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Many office personnel are so accustomed to working overtime that it has become a habit. But have you ever asked yourself why?Is it because your colleagues except you are all working overtime, despite the fact that you arrive at work earlier, not loafing on the job, even bringing your documents home to complete; only to have your boss still think that everyone is very busy but you! So you join in the overtime bunch to avoid being the subject of your colleagues' gossip, and at the same time, earn some overtime wages.  相似文献   

Five fun activities to stop boredom.Every time someone asks you a question, answer them with the same question. Do it with a serious look on your face.Make a sandwich board advertising your services as a house cleaner and expert gardener. See if anyone requires your services.Load yourself up with as many books as possible, then walk down the street trying not to drop any.  相似文献   

Business schools abgroad can offer a multicultural buzzy classroom experience ,not to mention funding.IF you fancy yourself as a globetrotting executive it makes sense to start as you mean to go on and hop on a plane to a business school. You can absorb a range of cultural experiences while gaining your MBA-what is more, it can be cheaper than studying at home.Steve Little, a B rit w ho recently graduated from Tuck Business Schoolin the U S, took som e classes in the U S and U K before d…  相似文献   

<正>(一)Would you like to go on vacation in your free time?If you’re planning a trip(A)______your vacation,the following advice can help you get the best experience (体验) and enjoy your (B)vacation.Let Parent Know Your Plans This is very important when traveling by yourself,though many people are in your travel group.  相似文献   

The sense of independence is the ability to stand by yourself, to do things on your own. You trust yourself. You know you are the necessary part, the important part that makes up1 the world.  Sometimes you may say to yourself, "Why, I can't stand on mys…  相似文献   

Asks: I' m starting college as a freshman this fall, and I' m trying to choose a career. What advice can you give me in making a decision? Responds: First of all, pat yourself on the back for thinking about your future before you even start freshman year. Many students don' t start thinking about what career they' d like to pursue until MUCH later, often giving them-  相似文献   

Don't be a doormat"Remember that politics does not mean sucking up to the boss. You will find "yes" people in every organisation. The world is full of suck-ups who tell people exactly what they want to hear. Some managers love to be surrounded by people who tell them they are right even if they aren't. Don't agree just to be agreeable or because of your boss's title. This does you, your boss and your company a great disservice. If you have a better way of doing something or an opposite opinion, present it. Don't allow yourself to be walked on.  相似文献   

To move,to breathe,to fly,to float You walk around.You immerse yourself in the air surrounded.You bring yourself to distant places.You are here;you are there;you are somewhere;you are everywhere.You bring yourself out of your comfort zones.You free yourself from what you know.You admit your limits,and then push it.To gain all while you give You hand over the precious time you hold.Then you explore the worlds unknown.There you hear the words,sing the music,move with the rhythm,and you find the beautifuls.You welcome the discoveries,and they welcome you.Many things can be taken away,but-you smell the joy,  相似文献   

Are you enthusiastic enough?Do you feel that you are under-achieving?Have you ever considered the possibility that it may be due to your lack of drive and enthusiasm?If you want to do something to improve yourself, start by trying to understand yourself better.  相似文献   

Summer is a time to exercise and keep fit.Ask yourself these quick questions and check your score below.How fit are you? 1.What is your pulse[脉搏]?Find your pulse in your wrist[手腕], count the number of beats[跳动] in one minute,Now  相似文献   

<正>不是因为拥有了才付出,而是因为付出了才拥有!不是因为有了机会才争取,而是因为争取了才有机会!What would you do if you saw rubbis on the floor of your classroom? Would you walk around it or pick it up yourself?A long time ago, there was a king who wanted to know what his country was like. He went outside and put a large stone on the road.  相似文献   

Happy Birthday Aries(Mar.21-Apr.20)白羊座The good news is that you appreciate life and never let anything get in your way[妨碍].April is a good month for you and will feel romantic and creative,but remember to enjoy yourself becauae May will bring all the worries about exams back to you.  相似文献   

Allow Your Own Inner Light to Guide You There comes a time when you must stand alone. You must feel confident enough within yourself to follow your own dreams. You must be willing to make sacrifices. You must be capable of changing and rearranging your priorities so that your final goal can be achieved.  相似文献   

Stress is a problem for everyone, young or old, But when you are a teenager it might feel like the world is on your shoulders, You have to go through many life-changing experiences: your body changes, your mind changes and you might feel all grown-up, and yet you are still treated like a child by your parents and teachers, With all these problems facina you it is easy to become stressed!  相似文献   

Think back to when you were in school.? Did you like to sit at a desk and listen to your teacher drone on and on? Or suppose that you're standing in the front of a class of glassy-eyed children,or,even worse,a class of students who are just plain ignoring you. Active learning doesn't mean the children need to sit still throughout the class period - it just means that you design your class period around having them actively participate in the learning process.?How can you get them back "into" your class and ...  相似文献   

Imagine yourself as an astronaut flying high above the Earth.The most important thing in your spaceship is not your camera or your radio.The most important thing you have is your garden,where you grow food to eat and air to breathe.Growing air?Well,that isn't exactly what happens.But plants do take carbon dioxide from the air and use the light and water that help them grow to make oxygen.Take a deep breath. That came from a plant!It took 1.5 billion years of plants making oxygen before there was enough oxy- gen for us to breathe.  相似文献   

以下是他分享给我们的关于给猫咪拍照的经验之谈。If you want to become a successful photographer,you must always teach yourself new skills,and search for new ideas.It’s okay to look up to other photographers’works,but at the end it’s very important to develop your own style.Just do what you love and love what you do.  相似文献   

Everyone has a boss. Even if you "work for yourself', you're still an employee to your client.  相似文献   

Send us your letters.your dreams.poems,color drawings,photos of yourself or whatever you want to write.Everythingmust be YOUR OWN WORK.except for photos of you,pleaseinclude your name,address and age.Sorry,on materials canbe returned.Write to:广州市先烈中路76号中侨大厦23层G座少年文摘杂志社“Joy Givers Club”(510070)(Attention please.all your writing should be in English!)  相似文献   

1 Good driving can only be learned by a constant practice and strong desire to be skilled driver. You must train yourself fix your eyes so that you can look not only the road in front of you but objects at each side of you of behind you. Close attention i…  相似文献   

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