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Little attention has been paid to teacher attitudes toward high-achieving culturally diverse student groups. This in-depth study focuses on the experience of Israeli teachers who tell the story of a decade and a half of educational work with their highly motivated, academically successful immigrant students from the Former Soviet Union. The paper explores the differential effect of subject matter and seniority on teachers’ experience. It analyzes communication patterns between teachers and their high-achieving transnationalist immigrant students according to these parameters. Implications for the educational treatment of academic excellence among immigrant students in a globalized context are considered.  相似文献   

Project STAIR (Supporting Teaching of Algebra: Individual Readiness) aims to develop and iteratively refine a framework for using data-based individualization (DBI) to support the readiness for algebra of middle-school students with mathematics learning difficulty. Project STAIR was tested in four middle schools in the United States to assess the impact of intensive professional development, ongoing coaching, and frequent student progress monitoring on teachers’ DBI practices, school-level culture and climate, and students’ algebra readiness. Findings from this exploratory research point to the promise of Project STAIR for improving teacher perceptions of school culture and climate related to support of students experiencing mathematics learning difficulty as well as increasing specific DBI practices, including teachers’ ratings of importance, understanding, and confidence with assessment practices. Students’ mathematics outcomes improved on several algebra-readiness progress monitoring measures, along with a diagnostic measure, but not on a more distal measure of mathematics performance.  相似文献   

This article suggests that a critical perspective of the notion of social representations can offer useful insights into understanding practices of teaching and learning in mathematics classrooms with immigrant students. Drawing on literature using social representations, previous empirical studies are revisited to examine three specific questions: what are the dominant social representations that permeate the mathematics classroom with immigrant students? What impact do these social representations have on classroom practices? What are the spaces for changing these practices through becoming reflective and critically aware of these representations? These questions are addressed mostly in relation to teachers’ representations, though the article also draws on data from research with students and parents to illustrate the diversity of representations and to argue for a critical and reflective perspective.  相似文献   

This study examines the usefulness of selected aspects of Tharp and Gallimore's (1988) theory of assistance as a theoretical framework for describing and analyzing change efforts in a middle school mathematics reform project. Drawing upon Tharp and Gallimore's redefinition of teaching as assisting performance and learning as the result of assisted performance, the social organization of a school-based mathematics reform effort in which teacher educators, mathematics teachers, and students both assist and are assisted is analyzed. In addition, one particular classroom assistance activity is presented and analyzed in terms of characteristics of assistance that, according to the theory, should lead to significant learning.  相似文献   

Lower reading and mathematics performance of Turkish immigrant students as compared to mainstream European students could reflect differential learning outcomes, differential socioeconomic backgrounds of the groups, differential mainstream language proficiency, and/or test bias. Using PISA reading and mathematics scores of these groups, we examined the role of bias and various measures related to immigrant integration policies of the host societies. Results of a multilevel analysis of reading and mathematics tests demonstrated that at individual level, students with higher scores on an index of economic, social, and cultural status obtained higher achievement scores. At country level, MIPEX scores of education and the human development index of participating countries could predict differences in reading results but not in mathematics. After correction for background characteristics, effect sizes showed a difference of .65 SD (down from a value of .96 before correction) for reading and .58 SD (down from .78) for mathematics. However, a similar correction for background variables increased the score differences between Turkish immigrants and mainstreamers.  相似文献   

目前五年制高等师范学校的数学教学现状是:教师教的辛苦,学生学的痛苦。为了改变这一现状,我们实施了体验式教学,加强对学生学情的了解,把话语权、主动权交给学生;从学生的角度出发,追求适合学生的教学难度;课后作业增加了数学写作,不仅提高了学生的反思能力,还促进了师生的交流,改善了师生的关系。  相似文献   

针对职业院校数学课中学生很普遍的逃课行为、课堂教学效果不高、考核质量不理想等现象,教师在教学中尝试和归纳出来一系列师生博弈策略来帮助解决这些矛盾,将这些策略应用于实践当中,收到了比较好的效果。  相似文献   


The recent development of making secondary school education free in Ghana has raised concerns about the level of preparedness of teachers to teach students with diverse needs in one classroom. Significantly, mathematics is one of the core areas that the Ghanaian government has prioritised, and it has institutionalised mechanisms to encourage participation by many students. Accordingly, this qualitative study aimed to document the level of preparedness of mathematics teachers to support the teaching of students with Down syndrome in secondary school classrooms. Twenty-seven mathematics teachers from 14 schools, made up of 18 males and nine females, took part in the study. We found that participants were in favour of implementation of inclusive education. However, regarding the prospect of teaching students with Down syndrome, most of the participants thought that the regular secondary school classroom is not a suitable environment for these students to access education, especially due to a number of challenges. The need for the government to support schools with appropriate teaching materials and facilities is discussed extensively.  相似文献   


