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正原英语版本:"My enemies are many,my equals are none.In the shade of olive trees,they said Italy could never be conquered.In the land of pharoahs and kings,they said Egypt could never be humbled.In the realm of forest and snow,they said Russia could never be tamed.Now they say nothing.They fear me,like a force of nature,a dealer in thunder and death.I say I am Napoleon,I am emperor……  相似文献   

在英语中表示“说话”的词很多,到目前为止,我们就学了“say、speak、talk和tell。现在我们将这四个词的用法一起讨论如下: 一、say用语言传达思想感情。即强调说话内容,常作及物动词,宾语可以是名词、代词或从句;在直接或间接引语的前后也常用say。例如: 1.How do you say it in English?这个用英语怎么说? 2.Please say goodbye to your teacher afteryou leave school.放学后请跟老师道别。3.He said that he would go there with hisparents the next week.他说下周他将和父母一起去那儿。4.He said.“I often watch TV in the evening.”他说:“我晚上常看电视。”5.“They have gone to Shanghai.”said Jack.“他们已去上海了,”杰克说。  相似文献   

W e have a rather sm allhouse, w ith only tw o bedroom s. Y ou canthink our alarm (恐 ),then, w hen A unt C lara w rote to say thatshe 慌w as com ing to stay w ith her fam ily for the w eekend. H er fam ily, Ishould say,has four boys,allunder the age oftw elve. I sent offa telegram (电 报 )atonce,and explained(解 释 )in it thatour house w as too sm all.A unt C lara called us up the next m orning. “Iforgot to explain,” she said in her sw eetest voice. “T he boy w illbebringing a co…  相似文献   

A New Key     
People worry about the fact they often losetheir keys.NOW if you forget where your key iS.you can find it quickly.Let’s read the follow-ing.Yesterday Mr Smith lost his key in the room.“Where is my key?”he said to himself.He didn’tknow what to do.He thought hard and then had anloea.“Hello!”he said in a loud voice.“Hello!”a  相似文献   

英语中表示说出某种话来的“说”,一般用动词“say”。例如: "I do but jest," said Dick. "That's all right," he said. 但是“say”这个动词是个一般化的词,只表示普遍化的言说行为,而不能显示特定的人在特定的语境中的特定的言说行为。人是有区别的,语境是有区别的,因此,言说行为也是有区别的。(这一点,在中学英语教材中已有所显示)。为了显示这区别,使言语的表达更精确、更鲜明、更生动,形形色色的,各有特点的言说行为动词就产生了。有的人很激动,一连串的话“破唇而出”,英语用“break”这个形象的动词来表示。例如:  相似文献   

say,speak,talk和tell都含有“说”的意思,但“说话”要看对象,也要分“场合”:★say是及物动词,强调说话内容,后接名词、代词或从句;在直接或间接引语的前后也常用say。例如:1.H ow do you say it inEnglish?这个用英语怎么说?2.H e said that he would gothere with his parents the next week.他说下周他将和父母一块去那儿。3.H e said,“I often watch TVin the evening.”他说:“我晚上常看电视。”4.“They have gone toShanghai,”said Jack.“他们已去上海了,”杰克说。★注意几个常用的短语:saygoodbye to sb跟某人道别;say h…  相似文献   

I found out one time that doing a favor for someone could get you into a lot of trouble. I was in the eighth grade at the time, and we were having a final test. During the test, the girl sitting next to me said some- thing in a low voice, but I didn"t understand. So I leaned over her way and found out that she was trying to ask me if  相似文献   

In the doctor's waiting room ,sick (患病 )men and women were sitting on their chairs.Bob,a school boy,was among them.They alllook very sad1Bob.He was reading an2 storybook,just then the doctor came in and said hewas ready for the next person.Bob jumped upand3into the doctor's room.“What's your trouble?”said the doctor.4Bob could say a word,the doctor made him 5down on a bed.“Now let m e listen to yourheart”,Bob tried to speak,the doctor let him 6say anything.“I'll7your temperature(体温…  相似文献   

Recently, I was visited by a man who said he was an "assessor", a word which I did not then understand very well. I said I had never heard of his line before, but I was pleased to see him. I asked him to sit down, and he did.I could think of nothing particular to say. So I asked him if he was opening his shop in the neighbourhood.  相似文献   

My daughter was working at the drive-throuhg window at a fast food restaurant. "May I take your offer?" she said into the intercom. Replied a voice:"hamburger, cheeseburger, double cheese-burger, deluxe burger, small and large roast beef, turkey ciu…  相似文献   

