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Introduction English has become an international language in the world. In the 21st century, information and communication and the globalization of the economy enable people all over the world to communicate with  相似文献   

The computerized adaptive testing (CAT) has unsurpassable advantages over the traditional testing. It has become the mainstream in large scale examination in modem society. This paper gives a brief introduction to CAT including differences between traditional testing and CAT, the principals of CAT works, Psychometric theory and computer algorithms of CAT, the advantages and cautions of CAT. In the end, the development of CAT in China is reviewed.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effectiveness of students' self-recording of their teachers' daily expectancies, as measured by percentage of expectancies met. Two male and two female middle school students participated in the study, three of whom had learning disabilities. The fourth student received services for behavioral disorders. Students were given a schedule with headings for three of their general education classes, one special education class, and designated locker times. Listed under each heading were the expected behaviors for that class or locker visit, which were derived via consultation with the teachers. A multiple baseline across participants design was utilized to evaluate the effects of (a) carrying schedules without self-recording, and (b) self-recording whether the expectancies were or were not met. Self-recording was effective across students in increasing the percentage of teachers' expectancies exhibited, whereas carrying the schedule without self-recording had no discernable effect. Maintenance was evidenced across students. Subsequent exploratory mani- pulations were made, including an abbreviated schedule on which key words replaced each expectancy. The results of the study are discussed with respect to their applied implications, reactivity, stimulus control, and generalization. Directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

何思源是中国现代史上著名的教育家.爱国人士.但由于他长期在国民党政府中任职,宦海沉浮,许多事迹反而不为人们所熟知.马亮宽、王强的《何思源:宦海沉浮一书生》一书(天津人民出版社出版)既表现了作者求真求实的治学态度,又为社会奉献了一部能让人受益的学术论著.  相似文献   

Language is learned to communicate, but how to use it appropriately is far more important. Since language and culture have an inextricable link in between, to improve the students’Intercultural communi...  相似文献   

马玥 《海外英语》2015,(2):111-112
Language is learned to communicate, but how to use it appropriately is far more important. Since language and culture have an inextricable link in between, to improve the students’ Intercultural communicative competence(ICC), issues on integrating an intercultural approach into ELT classroom has been long debated and studied in foreign language teaching field. This paper will start with the definition of ICC, analyze the correlation between language and culture then offer valuable suggestions on how to integrate Ic LL approach into ELT in China.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionThe methods on how to teach and learngrammar have been debated in recent years.Krashen(1982)argues that grammar can beacquired naturally from meaningful input andopportunities to interact in the classroom.However,more recent research(Swain&Tarone,1995)suggests that the communicative classroomdoes not result in very high levels of grammaticalor sociolinguistic competence among learners.Inaddition,Ellis(1993)reasserts the importance ofgrammar teaching concerning accuracy inlearne…  相似文献   

庄义辉 《海外英语》2012,(11):214-215,231
Queer theory,as a field of post-structuralist critical theory that emerged in the early 1990s out of the fields of queer studies and Women’ s studies,is now receiving more and more academic attentions.This paper gives an introduction to its definition,theorists,basic premises as well as its literary applications,aiming to shed some light on this seemingly "queer" theory.  相似文献   

由Heinle & Heinle出版公司出版的Teacher's Handbook (Contextualized Language Instruction)一书是美国中小学外语教师的教学手册。本刊从此书(2000年第2版)第二章中选摘了有关介绍外语学习标准的內容推荐给国内同行,希望能对广大读者有所启发,尤其是其中有关外语教育“5Cs”的描述部分,也许会从另一视角给我们的外语教育工作者提供参考、借鉴……  相似文献   

ADiscussionOntheRangeofMeaningofEnglishWords──AnApproachtoEnglishWordsLearningQiHaoZhenSuccessinEngllshrequiresaknowledgeofwo...  相似文献   

湖南人民出版社最近出版了郑其龙同志编著的《论教学规律》一书,我们认为它是一本系统的理论联系实际的教育专著,值得广大教师和教育工作者一读。首先,这本书论述了“教学规律是客观存在的”。指出任何教学规律都是教学实践的产物,都是教学实践、探索、再实践、再探索的结果,而不是什么伟大人物的“天才”发现或主观想象。各种教学规律在社会历史发展各个阶段有共同性、继承性,这是教学规律本身的变化发展的主要标志。另一方面也由于社会和教育的特殊情况、特殊条件而体现出教学规律的特殊性和阶  相似文献   

王微 《海外英语》2012,(24):287-288
Freud placed much emphasis on infantile sexuality and emphasized that many of our problems in later life come from our relationships with our parents, the so-called Oedipus complex. Freud’s work effected a profound revolution in man’s attitude towards, and comprehension of, his mental processes, constituting after Copernicus and Darwin, a third blow to man’s self-esteem.  相似文献   

李志娟 《广西教育》2013,(25):67-68
近日,笔者聆听了本镇潮桥小学范艳丽老师的An English Friend一课。现采撷两个精彩片段,与大家分享。  相似文献   

This article explores class, capital, and aspiration to social mobility in an ethnographic study of an English secondary school. In particular, the article considers the school’s musical instrument programme as a site for inculcating forms of capital, under the auspices of developing skills for upward social mobility. Bringing together Bourdieu’s conceptions of schooling with theories of materiality and situated learning, we contend that this school succeeds in cultivating new forms of embodied capital among students through the development of communities of musical practice. However, a tension remains between emancipatory aims of the programme and the sanctioning and championing of certain forms of dominant cultural practice. The learning environment of the instrument programme highlights the complex and conflicted impact that schooling can have on the development of cultural capital and on reproducing disadvantage and difference.  相似文献   

这是一部以课例的形式展现著名特级教师靳家彦的语文教育思想和课堂教学艺术的精品书。经典的课例、多角度的解读、新颖的编写体例,是本书的三个特点。靳家彦老师的大名早已为小学语文界所熟知。从上个世纪80年代一直到今天,靳老师提出并不断发展着“小学语文导读法”的思想,在课堂教学领域不断探索、成绩斐然。他的语文课体现了语文教学的本色,充满生命气息和人文情怀,达到一种很高的教学境界。听靳老师的课,既是艺术的享受,又是观念的启迪。靳老师的得意弟子李卫东,用两年时间,从靳老师众多公开课中遴选出18个最有代表性的课例,编写成《靳…  相似文献   

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