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The Ph.D. versus the Ed.D.: Time for a decision   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this study, U.S. institutions that offer doctoral programs in education were surveyed and institutional catalogues of the past decade were reviewed to determine trends regarding the Ph.D. versus the Ed.D. Results of the study showed that (a) there is no clear institutional movement toward one degree title or the other; (b) research universities are increasingly reluctant and comprehensive colleges and universities are increasingly likely to offer the Ed.D. as their only doctoral degree title, and (c) requirements for the two doctoral titles are remarkably similar, including competencies in research and statistics. Findings are discussed in relation to three common positions of those who favor the Ed.D. over the Ph.D.: (a) the professional school argument, (b) the unification argument, and (c) the autonomy argument. The article concludes with a call for increased national dialogue to strengthen the education profession by reducing confusion between its two doctoral degree titles.Russell T. Osguthorpe, Associate Dean of Brigham Young University's College of Education, has done research in special education, instructional design and technology, and teacher education. He is presently responsible for graduate programs, research, and technology in the College. Dr. Osguthorpe received his education at Brigham Young University. Mei Jiuan Wong, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Instructional Science, Brigham Young University, has done research on instructional design and technology and teacher education. She is currently completing her dissertation on decision making in instructional design.  相似文献   

This article focuses upon the quality and scholarship of teaching as it pertains to educational and faculty development. We outline what more than 200 faculty members at one institution have done over a 3-year period to make significant and sustained improvements in their teaching, surprisingly with minimal effort. The top three factors leading to improvement were active/practical learning, teacher/student interactions, and clear expectations/learning outcomes. We provide practical applications for change and suggestions for future research. Whitney Ransom McGowan  is a Ph.D. candidate at Brigham Young University (BYU), and she received an M.S. degree in Instructional Psychology & Technology from BYU. She is currently a research assistant for the Assistant to the Academic Vice President at BYU and also performs research at the Center for Teaching & Learning. She can be contacted at whitney.ransom@gmail.com. Charles R. Graham  is an Associate Professor of Instructional Psychology and Technology at Brigham Young University with a focus on technology-mediated teaching and learning. Graham received his Ph.D. in Instructional Systems Technology from Indiana University. He received his M.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois and his B.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, from BYU. He is particularly interested in studying the design and evaluation of blended learning environments. He can be contacted at charles_graham@byu.edu.  相似文献   

While there has been emphasis on the institution and individual classroom as loci of learning and reform, less attention has been paid to the academic department. However, precisely because its structure is so endemic to institutions of higher education, the academic department may be the most logical and potent site for change. Using a case study approach, this paper examines the conditions under which change in undergraduate education takes hold and flourishes in the academic department, advances the concept of readiness, and explores its implications for those who wish to promote change in the department. Virginia S. Lee  is managing member and consultant, Virginia S. Lee & Associates, LLC, a consulting firm specializing in teaching, learning, and assessment in higher education. She received her B.A. from Smith College, her M.B.A. from New York University, and her Ph.D. from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Special interests include the design and implementation of institution-wide curriculum reform efforts, course and curriculum design, inquiry-guided learning, intensive learning, outcomes-based assessment, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. Michael R. Hyman  is Director of Graduate Programs and Associate Professor in the Department of Microbiology at North Carolina State University. He received his B.S. from University College, London, his M.B.A. from Oregon State University, and his Ph.D. from Bristol University. His major research interest is the biodegradation of environmental pollutants. Geraldine Luginbuhl  is Interim Department Head and Professor in the Department of Microbiology at North Carolina State University. She received her B.S. from Stanford University and her Ph.D. from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She has a longstanding interest in undergraduate education and, recently, inquiry-guided learning.  相似文献   

