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图书馆素有保护用户隐私权的历史,许多国家和地区的图书馆协会伦理准则也确认了对这种权利的支持,而且还制定了隐私政策。但是图书馆协会隐私政策的具体内容尚不清楚。该文以Pnina Shachaf教授对伦理准则的内容分析为基础,调研了在伦理准则中提到隐私原则的国家和地区图书馆协会的隐私政策,通过内容分析法考察隐私政策的描述性特征、政策的可读性和政策的内容。图书馆协会隐私政策中最经常提到的内容类别包括实施和救济,选择和同意;不经常出现的内容类别依次是通知和开放,用户访问,信息安全,隐私政策的实施以及特殊群体或活动的隐私。希望通过这些图书馆协会隐私政策的内容分析,对我国内地制定图书馆隐私政策有所启示。  相似文献   

选取IFLA数据库来自德国、波兰等33个国家的图书馆学会或协会所制定或修订的图书馆协会伦理准则。从形式和内容两方面,结合文化维度论中的不确定性规避指数(Uncer-taintv AvoidanceI ndex,UAI)及个人主义(individualism,IDV)两个指数对各专业伦理守则进行分析,解读各国文化差异是影...  相似文献   

许多专业团体为维护其从业人员共同的社会权益,提高专业服务的水平,获取社会大众对其职业的信赖与专业认定,纷纷制定伦理守则。图书馆界亦不例外,1939年,美国图书馆协会颁布实施了第一个《图书馆员伦理守则》,此后在国际范围内许多国家相继制订此类准则,较有代表性的如《英国图  相似文献   

马红 《高校图书馆工作》2008,28(1):57-59,94
通过发达国家图书馆职业伦理守则,简述<中国图书馆员职业道德准则>的内容,提出图书馆职业伦理的原则;探讨图书馆职业伦理实现的途径.  相似文献   

论图书馆伦理建设   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
图书馆伦理建设可从两个层面展开:一是构建图书馆的伦理价值体系,二是落实这一价值体系。图书馆伦理价值体系,包括表明伦理价值取向的伦理框架和体现在行为规范之中的伦理准则两部分。图书馆伦理价值体系的落实应从明确建设基点、加强组织协调、开展教育培训、提高自律能力、突出榜样示范和实施道德评价等方面着手。参考文献9。  相似文献   

本文从制定图书馆服务伦理准则,制订保障读者的合法权益、保护知识产权、平等服务、公正服务、诚信服务和文明服务等服务伦理细则,建立服务伦理监管机制等方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

试论图书馆伦理管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图书馆管理在进入了信息时代后,管理的实践和认识已经进入了管理与人文伦理结合的阶段———伦理管理阶段。管理与伦理结合,是由两者的相关性和一致性决定的,主要是管理活动离不开伦理准则。图书馆职业作为社会特定职业,有其自身的规律和职业范围。图书馆职业伦理就是图书馆管理服务领域中的角色伦理,是以图书馆为主体对图书馆管理的社会化角色的伦理原则和规范。  相似文献   

民族图书馆是我国民族地区各级各类图书馆的统称,它以鲜明的民族个性构成了我国图书馆事业的一道独特的风景,为我国民族地区的经济文化建设,为维护国家统一和民族团结做出了重要贡献.民族图书馆研究是民族图书馆实践的经验总结和理论概括,它对民族地区图书馆事业的发展具有指南和前瞻作用.值此世纪之交,回顾和总结20年来民族图书馆研究状况,对新世纪民族图书馆事业发展显然是极为重要的.  相似文献   

图书馆伦理责任及其实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图书馆伦理属于一种特殊的职业伦理,在图书馆管理活动中可以发挥引导、监督、协调、制约和激励等方面的功能.图书馆伦理责任可以分人本伦理责任、公共伦理责任、资源伦理责任三个层次.实现图书馆伦理责任需要从宏观、中观、微观各个层次开展多方面的工作.  相似文献   

信息伦理学与图书馆伦理建设   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着信息技术在图书馆应用的不断深入,信息安全问题也就与日俱增,特别是因特网信息交流所具有的开放性、实时性、交互性等特性,导致了传统的伦理学无法涵概的诸如信息开发、信息传播、信息处理和利用等方面的伦理要求、伦理准则、伦理规约等问题的出现。规范的信息伦理学研究对象包括了在信息开发、信息传播、信息处理和信息利用等各种不同类型的信息活动中已经存在和可能发生的各种伦理问题。信息伦理学研究对图书馆伦理建设奠定了坚实的理论基础,并为图书馆行业中的各类信息活动提供了道德规范的基本精神。文章从六个方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

公共图书馆事业与国民经济协同发展战略分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗贤春 《图书馆杂志》2005,24(12):19-23,64
本文通过 GDP 与公共图书馆支出变化率比较,得出公共图书馆事业与国民经济呈协同发展趋势,并构建观念、时空、规划等协同基础;资源、技术、组织等协同框架;业务、团队、人员等协同实施。并提出创新、动态联盟、可持续发展等战略推进措施。  相似文献   

