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围绕新诗格律的问题,卞之琳提出了自己的理论主张,其重点是将“顿”视为诗律的核心。并从节奏角度划分诗歌的形式。卞之琳的诗歌理论显示了白话新诗在理论层面上对语言规律的探索和语言内在音乐性的寻求的成绩。但从诗歌效果史和诗歌写作实践上看,其理论又有着局限。  相似文献   

“建安学”在中国学史上占有相当重要的位置,曾受到许多艺批评家的推崇,作为这一时期的代表作家——曹氏父子,在诗歌创作方面虽然都取得很高的成就,但由于受各自不同政治生活的影响,在诗歌内容和形式等方面都表现出不同的特色。  相似文献   

20世纪20至40年代中国诗歌,以突破闭锁态势的开放性发展机制,对中国诗歌的传统进行自觉地断裂性选择,使诗歌在认同和对接中发展新诗的表现艺术;试图梳理这一时期对西方诗歌的借鉴与归化,重新认识现代诗歌的建构方式,树立诗歌的开放意识。  相似文献   

新月诗人朱湘是新格律诗的积极倡导者和勤奋创造者。他借鉴西方诗律也强调新诗应有传统诗的音乐成分。其诗歌的声韵、字教、结构方面均有突出表现。朱湘的十四行诗具有探索性的借鉴意义,他的新格律诗则弥补了自由体诗歌的缺憾。  相似文献   

闻一多对新诗内容和形式上出现的种种弊端 ,以及新诗发展中许多错误的理论导向进行即时调整和针对性的批评 ,提出了不少合乎我们民族诗歌发展规律的独到见解 ,至今对新诗发展都有极强的指导价值。  相似文献   

中国新诗是从有着两千多年辉煌历史的古典诗歌发展而来的,但新诗由于在与旧诗的决裂中诞生,带有“先天贫血”,延缓了新诗的发展过程。自“五四”文学革新后,诗界开始向西方现代派诗歌寻求出路。20世纪后期诗歌回归其本质意义,同时也伴随着对诗歌语言形式的探寻。  相似文献   

立足于诗歌本体,对1949-1976年诗歌的形式特征进行分析、总结和研究,主要考察诗歌的音乐性.通过整理分析新中国近三十年新诗格律的多种取向和特征,探求诗歌在格律与诗意的协调之中做出的努力,探索这一时期诗歌“文学性”的生成机制并估价其影响.  相似文献   

闻一多对新诗内容和形式上出现的种种弊端,以及新诗发展中许多错误的理论导向进行及时的调整和有针对性的批评,提出了不少合乎我们民族诗歌发展规律的独到见解,至今对新诗发展都有极强的指导价值。  相似文献   

20世纪20至40年代中国诗歌,以突破闭锁态势的开放性发展机制,对中国诗歌的传统进行自觉地断裂性选择,使诗歌在认同和对接中发展新诗的表现艺术;试图梳理这一时期对西方诗歌的借鉴与归化,重新认识现代诗歌的建构方式,树立诗歌的开放意识.  相似文献   

20世纪50年代,关于新诗形式问题的讨论十分活跃。回归中国诗歌传统,重建新诗格律,是这期间集中关注的诗学问题。本在系统梳理这期间有关新诗形式问题的几次重要讨论的基础上,对讨论中有关新诗格律问题的一些有代表性的观点,也作出了具体的分析和评价。  相似文献   

A growing number of studies now suggest that sensitivity to the rhythmic patterning of speech (prosody) is implicated in successful reading acquisition. However, recent evidence suggests that prosody is not a unitary construct and that the different components of prosody (stress, intonation, and timing) operating at different linguistic levels (word, phrase, and sentence) may be related to reading development in different ways. Sixty-two five- to seven-year-old English-speaking children completed a newly developed, multi-component measure designed to assess several different aspects of prosodic sensitivity in a single, easily-administered task. The new measure was found to be sensitive to individual differences in prosodic sensitivity and participants’ overall scores were significantly correlated with measures of vocabulary, phonological awareness, phonological decoding, text reading accuracy, and reading comprehension. An exploratory factor analysis suggested that the multi-component measure of prosodic sensitivity distinguished between the processing of stress, intonation, and timing. The task also distinguished between word-level and sentence-level sensitivity to stress information. These findings add to the growing literature demonstrating a relationship between prosodic sensitivity and reading and represent a first step towards disentangling prosody and developing a more sophisticated understanding of its role in early reading development.  相似文献   

Employing prosody skilfully, one of the cornerstones of fluent reading, is an indicator of text comprehension. Morphological knowledge has been shown to underlie lexical acquisition and to be related to reading development. The relationship between reading comprehension, prosodic reading and morphological knowledge was investigated in 51 Hebrew‐speaking fourth‐grade students aged 9–10. Participants were tested on comprehension of two stories and on appropriate prosodic reading of one of them. Their prosodic reading was compared with an agreed prosodic map compiled from experts' reading. Participants were also administered a battery of morphological tasks. All three domains, including almost all of their component parts, were strongly correlated. The multiple regression in steps showed that morphology and reading comprehension each contribute to prosodic reading, while morphology and prosody each contribute to reading comprehension. The connection between reading comprehension and prosodic reading is however moderated by good morphological skills.  相似文献   

