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This article presents Parsons' extensive method of assessment and reviews its incorporation of the developing science of psychometrics in the early decades of this century. The utility of self-assessment, also advocated by Parsons, is discussed. It concludes that the validity of Parsons' fundamental ideas, although greatly elaborated in the past 80 years, is affirmed.  相似文献   

Summary What was only an idea 15 years ago is now accepted practice and an essential component of career guidance programs. Quality information, flexible delivery systems, and active user services are fundamental components of systematic career information development, delivery, and use. In Oregon, a consortium management structure has made it possible for the Career Information System to serve a varied user base.The future lies in the same general directions. There are still millions of people who need but do not have ready access to useful career information. On the other hand, coordinated data is increasingly available; lower cost and more user-oriented information media are making computerized career information systems feasible for more organizations; and there is increasing evidence that user-controlled organizations such as the career information consortium are effective in helping agencies and institutions provide the career information that people need.Bruce McKinlay is Executive Director, Career Information System, University of Oregon.  相似文献   

Conclusion To say we are living in the information age is now a cliche, yet phrases often become cliches because they encapsulate a complex idea in an easily understood and remembered manner. Certainly, counselors have more information for their clients than ever before. Computer-based systems, video recorders, videodiscs, and fax machines greatly increase the power of the counselor to inform. However, the role of the counselor goes beyond informing to facilitating the growth of attitudes and behaviors associated with healthy, productive, autonomous lives. A crucial aspect of this facilitation is helping people use information so that for each individual it becomes the knowledge he or she needs in life.It is hoped that the model of self, search, and synthesis provides a way of looking at clients and information that is helpful to counselors. In the poem with which this article began, the seeker does have a fleeting moment of sight beyond the surface picture. Although it does not last, the seeker is able to conclude, perhaps triumphantly, For once, then, something.Deborah Perlmutter Bloch is Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Baruch College, City University of New York, 17 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York, 10010.  相似文献   

Conclusions In this study, support for the CIDS in use in New York State emerged from each of the user groups—principals, counselors, students, and parents. There are, however, two areas of future work that emerged from the results of this study which may be applicable on a broader basis. The first deals with the information content of the CIDS. The second relates to its increased utilization.Counselors did not give overwhelmingly high marks to the content of systems. Although counselors can do their part by letting the developers know what is good and what is not good, the responsibility lies primarily with developers and state providers to incorporate current, locally relevant information at the level of detail most appropriate for the user.Spreading the use of CIDS in a school beyond its provision for individual college and career counseling will not only help in making school more relevant to the students' life-careers, but will also provide increased access to the information and the computer for those students who might not otherwise seek it. School personnel can reexamine practices to see that full use of the CIDS resource is being made. System developers can work on the identification of model programs and the dissemination of information about them to their sites. It is hoped that with the increasing availability of microcomputers in schools, not only in guidance offices, but in laboratories and classrooms, such uses will continue and spread.Deborah Perlmutter Bloch, Ph. D., is an Assistant Professor of Educational Administration, Department of Education, Baruch College, City University of New York.Joyce Ford Kinnison is a consultant in Cary, North Carolina.This study was conducted as part of the project, Evaluating Computerized Career Information Systems for Use with Occupational Education Curricula, sponsored by the New York State Education Department and the New York State Occupational Information Coordinating Committee. Funding was provided by the Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act.  相似文献   

Conclusion The ever increasing demands on guidance and counseling programs has added new responsibilities to the tasks of the counselor specifically in the area of career development. Along with this increase in responsibility, the issue of accountability has been added. Career information delivery systems assist the counselor in meeting the need for accurate, relevant occupational and educational information that can be disseminated in a timely efficient manner. Therefore, CIDS should be a vital part of all comprehensive career guidance and counseling programs.Mary Elizabeth McCormac is an Occupational Information System Specialist, National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee, Washington, D.C.  相似文献   

The present article explores major challenges facing career psychology, specifically within the field of career education. Several issues are identified including the need for more effective links between theory and practice, the movement towards constructivist theories and the related challenges of applying such theories. These issues are explored within the context of the reformulation of career education and through the lens of the constructivist Systems Theory Framework of career development and its applied activity, the My Systems of Career Influences.
Zusammenfassung “My System of Career Influences”: Eine Antwort auf Herausforderungen für den Berufswahlunterricht. Dieser Artikel untersucht wesentliche Herausforderungen für die Berufspsychologie, insbesondere auf dem Gebiet des Berufswahlunterrichts. Mehrere Aspekte werden angesprochen, unter anderem der Bedarf für wirkungsvollere Verknüpfungen von Theorie und Praxis, den Trend zu konstruktivistischen Theorien und der Anwendung solcher Theorien. Diese Aspekte werden untersucht vor dem Hintergrund einer Neuformulierung der Berufswahlvorbereitung, sowie aus dem Blickwinkel des konstruktivistischen System-Theorie-Modell (Systems Theory Framework) und dessen Anwendungskonzept, dem ″My Systems of Career Influences” (Meine Systematik für Berufswahl-Einflüsse).

Resumen Mi Sistema de Influencias sobre la Carrera: Respuesta a los Retos que afronta la Educación para la Carrera. El presente artículo explora los principales retos a los que se enfrenta la psicología de la carrera, en concreto dentro del campo de la educación para la carera. Se identifican varias cuestiones tales como la necesidad de vínculos más efectivos entre la teoría y la práctica, el movimiento hacia teorías constructivistas y los retos derivados de la aplicación de dichas teorías. Estas cuestiones se abordan dentro del contexto de reformulación de la educación para la carrera y a través del lente del marco constructivista de la Teoría de Sistemas del desarrollo de la carrera y su aplicación práctica, Mi Sistema de Influencias sobre la Carrera.

Résumé Mon Système d’Influences sur la Trajectoire Vocationnelle: une réponse aux défis lancés à l’éducation au choix vocationnel. Le présent article explore les défis majeurs lancés à la psychologie vocationnelle, en particulier dans le champ de l’éducation au choix vocationnel. On identifie plusieurs questions comme la nécessité de liens plus fermes entre théorie et pratique, l’expansion des théories constructivistes et les défis que leur application implique. Ces questions sont explorées dans le contexte de la reformulation de l’éducation au choix professionnel et sous l’angle de la structure constructiviste de la Théorie des Systèmes du développement vocationnel et de son application “Mes Systèmes d’Influences sur la Trajectoire Vocationnelle”.

工科,作为我国的第一大学科,拥有着最多的专业和师生,其发展与生产实践紧密相关,其人才需求也与市场环境密切相连。因此,探索工科大学生职业生涯教育路径之意义不言而喻。本文以光电信息类专业为例,探讨工科大学生人才培养中的生涯教育问题。  相似文献   

Training librarians to deliver career services   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A student's expectation for a positive outcome for their future career development is referred to as career optimism. Career Services, a common university department, utilizes the social cognitive career theory (SCCT) to understand how students form career interests and make educational and vocational choices. Then Career Services can assist students in finding a career that matches their interests. We hypothesize that students' perception of the assistance provided by the Career Services department when the SCCT is applied, impacts the student's career optimism. In addition, we hypothesize, and results support, that different factors, such as a student's chosen major, impact student perception of Career Services and career optimism.  相似文献   

International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance - We measured 16 career-related metaphors’ salience to university students and graduates (N = 577). The JOURNEY...  相似文献   

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