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本文以新的事例说明“中国共产党”的标准译名TheCommunistPartyofChi-na是错误的。作者以此为例进一步讲述一套应用符号学的理论,批评“词字翻译,”主张“传通翻译”。本文还指出,应用符号学理论可以从重新诠释后的老子、孔子和近现代“信达雅”概念中找到源头。  相似文献   

龚 《大观周刊》2012,(43):363-363
“字本位”理论提出之后,汉语语法研究以何为本位又引起了学界的讨论,本文通过将英语中的“词”与汉语中的“字”在音韵、记录意义的方式、构成形式、语用功能这几个方面进行对比,旨在发现其异同点及其背后的文化信息。  相似文献   

肖媛  鲁修红 《新闻传播》2022,(11):20-22
我国汉语国际传播事业近年来取得了丰硕的成果,但关于“汉语国际传播”一词的英译目前在学界还未达成共识。文章以纽马克的语义翻译理论和交际翻译理论为指导,对收集到的90篇文献中八种“汉语国际传播”的英译进行探析,并提出最适合“汉语国际传播”的翻译是“Chinese International Communication”。  相似文献   

赵艺 《大观周刊》2012,(8):154-155
随着网络的发展和沟通的需要,网络语言不仅在网络交际中必不可少,并且在人们日常的交际中也被广泛使用。网络语言的流行造成了网络新文字的产生、词汇的更新、词义的改变及读音的变异,本文通过这四个方面的研究,得出网络语言为汉语字、词带来的新变化。  相似文献   

"一带一路"倡议和"文化走出去"战略促进了文化之间的交流和发展,越来越多的中国文化元素走向了世界舞台。"没有观众就没有戏剧",越剧要走出国门就需要让更多的外国友人了解越剧。本文从跨文化传播的角度出发,以越剧相关网站对外传播英译文本为切入点,分析其翻译存在的一些语言性和文化性问题,提出此类对外传播翻译应遵循语言表达的准确性、文本的可读性以及文化传播的有效性三项准则,采取以有效传播为目的的翻译策略,以期丰富和发展戏曲外宣翻译的维度和内容,更好地服务戏曲传统文化走出去的迫切需求。  相似文献   

针对当前书目数据中存在生僻字词、英语单词及网络词汇等疑难字词的现状,进行OPAC划词翻译功能的应用现状、需求分析、设计思路及其实现方法的研究。利用JavaScript、CSS、ASP和数据库相关技术对疑难字词进行选择、编辑、存储、翻译及更新,实现划词翻译功能,以增强OPAC的可用性、提升用户的使用体验。  相似文献   

陈新 《中国传媒科技》2012,(14):250-256
中国有五千年悠久的历史文化,这一灿烂文化既是中华各民族智慧的结晶,也是博采众长,吸纳世界文明精华的结果.随着佛经典籍的传人,翻译家们便开始了对翻译标准的探讨,从最初的“直译”到近代的“神似”,从对原著的深刻理解到对译者的严苛要求,无论是最早的翻译家道安、鸠摩罗什,还是现代的钱钟书、傅雷等翻译家都提出了十分精辟的见解.而近代翻译家严复先生在《天演论》中对译著提出“信、达、雅”的翻译标准言简意赅,可以说是“等值”翻译的具体解说,因此成为翻译家们共同遵守的准则.人类文明的传承、发展离不开文化,电影作为一种跨文化交际的重要手段,其社会影响力可谓十分巨大,随着中西方文化交流的日益频繁,越来越多的外国电影涌人中国.电影是一件凝练的艺术精品,他是电影内容的脸面,是电影思想的灵魂,翻译电影片名是一种创造性的艺术活动.电影片名就像电影的一张名片,一个好的译名能在第一时间打动观众,而不是把观众引入歧途.商业物质化的侵袭,导致一些片商唯利是图,一味追求商业利润,对一些外国电影片名胡编乱译,毫无顾忌地使用凶杀、色情、暴力、刺激、鬼怪、魔兽等词汇,以招揽观众,哄抬票房.业界人士对此深恶痛绝,热切希望外国影片名的翻译回归正统,有据可依.笔者着力阐述“信、达、雅”这一翻译标准的由来和确切内涵,并力求以“信、达、雅”翻译标准对几十年来的部分有影响力的美国电影译名进行评述,以期通过探讨,遏制目前普遍存在的对外国影片名翻译粗制滥造的不正之风,寻找业界人士共同遵守的基本准则.虽然尽善尽美的译文无论在理论上还是在实践中都不存在,但人类的思想感情和文化传统却是可以充分沟通的,而艺术作品的翻译就是两种语言沟通不可缺失的桥梁,翻译标准的确立为外国影片名翻译的评判找到了理论上的依据.  相似文献   

