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互动传播是指媒体既充当传者又充当受众,传统的传受双方在不同的传播时段、环节能够实现角色互换。互动传播是时代发展的必然,传统媒体——报纸、电视、广播在内容与形式、管理与运营等方面都在向互动传播转化。互动传播将促使传统媒体与网络进一步结合,促使传播由“广播”向“窄播”转化,促使媒体进一步增强受众意识、平等意识、服务意识,促使受众增强主动性,分享传播权利。  相似文献   

《香港法律概论》是广东广播电视大学开放教育法学本科专业开设的课程。笔者根据广播电视大学远程开放教育的特点,对文字、网络资源以及IP课件等媒体进行了系统组合,并在具体的教学实践中,逐步摸索出一套使“判例教学法”、“比较教学法”和“互动教学法”三者有机结合的教学方法。  相似文献   

走出“提高时效”的怪圈:提高时效,是众人追求的目标和执著的行为。提高时效,就提高了资源的利用率,就能在充分利用的互动中承继性开发出新的资源。但提高时效不能顾此失彼,因小失大。统筹安排,是最常用的一个提高时效的好策略,但统筹而低效的“欺人和自欺”的滑稽剧却常演不衰。课堂上把全体学生分成若干小组,各自去思考、讨论拟定的问题,然后各组代表发表看法,小组间再互评。这样的统筹,看起来学生互动起来,事实上各组思考各组的问题,怎知另一组解答问题的客观与否?课堂上请一位或几位学生板演,其他学生去做其他的事。然后,全员去评析学生…  相似文献   

香港公开大学遥距教材发展与媒体整合模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要设计和发展出既有互动功能,有学习成效,又符合经济效益的遥距学习教材,就必须讲求各方面的配合。不同的媒体有各自不同的特点,不同的“媒体整合”可提供学习者一定程度上的互动,从而弥补独立或是被动学习的不足。在教材设计和发展过程中,如能进行精心的教学设计,选择使用恰当的媒体,并加入互动成分,便能充分地切合学习者的不同需要,学习成效就得以提升。香港公开大学的遥距教材发展以学生为中心,以引导式指导学习者的学习方向;以文字印刷为主,辅以其他媒体;形成了学习指引、多元综合等不同的模式。  相似文献   

本文就传统中的弱势媒体广播,如何不断地找准政府与百姓的结合点,通过广播互动,赢得听众对政府各部门,各行业的监督,提升广播地位及其广播如何拓宽发展空间等在实践中的几点做法。  相似文献   

广播电视大学,采用现代化教学手段利用广播、电视、幻灯、录音、录像等多种电教媒体进行远距离大面积教学,它不受时间和空间的限制,对学员有着最大的容纳量,是一种新的办学形式。同样,在这样基础上建立起来的远距离教育档案就有着与其它高等学校档案不同的特点和规律。 1.广播电视大学的特点是能多快好省地为四化培养社会主义建设人才。全省各级广播电视大学,一年所花的经费,不及一所规模较大的全日制大学,全部专职教职工不及一所中等的全日制大学多,但它每年招收的  相似文献   

多媒体与(公共)心理学教学改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多媒体的应用是教学改革中教学现代化的标志。这里的多媒体是指所有媒体的总称,包括面对面的直接交流、印刷、广播、各种视听媒体、摄像、幻灯、投影、电脑等。关于媒体与心理的研究说明: 1.媒体以其本身的特点和其携带的信息对人的心理 (包括学习 )产生影响,但在作用的性质和程度方面,如何使用媒体比媒体本身更重要; 2.各媒体都有其独特的优势,这是任何其它媒体无可替代的,即各媒体间的关系是互补,而非替代。因而如何恰到好处地使用各种媒体来提高教学效果就成了教学改革的研究热点。公共心理学作为师范院校的重要“通识”课程,多…  相似文献   

自从19世纪90年代教育技术成为一个独立的领域以来,其研究与实践经历了巨大的变化,形成了不同的教育技术形态。首先,教育技术是以媒体观的形态出现的。所谓媒体观,是指强调以物化形态的教育媒体的研究与应用为核心的观念,相应的名称如“幻灯教育”“、广播教育”“、电影教育”“、电视教育”以及“计算机辅助教育”等就鲜明地体现出这个特点。后来,随着科学技术尤其是计算机技术的迅猛发展,教育媒体得到不断的丰富与大量的应用,媒体观“以教育媒体的研究与应用为核心”的缺陷也逐渐暴露出来,教育技术的方法与方法论问题就显得越来越突出。…  相似文献   

讲评课是英语教学中的一个重要课型,也是广大外语教师努力探索的课题。文章在借鉴多种教学原则和教学模式的基础上,提出“一主三导四互动”的讲评课教学模式:“一主”即自主学习,“三导”即“引导、指导、辅导”,“四互动”即师生互动、生生互动、人机互动、资源互动。教师在有效备课、有效导课、有效的课后反思与总结的努力下,将“一主三导四互动”的讲评模式与其他教学模式有机、辩证地结合起来,方可提高英语教学的有效性。  相似文献   

现代家庭都是独生子女,父母优生优育,孩子聪明可爱,普遍智商较高。但因为缺乏同伴间的交流互动,性格的发展存在着一定的问题。如“霸道”、“娇气”、“自私”等,对幼儿的健康成长不利。父母渴望幼儿有更多的时间与同伴交流,希望能进行家庭间的有效互动。于是;我园大一班在其他几种家园互动方式的基础上,  相似文献   