Studies of innovation suggest that understanding the complex set of variables associated with innovation can help higher education professionals plan and achieve organizational reforms more effectively. The purpose of the research reported here was to explore innovation in a non-traditional academic unit, the intensive English program (IEP), on several university campuses. The focus of the study was IEP administrators and their perceptions of factors that facilitate innovation in their units.Fredricka L. Stoller, Ed.D. (Northern Arizona University) is an Assistant Professor in the Teaching English as a Second Language and Applied Linguistics programs at Northern Arizona University. She is also Director of the Program in Intensive English at the same university. Her areas of professional interest include innovation in English language teaching settings; second language methodology, curriculum, and materials development; second language reading; and second language teacher education.  相似文献   

浅谈美国杨百翰大学中文领航项目的汉语培训模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国中文领航项目是美国国防部国家安全教育项目系统下的一个重要的语言培训项目,是有别于一般大学中文教育的"高级水平语言教育的先锋范式"。本文主要介绍语言领航项目的创办背景、目标和现状,并以美国杨百翰大学(Brigham Young University)为例,分析中文领航项目的教学培养模式和特点。  相似文献   

Department chairs find themselves trapped between the stresses of performing not only as an administrator but faculty member as well. Over eight hundred chairs from 101 doctorate-granting and research universities were surveyed using the Department Chair Stress Index to assess (1) their most stressful situations, (2) emergent themes from these Stressors, and (3) the differences between chair and faculty Stressors. Chairs experienced most stress from their heavy workload and the general stresses of time pressures, confrontation with colleagues, organizational constraints and their faculty duties. Chairs were found to be in a paradoxical situation; feeling double pressure to be an effective leader and productive faculty member. Suggested actions for the institution and individual are provided.Walter H. Gmelch is professor and chair of the Educational Administration Department at Washington State University where he also serves as Director of the National Center for the Study of Department Chair. He earned his MBA from the University of California (Berkeley) and a Ph.D. in the Educational Executive program from the University of California (Santa Barbara). Dr. Gmelch conducts research on the topics of leadership, team development, conflict, stress and time management. His extensive writings include a co-authored book entitled,Strategic Leadership Skills for Department Chairs. John S. Burns is associate director of the Center for the Study of the Department Chair at Washington State University. He obtained a Master's in Counseling Psychology and a Ph.D. in Educational Administration from Washington State University. The Center's research agenda focuses on collecting data about the position of department chair with the goal of developing research-based recommendations for the restructuring of the administration of higher education.  相似文献   

Using a case study approach, the authors examine the democratic and civic engagement learning outcomes of a campus protest. The conceptual framework is built on the ideas outlined in Learning Reconsidered (Keeling 2004) and modeled in its pragmatic follow-up, Learning Reconsidered 2 (Keeling 2006). Results suggest student and campus administrator actions during a campus protest support democratic aims, student development, and digital age democracy. Recommendations for campus educators are included. This study extends previous discussion on activism’s journey from detrimental to developmental (Astin 1999; Chambers & Phelps 1993; Hamrick 1998; Hunter 1988) by mapping the learning environment through the interaction of protestor and university and by incorporating new forms of activism. J. Patrick Biddix  received his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies with specialization in Higher Education from the University of Missouri–St. Louis. He is currently Assistant Professor of Higher Education and Research Methodology in the Department of Curriculum, Leadership, and Technology at Valdosta State University. His primary research interests include college student uses of technology outside the classroom, career pathways in student affairs, and research methodology. Patricia A. Somers  received her Ph.D. in Educational Administration with specialization in Higher Education from the University of New Orleans. She is currently an Associate Professor of Higher Education at the University of Texas at Austin. Her primary research interests include college access, student persistence, student development theory, and two-year colleges. Joseph L. Polman  received his Ph.D. in Learning Sciences from Northwestern University. He is currently an Associate Professor of Educational Technology in the Division of Teaching and Learning at the University of Missouri–St. Louis. His primary research interests include inquiry-based learning involving computers and the Internet as tools, viewed from a sociocultural perspective.  相似文献   

