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开放性教学过程的目标取向及其建构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自从教育的开放性作为我国21世纪教育发展的重要命题被提出后,宏观层面上看取得了长足的进步,但从微观层面上看却还存在着诸多的发展瓶颈,教学过程的不开放或不完全开放就是一个很重要的瓶颈,阻滞了整个开放教育的发展。解决这个问题,需重新分析开放性教学过程的目标取向,进一步明确开放学习理念的本质,在此基础上,深入教学实际,从课程管理体系、课程教学内容及结构、课程教学方式与方法和课程学习结果评价机制四个方面具体地提出开放性教学过程的建构意见。  相似文献   

文章首先进行了翻转课堂学习系统的内涵剖析,提出其内涵是基于学生为中心的富媒体、富评价、富协作的教学流程翻转学习环境.进而提出大学翻转课堂学习模式的设计,从大学生机会探寻动机下自主学习意识、大学学科良构与非良构问题解决以及翻转课堂学习环境中知识内化过程等三个方面加以论述.最后提出基于翻转课堂学习模式下的高校学生考试评价的改革,即机会探寻动机下技术资源获取与观看下问题挖掘与理解的分析性报告、非良构问题解决思路的图式展现、基于富协作环境下学生小组合作的开放性任务测评等三种评价方式.  相似文献   

21世纪需要创造型人才,呼唤创造教育,培养的学生必须具有创造能力。思维始于问题,创造力寓于问题的解决过程中。设计开放性问题,进行开放性问题教学,是实施创造教育的一种良好的举措,是培养学生创造能力的一种有效的手段。那么,如何设计开放性问题呢?本人认为设计开放性问题应遵从以下几方面的原则。一、宽广性原则———问题内容的开放性问题内容的开放性是指问题涉及的知识面应当宽广。问题涉及的知识不局限于化学教材,而要涉及日常生活、最新科技动态及其他学科内容。将学生日常生活及社会活动接触过的与化学知识有关的内容加以提炼,设计…  相似文献   

论学习环境中资源、工具与评价的设计   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本从学习环境设计理论与实践的角度,探讨了资源、工具与评价的设计与应用问题。在学习环境设计中,资源是支持任务学习或问题研究的必备条件之一,是需要认真设计的重要构件之一。学习环境中的工具是指学习工具。学习工具是指有益于学习查找、获取和处理信息,交流协作,建构知识,以具体的方法组织并表述理解和评价学习效果的中介。在学习环境设计中,比较注重信息技术作为学习工具的设计与应用。学习环境中的评价与传统的教学评价是不同的。为了真正促进学习能力的发展,学习必须体验解决真实问题的过程,理解复杂的学习任务。因此,评价应当尽可能是基于真实任务的、复杂的、能挑战学习思维过程的,评价的标准能反映多元化的观点和多样化的问题解决方案。  相似文献   

问题解决能力是区分专家与新手的重要特征,在STEM教育中处于重要地位。文章首先通过分析问题解决的学习机制,以Goldilocks Help问题解决工作流为基础,融入反省法、自我提问法,设计了包括理解、分析、规划、执行与评价五个模块的问题解决模型。随后,文章分析了问题解决模型的特点。最后,文章从学习任务设计、学习资源准备、活动过程设计和学习评估设计四方面,对STEM教育背景下学生问题解决能力的培养进行了案例设计。问题解决模型的构建,旨在培养学生的问题解决能力,并推动我国STEM教育的顺利开展。  相似文献   

随着教育评价的多元化发展,"生成性目标"以及由来已久的"生成性教学思想"在网络教育中越来越受到人们的重视和提倡,这也深刻影响着网络学习环境的设计。生成性目标是随着教育过程的展开而生成的目标,是问题解决的结果,强调在学习者与问题情境的交互作用过程中不断地产生出新的目标,是过程取向的目标。生成性目标导向下,学习的"定向点"即为问题解决,网络学习环境设计以问题解决活动为主线,学习资源、学习支持服务、学习共同体、网络学习平台的设计均服务于问题解决活动这一核心。问题解决活动设计可以分为问题情境设计、问题框架设计、问题表征设计、评价方案设计四个基本环节。与此对应,生成性目标导向下的结构化学习资源包括问题情境材料、问题、知识库、背景材料、策略库、问题解决样例、案例库;非结构化资源包括博文、帖子、评论信息、状态记录等。  相似文献   

