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Resume Dans cet article, nous travaillons sur le discours non strictement mathématique qu'un enseignant peut tenir en classe de mathématiques; nous nous sommes restreintes à des élèves de plus de 15 ans, et aux moments d'exposition des connaissances. Nous présentons d'abord trois grandes fonctions que l'enseignant peut donner à ce discours (communication, structuration et étiquetage, réflexion), en illustrant notre propos par des exemples empruntés à un même cours de niveau universitaire. Nous cherchons diverses caractéristiques de ces trois fonctions, en dégageant notamment leur lien avec le déroulement même du cours, leur portée éventuelle pour les étudiants, leur lien avec les contenus exposés... Nous en déduisons des pistes de recherches ultérieures, notamment en ce qui concerne la troisiéme fonction, qui nous semble la plus susceptible d'être l'objet d'un travail spécifique de préparation de l'enseignant.
Analysis of not strictly mathematical discourse in mathematics classes
In this article we examine the discourse which is not strictly mathematical that a teacher might adopt in a mathematics class. We have confined our discussion to students over 15 and to periods of teacher exposition. First we present three major functions of such discourse:communication, structuring and labelling, and reflection. We examine various characteristics of these three functions, primarily to make clear their relevance to the unfolding of the lesson itself, their influence on the students, and their bearing on the material taught, from this we develop lines for future enquiry, notably on the third function, which seems to us to be the most likely focus for specific preparation by the teacher.

This research studies the evolution in taking into account the constancy of a quantity of air. It is studied following a didactic sequence aiming at helping the students to be conscious of the variation of physical dimensions different from volume, when describing the state of gas. The experiment has been carried out in a class of 21 students (10–11 years old). Important improvements are stated. They are analysed according to the didactic sequence and the physical experiments proposed in the evaluation test used for the research. The interpretation of the results concerns the knowledge about gas acquired by the students during the didactic sequence. The reference to the Piagetian theory in the field of teaching experimental sciences is discussed.  相似文献   

Ebenso wie beim Fachhochschul-Kollegium selbst, stellen sich beim Leiter des Fachhochschul-Kollegiums eine Reihe von grundlegenden Rechtsfragen, insbesondere zu seiner verfassungs- und hochschulrechtlichen Stellung, seiner Wahl bzw Abberufung, seinen Aufgaben hoheitlicher und nichthoheitlicher Natur, zu verfahrensrechtlichen Problemen und seinem Verhältnis zum Erhalter. Soweit bei dem gegebenen, spärlichen Auslegungsmaterial möglich, wird versucht, Lösungsansätze zu den aufgezeigten Rechtsproblemen zu erarbeiten.  相似文献   

Résumé La formation des personnes âgées se trouve présentement fortement influencée par le modèle de l'acquisition des compétences qui prévaut dans la culture pédagogique. L'auteure de cet article expose et illustre le modèle dans sa forme première et sa direction actuelle, puis elle cherche à voir s'il convient de le retenir pour la formation des personnes âgées.
The training of the elderly is at present strongly influenced by the competence acquisition model that currently prevails in pedagogical culture. The author of this article examines and illustrates this model in its original form and its current direction. She then addresses the question of whether it is appropriate to retain this model for training elderly people.

Zusammenfassung Die Seniorenfortbildung wird von dem zur Zeit in der pädagogischen Kultur vorherrschenden Modell des Erwerbs von Kompetenzen sehr beeinflußt. Die Autorin dieses Artikels untersucht und beleuchtet dieses Modell in seiner ursprünglichen Form und der gegenwärtigen Zielsetzung. Sie diskutiert anschließend die Frage, ob eine Aufrechterhaltung dieser Art von Fortbildung für Ältere sinnvoll ist.

Resumen La formación de personas mayores está fuertemente influenciada por el modelo de adquisición de competencias que suele prevalecer en la cultura pedagógica. La autora de este artículo examina e ilustra este mdoelo en cuanto a su forma original y a la dirección que actualmente toma. Finalmente, plantea el interrogante de si es apropiado o no mantener este modelo para la formación de personas mayores.

Cet article développe les thèmes d'une communication intitulée Les lecompétences et l'éducation des personnes âgées,présentée lors de la 22e réunion scientifique et éducative annuelle de l'Association canadienne de gérontologie, Montréal, 30 octobre 1993.  相似文献   

Sans résuméCette équipe comprenait six membres du Départment de Mathématique:Mademoiselle Anne ScherpereelMessieurs Pierre Buisson, Bernard Kittel, François Pluvinage. Psychologues: Mademoiselle Catherine BlochMonsieur Raymond Duval.  相似文献   

How can you have experts from over 15 different countries working together on a theme, the professionalisation of teachers, when one of the terms, and the root word ‐‐ profession ‐‐ does not have the same meaning everywhere? Such was the difficulty facing this third ATEE thematic seminar that we had proposed. The original presentation text below allowed us to resolve the difficulty, by organising the experts’ work around the different meanings of the word professionalisation. Four meanings were picked out according to whether the word professionalisation applied:...(i) to the individual, who masters the activity better and better and thus meets the norms of professionalism; (it) to the group of individuals who, carrying out the same activity, improve their status by obtaining a monopoly over it; (iii) to the knowledge put into practice which is the most closely tied to practice and the most effective; (iv) to the training, orientated more towards the activity in terms of its content as well as its teacher trainers, some of whom are practitioners of the given activity. To clarify the different mechanisms at work in each case, we had recourse to pedagogy, history, sociology, and anthropology. These conceptual distinctions were proposed to help in the writing of 12 national case studies, to solicit four keynote papers and to determine the themes of the workshops.  相似文献   

This research means to put the emphasis on the personal cognitive interest drawn by a second grade primary school tutor (CE1) as to the help might be provided to a first grade primary school pupil (CP) who would have to achieve tasks involving space transformations. 36 children (12 6-to-7-year-old CP pupils and 24 7-to-8-year-old CE1 pupils) were distributed as follows: 12 CE1 pupils did individual work whereas the experimental group was formed by 12 dyades, each of them composed of a CE1 tutor and a CP one who was to receive some help. In the dyadic process the tutor’s part is to help the other one to manage with the exercises, without doing the other one’s task and without directly guiding his fellow worker’s way of acting. The results prove that significant progress are noticed among children set in a tutorship position with regard to children set in individual situations. Various indications as to the tutors’ ways of acting allow us to call these achieved progress by the name of tutor-effect and to consider them as the consequence of a situation in which an individual interacting with somebody else (sociocognitive) in order to explain to him or her what to do (metacognitive) will logically regard the assigned task in a different way (cognitive).  相似文献   

The aging of the population is accompanied by profound changes in life cycles, and it calls into question the models of institutional relationship between education, work and leisure time. After reviewing some concepts of aging, the author places the “training-work-retirement” triad in the context of the transformation of paid work and the new scenarios of ways in which people finally leave the labour market. Two questions are then asked: In what way may aging populations change the demand for adult continuing education? And, what is the significance of the present educational response to the problems posed by the aging of the population?  相似文献   

法国巴黎国立高等美术学院是由法国文化部管辖并属于高等专业学院性质的国立高等艺术学院,其历史可追溯到1641年法国最早的建筑学校。如今,巴黎美术学院在经历了300多年的风雨洗礼之后依然静静的屹立于塞纳河左岸,她见证了整个欧洲美  相似文献   

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