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Despite the promise of scientific knowledge contributing to issues facing vulnerable children, families, and communities, typical approaches to research have made applications challenging. While contemporary theories of human development offer appropriate complexity, research has mostly failed to address dynamic developmental processes. Research typically fragments or splits the human organism into "investigatable" units—biology, behavior, culture, genetics, relationships, innate modules of mind, etc.—resulting in the inevitable loss of the person as an integrated, embodied center of agency. This is problematic for generating knowledge that is usable because in educational practice the unit of analysis and application is the whole person. We discuss the problems inherent to generating usable knowledge when theory and research methodology are so deeply incongruent. In an illustrative example, we adopt a "person-in-context" perspective to demonstrate how research has led to the mischaracterization of maltreated children as immature, disorganized, and dysregulated. Using this "person-in-context" perspective in research can facilitate generating usable knowledge.  相似文献   

Although the history of clinical–school–community collaboration can be traced back to the end of the 19th century, the full-service school movement represents a new era in the quest for more effective ways to deliver human services to children. Building on the personal experience of the authors and the literature concerning the development of integrated service delivery systems, this article outlines conceptual, administrative, fiscal, legal–ethical, and practical issues that can hinder local efforts to develop full-service schools. The systematic analysis of potentially negative influences is presented as something that must be pursued by educational and psychological consultants so that, as the next millennium begins, they will be in a position to help local working groups develop interagency collaboratives that more effectively integrate school and human service systems, increase service use, and promote positive developmental outcomes for children living in high-risk situations.  相似文献   

成人教育、社区教育是建设学习型社会、构建终身教育体系的重要途径。从成人教育与社区教育的内涵、关系人手,分析了成人教育与社区教育协同发展的内、外部条件,并在此基础上提出了相应的策略。  相似文献   

高职贫困生资助工作分为解困型资助、励志型资助和强能型资助三大类。文章对三类资助中存在的问题进行了理性思考,并提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

Increased enrollment in online programs and courses has prompted a plethora of research on instructional strategies that impact online students’ learning. Most of these strategies came from instructors, and others were solicited from students. While the literature notes that students who have more university experience tend to provide more substantive responses when solicited, there seems to be limited representation of online master’s students’ preferences on what instructional strategies work for them. There is paucity in the literature on how these preferred instructional strategies inform existing theoretical and practical frameworks that could impact online learning performance. This article discusses the Top Ten Instructional Strategies preferred by master’s students who responded to a dissertation survey question - What specific things would you like your online instructors do to help you learn successfully? - and relates these strategies to the Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education and the Quality Matters Rubric.  相似文献   

农村学校区域校本研修共同体是基于"学习共同体"的理论,对单所学校校本研修所存在问题的分析基础上提出,它具有提升校本研修的品质、共享校本研修资源的、深化对校本研修规律的探究和推进校际优质均衡发展的价值。教师培训机构要以服务型培训理念为指导,采取积极有效的建设策略,构建起科学、高效的区域校本研修共同体。  相似文献   

The recently fashionable theories of positive psychology have educational ramifications at virtually every level of engagement, culminating in the model of positive education. In this critical review, I scrutinize positive education as a potential theory in educational psychology. Special attention is given to conceptual controversies and suggested educational interventions. Positive psychologists have yet to explore in detail the school as a positive institution. They have written at length, however, about such positive personal traits as moral virtue and resiliency, and about positive emotions both as embodied in experiences of classroom “flow” and as facilitators of students’ personal resources. Because the empirical evidence concerning these positive factors remains partly mixed or tentative, and because most of them had a home in other theoretical frameworks before the advent of positive psychology, searching questions remain about the effectiveness and originality of positive education. This article addresses some of those questions.  相似文献   

The author presents a three-step process for selecting participants for any study of a social phenomenon that occurs between people in locations and at times that are difficult to observe. The process is described with illustrative examples from a previous study of help giving in a community of learners. This paper includes a rationale for combining peer-reporting questionnaires with social network analysis to find the authorities among a community of pre-service teachers. Triangulation is recommended as a technique to verify results and ensure accurate findings from the questionnaires. Implications and limitations are provided to help facilitate a successful modification and adaptation to future studies.  相似文献   