王刚 《电大理工》2010,(2):42-43
伴随着现代教育技术和现代教育理论在教育教学中的广泛应用,网络课程以过程交互性、资源共享性、信息开放性、学习协作性与自主性等为基本特征,成为网络教学中重要的教学工具。本文以《公务员制度讲座》为例研究框架结构网络课程的资源分析、结构设计与系统实现过程。  相似文献   

南非学校环境教育政策与策略评析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
南非是一个环境问题较严重的国家。结束了种族隔离制度后,南非开始关注环境教育,以此作为解决环境问题的关键策略,并取得了较好的成绩。本文就南非环境教育政策的发展、学校环境教育课程目标、基本策略和途径等方面对南非环境教育的政策与策略作一全面的分析与评价。  相似文献   

随着教育评价的多元化发展,"生成性目标"以及由来已久的"生成性教学思想"在网络教育中越来越受到人们的重视和提倡,这也深刻影响着网络学习环境的设计。生成性目标是随着教育过程的展开而生成的目标,是问题解决的结果,强调在学习者与问题情境的交互作用过程中不断地产生出新的目标,是过程取向的目标。生成性目标导向下,学习的"定向点"即为问题解决,网络学习环境设计以问题解决活动为主线,学习资源、学习支持服务、学习共同体、网络学习平台的设计均服务于问题解决活动这一核心。问题解决活动设计可以分为问题情境设计、问题框架设计、问题表征设计、评价方案设计四个基本环节。与此对应,生成性目标导向下的结构化学习资源包括问题情境材料、问题、知识库、背景材料、策略库、问题解决样例、案例库;非结构化资源包括博文、帖子、评论信息、状态记录等。  相似文献   

教学设计是运用现代学习论与教学心理学、传播学、教学媒体论等相关的理论与技术,来分析教学中的问题和需要,设计解决方法、试行解决方法、评价试行结果并在评价基础上改进设计的一个系统过程。教学设计的结果是形成教学系统实施方案,是教与学的桥梁。幼儿园大班数学教育  相似文献   

Design and evaluation of computer-based open problem solving environments is a non-trivial task. Definition of a design framework, which involves a strong field-evaluation phase, has been the subject of the research described in this paper. This framework is based on the concept of student task modeling. Tools to support design and evaluation have been built and used in the frame of this study. The framework and the developed tools have produced promising results during the evaluation of an open problem-solving educational environment.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a qualitative study which examined students’ problem-solving, metacognition, and motivation in a learning environment designed for teaching educational technology to pre-service teachers. The researchers converted a linear and didactic learning environment into a new open learning environment by contextualizing domain-related concepts and skills and providing ill-structured, collaborative problem-solving opportunities. The intervention called Learning Environments Approaching Professional Situations (LEAPS) took into account issues surrounding motivation and situativity that are of particular interest to instructional developers and design-based researchers. In this study, four classes were assigned as either traditional or LEAPS environments from which four cases were selected for further examination. The results suggested that the LEAPS approach was beneficial in supporting students’ problem-solving, motivation, and self-reflections, but only under specific conditions. The implications for instructional design and motivation are discussed.  相似文献   

We report on the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of a case-based instructional environment designed for learning network engineering skills for cybersecurity. We describe the societal problem addressed, the theory-based solution, and the preliminary testing and evaluation of that solution. We identify an architecture for scaffolding case-based learning for problem-solving to inform design of case-based learning environments.  相似文献   

