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随着计算机网络技术的发展,计算机网络信息安全隐患也接踵而至.计算机信息系统自身带有一定的软弱性、计算机网络的环境又具有一定的多变和复杂性、不法分子利用网络技术进行一些犯罪活动等等,使得计算机网络安全威胁处处可见.所以,巩固和持续发展计算机网络安全技术,是我国计算机安全工作的重中之重.  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的快速发展,网络中各种犯罪活动日益增多,电子证据日益引起人们的重视。如何获取这类证据,即计算机犯罪取证,已成为司法人员面对的一大难题。从计算机犯罪取证的概念、取证工具、取证步骤等方面对计算机犯罪取证技术,进行了研究。  相似文献   

计算机和网络的发展给人们的生活带来便利的同时,也滋生了许多犯罪活动。网络犯罪具有智能化及隐蔽性强、取证困难等特点。并且随着科技的发展和网络的普及,网络犯罪将会呈现出总量不断增加、手机网络犯罪异军突起及电子商务犯罪的数量将会持续增长等新趋势。  相似文献   

网络在给人们带来便捷生活方式的同时,也在无形中为网络诈骗犯罪活动的滋生提供了新的温床。由于立法缺失及配套设施的不完善,我国还不能对网络诈骗活动进行有效地防范与控制。本文在简要介绍网络诈骗罪的基础上,提出了我国应如何规制网络诈骗罪,以弥补立法上的漏洞,从而有效地打击并遏制网络诈骗。  相似文献   

随着计算机网络的普及与应用,网络安全的防范显得尤为重要。本文针对计算机网络所面临的主要威胁,提出了网络安全的构建措施,使人们增强网络安全意识,从而加强网络安全及计算机病毒的防范。  相似文献   

从计算机防范策略和安全防范技术两个方面对计算机网络系统安全与保密进行了阐述,主要从物理措施、访问控制技术两个方面对防范策略进行了说明;并从四个方面对安全防范技术进行了详细的论述.  相似文献   

随着计算机网络的普及与应用,网络安全的防范显得尤为重要。本文针对计算机网络所面临的主要威胁,提出了网络安全的构建措施,使人们增强网络安全意识,从而加强网络安全及计算机病毒的防范。  相似文献   

互联网技术的应用与发展将社会带入了信息时代、智能时代。网络的普及为人们提供了便捷的信息交流方式和全新的生活体验,但也为犯罪活动提供了新的载体。目前网络诈骗案件已经成为普遍存在的社会问题,由于部分大学生安全意识薄弱,导致网络诈骗现象在校园内更为明显。本文披露了网络诈骗行为的表现形式及特点,分析了校园内网络诈骗的心理及原因,为增强学生的防范意识,减少学生不必要的损失,提出了切实有效的预防措施。  相似文献   

浅析计算机病毒的特点与防范   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着计算机及计算机网络的发展,有些计算机病毒借助网络爆发流行,给广大计算机用户带来了极大的破坏和潜在的威胁。为了确保计算机能够安全工作,计算机病毒的防范工作已经迫在眉睫。本文初步分析了计算机病毒的现状、传播  相似文献   

在计算机信息时代,计算机网络数据存在着很大的安全隐患,如何保障网络数据的安全已经成为互联条件下网络数据安全管理的重要问题.本文阐述了计算机网络安全的含义,分析了计算机网络中的安全缺陷和网络安全面临的威胁,并提出了消除安全隐患的防范策略.  相似文献   

黄山风景区地理环境特殊,时有暴雨与地质灾害等自然灾害发生,加上旅游业的快速发展,导致风景区的灾害脆弱性增加.未来对于自然灾害的风险防范工作所面临的挑战日趋严峻。在概述风景区自然灾害防灾减灾现状的基础上,指出其在防灾减灾工作中的不足并提出提升其自然灾害风险防范工作效能的对策建议.强调黄山风景区的自然灾害风险防范工作要从注重灾时的应急救灾逐渐扩展到防灾减灾的不同阶段的工作(减灾、防灾、应急、恢复与重建),以期为风景区建立更科学可行的风险防范体系提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来各类传染病在全球时有发生和暴发流行,高校作为社会的特殊群体,其学生来源广、密度大、接触密切等,最容易发生传染病的传播和蔓延,因而其防治的重要性日益突出。本文从高校卫生工作重点应以"预防为主,防治结合"原则为切入点,分析落实传染病的防控策略。  相似文献   

社会的文明、医学科学的进步,使得人们淡漠了过去危害人民健康的一些急性传染病,而今春的SARS流行给我们现行的疾病预防和控制提出了严峻的挑战,在医学教育中加强和重视预防医学教育、社区预防医学实践是医学教育工作者的责任,也是医学和社会发展的必然。  相似文献   

