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A demonstration project on aquatic wildlife protection and sustainable exploitation in the Yangtze Valley was launched by CAS Institute of Hydrobiology (IOH) in cooperation with several local administrative and research bodies on 21 Decembel; 2007 in Wuhan, capital of central China's Hubei Province  相似文献   

Propagation of the herbal medicine resource plant Dracaena cambodiana, a national high-tech industrialization project undertaken by the CAS Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG), has recently passed the acceptance check. Dracaena cambodiana, or t…  相似文献   

Spiesel  Christina 《Metascience》2021,30(3):479-481

In recent decades, many universities have been moving in the direction of a more hierarchical and centralised structure, with top-down planning and reduced local autonomy for departments. Yet, the management literature over this period has stressed the numerous benefits of flatter organisational structures, decentralisation and local autonomy for sections or departments. What might explain this paradox? And why have academics remained strangely quiet about this, meekly accepting their fate? This proposition paper critically examines the dangers of centralised top-down management, increasingly bureaucratic procedures, teaching to a prescribed formula, and research driven by assessment and performance targets, illustrating these with a number of specific examples. It discusses a number of possible forces driving these worrying developments, and concludes by asking whether academics may be in danger of suffering the fate of the boiled frog.  相似文献   

Pasteur’s Quadrant model, published by Stokes in 1997, presents a two-dimensional abstract conceptual framework that proved immensely helpful to study and discuss institutional and policy arrangements in science. However, during the last 10 years the PQ model was also applied in a series of large-scale, survey-based studies worldwide to classify individual modern-day researchers according to their research orientation and performance.This paper argues that such applications are inadequate to capture key characteristics of individual researchers, especially those within the heterogeneous ‘Pasteur type’ group who engage in ‘use-inspired’ basic scientific research. Addressing this shortcoming, Pasteur’s Cube (PC) model introduces a new heuristic tool. Departing from a three-dimensional conceptual framework of research-related activities, the model enables a range of typologies to describe and study the large variety of academics at today’s research-intensive universities. The PC model’s analytical robustness was tested empirically in two interrelated ‘proof of concept’ studies: an exploratory survey among 150 European universities and a follow-up case study of Leiden University in the Netherlands. Both studies, collecting data for the years 2010–2015, applied a metrics-based taxonomy to classify individual academic researchers according to four performance categories: scientific publication output, research collaboration with the business sector, patents filings, and being engaging in entrepreneurial activities.The collective results of both studies provide more clarity on relevant subgroups of use-inspired researchers. The PC model can be used to guide empirical, metrics-based investigations of research activities and productivities, applies this approach to two case studies, and demonstrates the utility of the method while also reinforcing and enriching the growing body of literature showing that cross-sectoral and cross-functional research activities are more scientifically productive than research carried out in isolation of the context of use. Introducing the ‘Crossover Collaborator’ subtype helps to explain why Pasteur type researchers tend to outperform other types of researchers in terms of publication output and citation impact.  相似文献   

This paper raises three objections to the argument presented by Ostritsch in The amoralist challenge to gaming and the gamer’s moral obligation, in which the amoralist’s mantra “it’s just a game” is viewed as an illegitimate rebuttal of all moral objections to (typically violent) video games. The first objection focuses on Ostritsch’s ‘strong sense’ of player enjoyment, which I argue is too crude, given the moral work it is meant to be doing. Next, I question the legitimacy of Ostritsch’s claim that certain video games are immoral. I examine what is involved in making this claim and what would be required for a normative position to be established: none of which is addressed by Ostritsch. Finally, I challenge the legitimacy of his claim that players are obliged not to play certain video games in certain ways (i.e., games endorsing immorality as ‘fun games’). I distinguish between immoral and suberogatory actions, arguing that the latter is in fact more applicable to cases Ostritsch has in mind, and that one is not obliged not to engage in these actions.  相似文献   

CAS researchers have launched a 48.16-millionyuan project to address theeco-environmental setting of Qinghai Lake. Its kick-off meeting was held on 29 and 30 November, 2008, in Xining, capital of northwest China's Qinghai Province.  相似文献   

A research proposal on the evaporative cooling technology of electric turbogenerators has recently received the green light from the National Key Technologies R&D Program.  相似文献   

An agreement for protecting the forest tree germplasm resources was recently signed by the CAS Kunming Institute of Botany (KIB) and theWorld Agro-forestry Center (ICRAF) in Kunming, capital of southwest China's Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

An agreement for protecting the forest tree germplasm resources was recently signed by the CAS Kunming Institute of Botany (KIB) and the World Agro-forestry Center (ICRAF) in Kunming, capital of southwest China's Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

设备是企业生产不可或缺的本质物件,在国家日益重视人身安全和企业安全的大前提下,设备的安全就是企业安全生产重中之重。石化企业的设备安全大的可以影响到企业的生死存亡,因此设备的安全就是企业生存的根本。化工设备在运行和使用过程中出现的任何故障都必须及时处理,如果不能够及时的处理就会出现重大的安全事故或造成企业生产非正常性停车,直接影响着企业的核心竞争力和经济效益。文章探讨关于如何保障与预防设备安全。  相似文献   

20年来,全国各级野生动物保护协会始终坚持“以活动促发展、以发展带活动”的工作方针,坚持面向全社会开展保护野生动物的宣传教育和普及科学知识的活动。举办各类保护野生动物展览,广泛开展社会调查、专业培训、科技咨询等。每年春季的“爱鸟周”和秋冬季节的“保护野生动物宣传月”已经是协会的两个标志性活动,20年来从未间断过,内容一年比一年丰富多彩,规模、  相似文献   

In this study we attempt to answer two questions: Is there a natural way to classify projects and what are the specific factors that influence the success of various kinds of projects? Perhaps one of the major barriers to understanding the reasons behind the success of a project has been the lack of specificity of constructs applied in project management studies. Many studies of project success factors have used a universalistic approach, assuming a basic similarity among projects. Instead of presenting an initial construct, we have employed a linear discriminant analysis methodology in order to classify projects. Our results suggest that project success factors are not universal for all projects. Different projects exhibit different sets of success factors, suggesting the need for a more contingent approach in project management theory and practice. In the analysis we use multivariate methods which have been proven to be powerful in many ways, for example, enabling the ranking of different managerial factors according to their influence on project success.  相似文献   

本文针对目前我国理工科高等院校科学研究与专利权保护的现状 ,提出了 2 1世纪理工科高校应如何适应知识经济发展 ,使高校的科研成果得到法律保护 ,从而形成良性科研循环 ,推动教育事业的全面发展  相似文献   

本文提出对科学基金在遴选技术研究与开发项目时产生的非共识现象,应慎重对待,在进行同行专家评议时要针对技术项目的内容组建评委、根据技术研发项目选择一定数量的非共识项目进行复审、提供预研性资助、在评审者与参评者间建立动态的反馈链、政府与企业共同承担风险等方法。  相似文献   

信息技术的发展促进了我们行政管理手段的创新。各种新技术被应用于政府的日常工作中,一方面它促进了政府信息公开制度的发展,但另一方面却带来了个人信息自决权和公民隐私权受侵害的问题。个人信息的保护在西方主要发达国家已经有大量的制定法并且形成了一些共同的原则,如,目的正当原则,安全完整原则等等。而与此相对照的是我国只有单行法律或者法规中的个别条文涉及个人信息保护,显然我们立法落后于科学技术的发展.在此情况下,笔者提出对法律的基本原则进行解释的方法来解决个人信息保护无法可依的问题,并且提出了正当程序原则,信赖保护原则,公益原则作为我国个人信息保护的指导原则。  相似文献   

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