Who Is a Fool?     
演讲者对不时被打断感到厌烦。“今天晚上我们这儿似乎有很多的傻瓜,”他说道。“一次只听一个人讲,好不好?”“行,”一个声音说道,“那你就接着讲吧。”The speaker was getting tired of being interrupted. "We seem to have a great many fools here tonight," he said. "Wouldn't it be advisable to hear one at a time﹖" "Yes," said a voice. "Get on with your speech."Who Is a Fool?!山东@石庆…  相似文献   

张保 《英语辅导》2002,(3):27-27
People worry about the fact they often lose their keys. Now if you forget where your key is, you can find it quickly. Let‘s read the following. Yesterday Mr Smith lost his key in the room.“Where is my key?” he said to himself. He didn‘t know what to do. He thought hard and then had an idea. “Hello!” he said m a loud voice.  相似文献   

A woman was singing.One of the gueststurned to a man by his side and criticized(批评)the singer."What a terrible voice!"he said."Do youknow who she is ?""Yes."was the answer,"she is my wife.""Oh,I beg your pardon,"the man said."Of course her voice isn't bad.but the songis very bad.I wondered(想知道)who wrotethat awful(糟糕的)song?""I did,"was the answer.  相似文献   

A pastor and a soap maker went for a walk togeth-er.The soap maker said,“What good is religion?Look atall the trouble and misery of the world!Still there.evenafter years——thousands of years-——of teaching aboutgoodness and truth and peace.Still there,after all theprayers and sermons and teachings.If religion is good andtrue,why should this be?” The pastor said nothing.They continued walkinguntil they noticed a child playing in the gutter(排水沟). Then the pastor said,“Look at that child.You say  相似文献   

Just a single flake of snow, and soon the world around is transformed. Just a tiny drop of rain, but from those drops the rivers flow, and seas stretch from shore to shore. Just one tiny step and a journey is begun. Just one hand held out in friendly greeting, and a chain of warmth is started. Just a single voice raised in protest at injustice can be joined by many more and achieve results to change the face of history... So next time you are tempted to say, "Oh, my little efforts…  相似文献   

I leaned on the empty table and waited,surrounded by decay-ing brick walls and a locked steel door.The sun shone through holesin the ceiling,and I took it in—it'd been days since I'd seen it—passing the time in recollection.“Cooperate,”my lawyer had advised in a hissing,tinny voiceover the telephone.“No problem—I'll do anything to get out of here,”I replied.“They're sending an American,rightI don't trust these Ecuadore-ans.Nothing I say matters unless I grease their palms too.”He chucked through the static,saying in the humorless voice of  相似文献   

Unit 3 本课是一篇优秀的叙述体文,故事一开始,就点明这一天是老太太的生日,然后文章围绕老太太的两个女儿和她对Myra的爱的渴望作了大量的铺垫,直至最后两段,故事才达到高潮并嘎然而止,留给读者无穷的想象空间。文章情节简明,语言简练,人物心理刻划细致入微。1. They say that blood is thicker than water, … a.They say:人家说,据说。此处they属泛指,而非实指某些人。此用法又常以被动形式出现而成为it is said。如:It is said(They say)  相似文献   

As a subcategory of "voice". one of the grammatical categories in English. "passive voice" shows its characteristic fcatures different from "active voice". From four aspects, this paper points out convincingly where the difference lies in  相似文献   

If you ask about the hottest star in South Korea this year, you will certainly hear the name Rain. The 22-year-old singer is powerful and energetic on stage. His dances and voice are great! On December 18, Rain and other Korean stars, including Baby V.O.X and As One, amazed their fans at the concert "Night of Love" in Beijing. "I love his small eyes and good build(体格)," said Hanna Kim, 12, a Korean girl who studies in China. "He's a nice person."R ain s real nam e is Jung Ji H oon(…  相似文献   

1. Keep skid chains on your tongue ;always say less than you think.Cultivate a low,persuasive voice.How you say it counts more than what you say. 2. Make promises sparingly,and keep them faithfully,no matter what it costs. 3. Never let an opportunity pass to say a kind and encouraging word to or about somebody.Praise good work,regardless of who did it.If criticism is needed,criticize helpfully, never spitefully. 4. Be interested in others,their pursuits,their work,their homes and families. Make merry with those who rejoice;with those who weep,mourn.Let everyone you meet,however humble,feel that you  相似文献   

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