本文以40所"211工程"院校图书馆为研究样本,就其IC构建现状进行了调查与分析。结果显示,IC构建现状具有"实体层构建较为成熟,虚拟层重视不够;研究室、讨论室等IC元素构建较多、服务层次较低;融入学科服务元素受到部分图书馆重视"等特点。建议对图书馆传统阅览室、院系资料室等进行IC化改造,并加强学科化服务及学科馆员等融入IC服务的工作。  相似文献   

论知识管理与信息管理   总被引:120,自引:0,他引:120  
信息管理与知识管理在产生背景、内涵、研究内容、知识与信息和研究者知识背景等方面有不同;它们的联系在于二者具有相同作用,都重视信息和信息技术,在研究中是相互促进的。两者的对比研究对于实践具有指导意义  相似文献   

Libraries may stimulate social capital and social integration. They are institutions that enjoy a high level of social trust, which creates many opportunities. In 2018 and 2019, a survey on social capital, trust and social activity of librarians was conducted in 20 countries across the world. The research addresses the question of whether libraries as public institutions may prevent the alarming processes of social alienation of individuals. The findings show that librarians have an average level of individual social capital, but they have a relatively high level of trust in other people and often volunteer for their communities. Nonetheless, librarians tend to not believe in their own impact on the rest of the society/local community. Of most importance for them in their lives are emotional values, attachment and family values; they are less focused on material values, image, etc.  相似文献   

强化图书馆在高校教材建设中的服务功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教材建设是提高高校教育质量的重要保证,图书馆作为学校的信息情报中心,在高校教材建设工作中,具有自身独特的优势,发挥着重要作用。为此,高校图书馆要强化服务理念,做好各种教材信息的搜集整合和宣介工作,突出重点,建立适合本校办学定位的藏书体系和教材样本书库,加强电子教材的引进和宣传,并做好师生利用馆藏教材资源的引导和培训工作。  相似文献   

Are you in h?     
A new method of assessment of scientific papers, scientists, and scientific institutions was defined. The significance of a paper was assessed by the definition of the largest (the most prestigious) set, including that paper in its h-core. The sets of papers were defined by affiliation (country, city, university, department) or by subject (branches and sub-branches of science, journal). The inclusion of a paper in the h-core of certain set(s) was used as an indicator of the significance of that paper, and of the scientific output of its author(s), of their scientific institution(s), etc. An analogous procedure was used to assess the contribution of an individual to the scientific output of his/her scientific institution, branch of science, etc.  相似文献   

This work exposes a new paradigm for the creation and publication of textbooks: open source. The phrase open source is borrowed from the computer software industry, where the word source has a technical meaning explained in this paper; open source software is software which has been developed by many collaborators using the internet to produce a final product. The contributors receive no financial compensation, yet there have been many successful open source software projects (Linux, Open Office, Apache, etc.). Open source textbooks use a similar financial model; the authors and contributors receive no direct financial compensation for their work. Contributors are listed in the produced work as primary author(s), co-authors, contributors, minor contributors, etc. according to the magnitude of their contribution. The produced work is available free for users on the internet. This paper will explain the open source process and will provide justification for open source as an effective paradigm; it will also present some existing open source textbook projects, as well as the author’s own open source textbook project.  相似文献   

Students and scholars can take full advantage of Open Access journals only if libraries make them available through mechanisms that are familiar to patrons. This study examines the extent to which American liberal arts colleges have provided access to Open Access journals through their journal title lists (Serials Solutions, Ex Libris, etc.) and their online public access catalogs (OPACs). While 57 percent of the colleges provide access to at least 90 percent of the journals in our sample, 20 percent of the colleges provide access to fewer than 20 percent of the journals. Large and high-impact journals are especially likely to appear in libraries' catalogs and journal lists. There is no systematic trend by publication fee status or country of publication, however. The study concludes with a discussion of the strategies libraries can use to select Open Access journals and add them to their collections.  相似文献   

Facebook is an extremely popular social networking site with college students. Many academic libraries have created their Facebook profiles to reach more users. This article studies the Facebook presence of Association of Research Libraries (ARL) member institutions, particularly academic ones. Their Facebook pages are analyzed comprehensively in terms of content, launch time, and popularity. The majority of these libraries maintain at least one Facebook page whose content typically focuses on library events, resource updates, etc.  相似文献   

科学精神是科学家为实现科学活动的目标而应遵循的价值规范体系.中国档案学研究需要科学精神.然而,中国档案学思想先天"发育不良",中国档案学研究后天"营养过剩",需要从研究方法、研究态度、研究兴趣、研究领域等层面予以改造.  相似文献   

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