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社会主义初级阶段的教育有无竞争?竞争的特点和目的何在?教育竞争与竞争环境有何关系?这是改革、开放对我们提出的极为复杂的理论问题和实际问题。社会主义条件下要发展有计划的商品  相似文献   

我国比较教育研究以教育借鉴为主,但缺乏一种国家主义价值立场。比较教育研究自身的价值立场二重性,以及学习西方与抵制西方的矛盾心理使得我国比较教育研究者陷于国家主义与普遍主义这两种价值立场相互矛盾的两难困境。从全球化与本土化的关系来分析,教育借鉴对于后发展国家的教育发展是非常必要的。国家主义立场与普遍主义立场之间的关系是一种互相规定的辩证关系。基于国家主义立场的教育借鉴并不是封闭的,它是以开放的交流、普遍性为前提的。有效的借鉴需要一种"批判的理解":对别国的批判是教育借鉴的普遍性的表现,对本国的批判则是一种更深层次的爱的情感——这就是中国教育借鉴者的家国情怀。加强比较教育研究者的家国情怀是中国教育借鉴的国家主义立场的新内涵。  相似文献   

随着社会主义商品经济的发展及其对教育的冲击,教育领域内部和外部的许多矛盾得以暴露。为了寻找解决矛盾之途径,人们开始对竞争机制发生兴趣。于是,教育竞争就成为教育工作者的热门话题,教育理论界还  相似文献   

谢雯  沈洁 《教育评论》2020,(3):25-30
新时期我国地方的竞争是创新性的竞争,本质上是人才的竞争。近年来,我国部分省市主要通过住房、户籍、家属安置等优惠政策及科研、创业等支持政策,引进国内外高层次人才。在此背景下,地方高校日益成为地方人才竞争与引进中不可或缺的重要力量。为充分调动地方高校人才竞争的积极性,地方政府应重视并采取系列措施支持高校高层次人才引进和培育工作。  相似文献   

语文教学活动不仅是向学生传授知识的过程,而且是一项开发学生智力,培养学生能力的过程。为了达到这样的目的,首要的任务是培养学生学习语文的兴趣,提高学生学习语文的主动性。只有学生对语文课产生了浓厚的兴趣,变被动接受为主动索求,才能做到开发学生智力,并进一步培养能力。  相似文献   

战后日本经济的腾飞,得益于强劲有力的日本教育。日本教育的发展历程,成功之处有三:一是“视教育为立国之本”的教育思想,激发了全体国民兴办教育的热情;二是“法制化”的教育管理体制,确保了教育的持续、稳定、有计划发展;三是“现代化”的教育内部体系,营造了高水平的日本教育。我国教育要改革,要发展,要赶超世界水平,日本教育的许多作法可资借鉴。  相似文献   

周其洪——大学生职业生涯规划论坛创始人记者:当前部分高校对于开展创业教育,还有一些模糊认识,您能就此发表一下看法吗?  相似文献   

与英语和日语吸收外来词相对比,汉语在引用外来词时受到中国传统文化心理、习惯和汉语自身语言特点的影响,更倾向于对外来词尽量进行汉化。然而在国际文化交流日益频繁而深刻交融的大背景下,音译和字母词异常流行,异化成为外来词的发展走势,这同汉语规范并不矛盾,反而能促进汉语的丰富性,有助于汉语的发展和完善。  相似文献   

法律诊所是一种新的法学实践教学模式,符合高校法学本科教育的培养目标,对法律应用型人才的培养和教学模式的创新具有重大的借鉴意义。据此,文章分析了高校法学专业开展诊所教育的必要性和可行性,借鉴和引进诊所法律教育方法,提出了具体教学实施方案。  相似文献   

过去很长一段时间里,认为教育只能讲合作,不能讲竞争,竞争是资本主义的货色。社会主义初级阶段的理论提出后,越来越多的同志主张将市场竞争机制引进教育领域,并认为,教育竞争非但是客观存在而且是必不可少的动力机制。应该说,这是认识上的一大进步,但主张教育竞争,不能低估教育合作的重要性。因此,正确理解并处理好教育竞争与合作的关系是十分重要的。  相似文献   

