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Tom: Mum, I have got a toothache. Mum: Let's go to see the dentist at once. Tom and his mother get to the dentist's. Tom begins to howl (嚎叫) when the dentist ex- amines him. Dentist: Please stop howling. I haven't even touched your tooth yet. Tom: I know, but you are standing on my foot!  相似文献   

It is one warm spring morning, two men are walking past ( 擦肩而 过)each other on a road. One says to the other, “ Oh, you’ve changed a lot. You used to(过去) have brown hair and now it’s gray. Your face used to be red and now it’s pale. You were thin and now you are fat. I can’t believe that it’s you, Mr. Smith.” The other man says,“But I’m not Mr. Smith.” The first man says,“Well, you’ve changed your name, too! ” ★想一想: 那个男人到底是不 是 Mr. Smith 呢?You've Changed a …  相似文献   

A CarFather:!I’ve promised(许诺 ) to buy you a car if youpassed your exam, and youhave failed( 失败). What wereyou doing last term?Son: I was learning todrive a car.A Set of DrumsFather:!I tell you, son, I’m not going to buyyou a set of drums(一套鼓).Son:!But, Dad, I promise I’ll only playthem when you are sleeping.父子对话(英文)@毛国锋…  相似文献   

馨文 《阅读》2014,(Z6):56-59
<正>阅读提示艾米去游泳,可是到了泳池却发现她的泳衣不见了,这到底是怎么回事呢?让我们一起来读一读吧!Daniel and Amy were going swimming.They walked to the swimming pool(1) with Mrs.Green."I can put on(2)my swimming costume(3) faster than you,"said Amy to Daniel."Oh no,you can’t,"said Daniel.But Amy could not find her costume.Then Mrs.Green looked for Amy’s costume but she could not find it.It was not in Amy’s bag.  相似文献   

Do you like flowers? I likeflowers very much. I know many flow-ers. They are roses, sunflowers, carna-tions, forget - me - nots, violets, liliesand so on. I want to tell you I likelilies best.Its flowers are big and white. Itsleaves are long and green. Every day Isay good morning to it. Everyevening I water the flowers. Weare good friends now.Would you like to see myflowers? Come to my home.Flowers$常州市新北区龙虎塘中心小学四(2)班@高春桃…  相似文献   

A father and two children were watching "The World of Animals". Suddenly(突然), the father asked, "What kind of animal can give you not only(不仅) the meat to eat, but also(而且) the leather(皮革) to wear?" They both thought for a while and answered together, "It's you, Father!"The World of Animals@俊亚…  相似文献   

小飞蛾 《阅读》2015,(Z2):76-78
Oh,you have made plenty of marks.All in the wrong places.哦,你已经做了很多的贡献了。但都是错误的。Oh,come on.Let me out,please.I need to make my mark!哦,拜托。放我出去。我要有所贡献!场景一:Berk(博克岛)是Vikings(维京人)世代居住的地方,这里最大的pest(害虫)不是mouse(老鼠),不是mosquito(蚊子),而是dragon(龙)。身体瘦弱的Hiccup(小嗝嗝)是骁勇善战的族长  相似文献   

spider蜘蛛 Do you know rhat there are many more kinds of inseets on the earth than any other kind of living ereature(生物)?It’5 hard to im吧ine(难以想象),but 95%of all the animal speeies(种类)on rhe earth are inseets!over(超过)one而llion speeies have been diseovered(被发现)by seientists,and they think that tliere might be(可能有)TEN times thar many! All inseets must have: ·three body part。一a head,thorax,and abdomen(头,胸,腹) 犷扣从二几加沁... 勿令 ·six jointed legs(六条有关节的腿) …  相似文献   

Once upon a time there lived a young farmer. He worked very hard, but was very poor. One day, when he was far from home in the forest, an old woman looked like a peasant(2) came up to him and said, "I know you worked very hard, and all for nothing. I shall give you a magic ring. It will make you rich, and your work won't be in vain(3). When you turn the ring on your finger and say what you wish to have, you'll have it at once. But there is only one wish in the ring, so think carefully before…  相似文献   

