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运动技术存在着自然性运动技术和社会性运动技术这样两个子系统。前者着重认识与处理人与物及物与物关系。后者偏重认识与处理人与人关系。两者相工区别相互促进相互制约。社会性运动技术是一种客观存在。只有认识、开发这一领域,才能从整体上掌握运动技术的全部。社会性运动技术的主要内容,是人与人的配合性与对抗性,配合力大小与对抗力强弱在一定技术条件下成正比,运动技术形成与掌握存在泛化、分化、巩固、社会化这样四个相互渗透的阶段.兼备自然性社会性运动技术须通过激烈竞赛这一中介,社会性运动技术难以“言传”、难“教”、靠“打”,存在三种特性两条原理,即开放性,含有大量的社会心理因素、具有整体性集体性。同素异构原理:同样人员、同等技术、结构有别、功能各异;思想功能原理:即同样人员、同等技术、结构相似、思想不同、功能各异。社会性运动技术这一领域的开发,有待社会学、系统科学、脑科学的综合性地自外而内地渗透、结合、转化。  相似文献   

美学与篮球运动存在着相互渗透的关系,是篮球运动固有的特性,它在现代篮球运动中体现得更为突出,更为普遍。从篮球运动美学角度来看,它具有如下属性及特征:1,篮球运动美的客观性。篮球运动是技巧力量、集体智慧与个人智慧的结合,是高强度、高对抗的竞赛,运动员所洋溢的坚韧不拔、气盖山河的力  相似文献   

现代篮球竞赛既是运动员在赛场上的对抗,也是教练员才能之对抗,谋略之对抗.谋略是教练员最高智慧才能的标志,在篮球比赛中占有举足轻重的地位.对篮球教练员谋略的研究于教练员临场指挥有重要的指导作用.  相似文献   

我国集体性同场对抗项目薄弱的根本原因,在于人们忽视运动技能本身含有大量的社会性因素。这是一种充满着社会性的互相配合互相制约的竞技运动。配合与对抗是运动技能整体中关键性的有机组成部分。正确认识与处理人与人的配合与对抗,是正确认识与处理人与物关系的根本前提。战术是通过人与人的最佳组合,以增强集体力,提高对抗力。技术上战术上的集体力,是最大的对抗力。这种社会性技能不完全是“训’出来的,主要是“打”出来的。不与强队对抗,对抗力就难以达到强队水平。只有在强队如林中奋勇拼搏,屡战屡败,屡败屡战,才能逐步提高,转败为胜。社会性技能与生物性技能的很大不同,是从“能训”到“能战”,存在着一种转化过程,需要通过实战作为中介。  相似文献   

我国竞技运动系统与群众体育系统是相互区别相互转化相互促进的。群众体育是竞技运动的基础。运动员是以自身的献身性运动,促使人们更广泛地参加健身性锻炼。基于同素异构原理和思想功能原理,竞技运动群体可能产生“1”+“1”2等3种情况。竞技运动系统中人与人关系不是加或乘,便是减。齐心才能协力,协力才能增力。竞技运动系统的功能与齐心(目标)协力程度成正比,与异心(目标)分力程度成反比。据此,首先全运会、省运会和年年举行的重大的全国性单项竞赛均应属于竞技运动系统。组织竞赛本身就是一种导向性政策。政策应提倡拔尖。要形成竞技各子系统各层次“万众一心,共同奋斗,勇攀高峰,为国争光”的导向。其次,专业队应加强,同时要发挥各运动协会作用,广泛组织职业队、业余队等。第三,训练系统要开放,要兼备自然性技术与社会性技术。只有善于深入分析社会性技术,才能掌握整体性技术。竞技运动基础性层次应是中小学。业余体校应成为指导性动态性的业余训练中心。第四,优秀运动队结构宜软硬结合、软硬兼施。这样,竞技运动系统才能迸发潜力,奥运争光计划才能更好更快地实现。  相似文献   

赛前准备无论对于运动员还是教练员来说,都是极其重要的。从当前篮球运动攻防对抗更加激烈和多变的发展趋势来看,要想在高速度、高强度和激烈对抗的比赛中,一开局就先发制人,尽快适应“白热化”的争夺,取得攻防的主动权,就必须加强和重视赛前准备。同样,在赛前要减轻和消除运动员生理上和心理上的各种不利因素,加强运动员自我控制的作用,以发挥运动员技术、生理和心理机能等方面吋最大潜力,防止和减少运动性伤病,延长运动寿命,也有赖于进行富有实效的赛前准备。篮球运动由于其运动技能比较复杂,  相似文献   

