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诗人与普通人一样有喜怒哀乐的情愫流露,而一般人只是将情感停留在初级阶段,即原始情感阶段,真正将诗人与普通人区别开来的应该是情感的第二阶段,即艺术情感阶段。诗人情感进入到这个阶段才意味着创作的开始。  相似文献   

情感是诗歌天性的最主要动力之一。没有情感,就没有诗人,也就没有诗歌。没有情感这个品质,任何笔调都不能打动人心。而情感也是欣赏者体验的核心,体验的出发点是情感,最后的归结点也是情感。欣赏诗歌的目的在于领略诗人抒发的情感,并期望通过诗人的启迪以引起共鸣式的感情燃烧。欣赏者从自己的命运和遭遇,从自己内心的情感积累和先从感受出发去体验和揭示作品的意蕴和感受诗人的情感。  相似文献   

在唐代诗人笔下,灯烛是一种富于审美意蕴的艺术形象,是反映诗人独特的情感活动的经典意象之一。它是诗人情感的寄托,所以被诗人赋予了多重意义。灯烛意象在晚唐诗人李商隐笔下频频出现,体现了诗人的特定心态、特定的情感模式和审美模式。灯烛意象,映射出诗人丰富而复杂的内心世界,是诗人现实世界里苦痛怅惘的象征,是诗人虚幻世界里希望光明的象征。  相似文献   

石金凤 《教学随笔》2016,(5):147-147
在唐代诗人笔下,灯烛是一种富于审美意蕴的艺术形象,是反映诗人独特的情感活动的经典意象之一。它是诗人情感的寄托,所以被诗人赋予了多重意义。灯烛意象在晚唐诗人李商隐笔下频频出现,体现了诗人的特定心态、特定的情感模式和审美模式。灯烛意象,映射出诗人丰富而复杂的内心世界,是诗人现实世界里苦痛怅惘的象征,是诗人虚幻世界里希望光明的象征。  相似文献   

在华兹华斯的诗歌中,诗人强烈情感的自然流露是其主要特点。从内容上,诗人注重表现心灵中的自然,使自我情感融与人类对自然的普遍情感;从艺术上,诗人运用对时间的艺术处理,达到净化自我情感,升华为艺术情感的境界。  相似文献   

古典诗歌是古代诗人心灵世界的凝聚物,是诗人情感外化的产物。陆机《文赋》中说"诗缘情而绮靡",是说诗缘情而发,精妙无比。读懂诗歌的关键,便是读懂诗人的情感,而诗人情感的复杂性决定了诗歌情感的丰富性、含蓄性、曲折性、模糊性,了解诗歌情感的这些特点,对于我们读懂诗歌极有帮助。  相似文献   

诗人特殊的心理素质决定了其情感的发生率比常人更高,情感的内容更为丰富、复杂、细腻。但诗歌表现的情感不是诗人自然情感的原始重复,而是审美化了的、单纯化了的、要具持续感染力的情感,是诗人经过艺术思维,与审美观念和审美需要结合后物化在作品中的艺术情感。审美情感是一种社会意识,它源于诗人的审美实践活动,其领域是极其宽广的。审美情感贵在真实、独特,具有非实用性、普遍适应性和动态性等特点。  相似文献   

意象是指渗透了诗人主观情感的形象。某个意象蕴含着什么样的情感和意味,这并非出于某个诗人一时的创造,而是经过历代诗人反复地继承、运用、  相似文献   

<正>从高考诗歌鉴赏的命题角度看,对诗人情感的考查占到三分之一强。情感是诗歌的本质,诗歌创作的目的就是为了抒发作者情感。当然,人的情感是复杂的,提供给考生鉴赏的诗歌的情感有单一指向的可能,但呈现更多的却是复杂多维的情感。因此,考生要想多拿分就必须全方位地考察诗人在诗中的情感历程,多分析,多思索,力争将诗人的多元情感全部挖掘出来。本文努力在思考方向上和技巧上予以方法的揭示,以期让考生有章可循,从而优化答题效果。一、以时间为序,分段把握诗人情感  相似文献   

白居易主张"美刺"的诗学观,但在《长恨歌》中这一诗学原则与诗人情感发生了悖谬,表现为《长恨歌》中诗人情感的位移。诗开头诗人对玄宗溺女色荒朝政深感痛心;但描述杨妃之死却表现出辩证的历史感,既觉咎由自取,也深感历史无情;而后描写玄宗缅怀杨妃更是充满同情,方士招魂一段通过杨妃对玄宗情感的呼应而深化了这一爱情悲剧。诗人情感的位移又是与情感的纯化相伴随的,通过情感变异和选择性叙事等策略而加强了情感浓度。  相似文献   

