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跨国教育越来越具有教育外部的经济学、政治学、文化学等方面的意义,也正因为如此,输入国和输出国都希望通过跨国教育来实现特定的政策目标,并主要从获得经济收益、加强能力建设、发展人力资源和增进国际理解四个维度来形成各自不同的发展理念.跨国教育的发展体现了经济价值取向、市场化倾向、边界模糊性和模式创新性等特征,但跨国教育侵蚀教育主权、威胁文化安全、消解教育公益性,并对高等教育质量保障、认证和资格认可方面的制度安排提出了挑战.现阶段,我国应采取积极有效的措施来引导跨国教育健康、稳步的发展.  相似文献   

跨国教育的发展现状与政策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
跨国教育越来越具有教育外部的经济学、政治学、文化学等方面的意义,也正因为如此,输入国和输出国都希望通过跨国教育来实现特定的政策目标,并主要从获得经济收益、加强能力建设、发展人力资源和增进国际理解四个维度来形成各自不同的发展理念。跨国教育的发展体现了经济价值取向、市场化倾向、边界模糊性和模式创新性等特征,但跨国教育侵蚀教育主权、威胁文化安全、消解教育公益性,并对高等教育质量保障、认证和资格认可方面的制度安排提出了挑战。现阶段,我国应采取积极有效的措施来引导跨国教育健康、稳步的发展。  相似文献   

大学英语教师教育是大学英语教学改革的一项重要内容,大学英语教师的专业发展已经受到越来越多的关注。本文通过分析大学英语教师教育的现状及其所面临的问题与挑战,提出更新教学理念、转变传统教学模式、加强专业化建设、培养终身学习的意识和能力等提升大学英语教师素质的方法。  相似文献   

李宝珊 《甘肃教育》2014,(14):94-94
正一、教育信息化的发展现状1.在资源建设方面,开发了基础教育资源库、高等教育精品课程资源库、国家职业教育资源库、职业教育资源建设基地等各级各类教育资源,初步形成了资源建设的有效机制。其中数字图书馆、大学数字博物馆建设走在国际前列。并且移动教育的逐步启动,也大大地扩大了教育的范围。2.在建设标准方面,构筑了现代远程教育技术标准体系  相似文献   

在全球化的背景下,韩国教育正处于冲破闭关的时刻.跨国教育是推进韩国高等教育全球化的重要途径.目前,韩国跨国教育主要有设立分校、大学合作办学、研究生院合作办院、网络教育四种形式.由于韩国跨国教育尚处于起步阶段,其政策并不完善.在跨国教育管理、教育市场、教育公平、教育质量等方面存在隐患.  相似文献   

学生、学校、国家对跨国教育发展的期望不尽相同。从本文所列案例国来看 ,亚太地区跨国教育采取了分校区、联合项目、特许项目、离岸教育机构等形式。根据亚太地区跨国教育发展中存在的问题 ,国际组织和各国政府要重新审视和修订跨国教育协议、制定合理的跨国教育立法管制框架、进一步完善跨国教育质量保障与认证体系 ,以推动跨国教育的发展。  相似文献   

全球化背景下跨国高等教育的产生、发展具有必然性,它在我国的进一步发展是必要和可行的。积极应对跨国高等教育的挑战,要从树立跨国高等教育的历史必然观、正确认识跨国高等教育在促进我国高等教育跨越式发展中的作用、树立新时代的教育主权观、正确看待高等教育的公益性与盈利性、树立高等教育的市场意识、产业意识和服务意识等方面进行教育理念创新。  相似文献   

荣军  李岩 《教育探索》2012,(1):154-156
澳大利亚是世界上高等教育国际化、市场化最为彻底的国家之一.纵观其发展历程,澳大利亚跨国高等教育具有四大特点:准确的市场定位、创新的营销模式、完善的质量保证和优越的法制环境.与此同时,其进一步发展也受到三大问题的掣肘:政府的过度干预、弱化的教育属性以及单一的资金来源.其成功的经验可为我国大学的国际化建设提供借鉴.  相似文献   

发展高等职业教育,是我国教育界的一大热点问题,它将有力推动我国工业化、现代化的发展,对我国城镇化发展、经济结构调整具有重要的意义。本文以我国高等职业教育发展历程为研究的切入点,阐述了我国高等职业教育的发展历程即经过的四个发展阶段,并提出了几点我国高等职业教育未来发展的建议与对策,旨在推动我国高等职业教育的不断发展,为我国的社会主义现代化建设提供高素质的人才保障。  相似文献   

我国中等职业教育发展现状与对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中等职业教育是我国教育事业的重要组成部分.我国中等职业教育经费相对不足,政府及社会重视不够,办学环境和管理体制、综合素质欠佳等是我国中等职业教育发展中存在的突出问题,这些因素导致我国中等职业教育发展态势不稳定且相对落后,远不能适应培养数以亿计高素质劳动者和农村实用人才的重要任务.为此提出发展我国中等职业教育的几点建议.  相似文献   

