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桑原骘藏是日本近代著名的东洋史学京都学派的学者,其研究在学术上有重要的地位和影响,但目前对其研究甚少。本文对桑原骘藏的生平,其主要研究成果,学术界对桑原骘藏的研究情况进行概要介绍,以形成对桑原骘藏最初步的了解和认识。  相似文献   

桑原骘藏是20世纪日本著名的东洋史学家,其学术研究以严谨著称,并取得了很高的成就。桑原骘藏的历史观、中国观与同时期京都学派的很多学者差异较大,在京都学派中独树一帜,可谓日本东洋史学家中的一个"另类"。  相似文献   

白鸟库吉东洋史学研究的学术背景源于西方,研究方法受德国史学家路得维格.里斯影响,注重考据与实证,而纵观其整个学术历程,满鲜历史地理调查部的相关工作构建了其东洋史学研究的最初框架。本文将就满鲜历史地理调查部的设立过程与白鸟库吉东洋史学理念的发端、取得的成果与白鸟库吉东洋史学泰斗地位的确立、运作过程对白鸟库吉东洋史学研究的影响等方面进行探讨,力图廓清满鲜历史地理调查部与白鸟库吉的东洋史学研究之间的联系。  相似文献   

段艳 《文教资料》2009,(33):99-101
休谟是英国启蒙时期著名史学家,其历史著作有《英国史》、《宗教的自然史》;文章有《论历史学习》、《论古代国家的人口稠密》等。休谟史学思想的渊源包括早期教育的熏陶、古典史学传统的浸染.大陆理性主义的影响、本土经验主义的泽被.以及18世纪“史学群落”的濡染。修昔底德、培尔、伏尔泰诸多史家为其提供了实践法则;西塞罗、培根、牛顿等人为其提供了方法论。休谟在独立思考中融冶诸家于一心,构建起自己的史学体系。  相似文献   

首都师范大学副校长刘利民教授授予上田正昭先生客座教授证书一、何谓“上田史学”“上田史学”是指上田正昭博士的史学理论和方法以及影响。上田正昭先生1927年生于日本兵库县 ,先后毕业于国学院大学和京都大学。毕业后在中学任教 ,不久即转职任教于京都大学 ,1969年获京都大学文学博士。退职后连任二届大阪女子大学校长。学术职务有 :亚洲史学会(会员分布于中国、日本、韩国、蒙古等国)会长 ,日本世界人权问题研究中心理事长等。上田正昭先生还是一位神职在身的宗教家 ,是龟冈小幡神社的继承人 ,现为宫司。上田正昭先生著述等身…  相似文献   

黄宗羲的史学思想是当时社会巨变和学术渊源两者相互激荡的结果。从学术渊源上看.黄宗羲的史学思想主要来源于阳明蕺山之学、朱子之学和宋代浙东先贤。黄氏是王学传人,他的等经重史的思想.正是受了阳明“经亦史”、“史亦经”思想的启发。他所具有的独立思考、善于怀疑的史学精神.则来源于刘蕺山。黄氏不为王学所围.又吸纳了朱熹学说中“先经后史”、“经本史用”的史学思想,但同时又表现出与朱采史学精神的极大差异。黄氏史学中最有价值的经世致用的一面,则导源于宋代渐东金华、永嘉、永康诸先贤。黄氏吸纳诸家史学思想之长,结合17世纪社会现实,铸成了自身通达明识的史学体系。  相似文献   

史学编辑扩大学术视野的渠道是广阔的,主要应当把握和了解学术研究的前沿信息,以确定所编章的学术价值;史学编辑还应当积极参加史学学术讨论会,了解最新的学术动态;史学编辑更应当积极从事科研活动。  相似文献   

罗尔纲与史学研究会同仁在研究、生活中结下的深厚友谊,成为他们潜心治学的巨大动力,化为学苑中丰硕的研究成果。考察罗尔纲与史学研究会成员的学术交往,有助于现当代史学研究的开展。  相似文献   

教育史学的学术功能与社会功能   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
教育史学的功能可分为学术功能和社会功能两大类。学术功能包括记载、寻真、传承历史文化和发展教育科学四个方面;社会功能涵盖借鉴、育人、指导、优化教育科研能力四个层次。学术功能是社会功能的前提和基础,学术功能的有无、大小、性质制约甚至决定着社会功能的有无、大小、性质;社会功能是学术功能的自然归属与延伸,社会功能引导或规定着学术功能的作用方向和趋势;社会功能还是衡量和检验其学术功能的重要尺度。  相似文献   

由北京师范大学史学理论与史学史研究中心、大连大学中国古代社会与思想文化研究中心、大连大学人文学部联合主办的史学批评与史学文化学术研讨会是一次成功的学术盛会。与会代表们主要围绕史学批评和史学文化两个议题展开了广泛的交流,从多方面总结了史学批评的成就,探讨了史学批评发展的途径和前景,也从多角度审视了史学文化的影响和意义。  相似文献   

