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第五讲 短语     
在这一讲里,主要是讲短语。打算分做四个小题来讲,即短语的概念,短语的分类,复杂短语的结构分析,短语和词的划分。一、短语的概念短语是由词和词组合而成的。不论是实词和实词的组合,还是实词和虚词的组合,在新语法体系——《教学提要》中都称之为短语。短语是构成句子的基础。它不仅可以充当各种句子成分,而且大多数短语带上一定的语气、语调,就成为一个句子。短语在整个语法体系中居重要地位。  相似文献   

《中学教学语法系统提要(试用)》 (标题简称为《语法提要》,以下简称为《提要》)把短语分为名词短语、动词短语、形容词短语、主谓短语、介宾短语、复指短语和固定短语等七个基本类型,其中以讲述前三类(名、动、形)为主体。主谓、介宾等短语都具有某些特殊性,因而这个系统确有以简驭繁、提纲挈领的作用。但是,分类标准不统一却是显而易见的:前三类是以功能分类,主谓、介宾、复指短语是结构分类,固定短语却是按词的组合程度划分的一个类别。就隶属的可能性看,三个功能类与其他几类的交叉情  相似文献   

主谓短语的功能分类问题语言学界历来看法不同,本文从语法、语义、语用三方面简要论述主谓短语的功能分类问题,探讨了其个性特征,判定这种短语的功能是谓词性的。  相似文献   

也谈短语的分类———兼与张桂清同志商榷吉林/孙立权《语文教学通讯》1996年第12期张桂清同志的《关于短语分类的探讨》一文(以下简称《探讨》),认为现行九年义务教育初中语文教材对短语按“并列、偏正、动宾、动(形)补、主谓”五类划分属于分类标准不统一,...  相似文献   

短语,是由两个或两个以上的词按照一定的语法关系组合起来的语言单位,又称“词组”、“仂语”。 短语是一个重要的语法单位,是近几年才有的一个新的认识。其一,是与语法教学中的句子成分分析法密切有关的;其二,在汉语中,大多数短语加上一定的语调,就可以成为句子,短语是构成句子的基础。事实上,汉语中句子除了单个词构成的句子外,都是由短语加上语调构成的。诚如张志公主编的《现代汉语》所说:“在汉语的各级组合中,词组一级具有特殊的重要性,汉语的组合到了词组这一级,各种组合方式、组合手段和组合关系都已具备了。”掌握各种短语的结构及其功能是学好语法至关重要的关键。倪宝之等编的《中学教学语法基础》一书也曾指出:“掌握了短语的结构特点,对于其他各级语言单位的特点可以触类旁通。” 目前小教、幼教进修用的《语文基础知识》教材中对短语的分类,根据是1984年1月教育部批准使用的新的教学语法体系——《中学教学语法系统提要(试用)》中所说的:“从性质、功能以及构成情况两个角度对汉语的短语进行了分类。短语的主要类型有:名词短语、动词短语、形容词短语、主谓短语、介宾短语、复指短语和固定短语。”《提要》对“短语”的解释及分类都要比1956年制定的《暂拟汉语教学语法系统》对“词  相似文献   

运用比较分析法,对词类、短语、句法成分、句型等四大组成部分进行比较,得出黄廖本《现代汉语》教材增订四版和增订三版中语法部分的异同。词类方面:改变语法功能定义,纠正不恰当说法,纠正例子错误。短语方面:修改短语小结,关于短语结构类,关于多义短语。句法成分上:主语和话题,关于句法成分分析和例解,补语和宾语的辨别。句型上:对兼语句的分类,增加单句分类小结,主谓谓语句的归类。  相似文献   

由人教社出版的中师语文教科书《现代汉语知识》第二册第四章在论述短语分类这个问题时这样写道:“短语可分为七个主要类型:名词短语、动词短语、形容词短语、主谓短语、介宾短语、复指短语、固定短语。这些类型是从短语的语法功能和短语的内部结构两个角度划分出来的。短语按语法功能分类,能分出名词短语、动词短语、形容词短  相似文献   

主谓短语的功能分类问题语言学界历来看法不同,本文从语法、语义、语用三方面简要论述主谓短语的功能分类问题,探讨了其个性特征,判定这种短语的功能是谓词性的。  相似文献   

本文依据语义关系,对聚会短语作了下位分类,划分出并列短语,承接短语、递过短语、选择短语、转折短语、起止短语六个次类。从语言事实出发,较详尽地描写了这些短语的特点和一些语用问题,探讨了并列短语和选择短语中的模糊语言现像,特别是选择关系中既非相容,又非不相容,而是介乎二者之间的模糊态选择关系。本文还对“同位短语”、“连动式”的归属问题进行了研讨,认为同位短语不具有短语的资格,其后项应作为注释性插入误处理。、“连动式”则可化分为两类:一类归入组合短语里的偏正短语,一类纳入聚合短语里的承接短语。  相似文献   

关于短语,一般语法书都确定了其类别和名称,本就短语的特殊组合,分析一种由词(短语)重叠而成的短语,从而说明短语的分类不能只局限于常规分类。  相似文献   


This paper presents the results of a 7-year research project which was designed to identify the most common market entry processes used by foreign universities entering the Chinese education market through alliances with Chinese counterparts. The research identifies a three-stage entry process which was used by most of the 220 universities studied over this period. Within each stage, there were a variety of options and choices available to university decision makers. The value of the three-stage process discussed in this paper is that it provides new and even existing entrants with a structured process of how to enter the university market in China, based on what other universities have done. The three-stage process discussed in this paper is wide enough to include variations between foreign universities and is therefore reasonably encompassing in its scope and potential applicability and value.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper has three major purposes. The first is to point to the connections between male to male, male to female and adult male to child physical and 'sexual' violence and such matters as masculinity, marginality, sexuality, intimacy and age. The understandings that arise from this discussion will be used to offer an interpretation of the connections between schooling and violence. In this context Alice Miller's ideas about 'poisonous pedagogies' will be applied to schooling. The second purpose of the paper is to identify the major orientations of mainstream, sociocultural and feminist anti-violence pedagogies and to offer an implicit critique of them, drawing from the ideas developed in the first section of the paper and from research about responses to gender reforms in schools. The third purpose of the paper is to identify the contours of an alternative anti-violence pedagogy. This will both draw from the above and from narrative therapy.  相似文献   

