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1[课本原句]—Can you swim?你会游泳吗?[中考链接]——Can you finish the work in two days?——Sorry,I_________.My computer doesn's work,(2008湖北武汉)  相似文献   

1.一我可以用一下你的电脑吗?一是的,可以。 误:-Could I use your computer? -Yes, you could.正:- Could I use your computer? -Yes, you can.析:“Could(Can)I…?”用来向人请求允许自己做某事,  相似文献   

问候(Greetings) 1 . "How are you?" "_____" A.How do you do? B.How are you? C.I' m fine, thank you D.What do you do?  相似文献   

What you say . How much is it, please? What' s the total amount? Are you going to buy it? How much are you going to spend? How much do you earn a month? How much have you got in savings? How many bank accounts do you have? Did you save any money last month? Shall we go shopping? How much did that cost you? Where did you get that? Was it expensive/cheap? I' ll get this one. / I' II pay for this. Lunch is on me. / I' II get lunch.  相似文献   

有些人唠唠叨叨,说点什么谁也不知道。有些人看你一眼,就连鸟儿也会欢叫。有些人笑过又笑,可你却泪湿眼梢。有些人握一下你的手,你却觉得天乐萦绕。Some people talk and talk and never say a thing. Some people look at you and birds begin to sing. Some people laugh and laugh and yet you want to cry. Some people touch your hand and music fills the sky.人!宁夏@刘向东…  相似文献   

习语all right等于"完全正确"吗?不!现对all right的用法做一归纳。1.用于赞同别人意见或建议,译为"好,行,可以"等,这是all right的主要用法。例如:"Dolphin language?Tell us more.""All right."answered Mike."海豚语言吗?给我们多讲点。""行,"迈克回答道。"Suppose we phone him up?""All right!""我们给他打个电话好不好?""好!"2.表示人"身体健康的,健全的",并可用在问句中表示"Are you well?"的意思。例如:"How are you,Jack?""Oh,quite all right,thank you.How about you?""Jack,你好吗?""啊,很好,谢谢。你呢?"  相似文献   

——Hello,how are you?——Fine.thank you.And you?——I’m fine.Thanks.这是一位外籍教师在一堂英语公开课上的问候语,师生配合可谓默契极了,我们看起来极其正常,可是接下来他的话,却让在座的每一位教师都震惊!他说: “这样不行!这全是教科书上的对话,而实际生活中的对话,不一定都是这样的!也许有些人心情挺好,有些人紧张,有些人则不太高兴呢?每个小学生都会有自己的感受,用自己的语言表达自己真实的感受吧!走出教科书,走进生活!”这位外籍教师道出了当前小学英语教学的某些误区:教师对学生的要求  相似文献   

1.Absent—minded 健忘,心不在焉 A: Do you know where the keys to my apartment are? B: That's the third time you've lost them this week! How could you be so absent-minded?  相似文献   

可能是受以前英语教科书的影响太深,很多人在听到别人问“How are you?”的时候,下意识的反应就是“Fine,thank you!And you?”,其实这句问候可以有很多种回答,一起来看一下吧!  相似文献   

很多人在听到别人问“How are you?”的时候.下意识的反应就是回答“Fine,thank you.And you?”其实这句问候可以有很多种回答,一起来看一下吧。  相似文献   

1. Which school are you in?(你是哪个学校的?) 2. How many subjects have you studied in school? Which subject is the most important? Why?(你在学校学几门科目?你认为哪个科目是最重要的?为什么?)  相似文献   

1.你来自哪里?[误]Where do you from?[正]Where do you come from?[正]Where are you from?[析]come from和be from意思相同,都有“是……人”;“来自……”的意思,表示某人来自何地或某人的籍贯,在句了中作谓语。误句中没有动词,无谓语。2.—你觉得中圈怎么样? —我很喜欢中国。[误]—What do you like about Chiha? I like it very much.  相似文献   

Dear Mr Tower, Thank you very much for your e-mail. Of course, I would be delighted to help you with this complex, but very useful verb. OK, let' s get started. Here are some of the main uses. Acquire/Buy——"get" can mean "acquire" or "buy" a) They got a new house. b) He got a bonus last month. Receive——To be given something: a) I got sixteen presents for my birthday b) The film got very good reviews. Arrive——To reach a destination a) She got home early. b) He got into Paris at 9pm. Bring/Fetch——To bring something to a place, or to take something back: a) Could you get me a newspaper from the shops? b) Could you get me that pen that's on the table? Winning/Scoring (goals)——To achieve something a) He got first place in the competition. b) They got ten goals.  相似文献   

1.How can you change a lady into a boy?2.When does a motorcycle go exactly as fast as a train?3.What is it that I can see but you cannot?4.What is the most difficult key to turn?5.What can you see with your eyes shut?6.What tree do you hold in your hand?7.What is it that is always coming but never arrives?8.What do you add to a road to make it wide?9.What bird can lift the heaviest weight?  相似文献   

1.Do you have any pet peeve??你有什么样的怪毛病吗?所谓的pet peeve就是个人生活习惯上的一些小毛病:例如有些人不喜欢别人碰他的电脑,要是你碰他的电脑他就会不高兴,这就是所谓的pet peeve(而非bad habit)。通常pet peeve都是比较无伤大雅的小毛病,几乎每个人都有属于他自己的pet peeve,所以就有老美跟我说过,  相似文献   

A Polite Girl     
教学过程 Step 1. Warm-up 1. Greetings. Hello, boys and girls ! Are you ready for class? OK! Nice to meet you. How are you? …  相似文献   

Unit 11 Could you please clean your room? 1.-我可以用一下你的词典吗?-可以。 误:--Could I use your dictionary? --Yes, you could. 正:--Could I use your dictionary? --Yes, you can.  相似文献   

no one和none均可指人,前者常表泛指,后者强调有一定范围。例如How many students did you see in the classroom?其一定范围指的是学生,而不是其他人群,故只能回答“None.”。如果问Did you see anyone in the room?anvone显然表泛指.刚府同答“No one.”。  相似文献   

1.关于个人隐私:英美人特别注重个人隐私,他们认为个人的事不必让别人知道,更不愿让别人干预,当陌生人或不大熟悉的人提出How old are you?(你多大了?)/How much do you make?(你赚多少钱?)/Are you married?(你结婚了吗?)等涉及年龄、收入、婚姻状况、宗教信仰等问题时,都被认为有失礼貌。因此.在与英美人交往时,应避免问及有关隐私的问题。  相似文献   

<正>1. Could you please sweep the floor?请你扫一下地好吗?【解析】“Could you(please)...?”意为“请你……好吗?”,常用来礼貌地请求别人做某事。对该句型作肯定回答时常用“No problem.”“OK.”“Sure.”等;对该句型作否定回答时常用“Sorry, I can’t.”或“Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t.”等。例如:—Could you help me buy some apples?你可以帮我买一些苹果吗?  相似文献   

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