文章首先简单回顾了汉语语法学创建的历史文化背景,即近代中国学术对西方文化冲击的回应。然后梳理了汉语语法学者的世系跟近代以来中国知识分子的代际的对应关系,以此为时间框架来观照汉语语法学的变迁:立场从模仿到创新、对象从文言(书面语)到白话(口语、方言)、体系从传统规范语法到现代结构主义描写语法,特别是70年来探索切合汉语结构面貌的分析方法和描写体系的种种尝试。最后呼吁第七代学者脱颖而出,在学习国际上各种先进语言学理论与方法的基础上,自信地开创汉语语法学的新境界。  相似文献   

This article presents an introduction to understanding and addressing conflict in academic departments. Current philosophies toward conflict in organizations include a principled approach encouraging the positive benefits that conflict may bring to institutions. To utilize this approach it is important to understand the nature of conflict, identify effective response options, and develop skills in principled conflict resolution. This paper identifies the structures within organizations which inherently cause conflict. In addition, various strategies for dealing with conflict are outlined based on the Thomas/Killman response modes. Finally, Fisher and Ury's foundation for principled conflict resolution is applied to departments in higher education.Walter H. Gmelch received an MBA from the University of California, Berkeley and a Ph.D. in the Educational Executive Program from the University of California, Santa Barbara. He is currently professor and chair of the Educational Administration Department at Washington State University and directs the University Council for Educational Administration Center for the Study of Department Chair. His area of interest is in leadership development, managerial stress and academic department chairs. James B. Carroll received his Ph.D. in educational administration from Washington State University. He is currently the associate director of the Center for the Study of the Department Chair, Washington State University. His area of interest is in investigating role orientations and careers of department chairs.  相似文献   

In an effort to meet the challenge of preparing new international graduate students in chemistry for assignments as teaching assistants (TAs), an innovative training program was designed which incorporated the collaborative efforts of language, pedagogy, and subject matter specialists. This paper describes the approach taken in providing discipline-specific training for new international TAs (ITAs) by providing the rationale and curriculum for such a program and describing the implementation of this program through the academic year. The paper concludes by describing the results of the project on those ITAs who participated and the benefits and limitations of using this approach.Mark W. Tanner obtained his Ph.D. (1991) in Educational Linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania. He is currently, Coordinator of the International Teaching Assistant Program at the University of Washington. Sara Selfe obtained her Ph.D. (1984) in Organic Chemistry at the University of Washington. She is currently Senior Lecturer in the Chemistry Department at the University of Washington and is working to improve the opportunities for Native Americans in the sciences. Deborah Wiegand obtained her Ph.D. (1990) in Analytical Chemistry at Northern Illinois University. Currently she lectures in the Chemistry Department and is Director of the Women in Science Program at the University of Washington.This article previously was accepted for publication in Lewis, K.G. (Ed.). (1993).The TA experience: Preparing for multiple roles. Stillwater, OK: New Forums Press.  相似文献   

Three languages are widely used in schools in Kenya – English, Kiswahili and Kenya Sign Language. Many pupils with hearing impairments are taught separately from the mainstream, in specialist settings. The fact that most of the formal teaching, assessment and examination processes in Kenyan schools rely upon spoken and written English compounds the separation of these pupils from the mainstream of education and, potentially, from the mainstream of society. In this article, Gertrude Wamae, graduate assistant in the Department of English and Linguistics at Kenyatta University, and Rachael Kang'ethe-Kamau, lecturer in the Department of Special Education at Kenyatta University, discuss the relationships between language, hearing impairment and inclusion in the Kenyan context. The article suggests that the use of signed exact English would enhance opportunities for inclusion for those with hearing impairments and that programmes of teacher training need to take account of persuasive research in this area. The article closes with a plea for further research, carried out collaboratively by educationalists, linguists, teacher trainers and practitioners, to develop policies and practices suited to more inclusive futures. The article is based on a paper presented to the International Conference on Inclusive Education run by Maseno University in September 2002.  相似文献   