钦州湾表层海水温度盐度及pH值时空变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2009年春夏秋冬4个季节调查资料,分析钦州湾表层海水温度、盐度及pH值的季节变化和分布特征。结果表明:钦州湾海水平均温度春季20.4℃,夏季30.1℃,秋季16.0℃,冬季14.6℃,变化特征与气温的季节变化相同,空间分布为夏秋季河口区的水温都略高于湾口区,而春冬季则相反。海水平均盐度春季20.067,夏季17.975,秋季23.864,冬季23.660,表现为秋季〉冬季〉春季〉夏季,各季节空间分布总体表现为河口区低,湾口区高的趋势。海水pH平均值春季7.82,夏季8.11,秋季8.01,冬季8.10,全年空间分布高值区均出现在大风江口外海域。钦州湾海水比较适宜大蚝、对虾、文蛤等广温广盐性品种的海水养殖。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of emotional abuse in childhood, along with physical and sexual abuse, on suicidality in adulthood, and whether and how emotional abuse and depressive symptoms in adulthood mediate the association between the childhood emotional abuse and suicidality. The data were drawn from the 2012 Korean General Social Survey, a nationally representative survey with a multistage area proportional probability sampling method. Random effects regression and the Sobel test were used to analyze the relationships between childhood emotional abuse and suicidality and the mediating effects. Random effects models showed that emotional abuse in childhood was positively associated with suicidality in adulthood, even after controlling for physical and sexual abuse in childhood. Emotional abuse and depressive symptoms in adulthood mediated the association between emotional abuse in childhood and suicidality. Depressive symptoms also mediated between emotional abuse in adulthood and suicidality. These findings suggest that emotional abuse in childhood has indirect harmful effects on suicidality in adulthood. It increases suicidality through higher occurrences of re-victimization and depressive symptoms in adulthood. Practitioners and policy makers should recognize that experiences of emotional abuse in childhood may result in re-victimization in adulthood, which, in turn, lead to suicidality. Early intervention programs to reduce the likelihood of experiencing re-victimization may be critical for people exposed to emotional abuse in childhood.  相似文献   

阴阳是《周易》里面最重要的一对核心命题,是理解《周易》思想的一把钥匙;并且它还是世事万物得以生的根本要素和动力。《周易》里面对生的理解和论述的形上意味比较浓而深刻,整个宇宙的天地人都在一个生机勃勃的大体系中,贯穿在永恒的易理的主题思想里。本文从《周易》最核心的阴阳观念入手,来探讨《周易》里面关于生的易理,分析《周易》关于万物为什么生、如何生以及生的状态和目标等方面的内容,从而揭示出《周易》的贵生思想的人本主义情怀。  相似文献   

孔子是哲学大师,亦是语言大师。《论语》的巨大影响,在于其思想之精深,亦在于其语言之魅力。孔子的语言观具有几个特点:一是言行一致,二是名实一致,三是文质一致,四是时中的方法,五是老实的态度。孔子的语言具有多方面的美学特征:一是匀称美,二是气势美,三是弹性美,四是睿智美,五是自然美,六是崇高美,七是刚力美,八是人格美,九是无言美。孔子的语言观极具原创性,进而影响其思想;孔子的语言美颇有吸引力,进而传播其思想。其语言的深邃和美相得益彰,凸显孔子思想的伟大。  相似文献   

本文论述了盛唐边塞诗歌所具有的美学品格。从四个层面分析了崇高特征:在人生理想实现中的投笔从戎的慷慨、激越美;在边塞生活中雪原大漠的奇特、萧瑟美;在建功事业中的穿越异域的从容、悲壮美;在现实悲怆中思乡恋土的人性、豪迈美。  相似文献   

公平和效率是各国高等教育发展中存在的重要问题之一。一般认为公平和效率在理论上和宏观上是可以统一的,并能够得到协调发展和可持续发展。然而,从微观和实践层面上分析却往往会发现存在一种矛盾现象,似乎是一个不可调和的两难问题。我国省(市)高等教育发展的公平与效率就是当前急需关注的一个典型的、具体的问题。通过对反映我国1999年和2000年各省(市)高等教育和经济发展状况的多指标进行聚类、相关等统计分析,考察了我国20世纪90年代高等教育区域公平和效率的发展变化特征,并通过对二者量化关系的揭示,对我国省(市)20世纪90年代高等教育公平与效率问题进行了实证分析和评估,并对我国未来省(市)高等教育的进一步发展提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

