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健身运动逐渐成为人们追求健康与时尚生活的方式.人们已经在健身中如何训练、如何组合上获得了一些经验和方法,但如何去根据自身的训练情况安排自己的营养方案,却一直是困扰大众健身的一个难题.从大众群体中选取白领阶层作为研究对象,根据他们自身的基本情况,为他们制定一套健身训练和运动营养方案,希望能够为指导白领阶层科学合理地锻炼和饮食提供借鉴.  相似文献   

十几年间,中专学校的生源发生了天翻地覆的变化,中专学校的办学方向也发生了变化,从过去为国家培养白领阶层变为为社会培训蓝领技工。在这一过程中,心理上受到最大冲击的是处在  相似文献   

他们以大致相似的职业和收人而形成利益群体,企求宽松自由的社会环境,他们进取性强,正成为中国社会稳定与活跃的力量。在贫穷和富裕的两极之间,生活着数量上占优势的中间阶层。中间阶层的上部,是近年来迅速崛起的“白领阶层”。进口的名牌衬衫和领带。一尘不染的发型。流利的国语和英语衬托出自信和庄重,越来越多地出现在上海、北京、天津、重庆等大城市,这样的人被称为“白领”。他们通常具有高学历,穿梭往来于高级写字楼,从事着富于挑战性的工作,并享有可观的薪水。诞生在一个世纪以前纯粹西方概念中的“白领”在中国的诞生可以…  相似文献   

德国西门子公司的员工教育和培训为西门子公司的成功发展提供了巨大的人力支持。借鉴他们的成功经验,吸收西方跨国公司员工教育的先进模式。目的是推进国内企业在知识经济时代员工教育活动的发展,从而为知识经济时代国民经济和企业综合实力的提升、为中国白领阶层和本土职业经理人的崛起奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

二战后资本主义社会的进一步发展特别是信息革命的兴起,使当代西方发达国家的产业结构、劳动方式、阶级结构等都发生了深刻的变革。工人阶级从总体上看数量增加,素质提高,越来越多的无产者进入白领阶层和第三产业,这些新变化改变了传统工人阶级的单一构成状况,推动工人阶级中新兴阶层的出现和迅速发展,使工人阶级内部构成呈现出复杂化和多层次化的新特点。  相似文献   

别以为SOHO一词只属于白领阶层,追求潮流、崇尚挑战的大学生同样可以玩转SOHO,平日多加留意身边的同学和朋友,说不定就会冒出一个你仰慕已久的SOHO。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来国内对时尚杂志的研究可分为两个阶段。学术界在研究时尚杂志的过程中,一个突出的研究取向是将时尚杂志研究与白领阶层研究联系起来。对时尚杂志的研究在深度、范式等方面仍存在不足。  相似文献   

进入21世纪后中国大陆出现了一定规模的商业性小剧场话剧,它们打着小剧场戏剧的旗号吸引了大批的城市青年观众尤其是白领阶层。诸如此类的小剧场戏剧都有比较成功的商业操作,但是从探索一种新的小剧场美学或者说解救戏剧危机的角度而言它们无所作为。本文将立足于21世纪初小剧场戏剧阵营里不再具有实验性的主导性商业化小剧场戏剧来说明中国大陆的小剧场戏剧作为一种大规模的现象已经终结。  相似文献   

英美大学“产业化”撼动福利制度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
反对派的声音主要是来自社会下层,而白领阶层和学术界基本都持赞成的态度,甚至在以往福利制度改革中的“反对派”在这场大讨论中也都大多持赞成的态度  相似文献   

策划分析国内的鞋类消费观念太过落后,大部分消费者还习惯于去购买那种款式正统的皮鞋,而国外的消费者却早已钟情于那些专营休闲鞋类的个性专卖店。目标消费群体年龄22至50岁之间,具有大学以上文化层次的白领阶层,他们既讲究消费品味,又有消费的能力。店面装修和选址装修不在豪  相似文献   

由于信息革命的推动和产业结构的变迁而导致劳动力在不同职业间流动,20世纪70年代以来,发达国家工人阶级就业的职业构成经历了一个"白领化"的历程.这一白领化的实质是白领雇员的"无产阶级化",这表现在白领工人在技能水平、工资待遇和失业状况等方面,日益与蓝领工人趋同.  相似文献   


Recognition of the significance of white-collar crime has grown substantially in recent years, but this growth has not been reflected adequately in the field of criminal justice or in the criminal justice curriculum. Through a content analysis of criminal justice and criminology textbooks and program course offerings the authors demonstrate the relative neglect of white-collar crime, and especially its marginal position in the criminal justice curriculum. Some hypothetical reasons for this relative neglect are explored. An argument is made on both theoretical and pragmatic grounds for more sustained and more systematic integration of white-collar crime into the criminal justice curriculum.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of exposure to information about white-collar crime among college students on changes, if any, in their opinion toward it. The research design employed a one-group pretest–posttest design. Undergraduate students enrolled in a college course on white-collar crime answered a survey that measured their level of knowledge about crimes of the powerful and general sentiments toward them both on the first and last day of the semester. With the notable exception of environmental racism, subjects’ knowledge about white-collar crime—which was already high at time 1—did not statistically increase during the course of the semester. Similarly, attitudes toward white-collar crime remained both negative and stable. Correlational analyses between knowledge gains and changes in sentiments revealed that better-informed subjects were generally more likely to consider white-collar crime a serious issue and to recommend tougher sanctions against its perpetrators.  相似文献   

在经济全球化的背景下,我国白领犯罪出现了大幅度的增长,造成的社会危害也愈发严重。预防与控制白领犯罪不仅要用法律对策,还要运用其他相关的社会手段。因此,建立"打防结合,惩防并重"的综合治理模式,构造体系化的法律防范格局,是我国目前针对白领犯罪所必须确立的防控策略。  相似文献   

Based on a sample survey on 487 white-collar youths in the Pudong New Development Zone in Shanghai, this article examines the behaviors and psychological characteristics of a group of white-collar professionals regarding job changes, job satisfaction, criteria in career choices, career views, and other related areas. Further, it analyzes the effect of age, gender, education, income, workplace, and other factors on this group of professionals; discusses how to look at the job changes of white-collar youths accordingly; and makes relevant policy suggestions.  相似文献   

中国本土职场小说是近年来在中国大陆迅速崛起与扩张的类型小说,它的兴盛有特定的文化背景:从写作来看,是中国新兴白领阶层在为本阶层的文化代言及寻求身份认同;从读者阅读来看,是金融风暴酿就的职场危机的刺激与应急反映;从传播与销售来看,是消费主义与网络信息技术蝉联的结果。  相似文献   

张小娴都市爱情小说中鲜明的都市色彩、独特的女性视角让她的小说作品跳出传统言情小说的套路,成为了广受都市白领欢迎、能够映射真实生活与爱情现实的优秀作品。  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationship between class origin, educational attainment, and the capabilities of agency and voice. The main objectives are to investigate how class origin and educational attainment interact and to consider whether higher education reduces any structural inequalities in the social aspects of life. A longitudinal approach is applied, using a national survey of 1058 Swedish young people, controlling for baseline values of agency and voice. The empirical analysis reveals an association between class origin and agency and voice. University education proves to be of central importance for the capabilities of agency and voice; however, this varied for young people with different class origin. Young people from manual working-class backgrounds benefit from higher education, while no significant result was found for young people with white-collar parents. The results indicate that higher education reduces structural differences in capabilities central for social participation.  相似文献   

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