The differing audience objectives of public and commercial television in the United States pose significant issues relative to how programmes are chosen for broadcast. Factors which influence the selection of programmes on public television (the chief broadcast outlet of educational programmes in America) warrant the scrutiny of media scholars, for such factors may prove influential in determining the nature of broadcast educational programmes. A survey of US public television programmers, conducted to examine factors perceived as important in making programme decisions, identified 11 factors, but about 70% of the total variance was explained by the first five factors: (1) audience measures, (2) personal feedback, (3) programme strategy, (4) station resources and (5) intuition. The audience measure factor explained the largest proportion of the variance (30%). Several factors were comparable with those used in an earlier study of commercial TV programme decision‐making. The findings suggest that perhaps internal constraints (station budget) cause public and commercial programmers to be similar in their perceptions about factors regarded as influential in programme selection  相似文献   

Memorial University has been active in the use of educational media since its creation, and operates a public channel, initially broadcast through CBC but now on cable distribution. The author discusses the changes that have occurred over the past few years in the role of television there and describes the interactive element called PLA YBA CK, through which viewers can now access any of 1000 programmes by a telephone call to the control room. The reader is invited to consider the changes in philosophy such developments inevitably entail.  相似文献   

This article examines how non-fiction children’s television programmes portray bodily changes and sexuality at puberty. Engaging with the body and the sexuality of children in the broadcast media raises cultural and social challenges. Public concern about social morality and the ‘sexualisation of children’, sexual objectification and pornography, together with the construction of childhood as a naïve pre-sexual stage of life, have silenced children’s television when it comes to the subject of children’s sexuality. However, a few programmes have offered an alternative to this taboo. Based on a study of 30 non-fiction programmes submitted between 1964 and 2016 to Prix Jeunesse international festival for children’s media, this paper describes and analyses how these programmes present unique, thought-provoking and innovative ways of engaging with the culturally controversial issue of the body and sexuality on children’s television.  相似文献   

广播电台英语新闻节目在多种英文媒介当中有着自身独特的特点和传播优势。就广播英语新闻的结构特点、词汇特点、语法特点和语音特点4方面进行了文体和篇章分析,制定出收听策略:了解广播英语新闻的语篇结构,抓住主要信息;掌握广播英语的句法结构,提取句子大意;掌握听力练习的规律,循序渐进,由简到难,由泛到精。从而帮助收听者提高英语听力,了解世界,增强跨文化交际能力。  相似文献   

在社会主义和谐社会的构建过程中,广播新闻等媒体肩负着正确的社会价值观的建立及正确的舆论引导等功用,这就要求广播新闻媒体等要立足于增强自身的责任感、使命感及紧迫感,正确地把握广播新闻在进行舆论引导过程中的主动权,科学地发挥广播新闻对社会价值观所具有的引领作用,从而真正地将广播新闻等媒体传播渠道变成政府与人民、人民与人民之间进行有效地沟通交流的渠道,并确保信息沟通交流过程中的畅通性,以期广播新闻对社会价值观的科学引领作用最大程度地发挥。  相似文献   

As part of its stated mission to Christianise Britain, from its earliest years the BBC broadcast religious programmes intended for a child audience. Directed at sites domestic and educational, these broadcasts constituted a means of the mediatisation of religion for children. This paper explores the work of the pioneer children’s religious broadcaster John G. Williams, the nature and character of childhood religion and its nurture espoused by him whilst at the BBC, and as an educationist in the years following the 1944 Education Act. Setting a close reading of Williams’ views on childhood religion and school worship alongside those of a later critique, from the religious educationist John Hull in his School Worship: An Obituary (1975), this article argues that the differences between these two religious educators illustrate fracture lines occurring between religious education in the home, school and broadcast spaces in the long 1960s. Additionally, the historical evidence presented here provides a nuanced understanding of mediatisation as a process, indicating that other social processes in any national context, for example de-Christianisation in the English one, disrupt media logic. Finally, further research is called for on the historical intersections of religious education, and schools and religious broadcasting, as well as the more recent effects of broadcast collective worship in mediatising religion for children.  相似文献   

叶霭云 《培训与研究》2009,26(11):133-134,F0003
新闻电视的翻译是信息传播的重要桥梁,是跨文化交际活动的关键环节。本文通过分析电视新闻的特点,结合"跨文化化"这一新跨文化新视野,提出电视新闻的翻译必须协调有声语言层面、文字语言层面和非语言因素层面,才能释放新闻信息交流中的深层文化信息。  相似文献   

Responses of 21 pre‐operational children, aged between 6#lb6 and 7#lb4 years, to an uninterrupted television programme, viewed in small groups, were surveyed by individual post‐viewing questioning. The indications are that the children viewed the programme passively except when something extraordinary or stimulating occurred; they recalled only isolated aspects that interested them or that they liked. They were unable to deduce the producer's intentions and gained only a vague idea of what the programme was about. Children are limited in what they can take from a broadcast by their own experiences and by how those relate to what is viewed, so teachers have a responsibility to assist young children to internalise and interpret what is viewed from educational television. Continuous ‘programmes’ seem unsuitable as learning media; children should view, via a videorecorder, short sequences or ‘modules’ of television material, linked to activities with which they are involved or familiar, to enable a three‐way interaction between children, teacher and television to be established  相似文献   

小议校园广播媒体的德育功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
校园广播媒体作为大学校园舞台上的重要宣传媒体之一,是做好学生思想政治教育工作的重要渠道。充分利用广播的特点和优势,发挥其思想引导功能,对于做好大学生思想政治教育工作有着重要的意义。广播站的工作者应该将校园广播站作为学校德育工作的重要阵地,充分发挥校园广播的德育功能。  相似文献   

听力是英语专业的学生必须掌握的基本技能之一。收听VOA新闻广播能在很大程度上提高学生的听力。VOA新闻节目有几个特点:结构简单,短小精悍;语法简单易懂;词汇浅显流畅。认识和掌握了这些特点有助于学生更有效地收听VOA新闻广播,以便更快地提高听力。  相似文献   

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