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火热的8月,暴雪嘉年华BlizzCon2007在美国加利福尼亚的阿纳海姆市火热举行。本次大会吸引我们的除了竞技玩家都很关注的魔兽争霸Ⅲ、星际争霸邀请赛之外,就是早在半年前暴雪就许诺将要公布的一款正在开发的新作,以及开放星际争霸Ⅱ的更多资料和全球首次试玩。比起暴雪公布的新作魔兽世界的第二个资料--巫妖王之怒,显然来自星际Ⅱ的各种消息更能让全世界玩家心潮澎湃。近期,暴雪公布了很多星际Ⅱ最新的资料、截图和视频,参加了BlizzCon2007的幸运儿们也争先恐后地在各大游戏论坛上发表了他们的试玩体验,其中更不乏Moon、ToD、Nal_rA等明星选手。小编们一致认为是时候该做这样一个对星际Ⅱ评头论足的栏目了,我们会不定期地为大家带来一些最新的星际Ⅱ消息、评论和不负责任的猜想。Hell,it's about time!  相似文献   

前不久"第二届中国电子竞技产业国际高峰论坛"在北京铁道大厦举行,本次高峰论坛由中国国家体育总局和中华人民共和国新闻出版总署主办,并由美国暴雪娱乐股份有限公司冠名,笔者有幸参加了这次盛会。高峰论坛上不但有电子竞技产业中相关高层领导的精彩致辞,还有冠名支持的暴雪公司的史诗级巨作——《星际争霸Ⅱ》首次在中国登陆的试玩体验。暴雪娱乐公司作为竞技游戏中的龙头老大,一直与电子竞技有着息息相关的联系,其发行的经典巨作——《星际争霸》已经在世界上风靡了十年之久,之后另一款巨作——《魔兽争霸Ⅲ》也是延续了《墨际争霸》的辉煌,而且从某种角度来说更是超越了《星际争霸》。然而,在这两部史诗级作品在电子竞技领域中获得极大成功后,暴雪并没有停下脚步,而是继续着新的创作篇章,这就是有史以来最受关注的竞技游戏大作——《星际争霸Ⅱ》。  相似文献   

眼看着星际Ⅱ呼之欲出,我们对星际Ⅱ的期待也近似疯狂。作为这几年最让人期待的游戏,作为被称之为为电子竞技的生的游戏,星际Ⅱ有哪些过人的地方呢?比之星际Ⅰ,魔兽Ⅲ,究竟星际Ⅱ在操作上有哪些改动呢?让我们来全程揭密。  相似文献   

眼看着星际Ⅱ呼之欲出,我们对星际Ⅱ的期待也近似疯狂。作为这几年最让人期待的游戏,作为被称之为为电子竞技而生的游戏,星际Ⅱ有哪些过人的地方呢?比之星际Ⅰ、魔兽Ⅲ,究竟星际Ⅱ在操作上有哪些改动呢?让我们来全程揭密。简而言之,星际Ⅱ将操作简化,将游戏的重心转移到微操作方面。没有了星际Ⅰ那种模式化的造农民采矿、疯狂的点兵营造兵:也没有魔兽Ⅲ的英雄与(?)级。而是延续了星际的宏观战略,继续大规模作战和扩张侦查,不过引入魔兽Ⅲ中简捷的微操作技巧。基本上就是从星际Ⅰ和魔兽Ⅲ中"取其精华,去其糟粕"。  相似文献   

The 2012 UEFA European Football Championship (‘Euro 2012’) – Europe’s quadrennial football bonanza was held in Poland and the Ukraine between June 8th and July 1st. Occurring between Elizabeth II’s Diamond jubilee and the London 2012 Olympic Games, the eyes of the media were fixated on the pride and joy of English football, its men’s national team. With national consciousness at an all-time high, articles in England’s tabloid, ‘red-top,’ daily national newspapers The Sun and Daily Mirror were tracked for three weeks as they lavished their attentions on the national pastime. Their coverage of the English team reflected a heightened consciousness of English national identity. Drawing on Guibernau’s strategies for creating and uniting citizens around a collective national identity, this study examined how England’s popular media presented and represented England’s national identity to reflect the real and imagined versions of Englishness during this major sporting event.11. Montserrat Guibernau, The Identity of Nations (Cambridge: Polity, 2007). By focusing on The Sun and Daily Mirrors narratives about, and images of, the English team during the Euro 2012 tournament, this paper focuses on how English national identity ebbed and flowed during a time of seismic change within the country. Shaped by an inductive textual analysis, this paper shows how the press fluctuated between optimistic notions of the present and future English national identity and traditional ‘olde England’ in an almost formulaic fashion.  相似文献   

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