Ever since the transnational education trend took off since the 1980s, transnational education has come to bearing political, economic and cultural implications. Different approaches have been formulated to achieve specific policy objectives by both importing and exporting countries. Such approaches demonstrate a four dimensional composition, which includes generating economic revenue, boosting capacity building, developing human resources and promoting international understanding. Transnational education is, to a great extent, economically oriented and has now become dominated by market principles. In addition, it is characterized by its borderless nature and the innovation of delivery models. Alongside the opportunities, transnational education tends to erode national educational sovereignty and threatens cultural security of importing countries, undermines the public nature of education, and challenges the existing institutional arrangements for quality assurance, accreditation and qualification recognition in higher education. With recent global education trends in mind, China urgently needs to adopt adequate measures to ensure a sustainable and healthy development of transnational education.  相似文献   

Two main questions are discussed. First, how might transnational corporations contribute to various forms of education in developing countries? Secondly, what measures should states take in education to help them get better advantage from the transnational corporations? Adopting a pragmatic approach, the paper points out that the most important form of education is often the most overlooked, namely, on-the-job training in a range of occupations from low skilled to top management. Although this is indeed supplemented by in-service training programmes, the latter are not always on offer. In general, transnational corporations are interested in education in their host countries only insofar as it affects their own operations. For their part, host country governments have a difficult task. On the one hand they need to educate their young people to be able to take advantage of the technology and expertise made available by the transnational corporations. On the other hand, they need to give them an education which will help them to preserve their culture, despite absorbing the technology and thereby also the culture of foreign firms. More particularly, host countries seem to lack the specialized training, which is necessary for dealing effectively and advantageously with the transnational corporations. In a final note, the paper considers what might happen if a ‘real’ NIEO were introduced.  相似文献   

This paper argues that globalisation has implications for research and theory in the social sciences, demanding that the social no longer be seen as homologous with nation, but also linked to postnational or global fields. This situation has theoretical and methodological implications for comparative education specifically focused on education policy, which traditionally has taken the nation-state as the unit of analysis, and also worked with ‘methodological nationalism’. The paper argues that globalisation has witnessed a rescaling of educational politics and policymaking and relocated some political authority to an emergent global education policy field, with implications for the functioning of national political authority and national education policy fields. This rescaling and this reworking of political authority are illustrated through two cases: the first is concerned with the impact of a globalised policy discourse of the ‘knowledge economy’ proselytised by the OECD and its impact in Australian policy developments; the second is concerned explicitly with the constitution of a global education policy field as a commensurate space of equivalence, as evidenced in the OECD’s PISA and educational indicators work and their increasing global coverage. The paper indicatively utilises Bourdieu’s ‘thinking tools’ to understand the emergent global education policy field and suggests these are very useful for doing comparative education policy analysis.  相似文献   

The establishment of single sex classes in mixed secondary schools has been proposed as a strategy to increase the participation and achievement of girls in physics. This paper reports some findings from a three-year longitudinal case study of two single sex GCSE physics classes in a mixed comprehensive school in England. The results indicate that girls who elected to study physics in a single sex class gain confidence in the subject over the GCSE course, that gain in confidence is associated with better GCSE achievement, and that this increases the likelihood of studying A-level physics.  相似文献   

In Queensland, Australia, the school system is being reformed to be more ‘inclusive’. However, the enthusiasm for ‘inclusive education’ in Queensland seems to be waning amongst practitioners, and the ‘confusion, frustration, guilt and exhaustion’ that has emerged with teachers and support practitioners in the UK is emerging amongst support practitioners and teachers in Queensland. This paper argues that this is happening because inclusive education reforms that intend to provide an equitable education for all students regardless of cultural, physical, social/emotional and behavioural differences are being introduced, but these policies, procedures and structures continue to label, isolate and segregate students within schools in the way in which segregated special education facilities did in the past. Also, new policies and structures are being introduced without practitioners having the time and support to examine critically the underlying assumptions about disability, difference and inclusion that underpin their practices. These reforms need to be reviewed in terms of their effectiveness in achieving their ‘inclusive’ goals, i.e. in terms of the impacts that these reforms are having on the students themselves, and on the educational practitioners who support the students.  相似文献   

While it is common to claim that university reforms are based on universal and standardised ideas about ‘modernising’ the university, few studies have examined in a more coherent way how the combined external pressure for change with respect to the areas of education, research and innovation has affected the university. In this paper it is argued that one can identify three different sets of logics concerning the current external reform agenda, and that these logics together create new challenges as to how knowledge is created, diffused and governed by the university. In the conclusion, it is discussed whether the current pressure for reform might change the university as we know it, or whether new institutional translations might emerge from the process renewing the university while maintaining its identity.  相似文献   

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