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电大《英语》新教材第二册的教学重点是语法、词汇及听力;教学难点是听说训练。 一、语法:(一)七种时态:现在完成时(have/has 过去分词);现在完成进行时(have/has been 现在分词);将来进行时(will/shall be 现在分词);过去进行时(was/were 现在分词);过去将来时(would/should 动词原形,口语中常用“was/were going to 动词原形”表示过去将来时);过去完成时(had 过去分词)。(二)七种被动语态形式:一般现在时的被动语态(am/are/is 过去分词);一般过去时的被动语态(was/were 过去分词);现在进行时的被动语态(am/are/is being 过去分词);现在完成时的被动语态(has/have been 过去分词);一般将来时的被动语态(will/shall be 过去分词);带情态动词的被动语态(情态动词 be 过去分词);动词不  相似文献   

二、将下列句子改写成间接引语或间接疑问句.1、Lao Wang’s mother said,“I’m lis-tening to Peking Opera now.”2、She said,“John left for Shangshalitwo days ago.”3、Mary said to me,“I’ll go and seemy Chinese teacher tomorrow.”4、“Icouldn’t get into my car becauseI had lost my key,so had to break awindow,”he said.5、“I’ll see you this afternoon.Try not  相似文献   

综合练习 A1 完形填空(10分)Men first measured time (1) using a stick in the ground.The length of the (2) shadow would (3) what time of day itwas.(4),the Egyptians used a pillar,(5) as a gnomon,andthen developed a simple sundial,(6) consisted of a stone with apointer on it.The stone was placed in an east-west direction,and the shadow of the pointer showed the time.About 300 BC,a Babylonian (7) Berosus invented a semi-circular sundial,(8) he marked twelve hours.The Babyloni-am,like the Egyptians,divided daylight (9) twelve parts andnight into twelve.This meant that an hour would have differ-ent lengths (10) different times of the year.A daytime hourmight be longer or shorter than a nighttime one.These hoursare known as 'temporary hours'.(1)A.with B.byC.through D.in  相似文献   

综合练习 A1 完形填空(10分)Men first measured time(?)using a stick in the ground.The lengthof the(?)shadow would(?)what time of day it was.(?),the Egyp-tians used a pillar,(?)as a gnomon,and then developed a simple sundial,(?)consisted of a stone with a pointer on it.The stone was placed in aneast-west direction,and the shadow of the pointer showed the time.About 300 BC,a Babylonian(?)Berosus invented a semi-circularsundial,(?)he marked twelve hours.The Babylonians,like the Egyp-  相似文献   

综合练习A1完形填空(10分) Men first measured time业using a stick in the ground.The length of the堕shadow would盟what time of day itWas.盟,the Egyptians used a pillar。盟as a gnomon。andthen developed a simple sundial。熊consistedof a~olaewith apointerOn it.The stotxe was placed in an east-west direction。andthe shadowofthepointer ahowedthetime. About 300 BC。a Babylonian(7)Bercm~invented a semi-circular sundial。(8)he marked twelve hours.The Babyloni.aDS,like the Egyptians,divided daylight…  相似文献   

阅读下面九个语段,按各自的要求答题:(一)这两种人都凭主观,忽视客观实际事物的存在。或作讲演,则甲乙、丙丁、一二三四的一大串:或作文章,则夸夸其谈的一大篇。无实事求是之意,有哗众取宠之心。华而不实,脆而不坚,自以为是。老子天下第一,钦差大臣满天飞。这就是我们队伍中若干同志的作风。这种作风,拿了律己,则害了自己。拿了教人,则害了别人;拿了指导革命,则害了革命。  相似文献   

1 在本题中,你将听到9个简短的对话,在每个对话后还将听到一个有关对话的问题(问题同时写在试卷上》。对话只放一遍。你必须在寻音留出的空白时间内从所给的四个选择中找出最佳答案,并把答案写在括号内(1)Question:Where do you think the dialogue most proba-bly takes place?( ) A.In a rstaurant. B.In a hcopital. C.In a police office. D.In a library. 录音内容:A:May I borrow these reference books?B:Of course.But you must return them back before Friday. (2)Question:What is the relationship of the two speakers? ( )  相似文献   

1 七种时态(1 )现在完成时 (have/has+过去分词 )。(2 )现在完成进行时 (have/has+been +现在分词 )。(3)将来进行时 (shall/will+be +现在分词 )。(4 )将来完成时 (shallwill+have+过去分词 )。(5 )过去进行时 (have/has+现在分词 )。(6 )过去将来时 (should/would +动词原形 ,口语中常用“was/weregoingto +动词原形”表示过去将来时 )。(7)过去完成时 (had +过去分词 )。1 1 现在完成时与一般过去时比较。现在完成时属于现在时的范畴 ,也可以说它是跨过去时和现在时的一种混合时态 ,即它的动作发生在过去 ,但句子意思的重心是现在的结…  相似文献   

英语第二册的教学原则仍然是“听说领先,读写跟上”,进行听、说、读、写四种技能的全面训练。第二册的教学重点是词汇和语法,教学难点是听说和阅读。为了便于复习,现将第二册的教学内容分两个方面概述如下:一、听力方面听力考试将在本期期末与笔试一起进行,共用一份考卷。考卷分为两部分,第一部分听力试题,均为标准化试题(即选择题),时间为半小时。听力复习的重点是对话与功能。复习范围包括第一册第一至二十课和第二册第一至二十  相似文献   