Studies have begun to focus on what skills contribute to the development of phonological awareness, an important predictor of reading attainment. One of these skills is the perception of prosody, which is the rhythm, tempo and stress of a language. To examine whether prosodic perception contributes to phonological awareness prior to reading tuition, we assessed 49 prereaders. Using confirmatory factor analysis, we found that measures of prosodic perception and phonological awareness loaded onto separate factors. Our regression analyses revealed that prosodic perception accounted for significant variance after partialling out definitional vocabulary and memory for digits, but not after accounting for receptive vocabulary. Based on the independence of prosodic perception from definitional vocabulary, we concluded that prosodic perception contributes to the development of phonological awareness indirectly through receptive vocabulary, by improving speech‐processing skills, but independently of semantic knowledge. Further studies should examine the role of prosody in children at risk of later reading difficulties.  相似文献   

浅谈留学生汉语节律感的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉语是声调语言,节律特征十分丰富.然而在当前的对外汉语教学中,教材很少提及节律常识,教师也往往忽视了节律教学.本文借用近年来汉语节律研究的若干成果,分析汉语节律感的形成规律,探索留学生汉语节律感的培养途径,对于改进对外汉语教学有着积极的意义.  相似文献   

The importance of prosodic elements is recognised in most definitions of fluency. Although speed and accuracy have been typically considered the constituents of reading fluency, prosody is emerging as an additional component. The relevance of prosody in comprehension is increasingly recognised in the latest studies. The purpose of this research is to examine the contribution of prosodic reading to comprehension beyond automaticity in word reading, taking into account children's grade level. One hundred and twenty‐two Spanish children (74 second and 48 fourth graders) were tested in prosodic reading, automaticity in word reading (nonword reading and reading rate) and comprehension abilities. Results show that the contribution of automaticity in word reading is relevant in both grades; however, it is more significant in Grade 2. The prosodic components of reading seem to be related differently to comprehension across grades, intonation being the highest predictor of comprehension in Grade 4. Implications for educational practice are discussed.  相似文献   

韵律短语的语音实现方式与其信息焦点位置有着密不可分的关系,受汉语韵律类型及特点的制约,学习者很少能主动注意并有效实现出英语语调音幅的多变性,不能有效地将英语韵律短语的信息焦点成功地用有效的语音方式凸显出来,往往表现出音高低、音强弱、音强短的典型错误模式,将信息焦点实现为一个类似于汉语阳平调的短暂高升调。这一体系化的语音实现模式具有普遍性、广泛性及可预测性,是中际语韵律模式的显著表现。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine whether the lexical compounding, suffixation, and part of speech aspects of lexical prosody rendered while reading text aloud are predictive of children’s developing oral reading fluency and reading comprehension skills. Ninety-four third grade children were recorded while reading aloud a grade-level passage targeting lexical prosody contrasts related to suffixation, compounding, and part of speech. Children also completed assessments on reading fluency, word reading efficiency, and reading comprehension skills. Prosodic measurements of pitch and amplitude for each syllable of the targeted words, and spoken head word length in ms for targeted compound words, were carried out. Spectrographic analyses indicated that children generally displayed appropriate prosody for each lexical prosody contrast examined. The extent to which children made these prosodic distinctions between syllables was related to their reading fluency and comprehension skills. The study finds that, in the oral reading of connected texts, children’s use of lexical prosody is an aspect of general reading prosody that is predictive of reading fluency.  相似文献   

Expressive reading is considered one of the subprocesses involved in reading fluency, and good readers show greater changes in tone and fewer unnecessary pauses than bad ones. Given the high frequency of reading difficulties in specific language impairment (SLI), there may be certain differences in the use of prosody among children with SLI. The purpose of this study was to research whether prosody in the reading of children with Spanish SLI differs from that in the reading of typical readers. To do so, 44 children (SLI and control) read aloud a text which contained declarative, interrogative and exclamatory sentences. Different prosodic parameters referring to length, tone and intensity were measured. The results showed that the children with SLI read slower, commit more errors and make more inappropriate pauses. Furthermore, fewer pitch variations were found in the interrogative sentence and in the final features of the sentence. These results confirm the relationship between decoding and prosody; therefore, interventions with these children should bear in mind the practice of expressive reading while learning reading fluency.  相似文献   

In their analysis of a corpus of classroom interactions in an inner city high school, Roth and Tobin describe how teachers and students accomplish interactional alignment by prosodically matching each other’s turns. Prosodic matching, and specific prosodic patterns are interpreted as signs of, and contributions to successful interactional outcomes and positive emotions. Lack of prosodic matching, and other specific prosodic patterns are interpreted as features of unsuccessful interactions, and negative emotions. This forum focuses on the article’s analysis of the relation between interpersonal alignment, emotion and prosody. It argues that prosodic matching, and other prosodic linking practices, play a primarily sequential role, i.e. one that displays the way in which participants place and design their turns in relation to other participants’ turns. Prosodic matching, rather than being a conversational action in itself, is argued to be an interactional practice (Schegloff 1997), which is not always employed for the accomplishment of ‘positive’, or aligning actions.  相似文献   

While the critical importance of phonological awareness (segmental phonology) to reading ability is well established, the potential role of prosody (suprasegmental phonology) in reading development has only recently been explored. This study examined the relationship between children's prosodic skills and reading ability. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses examined the unique contribution of word‐level and phrase‐level prosodic skills to the prediction of three concurrent measures of reading ability in 81 fourth‐grade children (mean age 9.3 years). After controlling for phonological awareness and general rhythmic sensitivity, children's prosodic skills predicted unique variation in word‐reading accuracy and in reading comprehension. Phrase‐level prosodic skills, assessed by means of a reiterative speech task, predicted unique variance in reading comprehension, after controlling for word reading accuracy, phonological awareness and general rhythmic sensitivity. These results add to the growing body of evidence of the importance of prosodic skills in reading development.  相似文献   

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