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The Dearing Report emphasised the idea of a 'learning society' as the new context of UK higher education, but conceived this on a model of adaptivity to economically- and technologically-driven change. While there are real shifts in their social relations here with which universities have to reckon, they can also be understood on a much richer model of exploratory social intelligence. The growing concern for environmental sustainability is both a recognition of the need for this alternative model, and a major ground of its importance.  相似文献   

一、关于高等教育可持续发展内涵问题 在目前所见的有关高等教育可持续发展的文章中,几乎所有的作者都把高等教育的可持续发展内涵归结为两个方面,即“其一是高等教育如何为经济与社会的可持续发展战略服务;其二是高等教育自身如何根据可持续发展的理论与原则进行改革”,我个人认为这一归纳有其不妥之处。首先,高等教育的可持续发展就是指高等教育自身的可持续发展,它是相对于科技的可持续发展、生态环境的可持续发展、工业的可持续发展、农业的可持续发展等诸多带有行业性质的可持续发展而提出来的;其次,是高等教育在经济与社会可…  相似文献   

李作章  单春艳 《高教发展与评估》2012,28(4):76-81,123,124
“确保未来的高等教育持续发展”的《布朗报告》就如何使英国高校得到可持续的经费投入、如何提高英国高等教育的教学质量、如何确保英国高等教育的公共利益等问题提出了改革建议.报告还对英国高等教育场域内各利益相关方——政府、高校、学生或家长、第三方教育监管机构的角色进行了重新界定.在此,着重介绍这项报告的背景、内容及影响,解析英国高等教育发展的趋势及策略.  相似文献   

在联合国相关会议与宣言的影响与督促下,美国高校发起并签署了一系列关于可持续性教育的联合宣言和实施文件,逐步推动高校可持续性运动的深入与扩展。近年来,美国高校的可持续性运动在课程设置、科学研究、校园运行、学生参与以及外展服务等具体领域取得了相当大的成效,表现出自下而上自主扩展、措施综合性和参与广泛性、社团与非政府组织参与以及气候变化推动四个方面的特点。  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of a procedure implemented and used at one Swedish university to promote integration of the concept of sustainability into courses. The study is based on a literature study and a case study at the University of Gävle in Sweden, where faculty members are asked to classify their courses and research funding applications regarding the contributions thereof to sustainable development. The results of the study indicated that this procedure can indeed stimulate faculty members to integrate sustainable development in their courses. It is clear that the reported changes in courses were also influenced by other factors such as the increased general awareness of environmental issues.  相似文献   

The relation between education and sustainability cannot be an external, still less an instrumental one. Sustainability means humans, as individuals and societies, consciously trying to go with the grain of nature. Learning to understand the natural world and the human place in it can only be an active process through which our sense of what counts as going with the grain of nature is continuously constituted and recreated. This process cannot have its agenda set to subserve sustainability criteria which it actually makes meaningful. The policy discourse, parameters and indices of operational sustainability are heuristics, and the conditions for deploying them intelligently are at one and the same time the conditions for a genuinely learning and for a deeply sustainable society. This suggests, too, a basis for reclaiming education in general from the instrumentalising approaches that currently beset it.  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s, there has been discussion about the need for the curriculum of universities to provide students with understanding about the environment. Over the decade this discussion has evolved from thinking about how to green the university curriculum, through to proposals for our students to be environmentally literate and to receive education for sustainability (or sustainability education). Internationally, there have been many instances of universities taking this discussion seriously and introducing curriculum change. A variety of declarations and action plans have enabled universities to share ideas and support this change. Given a dearth of information about the degree to which universities in Australia were part of this discussion and change, we sought to gain an understanding of the status of sustainability education in these institutions. Responses from approximately a quarter of these institutions indicated that a handful of universities are engaged in this education for a wide range of their students, and in some universities more students of particular disciplines are gaining the exposure. However, there are clear barriers to the introduction and expansion of sustainability education.  相似文献   

高等教育结构的多样化与高等教育大众化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育大众化导致了高等教育结构的多样化,而高等教育结构的多样化又促进了高等教育的大众化。在世界高等教育大众化进程中,高等教育的形式结构、层次结构、等级结构和部门结构等方面都呈现出多样化的趋势。我国高等教育大众化也要走结构多样化之路,在规模扩张的同时要调整与优化结构,使高等教育全面得到发展。  相似文献   

Our schools and educators face a compelling responsibility to serve society by fostering the transformations needed to set us on a path to sustainable development in the 21st century. Education for Sustainability is a new paradigm, that is based on a life long learning process that leads to an informed and involved citizenry having the creative problem solving skills, scientific, technological, and social literacy, and a commitment to engage in responsible actions that will help ensure an environmentally sound and economically prosperous future for all. This paper and the following paper, from a soon to be published book, Education for a Sustainable Future: A Paradigm of Hope, edited by Keith A. Wheeler, focus on the need to have science imbedded at the core of the Education for Sustainability paradigm and the need to increase and enhance teacher education to better be able to create the necessary interdisciplinary thinking critical to transform learners for the next millennium.  相似文献   

试论高职教育的职教属性与高教属性   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目前我国高职教育基本理论研究滞后,势必造成对实践指导的延迟和偏离。为此,有必要重新界定和认识高职教育的一些基本理论问题。只有坚持高职教育的职教属性和高教育属性的有机统一,坚持两条腿走路,才能求得高职教育的持续协调发展。  相似文献   

文章探讨了可持续发展对于职业技术教育与培训的意义和启示。文章的视角是,可持续发展不仅是一种科学目标,而且应该是在因地制宜的文化引导下寻求社会、经济和自然系统之间动态平衡的努力。这种平衡将促进现在和未来,以及国家、种族、社会阶层和性别之间的公平。作为学习和文化转向的核心,可持续发展目标的实现需要所有人对指导我们行动的价值观和原则进行反思。这种观点要求职业教育与培训工作者重视自己在通识教育上的责任,特别是应该将劳动教育作为提高公民素质、实现可持续发展目标的一部分。这种取向意味着,各种教育项目要为学生提供机会,让他们学会反思自己的价值观,反思这些价值观怎样影响职场行为和生活方式选择,反思如果世界上的每个人都保持现有的观念和行动方式,他们会对社会、经济和环境产生怎样的影响。除此之外,这些项目还应该为学习者提供掌握新知识、技能和价值观的机会,从而为所有人创造一个更公平、更和谐的世界。  相似文献   

高等教育学研究欲加强理论与实际的联系,就需要倡导更符合高等教育学学科特点的研究方法,对探讨的问题进行必要的界定,分清不同陈述形式的功用及严格遵循范式的应用,同时要认识到理论的反思和批判功能。  相似文献   

素质教育不仅仅是对中小学的,高等教育也要实施素质教育。因为在高等教育中推行素质教育是我国社会经济发展的需要,是时代发展的需要。  相似文献   

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