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1.reason,cause,excuse reason表示一种看法或行为的"理由,动机,原因";cause是造成一种事实或现象的"原因,起因";excuse是"借口"的意思。用reason,cause,excuse填空:(1)—I'm sorry I stepped outside for a smoke.I was very tired.—There is no ___ for this while you are on duty.  相似文献   

问:有一道选择题:Careless driving was the of the traffic accident. A.reason B.cause C.excuse D.result 所给答案是B。请问:这里可以选A吗?reason与cause有何区别? 答:reason和cause都可以做“理由”解。两者有时也可通用。例如:  相似文献   

通过使用语料库语言学研究方法,以辛格莱的"延伸的语义单位"为分析框架,以英语高频同义词cause和reason为例,研究中国英语学习者和英语本族语者同义词搭配行为的差异。结果发现:中国英语学习者同义词cause和reason的搭配词、类连接、语义偏好和语义韵与英语本族语者存在显著差异。差异的成因在于汉语语义韵负迁移、同义词使用概率性知识欠缺和教学方法不当。因此,要采取有效的教学策略,帮助学生正确识别同义词的语义韵特征、掌握同义词搭配行为。  相似文献   

●缘reason,cause,sake,relationship,edge,fringe,climb●无缘无故地for no reason at all●世上没有无缘无故的爱,也没有无缘无故的恨。There is absolutely ilo such thing as love or hatred without any reason or cause.●不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。I can’t tell the true shape of Lushan because I myself am on the mountain.●花径不曾缘客扫。The garden path has never been  相似文献   

批判性思维(critical thinking)在学习、研究和工作中具有极其重要的作用.对美国近年有影响的中小学教材的研究表明,其中关于“批判性思维”的词有:comparing and contrasting(比较与对比)、analyzing(分析)、identifying cause and effect(识别原因与结果)、recognizing cause and effect(辨析原因与结果)、hypothesizing(假设)、interpreting(解释)、distinguishing fact from opinion(区分)、recognizing point of view(认识观点)、evaluating(评估)、applying(应用)等.这些内容大致涵盖了批判性思维的基本技能.教材在编写时充分考虑到,整体设计批判性思维技能的训练,教学目标设计考虑批判性思维内容,教学内容组织考虑批判性思维技能,单独设计培养批判性思维的专题活动.  相似文献   

目前,越来越多的英国人开始骑自行车上班、上学或休闲娱乐。据英国《独立报》最新统计,骑车的英国人近年增加了约15%,而骑车的伦敦人更是5年内增长了约50%。英国人骑车出行基本上出于以下几个原因(reason):一是自  相似文献   

作为moral reasonability的道德理性及其优先性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通行的"道德理性"概念的所指及有效性并未局限在理论范围,还必然地延展到实践领域。对于其丰富内含,植根于西方传统形而上学的reason和rationality却不能给予充分表达。基于这两个概念的一些西方传统道德哲学(如康德的道义论)看起来至高至远,其实并不具有经验或实践层面的可普遍化性,因而在实际生活中难免走向反面。研究发现,如果使用英文词moral reasonability来理解和解释道德理性,或可弥补上述欠缺。因为,相较而言,这后一概念蕴含有一种着眼于"探究原因、提供理由"的最低限度的道德要求或"超底线准则",作为一种形式性的"前道德立场",它更易于落实到现实生活。这个概念不仅能够表达出道德理性中被前两个概念所忽略的含义,而且因为其历史特点具有优先性。  相似文献   

Compacted graphite cast iron (CGI) has been the material for high-power diesel engines recently, but its increased strength causes poor machinability. In this study, coated and uncoated carbide tools were used in dry milling experiment and FEM simulation to study the machinability of CGI and wear behaviour of tools. The experimental and FEM simulation results show that coated tool has great advantage in dry milling of CGI. SEM and EDS analysis of tool wear indicate the wear morphology and wear mechanism. Adhesive wear is the main mechanism to cause un-coated tool wear, while abrasive wear and delamination wear are the main mechanism to cause coated tool wear. Stress and temperature distribution in FEM simulation help to understand the wear mechanism including the reason for coating peeled off.  相似文献   

“Why are you crying?”he asked his mom.“Because I'm a mothm.”she told him.“I don'tunderstand,”he said.His mom juSt hugged(拥抱)him and said.”You never will!”Later thelittle boy asked his father Why Mother seemedto cry for no reason(原因).”All mothers cryfor no reason。”was all his dad could say.  相似文献   

“笑话”,英语是joke一词。根据《牛津现代高级英汉双解词典》(Oxford AdvancedLearner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation)的解释是"something said ordone' to cause amusement, laughter, etc. "即引起乐趣、逗人发笑的话或事。对于逗人发笑的事,我们能直接看到,容易理解,引起共鸣。但对于英语中表达笑话的话(语言),我们往往会感到难  相似文献   