语言变化是不可避免的。对语言变化的态度和看法也是因人而异的。在语言相互交流中 ,不断吸收新成份 ,逐步发展、完善自身 ,促进语言文化的交流  相似文献   

This article takes up the issue of the internationalisation of Vocational Education and Training (VET) reforms, expressed in the way policy instruments such as National Qualifications Frameworks (NQF) are introduced in the European Training Foundation's (ETF) partner countries. There is an international debate and different perspectives regarding NQFs. These perspectives have largely talked past each other. The article brings together these perspectives and highlights the issues at stake in this field. Through the analysis of ETF interventions in different regions, the article makes a case for new approaches of intervention, namely policy learning, that aim at enabling national stakeholders and that are conducive for home-grown VET policies. The discussion is broad in scope, not only because the article reviews developments in qualifications frameworks across-regions, but also because it highlights the complex interaction of the global and local development when introducing NQFs and the impact of such reforms on VET systems.  相似文献   


Background: This paper analyses the role of, and approach to, policy referencing and borrowing in Hong Kong’s recent reforms that culminated in the creation of its New Academic Structure and the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education.

Main argument: It argues that Hong Kong has gone further than most jurisdictions not just in responding to global influences on education reform, but in taking explicit steps to internationally benchmark its curriculum and assessment, and in involving the global community at multiple levels in the process of education policy planning and implementation.

Sources of evidence and method: The paper is based on the documentary analysis of policy documents in Hong Kong, and 23 interviews with key stakeholders in the policy network, including policy-makers, practitioners and community leaders.

Discussion and conclusions: While policy referencing and borrowing in the Hong Kong context can, in part, be traced to a colonial legacy, the Special Administrative Region of China demonstrates a collaborative approach to education reform involving local and international engagement that may be relevant to other systems. Its approach was informed by a measured use of policy referencing that involved ‘horizon scanning’ of other systems’ policies and practices; international benchmarking; and engaging international expertise to facilitate implementation.  相似文献   

规范的繁体字和简化字都是规范字,二者的关系是一种相辅相成的关系。虽然已经实行汉字简化,但由于还存在着繁体字存在的因素、现实性及简化字的缺陷,“识繁”对我们的工作、学习和生活仍具有非常重要的意义,所以不能忽视“识繁”的重要性。  相似文献   

数据预处理是数据挖掘过程中前期的数据准备阶段,预处理后的数据质量直接影响到后期的挖掘结果和效率。通过对高校图书馆读者借阅数据的预处理,研究分析了几种常用的预处理技术,为进一步的图书借阅数据挖掘奠定了基础。  相似文献   

传统的看法认为假借与同源是两个不相容的概念,本义与假借义、本字与借字之间不能存在同源关系。文章通过字词关系的比较,通过从人类认知的角度考察词的音义关系,认为这两个概念虽不处于同一范畴,但它们的实体之间却可以有交叉关系,并不完全对立,不过这种联系没有必然性。  相似文献   

体态语和成语是人类交际中两种不同的语言表达形式,一些成语在构词时借用了体态描述,并因此具有了形象生动,减少歧义,富于动感和色彩的特点。研究成语中体态的不同运用,还可感悟文化的不同和历史的变迁。  相似文献   

Research on policy borrowing is a well-established research area of comparative education. Over the past 20 years or so it gained prominence among globalization scholars. Of great interest is not so much the question of which reforms “travel” internationally, and which ones are homebound, but rather why traveling reforms resonate in a given context and at a specific moment, and how they are subsequently translated or locally adapted. In addition to issues of reception and translation, questions on the politics and economics of policy transfer are central to this research area. Empirical studies have shown that borrowing reforms from other countries, from other sectors within a country, or from “international standards” broadly defined often help coalition-building in a country. Policy borrowing also helps to mobilize financial resources, especially when it is preceded by political talk of falling behind some international standards or “best practices.” Therefore, the methods of inquiry used, the type of research questions asked, and the conclusions drawn in this body of research tend to address political and economic aspects of educational reform. Arguably, a transnational perspective is indispensable to carry out this kind of intellectual project. The academic preoccupation with policy borrowing has helped to formulate the contours of comparative policy studies. The article provides a brief overview of the main tenets of policy borrowing research and then focuses specifically on three aspects: policy reception, policy projection, and the rise of the global education industry as a new actor and beneficiary of global education policy.  相似文献   

由一道竞赛题想到的   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
题目 如图1,在正方形ABCD中,已知E、F分别是边BC、CD上的点,满足EF=BE+DF,AE、AF分别与对角线BD交于点M、N,求证:  相似文献   

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