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汤冬杰 《大学教育》2022,(11):14-17
开设面向本科生的学术前沿课对引导学生快速了解学科学术前沿,激发本科生的科研兴趣,提升本科生提出问题、分析问题和解决科学问题的专业能力及其创新创业能力,帮助本科生及时确立科研志愿等方面均具有重要意义。为了更好地提高本科生学术前沿课程的教学质量,文章结合学术前沿课程的设置意义与目的,以沉积地球化学在环境分析中的应用为例,提出了具体的策略:突出课程科学意义,激发学生的学习兴趣;课程紧跟学术前沿,培养学生的科学思维;科学问题引导教学,在教学中引入学科热点,让学生主动参与教学;让课程教学与科研创新相辅相成,让课堂知识和课题延伸融会贯通;体验式教学过程注重学生实践,避免学生眼高手低,培养学生的创新创业能力;促进学生了解科研过程,提升学生毕业论文写作水平。  相似文献   

科学的候答,有利于激发思维,有助于深化思维,有益于创新思维。实践中应在切实分析课堂候答存在问题的基础上,基于生态学的基本观点,努力做到着眼于“整体”,不因重答问而轻发问;着意于“人本”,不因重规范而轻风范;着力于“和谐”,不因重进度而轻适度;着心于“发展”,不因重静思而轻引思;着重于“共生”,不因重形动而轻神动。  相似文献   

分子生物学是生命科学领域公认的核心学科之一。分子生物学全英文教学是该学科发展的内在需求,对于促进学科与学术前沿融合具有重要意义,同时有助于培养与国际接轨的复合型生物学人才。文章分析了分子生物学全英文教学目前存在的问题,并针对问题提出了具体改进措施。  相似文献   

成熟是一种生命的姿态,是一种活着的风度,它使我们不因愤怒而失去理智,不因坎坷而一蹶不振,也不因一时的迷茫而忘记未来的方向,更不因责任重大而失去敢于担当的勇气。  相似文献   

本科生科研训练越来越成为高等学校本科教学的重要组成部分。本文首先提出了以学术前沿问题指导本科生开展科研训练的建议,并阐述了以学术前沿问题指导本科生的意义,给出了以学术前沿问题指导本科生开展科研训练的具体实施措施和建议。  相似文献   

不因春天没有嗅到第一抹芬芳而惆怅,不因夏季忘记听知了的喧嚣而竟自悲伤,不因秋天没有捡到新鲜的梧桐叶而独自在街角彷徨,不因初冬没有亲吻新  相似文献   

几何中有这样一类问题,图形的一部分固定,而另一部分是可以任意变动的,但是,图形的某些性质或数量却不因部分图形的变化而变化。这类问题就是我们通常说的定值问题。 常见的定值问题有定长问题、定角问题、定比问题、定积问题,……等。 初等几何中处理定值问题的方法,一般是通过对特殊位置的研究,预测出“定”的具体内容,进而就任意位置给出一般的证明。  相似文献   

痛苦不因比较而消失;幸福不因分享而减少。  相似文献   

鲁迅和藤野先生在仙台分手以后,一直思念并铭记着自己的这位日本老师。这种感情,不因时日的久远而忘怀,不因地理的阻隔而淡漠,也不因历史的变迁而衰退。  相似文献   

论公共场所的个人隐私权保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
隐私是现代社会中每个人都拥有的个人利益。隐私权的保护也是现代社会不可忽视的问题。而公共场所的隐私及其保护就成为一个更为敏感和更具有争议的问题。然而,众多的隐私侵权和隐私纠纷已经使公共场所的隐私保护成为一个必须面对的法律问题,同时也成为我国民法人格权制度发展的一个重要问题。因此必须确立在公共场所中保护个人隐私权的原则,努力做到不因开放性排斥个人隐私空间;不因共享性排斥个人隐私利益;不因秩序性排斥个人隐私和安全。  相似文献   

This paper first briefly reviews the worldwide development of the size of the university sector, its research merits and authorities’ use of incentive systems for its academic staff. Then, the paper develops a static model of a researcher’s behaviour, aiming to discuss how different salary reward schemes and teaching obligations influence his or her research merits. Moreover, special focus is placed on discussing the importance of the researcher’s skills and of working in solid academic environments for quality research. The main findings are as follows: First, research achievements will improve irrespective of the relative impact quantity and quality of research have on researchers’ salaries. Second, small changes in fixed salary and teaching duties will not influence the amount of time academics spend on research and, as such, their research merits. Third, because research productivity, i.e. the number of pages written and research quality increase with the researcher’s skills and effort, both these figures signal a researcher’s potential when adjusting for his or her age and the kind of research carried out. Finally, because researchers’ utility depends on factors beyond salary and leisure time, employers have a number of instruments to use in order to attract skilled researchers in a globalised market.  相似文献   