Despite the awareness of the importance of self-efficacy, this concept has been studied in a limited sense among community college students (Collins & Bissell, 2004), but it has been shown to be significantly related to career decisions among enrollees (Kelly & Hatcher, 2013). The literature does not address what types of experiences can improve or enhance self-efficacy among college students as it relates to research and among community college students specifically. This study addresses the gap in the literature by examining what experiences can improve the self-efficacy of community college students as it relates to research and whether this has an impact on their long-term career plans to pursue a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) career.  相似文献   

谈如何促进高职新生尽快适应大学生活   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何促进高职新生尽快适应大学生活,顺利渡过"迷惘期",已成为高职院校亟待解决的重要课题.本文针对高职新生的特点,提出了采取"六抓"方针,让新生尽快适应大学生活,实现角色转变.  相似文献   

The development of two children with severe disabilities who were fully included in a community child care centre that implemented a developmentally appropriate play‐based curriculum is chronicled in this paper. The children's development was monitored over the course of a 9‐month school year using the traditional measure of a standardised assessment instrument, as well as monthly observations of the children in various play activities. The data are presented in a case study format and provide evidence that the children in this study made progress in all areas of development. The findings are important in that they show the children with severe disabilities progressed without intensive intervention, indicating that a play‐based curriculum utilising developmentally appropriate practice may provide an effective structure for the instruction of young children with disabilities.  相似文献   

名校推动农村初级中学发展是一项长期性、全面性的任务。名校推动农村初级中学发展有利于义务教育的均衡发展,有利于教师的专业成长。名校推动农村初级中学发展是有其理论基础、政策基础和实践基础的。当前,名校未能有效推动农村初级中学发展。需要在政策指导、条件营造、项目联动和合作资源建设等多方面着手以推动农村初级中学发展。  相似文献   

会计社团活动不仅提高了学生学习会计专业的兴趣,还在推动高校会计专业日常教学改革和职业技能大赛等方面发挥着积极的作用。通过对广东省30多所高职院校的调查分析,从社团组建、成员招募、教师配备、资金支持、社团活动开展等方面分析了高职院校会计社团发展中存在的问题,并从社团成员遴选、工作规范化、经费多样化、与职业大赛和常规教学融合等方面提出依靠会计社团助推职业技能大赛的措施和建议,对高校会计社团的发展和职业技能大赛的顺利开展提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

刘莉 《中学教育》2011,(6):80-85
伴随《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》的颁布,推进学校与社区的良性互动再度成为关注的焦点。学校与社区的关系常被概括为抵消型、补偿型、沟通型,二者密切的联系不可忽视,构建良性互动的学校和社区关系成为必要。教育为生活、开放、完整和发展的教育等理念是其构建的原动力,只有形成合力才能促进教育的发展。已...  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study examined correlates of parents’ reported school engagement in an ethnically diverse, rural sample (N = 346) of parents and teachers in kindergarten through Grade 2. Of particular interest were role expectations and family–school relationships in American Indian families, who historically have been marginalized by schools. In terms of role expectations, parents and teachers agreed that they should support each other’s roles, parents should have more responsibility than schools for teaching social skills, and families and schools should have shared responsibility for children’s academic success. Teachers had higher expectations than parents for parent engagement, which in turn was greater when parent–teacher communication was more frequent and the school climate was more welcoming. American Indian parents more strongly endorsed a separation of family and school roles and felt less welcomed at school; ethnicity moderated correlates of reported parent engagement. Practice or Policy: These findings have practical promise given that parent–teacher communication, school climate, and role expectations are more easily altered than are structural barriers that also may hinder parents’ involvement in supporting their children’s early education.  相似文献   


This article describes the collective efforts educators and multiple community partners are taking to transform one alternative urban high school into a full-service community school. The article presents preliminary findings on the opportunities for bridging social capital that the full-service initiative has created and the impacts such opportunities have for students in urban alternative settings with multiple risk factors stacked against them.  相似文献   

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