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清代出现了大量多民族共同参与的书画活动,展现了各民族对中华文化的认同与共塑,以允禧为核心的西园文人交游圈便是其中的一个范例。他们的书画活动及书画文学作品展现了清代多民族交往交融的历史图景,呈现出各族文人对中华文化认同的具体表征,揭示了清代多民族书画活动所具有的中华文化认同功能。  相似文献   

韦丽华 《钦州学院学报》2012,27(1):52-55,60
从《小仓山房诗集》诗歌创作的思维方式、思想观念、表现内容以及袁枚与僧侣交往的目的、游历名山佛寺的目的看,袁枚并未深受佛教的影响,与袁枚多反佛言辞互为表里。探讨袁枚与佛教的关系有助于我们理解清代文人与佛教的关系。  相似文献   

清代著名学者、诗人赵翼宦游四方、交游甚广。无论与何等人交往,赵瓯北均能恪守古时仁人志士那种"与人为善"、"见贤而思齐"的道德规范,又因其为人豁达大度,待人真诚宽厚,故知己友好甚多。考察诗人的交游,对探究其思想的形成、把握清代文人阶层的生存状态大有裨益,亦可管窥乾嘉学风的嬗变轨迹。  相似文献   

晚清京城士人创作了大量花谱之作,文人风流自赏、品花自娱。香溪渔隐《凤城品花记》即是一部花谱之作,叙香溪渔隐徘徊于京都梨园,赏花品色的风流韵事。香溪渔隐可考即杨兆莹。文章细致描写与其伶人妙珊相遇、相识、相知、相离之事,用琐忆之笔写与伶人妙珊的交往,展示出士人在京城的娱乐生活,是晚清品优花谱的佳作。作者大力宣扬与优伶知己之情,从中可以觇视清代同光年间文人与伶人的交往情形及所体现的城市娱乐文化、性别文化内涵。  相似文献   

介绍清代广西著名的书香望族——临桂朱氏。朱氏为明代藩王——靖江王后裔,在清代以诗书传家,科第联翩,簪缨不绝,且在诗文创作及治学著述方面成就突出,涌现出众多的诗人词客、文人学者,其中有在广西文学史上颇具影响之卓然名家——朱依真、朱琦。  相似文献   

清代乾嘉时期江苏泰州籍戏曲家仲振履作为清中期泰州地区著名文人,其诗、书、画、曲皆精,著作众多;屡官广东多地,政绩显著;主持泰州文坛,影响深远。但长期以来,学术界对仲振履缺乏应有的认识与评价。依据扬州、泰州地区公私所藏相关文献,可考证出其籍贯、家世、著作、官职甚至字号、生卒年等。同时,通过一些清人著述和近年来拍卖的书画作品,可对其与乾嘉时期著名文人和清中期名臣的交往进行考证。  相似文献   

清代中叶,大批文人以通俗小说来表达对社会人生的理解,通过小说世界的虚拟来抒写自己的抱负,表达自己的牢骚与感伤,通俗小说成为文人表现自我的重要媒介。传统诗文的抒情言志因素被引入通俗小说,使得通俗小说具有了文人品格。文人们将通俗小说视为"立言"之一种,当作可以藏之名山的著述。这些文人独立创作的通俗小说被称为"文人小说"。清代通俗小说的文人化进程也是通俗小说走向真正的独立成熟的过程。  相似文献   

昆曲男旦创造了表演艺术的辉煌,但"传"字辈艺人之后出现了七十年余年的断层.如何恢复昆曲男旦表演,把"人类口头和非物质遗产代表作"的昆曲完好地传承下去,这是昆曲继承与发展不得不正视的严肃问题.恢复昆曲男旦表演意义重大.  相似文献   

男旦艺术是远古“雌雄同体”神话原型的折射和映象,符合艺术创作中“双性同体”的心理机制。反串表述的民族审美心理是中国戏曲舞台上男旦艺术形成和发展的特定化背景。梅兰芳为首的京剧男旦突破了魏长生时代男旦的表演局限而臻于极境。当今男旦艺术面临着断层的困境,但仍有其存在并发展的合理性和可能性。  相似文献   

有清一代,广西人文昌盛,文人学者涌现,文人藏书日渐兴盛。笔者根据所见诗集、文集、书目、书札等资料,介绍清代广西文人藏书情况,探讨文人藏书的目的、条件、途径与贡献等。  相似文献   

为探讨初中生座位安排与学习动机、课堂师生互动的关系,采用学习动机量表、课堂师生互动问卷和教室座位一般问卷,对300名初中生进行调查。结果表明:处于优势区的初中生在学习动机、内部目标对象和任务价值得分上显著高于弱势区的初中生;座位调换周期大于一个月对初中生内部目标定向、任务价值和课堂师生互动有显著影响;座位调换周期大于一个月,座位区域与内部目标定向、任务价值和课堂师生互动存在显著相关,课堂师生互动与学习动机、能力把握信心和学习控制信念存在显著相关;课堂师生互动对学习动机回归效应显著,座位安排对学习动机与课堂师生互动的关系产生中介影响。  相似文献   