While there is an increasing demand of academics to do more teaching, research and community service, there is also increasing pressure to improve the quality of such work. The emerging dilemma between increasing the quantity and quality of academic work and its implications are the focus of this paper. Academic work appears to be taken for granted by administrators as it is rarely defined in contracts, either quantitatively or qualitatively. In this paper the complexity of the relationships between quantity and quality of academic work is analysed in terms of relevant concepts and processes. It is argued that the achievement of higher quality in academic work requires a better understanding of the factors involved by academics, administrators and the funding bodies responsible for higher education.  相似文献   

苏洋 《复旦教育论坛》2023,21(4):114-121
高校教师学术创业对科研产出的影响一直是国内外争论的焦点。通过收集我国四所“双一流”大学教师学术创业的数据,运用倾向值匹配法探究高校教师学术创业与科研产出之间的因果关系。研究得出如下结论:高校教师参与学术创业后,科研产出数量不会发生变化,但科研产出质量会有所下降;不同学科教师学术创业对科研产出的影响效应存在异质性,工科类教师学术创业对科研产出数量和质量均无显著影响,而理科类教师学术创业对科研产出质量存在显著的负向影响。基于此,为了减少冲突,实现“研创”共生,建议建立“支撑保障”与“边界限制”并行的学术创业管理体制,并根据不同学科的特点进行分类管理。  相似文献   

目前高校职称评定工作中存在的主要问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前高校职称评定存在的主要问题有重科研业绩轻教学质量、重发表论文的数量轻质量、重期刊的级别轻论文的实际学术水平、重评审轻考核等现象,在职称工作中如何克服这些问题是职称评定与管理工作者应该研究的问题。  相似文献   

The literature on the consequences of academic inbreeding shows ambiguous results: some papers show that inbreeding positively influences research productivity measured by the quantity and quality of publications, while others demonstrate the opposite effect. There are contradictory results both in the studies of different countries and within countries. This variety of results makes it impossible to transfer the findings from one academic system to another, and in Russia this problem has been under-explored. This paper focuses on the relationship between inbreeding and publication activity among Russian faculty. The research was conducted using data from the ‘Monitoring of Educational Markets and Organizations’ survey. The results show that there is no significant effect of academic inbreeding on publication productivity: no substantial and robust differences in publication activity between inbreds and non-inbreds have been found. The paper finishes with a discussion of possible explanations inherent in the Russian academic system.  相似文献   

我国研究生教育的效率分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以大学为分析单元,将教育和研究作为研究生教育的产出,将导师数、具有高级职称的教师数和研究经费作为投入,通过DEA(数据包络分析)对我国66所大学的研究生教育的效率进行定量分析发现:31所大学的研究生教育是总体技术有效的,47所大学是纯技术有效的,而规模无效的大学中有32所处于规模收益递减阶段。从数量效率看,有33所大学处于规模收益递减阶段,从质量效率看,有39所大学处于规模收益递减阶段。提高我国研究生教育效率的当务之急是提高管理效率,消除规模无效。  相似文献   

科研论文发表的数量与质量是评价高校科研实力的一个重要指标。利用CNKI学术期刊数据库,对其收录的南宁职业技术学院2008~2010年论文及引用情况进行统计分析,肯定了学院科研工作所取得的成绩并指出值得注意的问题,对如何进一步提高学院学术论文的数量和质量提出了建议。  相似文献   

The paper proposes a metric, the research quality index (RQI), for assessing and tracking university research quality. The RQI is a composite index that encompasses the three main areas of research activity: publications, research grants and higher degree by research activity. The public availability of such an index will also facilitate benchmarking (internally, competitively and generically) by academic units in universities. This has become an important activity in Australia with the proposed introduction of the Research Quality Framework (RQF) as the future research funding mechanism for Australian universities. The RQF is a quality-based system that will replace the existing funding system that is focused on the volume of research output, not quality. Benchmarking, using the RQI, will allow academic units to track their progress towards their quality targets and facilitates internal and competitive benchmarking, allowing academic units to assess the efficacy of their research quality enhancement strategies and policies on an annual basis. The paper illustrates the compilation and operation of the RQI. The RQI is a short-term tracking methodology for use in between the cyclical major research quality assessments. With modifications, it is applicable in a wide range of countries.  相似文献   

特定的专业英语口译技能决定了它与众不同的质和量的标准 ,专业口译人员各方面素质过硬是保证口译质量取向规范和定位的前提条件。有质有量的口译理念才是专业英语口译必胜的预知意识  相似文献   

论高校学报编辑应具备的素质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高校学报作为文化交流、学术争鸣、促进科技发展和应用的重要阵地。科学性、知识性和学术性构成了其性质。它反映的是高校科研领域的新成果、新动态,并为教学和科研服务。学报质量的高低、社会影响范围的大小、作者投稿的多少,均取决于编辑素质的高低。所以,大力提高编辑的综合素质是提高学报质量的关键。  相似文献   

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