This paper considers the role and the aim of education in Rousseau's thinking generally. The position of education is a search between nature and society. Education is the medium between nature and society, and its aim is to undermine the threat of the natural intentions of man's actions to preserve his being and seeking for happiness turning into pathologies of society, which was the main target of Rousseau's critic of society. Achievement of this aim means the recovery of the natural harmony of man. The main concern of this paper is to discuss the solution to this as introduced in E´mile. This is autarchy, where a man's desires and capacities to fulfil those desires are in equilibrium.  相似文献   

本文对过去15年(1998-2012)间国内五种主要外语核心期刊的关于商务英语教学研究的论文做了文献研究统计分析。通过对研究数量、研究内容和研究方法的统计分析,发现:1)研究比较平均;2)研究内容是多方面的;3)研究方法以理论研究为主;4)研究渐趋于理性化。通过对研究结果的分析和归纳,本文发现目前国内商务英语教学研究存在研究数量少、研究广度深度不够等问题。最后尝试指出未来商务英语教学研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

This paper is a reflection on a three-year longitudinal study that explored the development of children’s concept of a substance, for which detailed results concerning children’s understandings have been reported elsewhere. The attention in this paper is on the methodological features related to the longitudinal nature of the study and the insights into pupils’ learning that were afforded by its design. There is, of course, an extensive literature on children’s understandings of scientific ideas, and the nature of conceptual change involved in learning is a contested area. I argue in the paper that longitudinal studies are uniquely placed to inform the debate, and by focusing on this particular study the aim is to demonstrate the kind of contribution that can be made.  相似文献   


Taking its point of departure in the idea that language is never neutral but always coded in the masculine or the feminine (Irigaray), the main purpose of the paper is to explore the gendered coding of Religious Education teaching and how this coding interplays in shaping relationships and knowledge in the classroom. As recent research shows, debates about religion are becoming increasingly aggressive in many Western democracies and Religious Education is not unaffected by this. Drawing on Luce Irigaray’s notion of sexual difference the paper argues that RE tends to have a masculine coding in its overemphasis on beliefs, creeds and concepts. This not only positions both girls and boys as feminine in relation to (masculine) religion, it also fails to offer the more nuanced understanding of religious life so well needed today. The paper is divided into three sections. The first outlines briefly, theoretically and methodologically, the larger study of which this paper is part. The second offers an exposition of Irigaray’s thinking on sexual difference, and the third relates her philosophy to three empirical examples. The paper ends with a summary of the main points of the argument and the implications of language matters for Religious Education teaching.  相似文献   

This paper maintains that post Lave and Wenger VET has overlooked the relation between vocational curricula and workplace practice. The paper attributes this oversight to Kant's legacy in the ‘situated’ tradition in VET and critics of that tradition. The paper argues that when Vygotsky's concept of mediation is allied to the recent work of Robert Brandom and John McDowell, it is possible to formulate a non‐dualisitic conception of the relation between mind and world that goes beyond the Kantian separation of mind and allows us to grasp the interdependency of theory and practice. The paper concludes by outlining the implications of this philosophical and theoretical claim for vocational curriculum and vocational pedagogy.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze and compare two didactical designs for introducing primary school pupils to proportional reasoning in the context of plane polygons. One of them is well-documented in the literature; the other one is based on our own data and is accordingly presented and discussed in more detail in this paper. The two designs come from different cultural and intellectual environments: lesson study in Japan (implicitly based on the “open approach method”) and “didactical engineering” in France (based on the theory of didactical situations). The general aim of our paper is to compare these two environments and their approaches to didactical design, basing our discussion on the concrete designs mentioned above. Clear differences among them are presented, while we also identify links which hold potential for integrating research and practice.  相似文献   

This paper draws on data from a study of a four-year-old child, Gareth, in his first year of formal schooling in England. The aim of the study was to identify the nature of Gareth's literacy practices across home and school spaces. The focus for this paper is an analysis of one aspect of Gareth's home digital literacy practices: his repeated viewings at home of ‘unboxing’ videos on YouTube. These include videos that feature the unpacking of commercial products. It is argued that the child viewer/reader is co-constructed in these practices as cyberflâneur and that this mode of cultural transmission is a growing feature of online practices for this age group in the twenty-first century. The paper addresses issues concerning young children's online practices and their relationship to material culture before analysing the growth of interest in peer-to-peer textual production and consumption in the digital age.  相似文献   

Storyboarding is one common strategy used in teaching young people digital media. This paper argues that in adolescents' literacy practices, they engage in production on the go. The metaphor is described in this paper to put forward the argument that storyboarding can be a retrospective and redundant literacy activity in adolescents' school literacy practices when it is not their inherent practice to engage in a two-step process in digital media production, i.e., design intended to precede production. Drawing on the theoretical underpinnings of New Literacy Studies, this study adopts an ethnographic perspective to gain insights into 10 14-year-old Chinese adolescents' literacy practices in Singapore. Data for this paper were collected over a period of eight months from participant observations, with video-and-audio recordings, semi-structured and in-depth text-elicited group and individual interviews, the adolescents' research diaries and artefacts from their literacy practices.  相似文献   

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