位之嫌、高校的错位之弊以及导师的缺位之误。我国高校博士生招生模式的改革方向在于确立以认识论为基础、追求知识创新的价值取向,建立以申请审核模式为主、多元模式并存的改革目标,构建以指导教师为主导、多元主体共治的治理体系;具体路径在于调整申请审核模式、服务国家特殊需求模式的内涵,形成两种模式的有机融合。  相似文献   

我国高等教育已经基本完成了从“精英教育”向“大众教育”的转型,随着高校后勤社会化改革进程的不断推进和学分制的全面实施,班级的概念逐渐被淡化,学生社区已经成为重要的教育阵地,高校学生社区文化建设在大学生日常管理和教育中发挥着越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,美国大学由于受到市场权力因素影响,实施百年的终身教职制度受到了更多的质疑,并面临改革。美国大学以市场权力因素影响下的院校协调力量来解决问题:继续实施终身教职,实施终身聘后评审制度,增加兼职与非终身轨教师的比例,或从原来的合同制改为终身教职制度。美国大学在进行教师聘任制度改革时每个大学总是把自身的发展与需要放在最为重要的地位,将聘任制度改革与教师职业发展、大学知识的创新宗旨结合起来,充分发挥了市场权力中院校协调的力量,避免了同质化。  相似文献   

The corporate approaches introduced in the late 1980s and now prevalent in universities in Australia have led to irrevocable changes in the way universities are managed and academics work. The management approaches widely applied in Australian universities are largely based on a top‐down corporate management model, with central control over policy and budget driven by the need to meet stringent external accountability requirements. This form of management rewards compliance and predictability. The economic environment over this period has changed drastically, becoming more global and uncertain. The prevailing management processes are not suited to the modern economic environment. A modern university is expected to operate more as an enterprise, but to do so effectively it needs flexible and responsive forms of management that are more inclusive of academics in the decision making process. This paper explores the organisational management literature and links it to the context in which universities operate. It considers the implications for managers and academics, as key stakeholders in a modern university, in this changeable environment.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1997,10(3-4):225-237
Chile's higher education system has moved a long way from state and professional towards market coordination. Presently, market oriented policies predominate across the system, based on a loosely regulated private provision of higher education and the use of a set of “para market” mechanisms designed to enhance competition between state supported universities. The effects of these policies on the number and differentiation of higher education institutions, on enrollment, on the evolution of professional careers and academic degree programs, and particularly on the funding of the higher education system are here analyzed. A balance is drawn, specifically with respect to the nature and quality of private institutions and their public regulation, and to the competition for funding between state supported universities.  相似文献   

The Danish higher education system was until recent years characterized by local diversity. It comprised, in relation to the population size, a large number of rather small institutions and a large number of universities and other research institutions. Since 1990, the Danish higher education system has changed dramatically: The number of institutions has been drastically reduced, mainly through mergers, and the governance and management of the universities has been changed with the implementation of the University Act of 2003. The transformation of the system is in progress and a new funding system is expected to be introduced in the near future.  相似文献   

本文从科学研究与成果转化、区域经济的联系,大学科技园的建设等方面反思了建设"世界一流"大学的发展战略、成就和经验,并由此提出需要关注的问题:大学的科研应当把注意力放在基础研究而不是技术改造上;不能过分强调自然科学的重要性而忽视社会科学和人文学科在知识创新中的作用,不能过分强调科学研究和知识生产而忽视教学工作;对世界一流大学的投入不是简单的解决几所"世界一流"大学建设的经费问题,而是国家发展的战略问题.  相似文献   

Higher education (HE) systems around the world have experienced profound structural changes, particularly since the late 1960s to early 1970s, essentially driven by the need to expand access to tertiary education. This has resulted in a diversity of HE institutions (HEI) with different roles, missions and statuses, as well as academic staff with diverse perspectives and motivations. The present study is based on a survey undertaken in Portugal by a trade union, which aimed to collect faculty perspectives on a proposed HE reform sent out for public discussion by the government. Questions addressed the reorganization of the HEI network, the internal restructuring of HEI, the funding system and the binary divide of HEI (universities and polytechnics). The survey results showed a disparity of faculty perspectives about the proposed reform, closely related to the diversity of HEI. Respondents from lower academic categories and from smaller HEI were more opposed to reorganizing the HEI network. This reorganization was more widely accepted by university staff, who were also more in favour of a binary system than were polytechnic respondents. Although there was general agreement about the need to change the funding system, polytechnic respondents were strongly against a funding differentiation between universities and polytechnics. Despite an overall reformist trend, the enthusiasm for reforms declined substantially when the questions had a direct reference to the respondent’s region or institution. It is argued that HE expansion has driven the diversification of HEI, leading to a range of perspectives about the HE system and the way it should be changed. These conclusions may contribute to insights into other HE systems around the world where institutional diversification has been sought by public policies.  相似文献   