电大英语第二册期末考试分为两大部分:听力测试和语言基础知识及阅读能力测试。两部分的具体测试内容形式和分数比例如下: 听力测试(20分) 包括三项内容;第一项(5分):听数段对话(对话双方各说一句或两句)或独白(两到三句),测试考生抓大意的能力。具体做法是判断和选择。第二项(10分):听一篇对话(对话双方各说四到五段,每段长度不等,多到六至七句,少则一句),测试考生捕捉具体信息的能力。具体形式是要求考生把听到的具体信息填入相应的空白处。第三项(5分):听一段独白(十句话),测试考生对整段独白的综合理解能力。具体形式是要求考生根据所  相似文献   

1 在本题中,你将听到9个简短的对话,在每个对话后还将听到一个有关对话的问题(问题同时写在试卷上)。对话只放一遍。你必须在录音留出的空白时间内从所给的四个选择中找出最佳答案,并把答案写在括号内。(1)Question: Where do you think the dialogue most proba-bly takes place? ( )A. In a restaurant.B. In a hospital.C. In a police office.D. In a library.录音内容:A:May I borrow these reference books?B: Of course.But you must return them back before Friday.(2) Question: What is the relationship of the two speakers? ( )  相似文献   

电大英语课新教材第二册包括教科书(CourseBook)及与之配套的录像带和录音带;学生用书(Student's Handbook);教师用书((Teacher's Guide)。与第一册相同的是本册教材也分18个单元,每个单元包括2个情景对话;与第一册不同的是,本册教材每单元增加了一节(Programme),内容是一幅以阅读理解为目的  相似文献   

电大英语课新教材第二册包括教科书(CourseBook)及与之配套的录像带和录音带;学生用书(Student's Handbook);教师用书((Teacher's Guide)。与第一册相同的是本册教材也分18个单元,每个单元包括2个情景对话;与第一册不同的是,本册教材每单元增加了一节(Programme),内容是一幅以阅读理解为目的的课文,以提高学生阅读理解英语的能力.第二册教材的教学重点是语法、词汇及听力;教学难点是听说训练。  相似文献   

(续上期)8、 I won't go to the Great (Walltomorrow). It will rain.9、 she left school in 1990. Later she studiedFrench at college.10、 He is over fifty years old. He studiesEnglish very hard.五、选择题,圈出正确答案1, John is—— university student.a an b a c /2、 Today we went to—— middle school. Atfirst we had—— meeting with——teachers.Then we went to—— school factory.a the, a, /,the b a, a, /, the c a, a,the, the  相似文献   

电大《英语》第一册教材的期末考试包括听力和笔试两部分,听力测试占15分,笔试占85分,共100分.听力主要包括两方面的基本技能:了解大意和听取细节.第一学期教学中各种形式的听力训练(重点素材见教科书后面列出的36个情景对话及《学生手册》中的听力练习题)也是以培养这两种技能为目的.  相似文献   

电大《英语》第二册的教学重点是语法、词汇及听力;教学难点是听说训练。1 语法1.1 七种时态:现在完成时(have/has+过去分词)、现在完成进行时(have/has+been+现在分词)、将来进行时(will/shall be+现在分词)、过去进行时(was/were+现在分词)、过去将来时(would/should+动词原形,口语中常用“was/were going to+动词原形”表示过去将来时)、过去完成时(had+过去分词)。1.2 七种被动语态形式:一般现在时的被动语态(am/are/is+过去分词)、一般过去时的被动语态(was/were+过去分词)、现在进行时的被动语态(am/are/is+being+过去分词)、现在完成时的被动语态(has/have+been+过去分词)、一般将来时的被动语态(will/shall+be+过去分词)、带情态动词的被动语态(情态动词+be+过去分词)、动词不定式的被动式(to be+过去分词)。  相似文献   

1 从每题的A、B、C、D中选择一个最佳答案(1)Don't worry, there is_water for another week.A. a number of B. plenty ofC. lot D. plenty(2) I didn' t ask him, but he_to help with myhomework.A.offered B. gaveC.deliver D. supply(3)She didn't even_to turn up at the meeting.A. worry B. expectC. concern D. bother(4)The leaves are_down to the ground when au-turnn comes.A.putting B. droppingC.following D. falling(5) I_whether you could let me know Mr Jones'address.  相似文献   

在期末考试中,听力部分占15分。1 在本题中,你将听到9个简短的对话,在每个对话后还将听到一个有关对话的问题(问题同时写在试卷上)。对话只放一遍。你必须在录音留出的空自时间内从所给的四个选择中找出最佳答案,并把答案的序号写在答题纸上。(斜体为录音中的对话内容。)(每题1分,共9分)(1) A : How did the movie end ?B : I don ' t know , it' ll be continued tonight. Question: What are they talking about? A. A play. B.A film.C. A story.D. A match.(2) A : Are you waiting for the Shanghai train ? B: Yes, I am. Where are you going? ToShanghai? Question: Where do you think they are?A. In an office.B. On the street.C. At a bus-stop.D. At the railway station.  相似文献   

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