目的检验中文版嘲笑问卷(Teasing Questionnaire-Revised,TQ-R)的效度和信度.方法对英文版TQ-R问卷进行系统的翻译和评价,并用中文版TQ-R对786名中学生进行测量,对测定结果进行效度和信度分析.结果通过对中文TQ-R问卷因子分析得到5个公因子,28个条目负荷值大于0.4,总方差解释率为47.74%,证实了量表的结构效度.总量表a系数为0.90,5个分量表的a系数在0.65以上;总量表与5个分量表呈显著正相关.结论中文TQ-R问卷可以用于评定我国中学生的嘲笑.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on multiple schedules with component stimuli of different degrees of similarity. In Experiment 1, a two-component schedule was used in which the two stimuli were either two line orientations or a line orientation versus a diffuse color. Reinforcement rate was varied in one component to determine the effects of stimulus similarity on different aspects of behavioral contrast. Contrast in terms of average response rates (molar contrast) was larger with less similar stimuli. Local contrast effects at the beginning of the component were larger for more similar stimuli, but these effects were more variable and did not attain statistical significance. Independent of the level of molar contrast, the local pattern of schedule interaction differed for the two levels of similarity: with more similar stimuli, the maximum degree of interaction occurred at the beginning of the components and then decreased; with less similar stimuli, the degree of interaction increased throughout the components and was at its maximum near their end. In Experiment 2, the same three stimuli were used while reinforcement rate in the middle component of a three-component sequence was varied; this isolated the effects of the preceding schedule from those of the following schedule. Contrast effects were generally greater in the target component preceding the variable schedule, and these were enhanced by less similar stimuli. Contrast in the target component following the variable schedule was manifested primarily in terms of the behavior at the beginning of the component, and these effects were inconsistently related to stimulus similarity. The functional separation of the effects of stimulus similarity on the different locations of contrast suggest that “anticipatory contrast” and “local contrast” depend upon different mechanisms, thus excluding any account of contrast solely in terms of relative rate of reinforcement.  相似文献   

通过叙事研究探讨一位初任高中英语教师的实践性知识的构建。结果表明:教师的知识大部分来自于他们在不断处理课堂上遇到的问题的过程中积累到的实践性知识,并受该教师的主观能动性,指导老师的指导,学生的互动和参与的影响。所以,在教师入职培养中,不应该是单向的培养和训练,而是基于创造性实践的经验和反思的自我形成与相互交流。  相似文献   

在义务教育阶段,由于“入学年龄截止日期”的设定,导致了在同学年入学的儿童中,不同出生日期儿童的实际入学年龄不同。本研究利用上海市中小学生抽样调查数据,分析小学入学年龄对儿童学校表现的影响,探讨义务教育阶段的“相对年龄效应”。研究结果表明:小学阶段的相对年龄效应显著,直到初中后这一效应逐渐减弱甚至消失,但入学年龄对夏季生儿童的学校表现影响将从小学持续到初中;相对年龄效应对男女儿童的学习成绩均具显著影响,对女童的社会交往也具有显著影响;家庭资源对相对年龄效应具有调节作用。  相似文献   

To determine the relationship between relative age and achievement in middle school, standardized math and reading scores for a sample of middle-class, suburban middle school students (N = 933) were examined. Analysis of variance revealed a significant difference among relative age groups in only one area, sixth-grade reading, F(2, 146) = 3.1, p < .05. There was no main effect for gender and no interaction between age and gender in sixth, seventh, or eighth grade. When the birth month of students who had repeated one or more grades was examined, it was revealed that a large percentage of these students would have been the youngest in the class when beginning school. Results suggest that a relationship between relative age and achievement may exist in the lower grades but diminishes or disappears by seventh or eighth grade because of the retention of a larger proportion of the youngest children.  相似文献   

目的:探索农村中学教师自我和谐状况。方法:使用自我和谐量表对农村中学教师共294人进行问卷调查。结果:1.农村中学教师自我和谐总分偏高;2.经多元方差分析,在自我与经验的不和谐、自我的灵活性、自我和谐总分上,学历与职称的交互作用显著;在自我灵活性因子上,性别、职称、学历三因素的交互作用显著。结论:农村中学教师自我和谐程度较低。  相似文献   

通过对中学生学习倦怠的调查,了解中学生学习倦怠的年级和性别特征,探索其发展变化规律.采用《个人基本情况调查表》和《中学生学习倦怠问卷》对353名中学生进行测查,发现中学生学习倦怠处于中等水平,学习低效能感和生理耗竭因子得分偏高;师生疏离因子性别差异显著,男生的师生疏离程度高于女生;初一到高三中学生学习倦怠的水平基本呈直线上升趋势,高二在6个年级中倦怠水平最高;学习倦怠的年级差异显著,初一、初二与高中各年级均存在显著性差异,年级与性别之间的交互作用显著.中学生学习倦怠处于中等水平;学习倦怠水平随年级的增高呈直线上升趋势;学习倦怠的年级差异显著,年级与性别之间的交互作用显著.  相似文献   

Using FEM to predict tree motion in a wind field   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we propose a finite element (FE) simulation method to predict tree motion in a wind field, Two FE tree models were investigated: One model was generated based on a realistic nature-looking geometric tree model, and the other was a symmetric model to investigate the influence of asymmetric material properties on tree motion. The vortex-induced vibration (VIV) theory is introduced to estimate the fluctuating wind force being exerted on tree stems and the fluid-structure interaction (FSI) analysis is also included in the simulation. The results indicate that asymmetric material properties result in the crosswind displacement of the investigated node and the main swaying direction deviation. The simulation reveals that under wind loading, a tree with leaves has much larger swaying amplitude along the wind direction and longer swaying period than a tree without leaves. However, the crosswind swaying amplitude is mainly due to branch interaction. The numerical simulation proved that the interaction of tree branches can prevent dangerous swaying motion developing.  相似文献   

Picturebook reading is a common form of interaction between parents and young children. This study examined developmental changes and socioeconomic differences in picturebook interactions of motherinfant Argentine dyads. 21 middle and 18 low SES mothers with their 12 to 24 months-old infants interacting with two different books, were observed. It was found that mothers of both SES groups adjusted the level of their demands not only to the task requirements (books) but also to the age of the infant. However, it was also found that the style of the interaction was different depending on the SES of the mother-infant pair. A more demanding and elaborated maternal language along with a linguistically more competent child were found in the middle SES group.  相似文献   

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