The paper mainly focuses on two textbooks that widely used by students of English in independent colleges. One is Linguistics. A New Course book edited by Professor Hu Zhuanglin of Peking University, the other is A New Concise Course on Linguistics for Linguistics for Students of English, which was written by professor Dai Weidong and He Zhaoxiong. What will be discussed are the suggestions on the compiling of English linguistics textbooks for students of English in independent colleges.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between a teacher report measure, the Teacher Rating of Oral Language and Literacy (TROLL; Dickinson et al. in Teacher rating of oral language and literacy (TROLL): a research-based tool. Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2001) and a direct behavioral measure of language development, the Preschool Language Scale-4 (PLS-4; Zimmerman et al. in Preschool Language Scale-4. The Psychological Corporation, San Antonio, 2002), among English-speaking (n = 210), Spanish-speaking (n = 34), and English/Spanish bilingual (n = 109) typically-developing preschool children. Three hundred and fifty-three preschool children who attended early childhood education programs in an urban area of the Southwestern United States participated. Preschool teachers completed the TROLL, and the PLS-4 was individually administered to the children at preschool centers. The TROLL and PLS-4 were significantly correlated for English-speaking children, but with small effect sizes noted. For Spanish-speaking children, the TROLL and the expressive subscale of the PLS-4 were not significant, and for bilingual children the TROLL and PLS-4 were not significant. English-speaking children scored higher on the TROLL than the Spanish-speaking and bilingual children. Finally, a higher proportion of Spanish-speaking and bilingual children received a TROLL score at or below the 10th percentile. Results suggest that the TROLL did not adequately capture typically developing children’s linguistic and literacy development in a uniform manner across language groups. Caution is recommended when relying upon a single instrument to describe the emergent literacy and language skills of preschool children from Spanish-speaking and bilingual backgrounds.  相似文献   

作为美国杨百翰大学语料库家族的重要成员之一,世界网络英语语料库收录了来自二十个不同国家和地区的语料,并提供在线检索工具,为研究基于网络的现代英语变体用法提供了可能。本研究在简要介绍该语料库的基础上,从词汇、习语、语义搭配和句法特征四个角度通过实例凸显各英语变体的差别,体现英语用法的地域特征。  相似文献   

The shortage of minority faculty presence on college and university campuses has been a matter of some concern in recent years. The purpose of this article to describe one college's initiative to address this issue. The West Virginia Graduate College's Minority Faculty Fellowship Program was designed to recruit minority doctoral students who are at the dissertation stage of their program. Appointed as non-tenure track faculty members, fellows are provided with experiences that will help them acclimate to the professoriate. This article describes the program, highlights the institutional benefits, outlines the program's strengths and weaknesses, and makes recommendations for those interested in developing similar programs.John S. Gooden, Ed.D. (University of Massachusetts at Amherst), is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling at Eastern Michigan University. He is a former West Virginia Graduate College Faculty Fellow. His areas of professional expertise include administrative certification, school violence, and educational technology. Paul A. Leary, Ed.D. (University of Massachusetts at Amherst), is a Professor in the Educational Leadership Department at West Virginia Graduate College. His areas of professional interest focus on educational governance, educational policy, and program evaluation. Ronald B. Childress, Ed.D. (The University of Tennessee at Knoxville), is a Professor in the Departments of Elementary Education, Secondary Education, and Educational Leadership at West Virginia Graduate College. His areas of professional expertise include curriculum planning, program evaluation, and program management.  相似文献   

