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众所周知,在高考各科成绩中,物理学科的平均分历来都是较低的;而在学生当中"物理难学"成为抹不去的阴影。不良的竞争,过大心理压力的长期作用会使青少年的心理承受力不胜负荷,从而产生学习障碍,结果"台阶"的跨越更显艰难。  相似文献   

中学生普遍反映物理难学,其原因是多方面的,现从心理学的角度对中学生学习物理的思维障碍及形成的原因进行分析。  相似文献   

从物理学科特点和自我物理教学实践入手,运用教育学和心理学知识,从7个方面分析新课程背景下高中学生学习物理存在的障碍.  相似文献   

顾庆华  李爱华 《考试周刊》2013,(59):143-144
<正>本文依据物理学习心理学理论及教学策略理论,探索在高中物理教学中从帮助学生突破学习过程中遇到的思维障碍入手,改进教学设计,突出过程教学,提高学习效率的策略。一、问题的提出思维是物理学习过程中最主要的心理活动,也是存在障碍最多的心理活动。思维障碍干扰和阻碍物理思维活动的正常进行,影响学生对物理知识的正确理解,阻碍智力因素和非  相似文献   

<正>新课改之后,高中学生在物理计算方面体现出了很大的差异性。原来在初中时候学生的计算能力一直很强,但是一到高中,物理、物理计算题就成了一大部分学生的滑铁卢。最后导致高考失利,这是我们不愿意看见的事情,下面从四方面阐述这些差异、变化产生的根本原因。1.对学科认知不足人教版高中物理教材是在新课改的旗帜下进行高度改革的产物,在知识技能方面有更简洁、层次分明的特点。在情感、态度和价值观方面,提倡科学精神,关注科学、技术、社会相互  相似文献   

祁干 《考试周刊》2013,(96):123-123
初中物理的教学内容比较贴近生活,喜欢学习物理的学生成绩往往都很好。但是一进入高中,好像仅凭学习兴趣已经不够了,学生的成绩开始有了分化,而且有一种具有代表性的现象,有些很勤奋的学生往往物理成绩平平;而有些学生看似轻轻松松却成绩突出。其实究其原因,是很多学生没能形成自己的物理思维(即学习方法),所以要提高物理学习效率,要重视学生的物理思维发展,即物理思维的开启、培养和巩固,以及构建物理模型。  相似文献   

高中物理教师应当从自身的教学实际情况出发,灵活而能动地采取符合学生认知规律的教育教学手段。如此,方能在最大限度维持学生对物理学习的兴趣的基础上,切实推动高中物理课堂教学效果的优化与改善。  相似文献   

"质疑"是思维的开端,勇于、勤于、善于质疑是一种良好的思维习惯,是学生提高学习能力的基础,是创新学习的关键,是创造的基础。质疑能力是构成人的素质的重要因素,在强调素质教育的今天,教育的目的在于各种能力的培养。教学过程中培养学生的质疑能力,比获取知识本身更为重要。科学发明创造无疑是从质疑开始,解疑入手的。物理学的发展源于质疑,质疑能力的提高可促进科学的发展,同时可推动社会的进步。在质疑的过程中能使学生的思维品质得到很好的培养。  相似文献   

<正>高中物理对大多数人来说是很难学的,这是毋庸置疑的。整个高中物理是比较抽象的,而且都是定量的,计算要求比较高,所以要学好高中物理,正确的方法与技巧是必不可少的,甚至是致命的,对此作为一名物理教师,笔者针对物理计算能力如何提升的问题谈谈自己的观点:1.全面、深入、准确地理解物理概念、物理规律物理学科的知识点都是有规律的,例如:对力的概念的理解包括对具体的力(重力、弹力、摩擦力、电场力、安培力、洛仑  相似文献   

童海燕 《考试周刊》2013,(82):142-143
本文主要浅析了高中学生在学习物理过程中存在的心理问题,通过运用心理学、教育学原理分析存在的问题,探讨这些问题的解决方法。  相似文献   

高中物理教育总是学生生涯中很重要的一步,怎样走好这一步、如何走这一步成为很多教学工作者的研究讨论目标。从教师和学生不同的身份考虑,实现这一目标应分别从这两者入手,学生和教师的关系本是相辅相成的,因而让教师来做这个火车头去引导学生,学生则成为车厢在教师的带领下跟着教师的节奏从自身去提炼出更好的自己。  相似文献   

