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格林 - -巴利综合征病例比较少见 ,而并发严重呼吸肌麻痹使用呼吸机辅助呼吸抢救成功的病例更是少见。 2 0 0 3年 7月 2 1日ICU收治一例急性四肢对称性迟缓性瘫痪伴呼吸极度困难的患者 ,经过呼吸机辅助呼吸治疗 30d及精心护理已成功脱机 ,现将护理体会报告如下。1 病例介绍患者 ,男 ,1 7岁 ,主因吞咽困难 ,咳嗽无力 ,四肢进行性软弱无力一周 ,加重伴有呼吸困难 2d于 2 0 0 3年7月 2 1日我入ICU ,紧急行气管切开术接呼吸机辅助呼吸 ,呼吸模式IPPV ,TV350~ 480ml,PR1 2~ 1 6/min ,一周后患者自主呼吸恢复 ,呼吸模式改为SIMV ,TV350…  相似文献   

计算机操作系统为用户设计了及其便利的"脱机文件"功能。在教学过程中,要求教师借助局域网使用合适、有效的教学方法,仔细分析讲授内容,帮助学生扎实、快速地掌握该知识。  相似文献   

目的:探讨分析用呼吸机治疗老年重症肺炎的临床护理效果.方法:对我院接收治疗的60例重症肺炎老年患者实施呼吸机治疗的护理进行观察分析.结果:呼吸机治疗过程中通过护理干预60例老年重症肺炎患者的病情得到控制及有效治疗,减少了呼吸机相关性肺炎的发生.结论:对采用呼吸机治疗的老年重症肺炎患者实施临床护理,有利于病情的控制,缩短呼吸机应用时长,减少了并发症的发生.  相似文献   

本文总结 1998年 7月~ 2 0 0 1年 5月我院收治的 10 1例海洛因依赖者戒断期的戒断症状。从护理学角度分析临床资料 ,认为海洛因依赖者戒断期出现的精神症状和躯体症状或体征 ,给护理工作造成困难。为此本文提出护理中应注意的问题 ,并指出戒毒护理人员应注意提高自己的护理经验、素质、综合判断能力和处理突发事件的应激能力  相似文献   

目的:探讨酒依赖患者应用综合护理干预后的疗效,为酒依赖患者的临床护理提供有益参考。方法:对60例酒依赖患者进行随机分组,观察组与对照组各30例,2组患者均给予药物替代治疗,对照组给予常规护理,而观察组在对照组的基础上采取综合护理干预方案,包括风险评估、制定全程健康教育计划、心理护理干预等。对2组患者出院时的戒酒心理、行为进行评价.同时于出院后每隔4个月进行1次随访,持续1年。结果:观察组的复饮率、再住院率分别为20.o%ff~10.0%,低干对照组的40.0%与33_3%,且观察的复饮间隔时间长于对照组,观察组护理后焦虑评分优于对照组。结论:对酒依赖患者在常规护理的基础上加强综合护理干预可以取得良好的临床效果,有利于患者康复。  相似文献   

舌咽神经痛是一种由进食、吞咽等诱发的舌咽神经分布区的剧烈疼痛,可放射至喉部和耳深部[1],偶伴晕厥、心律失常和心搏骤停[2]。现将1例伽玛刀治疗舌咽神经痛病人的护理总结如下。1临床资料1.1病例介绍病人,女,65岁,因咽及舌根部疼痛8年于2014年3月来我院就诊,疼痛为闪电样,喝水说话可触发,每天均会发作剧烈疼痛,每小时10次左右。疼痛向下颌角放射,服用卡莫西平治疗效果不佳,故选  相似文献   

通过对当前流行的各种识别技术进行分析比较,在对藏文手写体特征展开深入研究的基础上,考虑到将来的研究趋势及可扩展性,提出了一套基于手写藏文识别的技术方法,即基于GA-BP神经网络的藏文识别方案,并着重对手写藏文识别中的特征提取和分类器设计进行了分析,提出了藏文识别领域今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

患者男,17岁.因砸伤致多处复合伤于1996-11-21日急诊住院。查体:体温不升,脉搏24次/min,血压9.1/5.2kPa;神志清,表情淡漠,反直迟钝,失血量多;自感呼吸不畅,心慌;右臂、右肩、腰部疼痛,双下肢不能活动,尤疼痛感觉。经榆查诊断:1、失血性休克;2、腰椎骨折合并截瘫;3、骨盆骨折合并尿道断裂:4、  相似文献   