文章主要根据篮球运动的对抗性、竞争激烈的特点,提出在篮球课教学中应用竞赛的方法和手段,传授篮球运动的基本知识、技术及技能,使学生们在学习过程中能更进一步了解篮球运动的起源与发展状况,培养学生们的学习情趣,调动学生学习的积极性与与自觉性,通过篮球技战术的竞赛法教学,在相互的角逐与对抗中,培养学生们的竞争意识与竞争能力,启发和调动学生们勇于开拓,不断进取的精神和优秀的品质素质,起到积极作用。  相似文献   

当前世界篮球运动的发展,充分发挥了篮球运动的三大特点:高度、速度和对抗。在两队实力相当的条件下,一场比赛的胜负往往取决于双方教练员、队员的斗智、斗勇的心理战,这已经为多次国内、国际大赛所证实,无可怀疑。在现代篮球比赛中,投篮是得分的惟一手段。投篮命中率的高低,是决定比赛胜负的重要环节,这不只是身体上要有对抗,还有斗智斗勇的心理对抗。投篮命中率与人的心理因素有着密切的关系,  相似文献   

欧小峰 《精武》2012,(29):24-24,26
在篮球运动中,对抗技术是一种必备的技术,因为只有利用好了对抗技术才能在比赛中保持优势,在篮球运动中,对抗技术体现的是拼抢能力强,在身体的碰撞中,一方的对抗技术优于另一方,就能取得优势地位,今年来爱好篮球的人越来越多,爱好者的篮球技术也不断上升,要想在众多的篮球爱好者中,脱颖而出,赢得比赛就要利用好对抗技术。本文针对篮球运用中的对抗技术展开讨论,分析了对抗技术的训练方法。  相似文献   

篮球比赛不仅是身体、技术、战术、意志品质的竞赛,也是篮球意识的竞赛。篮球意识是篮球运动员非常重要的素质,特别到了高级运动员阶段,篮球意识更是教练员评价运动员的作用和发展潜力的决定性因素。因此,教练员要从小对运动员进行篮球意识的培养,提高我国篮球运动的水平。  相似文献   

大学生体育锻炼与心理健康的相关分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
通过对486名大学生的心理健康和体育锻炼状况的调查,揭示了大学生体育锻炼和心理健康的关系。结果表明:(1)体育锻炼和体育锻炼后的感觉与心理健康关系明显,而体育锻炼的次数和时间与心理健康关系不明显;(2)体育锻炼促进心理健康的效益主要表现在人际敏感、抑郁、焦虑、偏执方面。  相似文献   

哈尔滨市中学篮球运动队管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为加强哈尔滨市中学篮球运动队的管理,对哈尔滨市中学篮球运动队管理现状进行了分析,提出了哈尔滨市中学篮球运动队管理的措施:完善各项规章制度;应有相应的行政部门加强对篮球运动队的管理工作;处理好训练与教学的关系、打基础与提高运动成绩的关系、培养体育运动后备人才与开展全校体育活动的关系;引入目标管理机制;以团队文化作为软性约束。  相似文献   


This investigation examined perceptions of student teachers, cooperating teachers, and university supervisors about the importance and achievement of objectives of the student teaching experience. Perceptions between student teachers and cooperating teachers and between student teachers and university supervisors about the importance of objectives were significantly related. No significant relationship was found between perceptions of cooperating teachers and those of university supervisors. A significant relationship existed between perceptions of student teachers and those of cooperating teachers and between the perceptions of cooperating teachers and those of university supervisors about the achievement of objectives. No significant relationship was found between perceptions of student teachers and those of university supervisors. A comparison of perceptions about the importance of the objectives and the achievement of the objectives showed no significant relationship between the two sets of perceptions. Implications from this investigation included the need for establishment of competency priorities for the student teacher prior to the beginning of the student teaching experience.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between mindfulness and 800-m personal best (PB) times through pain catastrophising and to see whether the magnitude and direction of the relationship depended on gender. One hundred and nine participants reported their gender, completed measures of mindfulness (MAAS) and pain catastrophising (PCS) and reported PB 800 m times that were standardised based on current world records. Results revealed moderate-sized relationships between the predictor variables and standardised 800 m PB. The size of these relationships reduced after we controlled for gender. The follow-up, conditional process analysis – revealed significant direct and indirect effects that confirmed that pain catastrophising partially mediated the relationship between mindfulness and 800 m PB and that gender moderated the indirect paths. The indirect path between mindfulness and pain catastrophising was consistent with existing literature. However, the path between pain catastrophising and standardised 800 m PB was positive for females and negative for males. The different direction of the relationship could suggest that pain catastrophising could be performance enhancing for females.  相似文献   