In researching the exceptional academic performance of 31 female and 19 male low socioeconomic college students of color, three distinctly female approaches to exceptional achievement arose from the data. These included the inordinate degree of familial resistance faced by the females and their approaches to that resistance, the value and importance of post-college goals and ambition, and the presence of effective cross-gender mentoring relationships. The impact of racial, ethnic, class and gender-based identities in relation to academic performance is also explored. Erik E. Morales  earned his B.S. and Ph.D. from New York University and his M.Ed. From William Paterson University. He is currently an assistant professor at New Jersey City University in the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. His research interests are academic resilience and the retention of college students of color.  相似文献   

During a period of intense school reorganization and closure in Reading C. M. S. Sutcliffe was was a member of Berkshire County Council, serving on the Education Committee. He was also a governor of two local schools, one of which was closed during this rationalization. He has addressed a number of academic conferences on the subject of school zoning. He now holds the Northern Society chair in the Department of Economics at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

J. L. G. Board is now a member of the Department of Accounting and Finance at the London School of Economics. He has co‐authored a number of papers on the application of modelling techniques to social decisions.

The allocation of children to secondary school is both difficult and contentious. Although a balanced intake is desirable, it is, in practice, often not achieved. This paper discussed the use of goal programming models to achieve these allocation patterns and considers the results of the first large‐scale application of the technique to this problem. The subject of the allocation is Reading, Berkshire, whose allocation scheme proposed in 1978 was the subject of investigation under the Race Relations Act. The results clearly indicate the advantages of the method as a useful tool to help real‐world educational decision‐makers.


New standards for certification were recently developed for speech–language pathology graduate training programs by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. The new standards are outcomes-based rather than process-based. Using a collective case study approach, this article highlights the perceptions of faculty and staff regarding use of a standards-based exit portfolio system for students in a Speech–Language Pathology graduate program at a medium-sized, public university after two semesters of use.Tena L. McNamara received a B.S. degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology and an M.S. degree in Audiology from Bradley University, and the Doctor of Audiology Degree from the University of Florida. She is now Assistant Professor at Illinois State University. Special interests include soundfield FM systems utilized in classroom settings, auditory processing disorders, electrophysiology, and phonological awareness. Rita L. Bailey is a speech–language pathologist and holds a B.S. and an M.S. in Speech–Language Pathology and an Ed.D. in Special Education, all from Illinois State University. She is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology at Illinois State University. Her primary research interests include pediatric dysphagia, service-learning, alternative-augmentative communication methods, and voice. E-mail: tlmcnam@ilstu.edu.  相似文献   

This article discusses the impact of internationalisation on the strategy and language policy of the Portuguese University of Aveiro. In addition, it analyses how the Department of Languages and Cultures of the University contributes to the language policy. For the University of Aveiro, internationalisation is a priority and a distinctive feature of its profile. It is a member of many international networks and consortia in Europe and participates in a wide range of international study and research programmes. The principles of the Bologna Process have challenged UA policy makers to adopt a language policy and to give study programmes a more international profile by considering the option of English as a medium of instruction.
At the same time, and paradoxically, the role of the Portuguese language will become increasingly important in the near future because many of the foreign students at Aveiro come from the former Portuguese-speaking colonies. We conclude that the question of language has led to local dilemmas, discussions and sometimes tensions about the role of the English language in processes of internationalisation and curriculum change at the University of Aveiro.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study of interviews (N = 17) conducted with members of a community of practice (CP) comprised of school principals, vice principals, and department heads responsible for teacher supervision in their respective schools. This CP met once a month over the course of 2 years to work on adapting the New Brunswick Department of Education’s Francophone Teacher Evaluation Program. Using Wenger’s (Communities of practice: Learning, meaning and identity. Cambridge University Press, New York, 1998) CP theoretical framework centered on four main concepts, namely meaning, practice, community, and identity, our study reveals that participants acquired knowledge by sharing their teacher supervision experiences. The participants learned new knowledge from others, enriched their supervision practices, and also gained indispensable practical skills with regard to the supervisory process. Furthermore, their fruitful discussions resulted in the creation of friendships and a sense of collegiality as they became agents for change.  相似文献   

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