Chevalère  J.  Cazenave  L.  Wollast  R.  Berthon  M.  Martinez  R.  Mazenod  V.  Borion  M. C.  Pailler  D.  Rocher  N.  Cadet  R.  Lenne  C.  Maïonchi-Pino  N.  Huguet  P. 《European Journal of Psychology of Education - EJPE》2023,38(1):287-309
European Journal of Psychology of Education - There is today ample evidence that academic achievement depends on individual disparities in socioeconomic status (SES), working memory (WM) and...  相似文献   

How history is learnt and taught must to some extent be shaped by conceptions of what history is. Historians tend to conceptualize what something is by investigating what it has been and what it has meant in different contexts. This article explains how a debate in the philosophy of history between positivism and intentionalism provided the context for history to be defined as a distinct school subject. It traces the epistemological underpinnings of history pedagogy over the past century, illuminating the close relationship between attempts in the philosophy of history to defend history’s disciplinary autonomy and the formulation of a disciplinary model of school history education. Eschewing a one-way account from the philosophy of history to the school history classroom, it attributes the interest of leading history educationalists to use philosophical analyses of history to an educational paradigm eager to distil the disciplinary essence of the school subjects. At the interface of academic history, school history and the philosophy of history, it describes a process whereby these separate threads became part of a common fabric, shaping conceptions of what it means and what it takes to be educated in history.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the height premium for academic outcomes is driven by unequal opportunities for tall individuals. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health, this paper shows that taller individuals typically earn higher grades and attain more schooling, but the associations are not uniform across school size. Height is only associated with better outcomes for students attending large schools and these improvements are concentrated among males. Data suggest that height contributes more to sports participation and school satisfaction in large schools where resources are more scarce. Thus, differential opportunities or treatment across height in large schools may drive the performance differences.  相似文献   

This review integrates 12 years of research on the relationship between academic self-efficacy and university student's academic performance, and known cognitive and motivational variables that explain this relationship. Previous reviews report moderate correlations between these variables, but few discuss mediating and moderating factors that impact this relationship. Systematic searches were conducted in April 2015 of psychological, educational, and relevant online databases for studies investigating academic self-efficacy and performance in university populations published between September 2003 and April 2015. Fifty-nine papers were eligible. Academic self-efficacy moderately correlated with academic performance. Several mediating and moderating factors were identified, including effort regulation, deep processing strategies and goal orientations. Given the paucity of longitudinal studies identified in this review, further research into how these variables relate over time is necessary in order to establish causality and uncover the complex interaction between academic self-efficacy, performance, and motivational and cognitive variables that impact it.  相似文献   

Evidence that childhood maltreatment is associated with emotional and behavioral problems throughout childhood suggests that maltreatment could lead to impaired academic performance in middle and high school. This article explores these effects using data on siblings. An index measure of the intensity of childhood maltreatment was included as a covariate in multivariate analyses of adolescents' risk for school performance impairments. Family fixed effects were used to control for unobservables linked to family background and neighborhood effects. More intense childhood maltreatment was associated with greater probability of having a low GPA (P=0.001) and problems completing homework assignments (P=0.007). Associations between maltreatment intensity and adolescent school performance were not sensitive to model specification. Additional analyses suggested that maltreatment effects are moderated by cognitive deficits related to attention problems. The implications of these findings for educators and schools are discussed.  相似文献   

医史文献是晋升中医境界的入门学问,其研究范畴主要是古籍。医史侧重于从时间维度来认识古籍内容的纵向传承演变脉络与规律,文献则注重从空间维度来认识古籍内容的横向时代价值。欲求古籍内容的科学诠释,应当从医史与文献两个维度进行研究。医史文献在中医学术的发展过程中,始终起着承前启后的载道作用;从研习中医的角度而言,医史文献学也始终具有登堂入室的传道作用。  相似文献   

Past research indicates that the family plays an important role in academic outcomes. This is an important topic for unequal family contexts such as those in Mozambique. The objective of this study is to explore the influence of family on academic performance and to determine whether self-efficacy and perceived progression mediate this relationship among university students in Mozambique. Testing these influences was proposed to be done through path analysis. The study involved 202 Mozambican university students aged 18 and 58 years (M = 28.36, SD = 8.16, Mdn = 26). Participants were measured on socio-demographic family characteristics, family values and beliefs, family expectations and family support, self-efficacy, goal progress, and academic performance. Overall, the results show that the family did indeed influence academic performance through academic self-efficacy and perception of progress toward academic goals. However, self-efficacy was less influenced by the information provided but more associated with support from material resources. Implications for practice involve interventions aimed to improving family support, which can act as a filter against negative contextual influences. Future research would benefit from exploring other contextual influences, such as those of colleagues and teachers, and their effect on self-efficacy.  相似文献   

殖民主义是世界近现代史上重要的历史现象,史家对它的研究主要集中于其定义、产生原因、统治形式、历史分期和历史评价等方面。学者们见仁见智,争论激烈。  相似文献   

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