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一、学习内容和目标1.学习单词:cats,dogs,birds,snakes,lizards,rab-bits,lions,tigers,pandas,giraffes,m onkeys,zebras...2.学习句型:Do you like cats?Yes,Ilike cats.(N o,Idon’tlike cats.)W hatare they?They’re pandas.拓展:whatdo they eat?W here do they live?H ow long do theylive?Are they harm ful/helpful?W hatare their features?...二、教学流程(一)以启发式谈话引入课题。询问学生是否去过动物园,喜欢什么样的动物,有没有养宠物,最大的动物是什么,中国的国宝是什么……此时小朋友们的好奇心一下子被激发起来,急…  相似文献   

案例背景介绍:What do they like to do?这是《小学英语》(三年级起始版,2014)五年级上册Unit 1 Family第四课的内容。本课围绕family这一主题,在前三课介绍了"Who are they?What do they look like?What do they do?"后,本课继续介绍What do they like to do?(他们喜欢做什么?)  相似文献   

姜杨 《黑河教育》2013,(3):32-32
1. Warming Up Step 1 show learning aim.复习 Unit4-Unit6 的重点句子,提高听力理解能力。 ( improve listening ability ) Step 2 Free talk T: What's the date today? S: T: How many months are there in a year? S: T: What are they? S: How many season are there in a year? T: What are they? S: T: Which season do you like the best? S: T: Why? S:  相似文献   

There are many interesting theme(主题) parks in the world. What do they look like? Let's go and see!  相似文献   

黄萍 《现代教学》2009,(11):67-68
六年级英语第一学期Unit4有一个课时的内容是“different jobS”,需要学生学习一些与职业相关的新单词以及句型 Would you like to be...? Yes, I would. I would like to be...because../No,I wouldn't. I wouldn't like to be...because.. 我想通过开小火车的形式,依次让学生回答“What does your father do”。  相似文献   

A: Tongue Twister Try repeating this ten times as quickly as you can. "A swan swam over the pond. Swim, swan, swim. Swan swam back again. Well swum, swan."C: Connected speech Look at these sentences. See if you can say them with connected speech. Then, Listen to the CD to check your answers. I. Do you like what I' m doing? 2. What are you doing? 3. I couldn't see what he was doing? 4. She doesn't know what l'm doing? 5. Do they like what they' re doing? 6. We don't know what we' re doing?  相似文献   

Let's talk about the colour! What colour, what colour, what colour do you like? Red, yellow, blue, pink... I like all the colours.  相似文献   

1. You've just entered a bar with some friends. What do you do? a) I ask everyone what they want, and go and order the drinks. b) I rush up to the bar and get myself a drink quickly, 2. A work colleague has just found out that he has a terrible illness. How do you react? a) I tell him how sorry I am, and ask if he' d like to talk about it. I also offer my assistance for anything he may need. b) I tell him how I've been feeling a bit ill recently too. 3. What' s your favourite topic of conversation? a) Whatever anyone else wants to talk about--the latest news, a bit of celebrity gossip, anything really. b) Me!  相似文献   

Have you heard of HFMD?What' s HFMD? It' s a kind of horrible disease. It' s short for Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease. Thousands of Chinese children are suffering from it. What is the disease like? Can we do something to prevent it ?  相似文献   

I.根据首字母提示,补全对话,每空一词。 A: What do you think of your new school life? B: It's i__1___. I like it very much.  相似文献   

Part Ⅰ Listenand repeat these expressions.What you say . Is there a garage near here? I'd like sixteen litres ofdiese please. I'd like 20 litres of the four-star unleaded, please. Fill it up, please./Fill it with super, please. Could you check the tyre pressure, please? Could you check the water, please? Could you check the oil, please? Is this the road to Birmingham? Which turning do I need totake for Manchester? Which exit is it for Liverpool? What's the traffic like? I think we're lost. Could you tell me how to get here? I think I took the wrong exit. How do I get into the town centre? Is there a motel near here? Can I leave the car here, please?  相似文献   

一、单元教学目标 1.能力目标: (1)能够就自己喜爱的季节及原因进行问答,如:What's your favourite season?Which season do you like best?Why do you like spring?Because I can fly kites.  相似文献   

A:Do you know music?B:Of course. I do.A:What is the teacher playing now?B:The piano,isn't it?A:You know,you always remind me of Charlie Green.B:But I'm not a bit like Charlie Green.A:Yes,you are. You both owe me 50 dollars.Tom:I think my parents are very clever.Jim:Why?Tom:Because they knew my name as soon as I was born.Jim:Tom,do you know Jack's address?Tom:No,I don't.Jim:Too bad. I lost his address.Tom:But why don't you write to him first and ask for it…  相似文献   

问候(Greetings) 1 . "How are you?" "_____" A.How do you do? B.How are you? C.I' m fine, thank you D.What do you do?  相似文献   

How often do you exercise? How do you feel afterwards? What type of computer have you got? What do you like about it? What do you think of biopics (films about famous people' s lives)? Which ones have you seen? Do you think a film about Steve Jobs would be interesting? Why? Why not? What do you think of IQ tests? Are they a good way of measuring intelligence? Why? Why not?  相似文献   

功能口语 1 谈论动物 动物是人类永远的朋友.你最喜欢哪种动物?是熊猫、老虎、狮子,还是其他动物呢?下面让我们一起来谈谈动物吧! 常考口语 Let's see the pandas first!我们先去看看熊猫吧! Do you like giraffes?你喜欢长颈鹿吗? Where are lions from?狮子来自哪里? Lions are from Africa.狮子来自非洲. What animals do you like?你喜欢什么动物? I like elephants.They're cute.我喜欢大象,它们很可爱. What other animals do you like?你还喜欢别的什么动物? I like dogs,too.我还喜欢狗.  相似文献   

My name is Wang Yanli. I'm a middle school student. I live in Lai Wu, Shandong Province. What will my hometown be like in 2020? I think my hometown will be a lot better than now.  相似文献   

同步点拨 【学习目标导航】1.语言目标(1)谈论未来自己与他人理想的职业及原因:What are you going to be when you grow up?I'm going to be a computer programmer(2)谈论为实现理想所做出的打算和安排How are you going to do that?I'm going to study computer science.  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Preparation 1.Sing and act:“Wish you happy every day”2.Free talk:What's the weather like today?What day is it taday?What lessons do you have in the morning?What subject do you like?(学生根据实际情况回答,教师说He/she likes…)  相似文献   

教学过程 Step 1. Warm-up 1. Free talk T: Hello,everyone. I' m very glad to have a class here. So I'd like to make friends with you. Hi, what's your name? Nice to meet you! What's her name? Good, you help me. You are helpful.  相似文献   

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