India has been trying to reform its higher education system for more than a half-century but the results in terms of systemic change have been minimal. The universities have expanded dramatically to meet the demands of an increasingly powerful middle class although resources have not been adequate to ensure the maintenance of standards. In India's bureaucratic environment, political will to change the universities has been inadequate. For these and other reasons, the mainstream of Indian higher education, now including 7,000 colleges and 150 universities serving more than 4 million students, suffers from deteriorating standards, occasional unrest and inadequate resources. However, at the margins of this seemingly unmovable system have been a variety of significant changes and reforms. The Indian Institutes of Technology, for example, provide high quality post-secondary education. Even within the traditional universities and colleges, some interesting reforms in curriculum have been successful in limited areas. This analysis points to the factors inhibiting reform and change as well as some examples of limited successes.  相似文献   

Student diversity has increased within Australian universities. This has changed the teaching and learning needs of students. The implementation of quality was aimed at enhancing the quality of the higher educational product. However, the policy, while providing an accountability framework at the institution level, failed to provide the structural mechanisms needed to achieve quality in the teaching and learning the students receive, that is the sub‐faculty level. Other factors, such as the potential growth of non‐government resources in the form of more international students have perhaps a greater chance of improving the quality of teaching and learning within the faculties, because they provide both the funds and an incentive for more funds as a reward for implementing quality assurance within the teaching and learning function of universities.  相似文献   

现代化进程中,信息社会改变了人的教育和生活方式,也改变了组织管理方式。在此背景下,组织管理的复杂性和艰巨性使得学校传统的集权式领导或外控式管理日渐衰弱,品牌塑造下学校管理的改进成为必然。文章对学校管理改进的价值效应和主要困境进行了分析,最后尝试于学校组织结构的改进、管理制度的改进和管理方式的改进以求突破。学校管理的改进不仅适应了教育的多需求、新发展,也更益于凝聚和塑造学校的品牌价值。  相似文献   

在英国高等教育从精英型向大众化高等教育转变过程中,其治理范式发生了深刻的变革。英国大学从自我治理向公共治理范式转移,英国大学与国家的关系发生了根本性的变化。英国大学的自治只是虚构的神话,过去和现在英国大学一直都受到国家的限制。英国大学与国家关系的变化是权力关系发生了根本性变化导致的结果。我们应将这种改变视为积极而非负面的现象,英国高等教育的实践为我们深刻理解大学与国家的关系提供了一种范式。  相似文献   

苏联解体后,俄罗斯高校的毕业分配制度发生了根本性变化,从国家统包统分变为了毕业生的自主择业。面对新的形势,俄罗斯的政府职能部门和高校自身对毕业生的就业管理工作都采取了一些新举措,并初步建立了一个立体交叉的就业促进系统,了解其中主要机构的运作流程及功能对于思考我国高校毕业生就业问题有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

纵观新中国70余年我国高等教育重点建设政策演进,政府角色、资源配置方式、建设路径、制度运作模式等都发生了重大转变。制度自信日益凸显,但渐进式政策制定模式、政府主导的政策执行过程、效率优先的政策价值基础仍是我国高等教育重点建设政策的总体特征。由此,在政策实践过程中,呈现出关于“谁是主角、谁是配角、谁是参与者”、高等教育发展效率与公平以及制度运作的适度性等问题。未来,提高重点大学政策决策的民主与科学性,进一步明晰国家、地方政府和高校在重点大学建设中的权责,完善重点建设的制度体系与配套政策,处理好重点与特色的关系,平衡重点与非重点、公平与效率等关系问题将成为“双一流”建设推进的关键。  相似文献   

开设思想政治理论课是我国高校社会主义性质的体现,它的发展经历了一个曲折的不断变革的过程。进入21世纪后,为了适应形势的发展,我国高校思想政治理论课开始了新的改革进程。就开设思想政治理论课而言,如何认识财经院校的特殊性?如何使财经院校的思想政治理论课的课程设置更加适合财经院校的特殊性从而更加符合教育本身的规律?本文进行了探讨.给出了自己的回答。  相似文献   

在我国高等教育系统中,公立非重点高校占有相当大的比重。此类高校与重点高校一样担负着为我国社会主义现代化建设培养建设者和接班人的伟大使命。然而,随着我国政治、经济、文化、人口等的发展,公立非重点高校的发展环境也发生了很大变化,它们在发展中也遇到了困难,潜藏着危机。本文试对这类高校的现状和发展前景作一分析和探索。  相似文献   

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