任波 《体育科研》2020,(3):48-54
在全民健身和健康中国的国家战略下,我国体育产业与文化产业的互动发展,对满足人民日益增长的体育文化需求具有积极作用。采用产业经济学和计量经济学等方法,基于2006—2017年的时间序列数据,探寻我国体育产业与文化产业的动态互动关系。研究表明:(1)我国体育产业与文化产业之间具有很强的线性关系(r=0.981,P<0.01);(2)体育产业与文化产业存在协整关系,即长期均衡关系;(3)体育产业与文化产业不存在短期均衡关系;(4)体育产业与文化产业不存在单向和双向的Granger因果关系。  相似文献   

职业足球运动本质上是市场经济的商业行为,职业足球主要利益主体是处于法律平等地位的职业足球俱乐部、球员、行业管理协会等社会组织团体和自然人主体。在我国,职业足球俱乐部与球员之间是劳动合同的法律关系;职业足球俱乐部之间是合伙型联营的法律关系;职业足球俱乐部与足球协会之间既可能表现为平等主体之间的民事法律关系,又可能是不平等主体之间的行政管理关系。  相似文献   

The precise influence of serve type and serve ball speed on beach volleyball performance is unclear. We examined the relationship between serve type and speed and their effectiveness during the 2008 Men's and Women's Open World Tour Tournament. Three hundred and seventy-eight and 375 serves performed by men and women respectively from the main draw tournament were analysed. Serve speed was recorded using a radar gun. Two expert observers recorded serve speed, serve mode, serve effectiveness and rally outcome. There was no relationship between serve speed and its effectiveness for men (r = -0.047, P > 0.05) and for women (r = -0.048, P > 0.05). However, there was a relationship between serve ball speed and its effectiveness both for men and women, when speed was categorised into three groups. There was a better balance between negative and positive outcomes at medium speeds for men and at low and high speeds for women. There was a relationship between ranking and serve ball speed only for women and between ranking and type of serve for both genders. There was no relationship between rally outcome and serve effectiveness. The combination of high ball speed and jump serve is characteristic of high ranking women but not of men.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which physical activity among adolescent female friends is interdependent. The participants were 318 adolescent girls with a mean age of 16.0 years (range: 15–18 years). Pedometry was used to assess physical activity over 4 days. The relationship between an individual girl and her first-nominated reciprocal friend's physical activity level was moderate (r = 0.45, 90% confidence interval = 0.31, 0.56), when the friendship was nonreciprocal it was trivial (r = -.06, 90% confidence interval = -.36. .25). Friends' physical activity levels explained between 27% and 32% of an individual's pedometer-determined physical activity level. Reciprocity of friendship is an important variable to consider when understanding the relationship between adolescent female friends' physical activity. When friendships are reciprocal, there is a stronger relationship between friends' physical activity.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was twofold: to determine which exercise program was most effective in producing a static strength gain and to determine the relationship between static strength and speed of movement. Seventy-two eighth grade girls were divided into two experimental groups one using an isometric exercise program, the other using an isotonic program. A control group played lead-up games during the experimental period. Strength and speed of the arm and shoulder girdle were both measured by three tests. Prior to training, correlations indicated a rather high relationship between static strength, and speed of a dominant arm movement. Following training there was little relationship between static strength, and speed of a specific arm movement. The results of the training program indicated an increase in mean performance in all three groups with the isotonic group being superior.  相似文献   


This paper will entail a critical analysis of the relationship between sport science and ethics by analysing various forms of ‘fairness’ rules and policies. The relationship between science and ethics can have an impact on professional careers and competitive balance. The generation and adjudication of some of the more traditional formal rules and policies utilized to authenticate fairness, and thus support prevailing concepts of fair play, will be challenged from a philosophical and feminist perspective.  相似文献   

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