调查都匀某中高一物理学生学习困难因素。自拟高一物理学习困难因素调查问卷,并对2009级高一年级523名学生进行调查。结果:学习方法不正确列致困因素之首,占71.9%。其它因素依次为:学习目的不明确50.5%;学习动机不明确,学习态度不端正49.7%;基础太差,听不懂老师讲课35.8%;初中物理难学,对高中物理学习产生恐惧心理35.0%;对物理不感兴趣32.3%;思维方式、记忆能力、理解能力、认知方式差31.0%等。高一物理学习困难的因素是多方面的,存在于教和学的各个环节,只有有的放矢,才能使学生获得较好的学习成绩。  相似文献   

Educators and psychologists have evidence that students’ conceptions of learning have a profound influence on the learning process, and thus are related to learning outcomes. The purpose of this paper was to explore the conceptions of learning science held by 120 Taiwanese high school students. The interview data gathered from these students, analysed by a phenomenographic method, revealed seven categories of conceptions of learning science, including: learning science as memorizing, preparing for tests, calculating and practising tutorial problems, the increase of knowledge, applying, understanding, and seeing in a new way. The educational contexts or curricular programmes in which these high school students enrolled also played a role in their conceptions of learning science. This study finally proposed a framework to describe the variations of the conceptions of learning science, consisting of the following features: the forms of knowledge acquisition, motivational orientations, and standards of evaluating learning outcomes. How to change students’ unfruitful conceptions of learning science was also discussed.  相似文献   

The academic performance of minority high school students, particularly in urban inner-city settings, is of great interest to educators and individuals concerned with the academic development of these students. It is widely recognized that in order to positively influence academic achievement related factors such as learning and study behavior, motivation, attitudes, self-concept, and other pertinent psychosocial characteristics should also be targeted for positive change. The present study compared 20 sophomore students who participated in a special program and 128 of their nonprogram peers on achievement and related measures. The program at a target high school was structured to positively impact achievement, as well as related student behavior and attributes. Significant differences were found on achievement, attendance, learning and study behavior and skills, self-concept, and other pertinent psychosocial attributes.  相似文献   

The Piagetian model of intelligence consists of the elements of content, mental structures and mental functioning. While the first two elements are said to be variants, the third element is described as invariant. Mental functioning begins with a process called assimilation which promotes disequilibrium and, in reestablishing equilibrium, the learner accommodates to what was assimilated. The assimilation-disequilibrium-accommodation process has been labeled adaptation which Piaget described as the accord of thought with things. The newly-acquired ideas (or concepts) are next organized with other knowledge; Piaget described that organization process as the accord of thought with thought. While the Piagetian mental functioning model has been available for some time, empirical evidence that the model actually did or did not function was not found. Teaching and curriculum development procedures were extracted from the mental functioning model and a twelfth-grade physics course was so organized and taught. Naturalistic data collected from individual student interviews and in-class discussions were used to evaluate the hypothesis that mental functioning and the factors which compose it are integral parts of the learning process.  相似文献   

基于高中生物理学习中存在"忽视物理观念形成的内在逻辑""挤占科学思维形成的时间空间""丧失对科学探究过程的乐趣兴趣"和"缺失科学态度与责任培养的意识与行动"等问题,本文以高中物理学科基地为场馆,采用以具身式体验,课题式探究,驱动式创造为主要特征的场馆式学习方式,引导学生养成良好的物理核心素养。  相似文献   

School reform proposals have urged that schools provide students with an enhanced sense of community, especially for at-risk youth belonging, is thought to be crucial. Given their high rate of school drop out, school membership holds special relevance for students with learning disabilities (LD). Thirty-seven mainstreamed students with LD and an equal number of nondisabled (ND) high school students were compared on five dependent variables: grades, time spent on homework, Scholastic Competence, Global Self-Worth, and school membership. School membership was assessed by Goodenow's (1993) Psychological Sense of School Membership (PSSM) scale. ND students reported higher grades and more favorable ratings of Scholastic Competence, while groups did not differ significantly on time on homework or Global Self-Worth. Also, contrary to the author's hypothesis, the groups did not differ on the PSSM. These findings are attributed to either the small size of the school in which the study was conducted or to the supportive nature of special education (i.e., resource room). Future studies are required to understand the development of school membership among students with LD. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(1):142-158

A high failure rate at first year physics is often attributed to the lack of readiness of high school students to pursue such studies. This research explores this issue and reports on the perceptions of five physics lecturers at a South African university on the preparedness of high school students for first year physics. Qualitative data was collected through in-depth, non-directive, semi-structured interviews and analyzed for emerging themes using the Atlis.ti software. Readiness factors that were identified included the ability to engage with physics problems qualitatively rather than merely assuming an algorithmic approach, having a sound understanding of basic physics concepts, and competence in reading and speaking the scientific language. Other factors related to personal attributes and behavior and these were work ethic, perseverance, working independently and time management. These findings and their implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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