3.“两者选一”观点的议论文模式。 模式 1:A 、B 两者优劣势分析,要么选 A , 要么选 B 。 Introduction 第 1段: Some people hold the opinion that (A )is superior to (B)in many ways.Oth- ers, however, argue that (B) is much better. Personally,I would prefer (A )because I think (A)has more advantages. Main body 第 2段: There are many reasons why I prefer (A ).The main reason is that ...A nother reason is that ...(赞同 A 的原因) 第 3段:Of course,choosing (B)also has advantages to some extent,(列出 1~2个 B 的优 势) Conclusion 第 4段:But if all these factors are taken ...  相似文献   

技能是关于"怎么做"的程序性知识,区别于"是什么"类的陈述性知识;技能不仅仅表现为"知道(怎么做)",还需要表现为"会做";"学会"则需要在"会做"基础上经过大量练习后,表现出的行为绩效的相对持久性(或稳定性)、适应性(或迁移性)和协调性。  相似文献   

<正>"课堂教学‘边缘人’是指在日常课堂教学情境中被教师和其他同学排斥或遗忘,或者因自身原因(心理、性格、身体状况等)拒绝参与教学、主动游离到教学活动边缘的学生个体或群体。"与之相对的是课堂教学"非边缘人",即"上课认真听讲,积极思考,并主动参与教学活动的学生。这类学生或许成绩并非一致的优秀,但他们在教学中总能紧跟教师的教学思路,在小组合作学习或教师创设的教学活动中积极参与并乐意与大家分享自己的学习体验与心得"。[1]课堂教学中的"边缘人",在积极倡导教育公平的当下,越来越清晰地进入教育理论研究及教育教学实践者  相似文献   

职业院校课堂"边缘人"指在职业学校的日常课堂教学环境中由于外界客观环境(社会、家庭、学校、教师、同伴等)以及自身原因(性格、身体状况,心理问题等)主动或被动游离于课堂教学中心之外的学生个体或群体,他们具有边缘性、差异性、相对性等一般性特征和整体边缘化与主动边缘化等具体化特征。  相似文献   

Insights into learner errors vary greatly: Contrastive analysts hold the view that errors are faulty version of the target language and signs of learning failure and thus must be corrected; Corder regards learner errors as evidence of the learner's active learning and as the most important source of information about the nature of his knowledge; Dulay and Burl's research shows that learner errors are developmental ;Tarone notices that occurrence of learner errors changes in different situations according to different tasks; Krashen maintains that learner errors can be totally ignored for the simple reason that they will disappear at a certain stage.We suggest that error correction take into consideration the following factors: (l)source, (2)type, (S)acquisition order, (4) task type and context; and that error correction shouldn't (1)hinder communication, (2)discourage the learner,(3)put the learner on the defensive,(4)cause anxiety.  相似文献   

1.重点句型 1).It's+adj for sb to do 做…对某人来说… 2)so…that… 如此…以至于… …too…to do 太…而不能… such…that… 如此…以至于… 3).not…until…直到…才… 例:I didn't go to bed until my mother came back. 4).The reason why+句子 is that+句子…的原因是… The reason why he got angry was that she told him a lie.(他生气的原因是她对他说了谎.) 5).That is why+句子 那是…的原因  相似文献   

"V得/不起(O)"结构是能性述补结构"V得/不C(O)"的一个个案,表示"动作发出者在主观上是否具备实现(或承受)某种动作的能力或条件"的语法意义。在句法组配方面,动词V的动作性和宾语O的具体性对V与O进入该结构的语义搭配具有重要影响。在肯定否定对称性方面,语言的人际功能差异是造成该结构肯定否定不对称的原因之一。  相似文献   

A lack of brainreceptors(受体)couldbe the reason for al-coholism(酒精中毒).  相似文献   

《元稹集编年笺注》(诗歌卷)中的注释,时有错误或不确者存在。针对"人物"类、"物象"类两种类型的注释错误,择其具有代表性者,进行逐一考辨与订正,并就导致其错误的原因进行了简要分析,有利参考。  相似文献   

<正>"专题"栏目是《江苏教育》(心理健康)的重点和特色栏目,实行栏目主持人制度。如果您想担任专题栏目主持人,可进行选题申报。要求如下:1.选题须是来自教育教学一线的、具有心理健康教育特色的热点或难点问题,具有前瞻性、创新性和可操作性。2.栏目主持人需提交详细的选题方案:(1)选题名称;(2)选择此话题的原因;(3)国内同话题  相似文献   

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