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宋代财经监督机制主要特点蝇一方面的高度集权中央,皇帝独揽大权;另一方面多重监督,互相制约,复杂多变。中央财经监督机构改制前主要由三司及其下属三部勾院、都磨勘司、专勾司、都凭由司等负责;改帽后撤销三司,其财经监督职能大转归户部、比部和专勾司。御史台作为监察机构,始终兼有财经监督职能。地方财经监督机构大致一直保持监司、守俯和县令亟逐级监督体制。  相似文献   

跨越卡夫丁峡谷是马克思晚年提出的一个理论观点,从社会基本矛盾理论和中国革命的实践来分析,跨越卡夫丁峡谷是一个过程,该过程由“社会制度跨越”和“生产力补课”两个阶段构成,只有完成了两个阶段的跨越,才是实现了真正跨越卡夫丁峡谷的目标。“跨越过程论”论证了初级阶段的客观性、科学性及对建设有中国特色社会主义实践的重要指导意义。  相似文献   

重思考与尊导师是我国教育史上的两个传统,这两个传统都曾有益于中华民族的进步。但由于尊师被不适当地推向极端,便造成了对重思的,有碍于创新思维的发展。认真地反思过去,正面弘扬重思和尊师的优良传统,我们在高等教育中应确立如下新的理念:科研重于教学、质量颖重于授业、教方法重于教育知识、尊导师的创造能力重于尊导师的传授能力。  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to stage some questions concerning methodology and education, inspired by Ophelia in Shakespeare's Hamlet and by Jacques Derrida's poetic philosophical oeuvres. What are at stake are the long traditions of preferences of sanity over madness, friend over enemy, male over female and of clean, unambiguous univocal language over the poetic. I will argue that educators will have an extra responsibility towards challenging the ancient tradition of phallogocentrism, both in our teaching and in our research.  相似文献   

强化教学质量监控执行力的探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为强化高等院校教学质量监控力而积极开展的实践及理论研究证明:强化学校全体人员的主体意识,形成质量监控的共识和合力,进而采取科学的监控程序,实施教学全过程的质量监控,是真正提高教学质量监控执行力的当务之急。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The Yang-Baxter equation(Yang,1967;Baxter,1972)is one of the most valuable concepts in modern theoretical physics(Baxter,1982).The importance of detailed study of Yang-Baxter equation solutions is due to its key role in constant solution models of sta-tistics mechanics(Baxter,1972;1982)and field the-ory in lower dimensions(Yang,1967),conformal field theory(Di Francesco et al.,1997)and in quan-tum integrable systems(Faddeev et al.,1990).From the group-theoretical viewpoint…  相似文献   

马克思针对俄国社会的特殊情况提出了俄国有可能跨越资本主义“卡夫丁峡谷”的名设想,挖掘这一理论深刻的科学内涵,对于我国有中国特色的社会主义和东方落后国家未来的社会主义实践有着重要的现实意义。资本主义作为社会发展的具体模式可以超越、资本主义生产力的发展阶段不能超越、资本主义一切有利于生产力发展的“肯定成果”不能超越、多国共同胜利论仍是社会主义建设(运动)应遵循的理论前提。  相似文献   

我国目前的刑事诉讼检察监督制度存在许多问题,主要表现为监督主体地位不高、监督主体职能自相矛盾、监督立法及监督措施存在瑕疵等,这些都严重影响了刑事诉讼监督作用的发挥。重构我国刑事诉讼检察监督制度的问题成为法学界与司法实务界的当务之急。具体构想应包括:突出检察机关作为法律监督主体的地位;设立专门、统一的刑事诉讼检察监督机构;完善刑事诉讼检察监督立法与各项监督措施。  相似文献   

本文选取2014-2018年度国有上市公司作为样本,探讨治理因素、现金股利和国有企业过度投资三者间的关系。研究发现:国有企业过度投资行为普遍存在,整体上过度投资程度逐年上升;支付现金股利的行为对过度投资有显著的抑制作用,支付现金股利的水平也能起到抑制作用,但结果却不显著;第一大股东持股比例与过度投资水平之间呈倒“U”型关系,其他大股东持股比例与过度投资水平显著正相关;政府对市场的干预程度、市场中介组织发育和法律制度环境与过度投资水平呈负相关关系,但不显著。  相似文献   

物权法定主义在逻辑和价值上都存在疑问。物权法两个学者建议稿和官方立法草案相关条文都有缺陷。在物权法领域,应给予意思自治以尽可能大的空间。  相似文献   

Children need to learn to persist through challenges, yet adults sometimes step in to solve problems for them. Here, we looked at how adult taking over related to children’s persistence. In an observational study (N = 34, ages 4–8), we found that parents who took over more often during a challenging puzzle task rated their children as dispositionally less persistent. To establish whether taking over can cause reduced persistence, we ran two preregistered experiments (N = 150, ages 4–5). Children assigned to a taking over condition persisted less on a subsequent task compared to those in a teaching or a baseline condition. Reframing the context did not ameliorate the negative impact of taking over. The results suggest that taking over impairs children’s persistence.  相似文献   

