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Collaboration between practitioners and researchers can increasingly be observed in research and development (R&D) projects in secondary schools. This article presents an analysis of cross-professional collaboration between teachers, school leaders and educational researchers and/or advisers as part of R&D projects in terms of three dimensions: reasons for collaboration, the division of roles and tasks, and the communication structure. Data were collected in interviews with participants from 12 Dutch projects, from documents and from meetings with participants. The results show that the parties involved can have the same reasons for cross-professional collaboration but that the external educational experts may also have additional objectives. Roles and tasks were divided in different ways, depending on who directs and guides the research and development, and whether teachers were involved as teacher researchers in the project. The communication structure appeared to be linked to the division of roles and tasks, but also to the number of participants in the project. The three dimensions proved to be valuable viewpoints to study cross-professional collaboration in R&D projects in Dutch secondary education. Furthermore, we distinguished four types of cross-professional collaboration in R&D projects. These types differ in the extent to which the school or the external party direct and guide the project: (a) School-directed collaboration; (b) School- and researcher-directed collaboration; (c) School- and adviser-directed collaboration; (d) Researcher-directed collaboration. Our findings can support participants to consciously choose a particular type of cross-professional collaboration that fits their purposes and specific situation.  相似文献   


This article examines the development of reading and mathematical competence in early secondary education and aims at identifying distinct profiles of competence development. Since reading and mathematical competences are highly correlated both cross-sectionally and longitudinally, we expected to find a generalized profile of competence development with students developing parallel in reading and mathematical competences. Moreover, previous research confirmed individuals’ specific focus on one of the two domains, for example, in their interest, self-concept, or motivation. Also, differences in competence levels between both domains were found in cross-sectional studies. Therefore, we hypothesized that additional to the generalized profile, there are specialized profiles of competence development with students developing distinctively faster in one of the two domains. To identify both types of profiles, latent growth mixture modeling was used on a sample of 5,301 students entering secondary education from the German National Educational Panel Study. To demonstrate the robustness of the results, these analyses were repeated using different model specifications and subgroups with higher homogeneity (with students belonging to the highest track, i.e., “Gymnasium”). The results indicate only small to non-existent specialized profiles of competence development in all conditions. This finding of roughly parallel development of reading and mathematical competences throughout early secondary education indicates that potential specializations are less important at this point in students’ educational careers.


This paper focuses on a graduate-level teacher education course intended to facilitate teachers' understanding of the relationship between theory and practice. Teachers developed metaphors grounded in their personal histories as learners and educators. Four cases studies are described in depth, four cases are summarized, and a cross-case analysis is presented. Many struggled with metaphor development, but all found it valuable for linking their cognition and practice. Common themes included influence of school context, learning history, and a stronger influence of teaching history with increased years of experience. The metaphors were not strongly associated with subject matter, rather they more closely linked with their views of teaching and learning.  相似文献   

发展中等职业教育,不但有利于社会的团结稳定,有利于解决广大初中后青少年的谋生技能问题,更是满足国家经济结构调整中对大量技术型劳动力需求的重要途径;本文尝试探讨了中职教育服装表演专业面临的困境,并提出了解决困难的一些建议。  相似文献   

This study analyzed the planning and placement decisions of the Educational Placement and Planning Committees for 973 students in the State of Michigan. An attempt was made to determine if evidence suggesting a socioeconomic bias in placement existed. Data included students from five categories: learning disabled (N = 323), educable mentally impaired (N = 163), emotionally impaired (N = 83), otherwise impaired (N = 70), and nonimpaired (N = 334). No statistically significant differences that would indicate an SES bias were found. However, other factors (sex, age, intelligence, location of district) may contribute substantially to special education placement. Significant agreement was found between school psychologists and teacher consultants with respect to placement decisions. Results are discussed in terms of the apparent absence of any socioeconomic bias in team decision making.  相似文献   

从中等职业教育的战略导向、办学经费筹集和投入、微观运作体系三部分出发,详细地论证了中职教育在我国未来发展的前景和具体办学方式,针对思想观念、具体运作模式、创新模式建立等方面提出了解决措施。  相似文献   

Education in Brazil has been profoundly affected by populism, a movement which extols the virtue of the oppressed classes and opposes the traditional teacherstudent relationship. This movement has antecedents in nineteenth-century Russian writers such as Herzen and Bakunin. The author shows how populist ideas, often merging with Marxism, were adopted by many Brazilian Catholics from the 1950s onwards, under the influence of Vieira Pinto, Paulo Freire and others. In the realm of education this often led to an extreme form of anti-authoritarianism. While not denying certain positive aspects of this movement, the author argues that its position is fundamentally self-contradictory.
Zusammenfassung In Brasilien wurde die Bildung tiefgreifend vom Populismus beeinflußt, einer Bewegung die die Tugenden der unterdrückten Schichten herausstellt und die traditionelle Lehrer-Schüler Beziehung verurteilt. Diese Bewegung geht auf die russischen Schriftsteller des 19. Jahrhunderts wie Herzen und Bakunin zurück. Der Autor zeigt auf, daß viele brasilianische Katholiken seit Beginn der 50er Jahre unter Einfluß von Schriftstellern wie Vieira Pinto und Paulo Freire populistische Ideen im Einklang mit Marxismus aufgriffen. Im Bildungsbereich führt dies oft zu einer Extremform des Anti-Autoritarismus. Der Autor argumentiert, daß die Bewegung trotz gewisser positiver Aspekte fundamentale Widersprüche in sich birgt.