Pie in the Sky     
周晓霞 《阅读》2013,(Z1):79
夜深了,Jack还在玩电脑游戏……Mom:Jack,it’s too late.Time to go to bed now.Jack:OK,Mom.I will go to bed after this game is over.Mom:But you will take a math exam(测试)tomorrow.Jack:Never mind!I can get good grades(取得好成绩)this time.Mom:I think it’s a pie in the sky for you.You always play computer games  相似文献   

淑琴  晓燕 《阅读》2007,(3):34-36
It was still at night. A big tiger came out of his hole(2) to look for food.“There is a shadow(3). Aha! I have got something to eat,” he ran quietly toward the shadow and shouted.“ I am going to eat you up! ”“Go ahead! Big tiger! ” replied the shadow.“Oh! What a fool I have met! ”the tiger rushed at it and gave it a huge bite(4).  相似文献   

In class, the teacher pointed at (指向) the world map and said to the students, “Who can come to the blackboard and find America?” Then Jack came to the blackboard and showed them America. The teacher then asked, “Now could you tell me who found (找到) America?” “Jack!”everyone shouted.毛国锋供稿 Two children were admiring ( 欣赏) the famous statue (雕塑)by Rodin entitled(名为) The Thinker”.“What do you suppose(猜测) he’s thinking about?”said one. The other replied,“I should im…  相似文献   

文苑 《阅读》2006,(6):38-39
Do you know that there are many more kinds of insects on the earth than any other kind of living creature(生物)? It's hard to imagine (难以想象), but 95% of all the animal species ( 种类 ) on the earth are insects! Over(超过) one million species have been discovered(被发现) by scientists, and they think that there might be(可能有)TEN times that many!  相似文献   

Who is Stupid?     
薛宜芳 《阅读》2013,(Z1):61
A teacher was trying to have fun with his students. He said, "Everyone who thinks you’re stupid, stand up! " After a few seconds, Little John stood up. The teacher said, "Do you think you’re stupid, John? " "No, Sir! " Little John said, "But I feel sorry to see  相似文献   

允诺 《阅读》2023,(Z5):22-25
<正>One day,Charlie Chaplin walked on the road with a bag in his hand.Suddenly,a robber jumped out from a bush.He pointed a gun at Chaplin."Hey,you!Stand there and give me your money!"shouted the robber."It’s not my money.I can give it to you,"said Chaplin."But please give my hat two shots."He took off his hat."Why?"asked the robber."Then I can tell the money’s owner what happened."  相似文献   

文苑 《阅读》2006,(4):42-43
Conversation Practice 1 Bill: What are you going to take part in on Sports Day, Joe?  相似文献   

徐小红 《阅读》2012,(12):37
1.I’m just looking.我就看看。This is a great response(回答)to"Can I help you find any-thing?"when you are not sure what you want to buy.2.Where are your fitting rooms?试衣间在哪儿?Ask the salesperson(营业员)this question if you want to tryon(试穿)something before you buy it.3.Does this come in other colors?有其他颜色的吗?Not everybody likes the same color.Ask a salesperson this ifyou find  相似文献   

允儿 《阅读》2014,(43):46-46
一、生活小常识。(选出相应的电话号码并将其序号填入空格中)(A.110 B.119 C.120 D.114)1.Your grandmother is very ill,which number do you need?2.You see a thief(小偷)on the way home,you want to ask the policeman for help.You can eall.3.The house you live in is on fire(着火).You are going to call  相似文献   

顾范语 《阅读》2015,(14):44-45
Look,I have some pretty little things!I’ll put them in a folding carton.How to make a folding carton?Let me show you!Is it nice?Now I can put my little things in it!Do you like it?Make one for yourself!  相似文献   

赵晔 《阅读》2010,(5):44-44
天气多变化,我的朋友生病住院了,我会说: ●表达关切之意,可以说: 1. Get well soon. / I hope you feel better soon.早日康复! We hope to see you back at school ! work soon!望你早日归队!  相似文献   

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