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正CAS released its 13~(th) Five-year Plan(2016–2020)in Beijing on August 31,2016,aiming at further breakthroughs in areas from particle physics and astronomy to brain science,artificial intelligence,oceanology,ecology and the environment.The plan,announced by CAS President BAI Chunli,sets the Academy’s goals and development priorities in the next five years.  相似文献   

《科学技术与辩证法》创刊2 0年了。2 0年来,竟然有这样一份刊物能从相对贫困的内陆地区走向全国,在科学技术哲学领域得以与两份北京的刊物三足鼎立,我们不由得对其创始人张家治老师,对继任的邢润川老师,以及对他们的同事和学生表示由衷的敬意。在商品大潮袭来的那一段时间,有多少刊物或销声匿迹,或改换门庭,或随波逐流。《科学技术与辩证法》一度也非常困难,其中的艰辛我也略知一二。然而编辑部顶住了,不仅顶住了,而且还坚持了既定的办刊宗旨。可以说,与《自然辩证法研究》和《自然辩证法通讯》一起,《科学技术与辩证法》以其坚定和执着见…  相似文献   

At the enlarged summer session of the Party's Leading Group at CAS held from July 25 to 29 in Beijing,the CAS leadership called for implementing the third-phase work of the Knowledge Innovation Program (KIP) through innovation and reform, so as to open up new prospects for CAS development in the years to come.  相似文献   

CAS member Zhao Zhongxian, director of Working Committee on Consultation and Evaluation of the CAS Academic Divisions (CASAD),has announced that the Academic Division of Earth Sciences has drafted a consultative report on planning and strategic studies of  相似文献   

CAS member Zhao Zhongxian, director of Working Committee on Consultation and Evaluation of the CAS Academic Divisions (CASAD),has announced that the Academic Division of Earth Sciences has drafted a consultative report on planning and strategic studies of the mid- and long-term development for earth sciences in China.  相似文献   

Because of climate challenges throughout the world, the studies of global climate change (global change for short) have received much attention from the international scientific community.  相似文献   

加快科技园区建设 ,是中国科学院实施知识创新工程一项基础性工作 ,也是知识创新工程五大目标之一和重要组成部分。搞好园区建设 ,直接关系到吸引和培养高科技人才、实现知识创新工程的目标。加快科技园区建设 ,必将有力地推进知识创新工程的进展 ,从而大大提高科技创新能力。中国科学院党组和院领导对科技园区建设十分重视。在 2 0 0 1年 3月下发了《中国科学院关于进一步加快研究所园区改造工作的意见》。 4月又召开了中国科学院“十五”基本建设工作会议。会上 ,施尔畏秘书长作了关于加快园区建设的专题报告。路甬祥院长、陈宜瑜副院长到…  相似文献   

制定中国科学院中长期科学和技术发展规划是一件大事。这对于贯彻新时期办院方针,实施新时期发展战略,凝聚广大科技人员的智慧和力量,深入推进知识创新工程,实现科学院改革与创新的跨越和可持续发展都具有十分重要意义。同样,制定和执行正确的发展战略,对一个研究所也是至关重要。计算技术研究所花了近一年的时间,在广大员工充分讨论基础上制定了所的发展战略。贯彻发展战略已对计算技术研究所的科研选题和效果产生积极影响。他们的发展战略研究工作做得比较细致,很有特色,对其它研究所制度发展战略有一定借鉴意义,本刊特转登如下。  相似文献   

以1991年中国资源卫星应用中心成立为标志,我国资源卫星应用事业发展已经15年了。在国家关于大力发展卫星应用事业的战略方针指引下,在国家发改委、国防科工委和航天科技集团公司的领导和支持下,中国资源卫星应用中心走过了从无到有、从基础薄弱到逐渐壮大的15年。以下是各位领导在庆祝中国资源卫星应用中心成立十五周年暨用户大会上的讲话摘要,全面介绍了我国资源卫星应用事业15年的发展历程和未来战略。  相似文献   

A conference of the CAS leading group for the revitalization of northeast China with science and technology was held on Sept. 1 and 2 in Changchun, capital of northeast China‘s Jilin Province. Chaired by CAS Vice President Shi Erwei, the meeting focused on the implementation of a CAS action plan for retrieving China‘s northeast, an old industrial base and once the industrialization locomotive of the country.  相似文献   

CAS is to initiate a 150-millionyuan (about US $18 million) project to boost the development of its network of botanical gardens throughout the country.  相似文献   

实施科教兴国战略是实现第三步战略目标和中华民族伟大复兴的重要措施。中国科学院作为我国自然科学研究的最高学术机构 ,责无旁贷要担负起科教兴国的使命和责任。目前我院实施的知识创新工程试点工作是国家创新体系的重要组成部分 ,是服务于科教兴国战略的必然选择。使命决定策略。要实现知识创新工程试点工作的总体目标 ,有两点已经成为全院上下的普遍共识。一是人才是当今世界上最稀缺和最宝贵的资源。当前和未来的国际竞争说到底是人才的竞争。培养、吸引和使用好人才是一项重大的战略任务。知识创新工程试点工作的核心任务就是培养、吸…  相似文献   

实施西部大开发战略,加快中西部地区发展,是中国政府面向新世纪做出的重大战略决策。积极参与西部大开发战略的实施,是中国科学院广大科技人员神圣的责任,也是知识创新工程试点工作的一项重要内容。2000年初,中国科学院制定了“西部行动计划”,开展了“中国西部环境演变、生态建设与资源持续利用研究”,其中包括“西部生态环境演变规律研究与水土资源可持续利用研究”、“浑善达克沙地与京北农牧交错区生态环境综合治理试验示范研究”、“黄土高原水土保持与生态环境建设试验示范研究”、“黑河流域水鄄生态鄄经济系统综合管理试验示范研究…  相似文献   

Since CAS is charged with the key task of carrying out strategic, fundamental and forward-looking studies for this country, it is incumbent upon CAS scientists to take an active part in the National Program for the Development of Western China. This is also an important part of the national Knowledge Innovation Program (KIP) spearheaded by CAS. Over the past two years, CAS has made a series of remarkable advances in Western China with regard to the development of research bases, exploration of crucial scientific problems, the training of talented people, and providing consultation services for decision makers.With the furtherance of the national drive to develop the country's western region, CAS will step up its efforts and increase its funding, to make more and greater contributions to the overall development of the region.  相似文献   

正The Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)tops the global institution list of the newly released Nature Index 2016,according to the latest ranking released by Nature Publishing Group(NPG)on April20,2016,which considered data from January 1,2015to December 31,2015.CAS has maintained the No.1institutional contributor of high-level science papers for four years in a row,as revealed by the Nature Index data  相似文献   

To speed up the regional development in central and western China is a strategic decision made by the Chinese government at the turn of the century. For CAS research professionals, active participation into the campaign is a solemn historic commitment and a major task of the CAS-piloted national Knowledge Innovation Program. In early 2000, the CAS leadership formulated an Action Plan for Western China Development and initiated a research program aiming at the environmental evolution,ecological restoration and the sustainable exploitation of the local resources in the region.  相似文献   

Until recently, the concept of a postdoctoral scholar (postdoc) was new in China although it first appeared about 125 years ago, when Johns Hopkins University adopted an ap prenticeship model of high-level training.  相似文献   

本文分析了中国科学院重点实验室的现状和所面临的形势,对新时期中科院重点实验室的作用给出了新的定位,阐述了重点实验室发展的指导思想和基本原则,对重点实验室的发展进行了深入思考。  相似文献   

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