The aim and objective of this study is to examine and compare how schools in Galway, Republic of Ireland and Derry in the North of Ireland (cities located within two independent jurisdictions in Ireland) manage and respond to bereavement. To carry out a survey of schools, the ‘Loss in Schools’ questionnaire is considered the most suitable tool. The questionnaire, which contains 10 questions designed to unearth pertinent issues including the needs and concerns of schools, had previously been administered in studies in Hull. Sixty questionnaires were administered in both Galway and Derry, with a return of 38 and 35, respectively. This study illuminates important aspects of the topic. The schools in both Galway and Derry rate bereavement (and parental separation) as highly important in terms of priorities. In terms of policy, some of the respondents in both study sites report that loss is included in their school's policy documents but not formally included in the curriculum. A designated staff member (who would speak to the pupil experiencing the death of a family member or significant other) is evident in 37% of Derry schools and 23% of Galway schools. Some members of staff in both study sites have attended training in bereavement, although the courses are relatively short term. Schools request assistance from other agencies outside the formal schools arena in times of need. In Galway the psychology services are most commonly consulted, while in Derry the Western Education and Library Board Bereavement Counselling teams and Cruse Bereavement Care are identified as additional resources from which help is sought. This paper outlines recommendations on schools' training needs in the area of child bereavement and the request for support to help further develop and formalise school policies.  相似文献   

The paper reviews the rapid growth and improvement of science in China since Deng Xiaoping’s reforms in the 1980s and especially in the last two decades, situating the achievement and its limitations in the contexts of both the global science system, and national policy and strategy. The key is the effective combination of national science with global science. Science in China has worked to global norms while remaining nested in national government and Sinic governance, in which Confucianism and Legalism are combined with Leninism. The paper reflects on trends in investment in R&D, the number of published papers, discipline balance, national and global networking, and policies on cross-border partnerships and mobility. China has established a strong autonomous position at world level in science that is partly separated from the intensively networked Euro-American systems but has benefitted especially from a mutually productive relationship with the United States. However, that relationship is now in question.  相似文献   

Utilizing 2068 individuals in 60 organizations in the U.S. and Italy, this study (a) examines the overall relationship between trust in top management and immediate supervisor and overall estimates of satisfaction and perceived organizational effectiveness, (b) compares the amount of variance in satisfaction and effectiveness that can be explained by trust in top management to the amount of variance explained by trust in immediate supervisor, and (c) clarifies the role of information receiving as a predictor of trust in top management and immediate supervisor. Results of a canonical correlation analysis indicated that the canonical equation explained 49% of the variance in the linear composites (Canonical R = .69, p < .001). Trust in top management was more strongly associated with satisfaction and effectiveness than was trust in immediate supervisor. Tzvo separate multiple regression analyses indicated that after controlling for geographic location of company and type of industry, information received about job and organizational issues uniquely explained 26% of the variance in trust in top management and 13% of the variance in trust in immediate supervisor.  相似文献   

自18世纪中叶到20世纪中叶,北京话旁称代词系统在句法、语义上呈现出了比较明显的发展变化,这种发展变化在三个时期的三部典型的北京话文献《红楼梦》《儿女英雄传》《正红旗下》中得到了充分的反映。就旁称代词系统而言,历时嬗变的发生轨迹是:由18世纪中叶的"别人、人家、别人家、他人、旁人"阵容切换到了19世纪中叶的"人家、别人、他人、旁人"阵容,并最终切换到了20纪中叶的"别人、人家"阵容,期间的此消彼长、删汰整合昭然。就旁称代词个体而言,历时嬗变的发生轨迹是:1."别人"由18世纪的炙热到19世纪的没落,再到20世纪的重新走强;2".人家"由18世纪的初露锋芒到19世纪的首度大大超越"别人"而一枝独秀,再到20世纪与"别人"的平分天下;3".他人"这个曾经在相当长的时段内的旁称代词家族的宠儿由18世纪的颓势已现到19世纪的英雄末路,直至20世纪的难觅踪影;4.不温不火一路走来的"旁人"由18世纪的衰落到19世纪的走向没落,直至20世纪的淡出我们的视线;5.产生于元代的"别人家"由18世纪的衰弱到19世纪的没落,直至20世纪的只留存在部分方言中而在北京话中彻底消亡。  相似文献   

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