Résumé L'éducation au Brésil a été affectée en profondeur par le populisme, un mouvement qui exalte les valeurs des classes opprimées et s'oppose à la relation traditionnelle entre l'enseignant et l'apprenant. Ce mouvement puise sa source dans les thèses d'écrivains russes du XIXe siècle tels que Herzen et Bakunin. L'auteur décrit la façon dont les idées populistes, se mêlant fréquemment au marxisme, ont été reprises par de nombreux catholiques brésiliens à partir des années 50, sous l'influence de Vieira Pinto, Paulo Freire et autres. Dans le domaine de l'éducation, ce fait s'est souvent traduit par un anti-autoritarisme extrême. Sans pour autant en nier certains aspects positifs, l'auteur démontre que ce mouvement se contredit lui-même dans les positions qu'il défend.

Sumario La educación en Brasil ha sido profundamente afectada por el populismo, un movimiento que ensalza las virtudes de las clases oprimidas y rechaza la relación maestro-alumno tradicional. Sus antecedentes se remontan a escritores rusos del siglo XIX, entre ellos Herzen y Bakunin. La autora muestra cómo las ideas populistas, que se funden a veces con las del marxismo, fueron tomadas desde los años 50 por los católicos brasileños, a su vez influenciados por pensadores como Vieira Pinto y Paulo Freire. En el campo de la educación, esto ha conducido, a menudo, a formas exageradas del antiautoritarismo. Sin negar ciertos aspectos positivos del populismo, el artículo sostiene que sus posiciones son fundamentalmente contradictorias.

The basic pattern of contemporary secondary education in Japan was laid down in the years immediately after the Second World War. Secondary education is divided into a lower and an upper stage. The main characteristic of the lower stage is the combination of compulsory subjects and elective subjects. This article shows how the attempt to organise upper secondary education along American lines with comprehensive high schools controlled by elected school boards has given way to a structure more in keeping with Japanese needs. However, co-education in upper secondary schools has taken firm root in Japan. The article concludes with a list of major policy issues in Japanese secondary education today.  相似文献   

随着我国教育改革步伐的明显加快,处在基础教育阶段的小学教育,要求普其提供合格教师的呼声日趋强烈,这就要求中等师范教育在现有改革的基础上,除少数经济欠发达在近期还要重点继续办好一批事等师范外,其他地区要加大改革力度,有条件的中等师范可以自2我升格,不具备条件的中等师范,要与师范专科学校进行实质性合并,还有一部分要进行转型钷撤消。到2000年,全国基本实现三级师范向两级师范的过渡。  相似文献   

学前教育是终身教育的基础,是我国教育体系中必不可少的组成部分。随着我国社会经济的快速发展,人们对中职院校学前教育专业的关注也越来越高,我国政府及有关部门提出,要大力发展中职院校学前教育专业的建设,培养大学生的综合能力和素质。本文着重从我国中职院校学前教育专业课程开设的依据,目前发展中面临的问题进行研究,并提出几点建议。  相似文献   

中高职衔接——职业教育可持续发展之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党的十五届五中全会,为我国的社会经济发展指明了方向、目标和任务,从新世纪开始,我国将全面进入建设小康社会和加快推进现代化进程的新的发展阶段,在这样背景下,选择正确的职业教育发展战略,使职业教育成为经济增长和社会稳定的有成效、有效率的推动力,具有十分重要的意义,本文将从中等职业教育与高等职业教育衔接的角度,就职业教育可持续发展的问题提出一些建议。  相似文献   


This Editorial to the current collection provides a brief historical, cultural, regional and contemporary picture of environmental education research in Brazil. Its main purpose is to offer readers a short background and orientation to the collection, and in so doing, illustrate how its contributions relate to some wider tendencies, trends and issues in environmental education, as well as to different locales of research and knowledge generation in the country. Of particular note for environmental education in Brazil are: the effects of social and political backdrops and issues, the unique environments on which environmental education is grounded, and how environmental education research, in turn, may echo or influence particular educational and public policies.  相似文献   

本文分析了三个不同典型的中小学信息技术教育网站,总结出中小学信息技术教育网站发展的现状,提出相应的建议,并设下一个针对中小学信息技术网站的评价量表。  相似文献   

概述了在化学基础教育中,应树立辩证唯物主义思想,科学方法思想,中心、实用、创造性科学的化学思想,科学认识和处理化学与社会的关系的化学思想,以及通过这些化学思想进行科学素养教育的重要性.  相似文献   

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