随着我国经济的发展,网络的使用越来越广泛,但与此同时,与网络的使用而引起的相关的问题也越来越受到人们的关注。而大学生群体正是当今社会的主要网民,是受到网络影响最大的群体。由于过度使用网络而引起的网络依赖现象已经严重影响到了大学生的学习、生活等方面。本文论述了在网络时代,大学生产生网络依赖现象的原因,并有针对性的提出了防止大学生网络依赖的应对策略。  相似文献   

There are centrally mandated graduation, promotion, or curriculum requirements for the public schools in all fifty states. Most focus on academic rigor, and this focus has serious implications for programs of vocational education. One such program, a work-study program based on a public education/private industry partnership called the Philadelphia Business Academy, is undergoing significant modifications in response to new state promotion requirements. These modifications are altering many of the program's unique features, particularly its culture, and seem to be causing fundamental changes in the program's nature, operations, and effectiveness.  相似文献   

This investigation focuses on an international teaching assistant's experience to better understand the process a successful international teaching assistant might use in becoming an effective instructor in the undergraduate classroom. This developmental model offers new insights which stand to impact the strategies used in teaching support programs for international teaching assistants.She holds graduate degrees in Language Education and Higher Education from the University of Georgia and has served as Administrative Coordinator and Acting Head of The University of Georgia's intensive English program. Her research and teaching focuses on the development and administrative support of teaching assistants with emphasis on International Teaching Assistants.  相似文献   

This prospective longitudinal study followed a sample of 106 kindergarten students through 11th grade examining the effects of family characteristics, school readiness, socialization, and student demographics on academic achievement and behavioral adjustment outcomes. These educational outcomes were contrasted among four groups consisting of: 1) early grade retainees; 2) transitionally placed retained students; 3) students recommended for transitional placement, but promoted; and 4) regularly promoted students. While previous studies examining the efficacy of early grade retention focus exclusively on between‐group comparisons, this study examines the family and individual characteristics of successful and unsuccessful retained students by including both between‐group and within‐group effects on academic and behavioral outcomes. The results of this study demonstrate that retained students' initial school readiness, socioeconomic status, mother's level of education, parental value of education, kindergarten personal‐social functioning, and chronological age are distinctly associated with subsequent academic or behavioral outcomes. Variables associated with relative educational success following early failure are delineated and research implications are discussed. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to empirically examine the link between practicum-related stressors, perceived general practicum stress, personal variables (i.e. general and teaching self-efficacy, epistemological beliefs, conceptions about teaching and learning, and trait anxiety) and burnout dimensions in a sample of 174 Greek student teachers, immediately after the completion of their practicum. In addition, the study sought to identify the best predictive combination of the studied variables for each burnout dimension. Participants who reported high general practicum stress indicated moderate levels of emotional exhaustion, but low depersonalisation and high personal accomplishment. Statistically significant correlates of burnout dimensions were used in three regression analyses. Results revealed that emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment were predicted by practicum workload, whereas depersonalisation was predicted by teachers’ epistemological beliefs (i.e. learning process) and practicum-related stressors (i.e. meeting pupils’ needs). The present study contributes to the limited body of existing evidence on burnout in student teachers. The results are discussed in terms of both theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

In this article we present a case study on a group mentoring practice proven successful in earlier studies in terms of student self-regulation and collaboration. The purpose of our study was to uncover the factors behind the success by interviewing the mentor teachers. The findings showed that the group mentoring focused on four main themes: (a) promoting social relationships, (b) providing personal support, (c) providing study guidance, and (d) strengthening the agency of students. The findings suggest that the leading ethos of group mentoring was related to a humanistic approach to mentoring. However, successful mentoring also seemed to require both situated apprentice and critical constructivist perspectives in addition to the humanistic approach. It is concluded that the combination of multiple goals and contents in group mentoring is the main contributing factor behind the success of the mentoring model examined. Additionally, the teachers reported a variety of positive impacts of group mentoring on teachers’ work.  相似文献   

普及电气安全教育意义深远,新时代的学生学好电气安全课尤显重要.具体如何上好电气安全课、如何引导学生掌握安全操作技术是电气安全课程必须探讨的课题.介绍了案例讲解和创新实验的具体内容.实践表明,案例讲解与创新实验达到了不可替代的良好教学效果,实现了电气安全课教育的目的.  相似文献   

研究性学习对我们来说是一个崭新的课题,当前处在一个探讨、摸索的过程。目前我们应认清为什么要设置研究性学习,研究性学习要达到什么目的,怎样设立研究课题,如何指导学生进行研究,及如何正确评价学生的研究。要解决这些问题,一方面要不断加强理论学习,另一方面要不断探索尝试,在实践基  相似文献   

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