The introduction of primary prevention programs into schools has great potential to expand the roles of school personnel. Working collaboratively, school psychologists, teachers, and school administrators could facilitate adoption of social skills and health promotion programs. Leaders within schools are needed to initiate the move toward primary prevention. School psychologists are ideally placed to take a leadership role in this shift toward primary prevention. However, they need to receive more information about primary prevention, both in training programs and in written works, if they are to be adequately prepared to introduce programs and to consult to school personnel. The information that school psychologists are currently exposed to provides an inadequate level of detail for those who wish to implement such programs. We offer recommendations to school psychologists and members of other professions within the schools on how to acquire the information they need to serve as leaders in the primary prevention revolution.  相似文献   

Despite the widespread use of school‐based abuse prevention programs, few studies support their effectiveness in helping children avoid victimization. Most studies that evaluate prevention programs measure changes in children's knowledge and not subsequent behavior. Further, the link between knowledge, behavior, and the ability to avoid or reduce victimization has not been established. In this study the impact of a school‐based prevention program was assessed by surveying students at a high school in southern California where students from feeder elementary and junior high schools were known to have had abuse prevention programs available to them. Data were collected anonymously on 137 high school students during their Health class. A quasi‐experimental design was utilized, comparing the 72 students who had attended one or more school‐based abuse prevention program with the 65 who stated they had not participated in a prevention program. Demographic similarities between the two groups were established. Students who attended prevention programs were more knowledgeable about abuse concepts and reported fewer incidents of abuse. However, the effectiveness of students' responses to abuse, even when they were using strategies taught by the prevention programs, was variable. Questions about the effectiveness of these strategies with familial and nonfamilial abuse are discussed. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

被害预防作为减少犯罪途径之一,越来越受到犯罪学研究的重视。本文主要从宏观、中观、微观三个层面对凶杀及伤害、被害预防进行论述。同时被害预防的实现也有赖于科学的指导,只有在科学基础上的被害预防才是更可靠更有意义的。  相似文献   

This article examines the practices of school psychologists who work within an urban school district. Participants (N = 86) rated 20 specific practices on their current use, their importance, and their level of competence. Overall the school psychologists rated their involvement in traditional assessment activities as significantly more common than consultation/collaboration and prevention/intervention; however, they indicated consultation and prevention/intervention activities as significantly more valued than traditional assessment practices. Participants also noted prevention, intervention, and functional assessment as their top priorities for professional development. Thus, a practice gap was noted with regard to what this group of school psychologists' value and what they do. Results are discussed within the context of current educational reform initiatives.  相似文献   

Rates of childhood sexual abuse are unacceptably high, with potentially long-lasting consequences for those who have been victimized. Currently, there are a number of sexual violence prevention programs that have been developed to lower rates of victimization, increase awareness, and connect victims with resources. Within this area of research, there has been less focus on effective methods of program dissemination. For example, school-based sexual violence prevention programs have had positive outcomes; however, little is known about how these programs are disseminated. The train-the-trainer model of dissemination utilizes master trainers to equip others to implement programs, thereby allowing more adults to teach and subsequently more children to receive the program. This study used survey data from teachers and other school personnel (n = 127) to analyze the utility of a train-the-trainer model of dissemination for a sexual violence prevention program in the state of Hawai’i. Through responses of people who were trained to implement the program (59.8% of whom did implement), aspects of the training, the program itself, and factors affecting whether a person implemented the program were explored. Results suggest that time spent in training, job position, and time in that position predicted whether a person trained to implement the sexual violence prevention program followed through with teaching the program to students. Additionally, 54.7% of people who did implement the program had at least one student disclose sexual violence to them, indicating the importance of sexual violence prevention programming and dissemination of these programs.  相似文献   


Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is steadily increasing among the baby boom population. Among this population, there is a gap between knowledge and behavioral choices. HIV risk perception is multifaceted and shaped by different sociodemographic factors. Baby boomers’ perception of risk and sociocognitive determinates that impact their decision to practice safe sex was examined using a correlational study design. A hierarchical multiple linear regression (HMLR) model from 48 participants aged 50–70 living in the South revealed that level of education, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) prevention behavioral skills, and HIV prevention information predicted the intent to practice safe sex. Findings account for 58.3% of the total amount of the variance explained by the two model predictors. The results are consistent with findings in the literature that suggest older adults who have more HIV prevention information and behavioral skills are more inclined to practice safe sex.  相似文献   

随着全球气候变化引起的自然灾害增多,政府防灾减灾的任务越来越重,耗费的人力、财力也不断加大。但政府不能只是被动地"应急"自然灾害,而是要研究如何把防范的重点放在灾前,防患于未然。本文结合现实,论述了灾前预防的意义和政府的基本责任,提出了在全省建立灾害业余预警员队伍的思路,阐述其重要性,对当下以灾害"应急"替代"预防"的倾向提出了批评。  相似文献   

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