This paper presents empirical results from an exploratory study conducted in an authentic educational situation with preservice education students enrolled in an undergraduate course, which was partially taught in Second Life. The study investigated the effect of environment design on presence, learning outcomes and the overall experience of the students. Two different educational virtual environments (a traditional university auditorium and an open‐air setting) were designed and presented to different groups of students (n = 51). Results indicate that students' experience from the educational activities, their attitudes toward the environment and the induced sense of presence are not affected by the design of the educational setting. Learning outcomes seem to be slightly better in virtual educational settings that replicate traditional educational settings. Experience shows that undergraduate university classes can be successfully taught in Second Life and such environments elicit satisfaction, positive experiences and attitudes and high levels of social presence from the participants. Course design in a Multi‐User Virtual Environment (MUVE) should take into account the time and training necessary for all students to become familiar with the virtual environment and possible time losses due to technical issues. This study could act as support to construct and test hypotheses regarding the role of educational setting design in teaching and learning in MUVEs.  相似文献   

Cluster analysis is a group of statistical methods that has great potential for analyzing the vast amounts of web server-log data to understand student learning from hyperlinked information resources. In this methodological paper we provide an introduction to cluster analysis for educational technology researchers and illustrate its use through two examples of mining click-stream server-log data that reflects student use of online learning environments. Cluster analysis can be used to help researchers develop profiles that are grounded in learner activity??like sequence for accessing tasks and information, or time spent engaged in a given activity or examining resources??during a learning session. The examples in this paper illustrate the use of a hierarchical clustering method (Ward??s clustering) and a non-hierarchical clustering method (k-Means clustering) to analyze characteristics of learning behavior while learners engage in a problem-solving activity in an online learning environment. A discussion of advantages and limitations of using cluster analysis as a data mining technique in educational technology research concludes the article.  相似文献   


The creation of a Personal Learning Environment (PLE) process. The research project Dipro 2.0 had different objectives, one of which was the creation of a learning environment using Web 2.0 architecture. This was done in three stages: the design of a prototype, an analysis by members of the research team and its evaluation by experts and students. The first environment is a PLE and the second environment contains the learning materials distributed in 14 units. Fifty-seven educational technology experts from different Latin American countries participated in the evaluation of both environments; they were selected from the criterion of expert competence and 284 students from different Spanish universities. The instrument used was created ad hoc, and results confirmed that both environments are positively valued; it is recommended for teacher training.  相似文献   

This paper describes an integrated authoring environment, AIDA (Ambiente Integrado de Desenvolvimento de Aplicações educacionais). It is an open tool, giving the author a high degree of freedom both in package characteristics and design methodologies used. This environment integrates several modules. The core of the design module is a prototyping tool, allowing the creation of evolutionary prototypes. These prototypes can include several types of multimedia components and can be used as part of the final package. The AIDA environment also includes other options that support evaluation, learning materials re-use, communication between authoring team members and translation and cultural adaptation of packages to work in different environments. An experimental version of this authoring environment was implemented and the results of its evaluation are encouraging. In this paper we also present an example of a package created with the AIDA authoring environment.  相似文献   

The use of questionnaires to evaluate educational initiatives is widespread, but often problematic. This paper examines four aspects of an evaluation survey carried out with very able pupils attending out-of-school classes: ethics, design, bias and interpretation. There is a particular focus on the interpretation and analysis of pupils' answers to open questions. Conclusions are drawn from this analysis which will help teachers and others to take a careful and critical approach to their use of questionnaires in educational evaluation.  相似文献   

现代远程教育自主性学习的生态环境初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自主性学习是现代远程开放教育中倡导的一种学习理念。开展现代远程开放教育的教育机构应该构建一个利于自主性学习开展的环境和氛围。可以从情感心理环境、科技人文环境、咨询指导环境、媒体资源环境、网络通讯环境、交互协作环境、课程教学环境和评价激励环境等八个方面构建自主性学习的生态环境。  相似文献   

“任务驱动”网络教学模式旨在给学生提供从学习目标到学习评价的适合个性化学习的完整机制,从而用全新的教育理念指导教学模式、过程管理和教学评价的改革。作为基础性的工作,应使用适当的技术实现该模式的教学和管理平台,从而为研究型课程的开设、形成性考核和实践教学评价提供一种新的手段。  相似文献   

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