随着我国经济发展和城市化进程的加快,土地的大量征用将不可避免。但土地作为农民最基本的生活来源,一旦被征用后,农民就面临着如何继续维持生活的问题,因此,征用土地必须给予合理补偿。但我国现行的土地征用补偿标准却存在着不合理性。为此,针对我国现行土地征用补偿标准所存在的问题,应改革现行土地征用补偿标准,保护失地农民的利益。  相似文献   

再就业的观念障碍根源于传统的计划经济体制。在就业观念上重国营、轻个体,重第二产业、轻第一第三产业,重城市轻农村。对此,应正确理解就业的涵义,积极地投身于一些新的行业,政府也应深化就业制度,开创就业的新领域。  相似文献   

文章运用解构主义分析文本的主要方法 ,对《瑞普·凡·温克尔》中传统与革新、家庭与社会、泼妇与贤妻这三对主要的二元对立进行了颠覆和消解。对之前作品中存在的怀旧倾向、家庭责任和社会关系以及温克先生的同情和对温克夫人的指责的评论提出了质疑,从而证明解构主义关于文本意义不确定性的结论,并为作品提出了一种新的解读方法。  相似文献   

世界上没有任何一个地方能够像史前巨石阵那样,五千年来一直吸引着游人.我们可能永远都不会了解几百年来是什么吸引着人们前往此地,以及为什么会有成百上千的人在几千年的时间里不辞劳苦地修建这个建筑物,然而,从世界各地来游览的人都对这项伟大工程惊叹不已.  相似文献   

There appear to be unconditioned affective reactions to the four basic tastes: liking for sweet and salt and disliking for sour and bitter. We attempted to modify these reactions by pairing the tastes with calories and with sweeter tastes. Differing sucrose concentrations were ineffective in reversing the preference for salt over citric acid or for saccharin over quinine. We could, however, reverse the preference for salt over citric acid, producing an actual preference for sour over salt, by using sucrose and saccharin as the reinforcers. The initial reactions to tastes could also be modified by reducing the initial difference in affect produced by the tastes through mixing both tastes with sucrose.  相似文献   

对当前宏观经济形势的一点看法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前的中国经济由于结构性原因以及部分行业投资增长速度过快,出现了局部过热的现象。政府应客观地分析并把握好宏观经济的结构变化,改善宏观调控手段,既要防止“急刹车”,又要有效地解决局部经济过热的问题;既要防范通货膨胀,又要防止可能出现的通货紧缩;积极促使人民币汇率在合理、均衡的水平上长期基本稳定。投资要善于根据宏观经济形势的变化及时调整投资策略和项目的选择方向。  相似文献   

当前高职院校的德育工作中存在着重管理轻引导、重说教轻体验、重理论轻实践的问题,受积极心理学内涵及理念的启示,在高职院校中引入积极德育的教育理念有助于培养学生的道德主体意识、提升学生的道德体验认同、增强学生的道德行动意愿,因而对高职院校德育工作的改善有重要意义。  相似文献   

This study examined the stability and growth over a 3‐year period of individual differences in preschool children's social competence, which was assessed in three domains: social engagement/motivation, profiles of behavior and personality attributes characteristic of socially competent young children, and peer acceptance. A total of 255 children (126 girls and 129 boys) participated in this study. Growth curve analyses demonstrated both stability and change with regard to social competence over early childhood. Social competence measures and latent variables were invariant over this time period, individual differences in social competence were largely stable from year to year, and significant increases over time were observed for the domain most closely reflective of specific personal attributes skills.  相似文献   

Abstract A total of 152 5‐6‐year‐old schoolchildren worked alone or in groups, cooperatively within groups or competing against another group, over 4 weeks. New measures allowed us to consider their preferences for collective or individualistic styles. Three factors: individualism/collectivism, sociability and altruism were identified. The first two were found to be stable over time; the third changed and was related to whether the children worked co‐operatively or competitively. Differences were found in collectivism/individualism. Girls (particularly older girls) preferred working co‐operatively significantly more than boys at Time 1; however, this decreased over time for girls, whilst boys became less individualistic over time. Younger children scored significantly less than older children on a sociability factor, but this increased significantly over time compared to the older children‐‐artificially in the group co‐operative condition. Findings are discussed in light of curriculum and pedagogy of primary schools and social psychological research with children.  相似文献   

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