Early childhood and elementary preservice teachers often fear mathematics, find it irrelevant, have mathematics anxiety, hold negative self-perceptions, and have low mathematics achievement. This study investigates the influence of an identity exploration intervention on preservice teachers’ mathematics identities during a college Algebra course specifically designed for education majors. Results provide insight into the patterns of change in identity and motivation. Data was analyzed following a theoretical framework on role identity that highlights the interaction between self-perceptions, beliefs, goals, and action possibilities. Analysis identified patterns of change in student identities. Themes across cases highlight the differences in change amongst participants, the influence of initial identity, and the impact of perceived relevance on identity exploration.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a research study conducted with a group of practising primary school teachers (n = 24) in North East Scotland during 2011–2012. The teachers were all participants in a newly developed Masters course that had been designed with the aim of promoting the development of mathematical thinking in the primary classroom as part of project supported by the Scottish Government. The paper presents the background for this initiative within the context of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence reform. Particular attention is given to the epistemological positioning of the researchers as this influenced both the curriculum design process and also the theoretical framing of the research study which are both described. The project was set up within a design research framework, which aimed to promote classroom-based action research on the part of participants through the course and also research by the university researchers into the process of curriculum development. The research questions focused on the teachers’ confidence, competence, attitudes and beliefs in relation to mathematics and their expectations and experiences of the impact on pupil learning arising from this course. Empirical data were drawn from pre- and post-course surveys, interviews and observations of the discussion forums in the online environment. Findings from this study highlight the way the course had a transformational and emancipatory impact on these teachers. They also highlight ways in which the ‘framing’ of particular aspects of the curriculum had an oppressive impact on learners in the ways that suppressed creativity and limited the exercise of learner autonomy. Furthermore, they highlight the ways in which a number of these teachers had experienced mathematics as a school subject in very negative ways, involving high levels of ‘symbolic violence’ and of being ‘labelled’.  相似文献   

师生关系是学校教育中一对最核心的人际关系,在教育活动中有着举足轻重的地位。学校任何教育活动都是在教师与学生之间展开的,没有教师与学生之间的交往关系,教育关系便不能成立,教育活动便不可能产生。当教师的“独白”替代了师生的对话,当师生间的平等交流遭遇屏障,如何摈除物化的师生关系,建构和谐的师生关系,已成为迫切的问题。文章通过运用现象学中的“回到事实本身”的态度和“生活世界”的理念,在现象学的视角下使教师懂得如何更好的处理教育教学活动中的师生关系,如何以研究者的眼光来关注教育,并针对存在的问题提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

和谐师生关系的构建有利于教学效果的优化和教学目标的完善。其中教师在和谐师生关系的构建中起到极其重要的作用。在新时期,构建和谐师生关系要从提升教师素养及转换其自身角色、树立以学生为本的教育观念两方面入手。随着教师整体素养的提高和教育观念的转变与新时期素质教育的逐步适应,和谐师生关系就会得到有效构建。  相似文献   

进入21世纪的孩子们面临着更多的机遇和挑战,所以社会各界对教育的要求更高,实施素质教育已迫在眉睫.素质教育要求教学教学更重视学生的主体地位,重视数学思想的渗透,重视智力的开发和能力的培养,重视非智力因素的作用.在素质教育的课堂上应体现新的师生关系.  相似文献   


The quality of students’ learning experience depends on the learning activities that their teachers plan prior to classroom delivery. This article characterises the lesson planning practices of a group of 27 mathematics teachers. The questionnaire and the associated information coding and analysis procedures designed for that purpose may be applicable to lesson planning characterisation involving larger groups of teachers and of other disciplines. Some of the study group’s needs and difficulties are established. One of the observations discussed is that planning procedures and criteria tend to be generic rather than specific to the lesson at issue. Another is that these teachers’ vision of planning does not necessarily ensure a coordinated approach to all curricular dimensions.  相似文献   

This paper describes the implementation of extended analysis tasks (EATs) in a required mathematics course for prospective high school mathematics teachers, and investigates the mathematical discovery promoted through engagement with these tasks. Extended analysis tasks are designed to move students beyond the problem context to the underlying mathematical structure of the problem. The results of this study revealed that with careful implementation, these tasks were effective for generating powerful mathematical thinking in preservice mathematics teachers, improving their problem solving, and generally enhancing the habits-of-mind exhibited by successful mathematicians (Carlson & Bloom, 2005).  相似文献   

The use of the history of mathematics in teaching has long been considered a tool for enriching students’ mathematical learning. However, in the USA few, if any, research efforts have investigated how the study of history of mathematics contributes to a person's mathematical knowledge for teaching. In this article, I present the results of research conducted over four semesters in which I sought to characterize what prospective mathematics teachers (PMTs) understand about the topics that they will be called upon to teach in the future and how that teaching might include an historical component. In particular, I focus on how the study and application of the history of solving quadratic equations illuminates what PMTs know (or do not know) about this essential secondary school algebraic topic. Additionally, I discuss how the results signal important considerations for mathematics teacher preparation programs with regard to connecting PMTs' mathematical and pedagogical knowledge, and their ability to engage in historical perspectives to improve their own and their future students' understanding of solving quadratic equations.  相似文献   

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