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Four groups of 16 rats were trained in a go-no go discrimination with symmetrical negative reinforcement (active-passive avoidance task). A 2 by 2 design was used with stimulus combinations as one factor [light-go, noise/light-no go, (L+ NL?) vs noise-go, light/noise-no go (N+ LN?)] and noise intensity as the other factor (90 dB, high, vs 70 dB, low). The two N+ LN? groups learned both active and passive avoidance responses much more rapidly than the L+ NL? groups. In later phases of training, high noise intensity facilitated passive avoidance in the L+ NL? condition and exerted a slight effect in the opposite direction in the other condition. While the differences in active avoidance learning were the same as in previous work on light and noise CSs, the interactions between stimuli of different modalities appeared to be more important than stimulus modality or stimulus intensity per se in determining rate of passive avoidance learning.  相似文献   

从传统的观点来看,一部文学作品的主题只能有一个,这似乎是天经地义的。因而,在对《西游记》主题的探讨上,为其找到一个确定的主题,就成了许多学者的基本出发点。其实,对《西游记》主题的理解,应当分为三个层次;一是作者意图;二是作品本身,三是读者接受。这三者是对立统一的,尤其第三个层次更就引起研究者足够的注意。  相似文献   

Why do infants and toddlers prefer helpers? Four experiments (conducted from 2019–2022; n = 136, 66% White, 15% Asian, 4% Black, 2% Hispanic/Latino, 13% multiracial, majority USA) investigated whether infants and toddlers favor agents whose actions allow others to achieve their goals. In the key experiment, 8-month-old infants and 15-month-old toddlers viewed a protagonist who tried and failed to open a box that contained a toy while two other agents (helpers) observed; then the toys were exchanged and the helpers opened different boxes. Infants and toddlers differently evaluated the two helpers, consistent with their developing means-end understanding. Together, the present four experiments connect infants' and toddlers' evaluations of helping to their understanding of goal-directed behavior.  相似文献   

在当前各地进行的农村学校布局调整过程中,许多教学点被撤销了,使为数不少的农村孩子的求学历程增加了更多的困难和挫折。教学点的教学质量并不总是低下的,相反,一些教学点具有自己的独特优势。教学点的去留需要遵循科学的依据和标准.对于那些需要保留的教学点要采取各种措施促进其发展。  相似文献   

College counselors need to be informed of effective interventions when counseling students who have been sexually assaulted. This article applies research and theory from the general literature on counseling sexual assault victims to college counselors' work with this population. An overview of the effects of sexual assault is followed by specific implications for counseling students who have been sexually assaulted.  相似文献   

Most public school teachers in the United States now leave the classroom before reaching retirement. Research on teacher attrition has tended to focus on novice teachers, using human capital or organizational theories to understand trends in teacher exit. This study examines the accounts of certified, experienced teachers who left teaching after making significant investments in the career. The accounts of these invested leavers are examined through a lens of resistance, illuminating issues of power as well as the ideals of teaching that may be expressed through the decision to leave.  相似文献   

"七个结合": 1、与企业的发展方向、规划相结合。企业培训规划、计划主要是依据企业发展规划而拟定的,同时它又是企业发展规划的重要组成部分。 2、与企业的发展实力、经济基础相结合。对员工进行知识、技能培训的意愿永远是正确的,但不能脱离企业实际实力、经济基础,增添企业负担为代价。 3、与企业的经营生产状况相结合。社会在发展,企业需要发展,员工的知  相似文献   

明确调整思路,突出发展重点。采用高新技术和先进适用技术,积极推进八大产业的升级改造,对于实现枣庄市工业的振兴至关重要。煤炭行业重点是综采高产高效矿井及安全系统改造,选煤厂脱硫、降灰、降水,煤电转化拉长产业链。重点抓好泉兴矿业集团选煤厂改造、大兴矿续建工程、金庄煤矿建设、利民煤业朝阳煤矿续建工程、富安煤矿接续矿井建设、矿业集团柴里洗煤厂技术改造等项目。要加快资源整合,充分发挥枣庄市煤炭能源优势,全力促进电能、热能转化,尽快培植枣庄市煤电转  相似文献   

This viewpoint explores and shares our experience of ‘doing’ feminism in the context of its apparent ‘demise’. We were recently invited to attend an event at the Cabinet Office, to ‘discuss the impact aspirations and expectations within the community have on the educational achievement of young people in deprived areas’. The seminar was entitled, ‘Expert Seminar with the Minister for the Cabinet Office: Community Aspirations and Educational Attainment’. Appalled, both at the grammar (!), and the deficit account implications underpinning the Cabinet Office Invitation, we made contact with one another, and agreed that we would attend the seminar with the specific intention of challenging this discursive premise. We seek to use this Viewpoint to reflect on the experience in relation to academic activism and ‘speaking back’, as well as to take the opportunity to re‐state a few of the key points that detonate the deficit discourse in relation to the educational attainment of working‐class pupils.  相似文献   

被害人问题是伴随着犯罪问题而存在的一个重要社会问题,但长期以来被害人权利问题却未受到社会足够关注。二战后,世界上大部分国家纷纷建立了被害人国家补偿制度,但却是我国刑事立法上长期存在的一项空白。本文在立足于我国司法现状的基础上探索了构建我国被害人国家补偿制度的道路。  相似文献   

"无友不如己者"是《论语》章句集注中引起争议最大的话语之一.文章参阅历来典籍关于此句的阐释,通过分析孔门儒家精神、推敲原句逻辑意义以及在《论语》文本内进行互证等方法,将有关"无友不如己者"的诸多注释加以分类、解析和排除后,最终提出自己的观点:"没有哪个朋友会在各个方面都不如自己".  相似文献   

The recent next generation science standards in the United States have emphasized learning about complex systems as a core feature of science learning. Over the past 15 years, a number of educational tools and theories have been investigated to help students learn about complex systems; but surprisingly, little research has been devoted to identifying the supports that teachers need to teach about complex systems in the classroom. In this paper, we aim to address this gap in the literature. We describe a 2-year professional development study in which we gathered data on teachers’ abilities and perceptions regarding the delivery of computer-supported complex systems curricula. We present results across the 2 years of the project and demonstrate the need for particular instructional supports to improve implementation efforts, including providing differentiated opportunities to build expertise and addressing teacher beliefs about whether computational-model construction belongs in the science classroom. Results from students’ classroom experiences and learning over the 2 years are offered to further illustrate the impact of these instructional supports.  相似文献   

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