韩辉 《出版广角》2015,(10):36-37
在世界多元文化格局下,中国文化"走出去"已上升为国家战略,作为文化重要载体的中国文学,其"走出去"之路却始终步履维艰.本文从译介学角度出发,以莫言作品在英语世界的传播为例,探讨文学译介活动中的翻译模式和出版宣传,以期为中国文学"走出去"提供一些启示.  相似文献   

王娟 《大观周刊》2012,(45):47-47,64
“四字语”是汉语中一种独特的语言现象,是汉语语言系统中重要的组成部分,也是中华文化博大精深的鲜明体现,所以,在对外汉语教学活动中,“四字语”问题不容小觑。本文试从“四字语”的英译、教学现状、文化几个方面结合对外汉语教学理论对这一问题加以探讨,以期为对外汉语教学中“四字语”问题的良好解决提出可供参考的意见。  相似文献   

<正>一、微博"大V"微博"大V"是指的是微博上身份获认证的意见领袖。现在通常把"粉丝"在10万以上的账号称为微博"大V"。"V"可以有双重解释,既是指"认证"一词(Vertification),更是指贵宾VIP(全称:Very Important Person),直译为"重要人物""要员""非常重要的人",称呼还有"贵宾""贵客""重要人士""高  相似文献   

在西文编目实践中,尤其在从事原始编目时,需要在008/15-17字符段,对文献的出版地进行著录,有时会参考该字符段的有效代码栏——国名代码表,发现代码栏中的多数汉译名同我国的译名相同,但还是有些不同于我国传统的“约定俗成”的,已被广泛接受的译名,冈此,著录时会感到这些不同的国名译名较为陌生,往往很难找到相应的代码,而且国名和代码也容易混淆,难免会出错。现把我国的译名对应Horizon的,以及各自的英语原名在表中列出,以餮读者。  相似文献   

This study is qualitative in nature and aims at assessing the information needs and seeking behavior of educational administrators and finding related problems. Interviews of a purposive sample and review of related literature are among the major research methods. The study is based on interviews of 13 educational administrators and 32 information professionals from Punjab province and Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) of Pakistan. The results correspond with the previous studies conducted in other countries. The educational administrators' information needs and seeking behavior reflect a kinship with their work settings and information environment that highlights a need to understand problem situations as an ancestor to understanding how they seek and use information. The study has identified a gap in the provision of needed information which hinders the realistic planning and decision making process. It has also highlighted the need of a National Information System for educational administrators in Pakistan. As this is the first study on this topic in Pakistan, the results can be useful to design information services and facilities for educational administrators in Pakistan and other developing regions of the globe with similar conditions.  相似文献   

讨论了信息共享空间的概念、特征、构成要素与服务模式。结合区级图书馆主题馆的功能定位、资源布局、服务模式,探讨了IC在区级主题馆建设与服务中的应用。  相似文献   

Information literacy (IL) is increasingly considered to be an important life skill and there are a number of challenges that librarians face in implementing an effective IL program. This article examines the experience of library staff at Birmingham City University (BCU) and how they developed a printed workbook to be embedded within sessions attached to a first year Nursing degree academic skills module. Previous approaches to IL input with Nursing students will be discussed. The changes that were made and the impact of these changes on students, academic and library staff are then considered. Since the implementation of the workbook, feedback from students and staff has been encouraging concerning its purpose and value. Possible future developments are then suggested.  相似文献   

本文介绍了美国政府信息资源再利用的主要立法,分析了保障法律执行的措施,探讨了推进信息资源再利用的部分经验,并就发展我国政府信息资源再利用事业提出若干建议。  相似文献   


As information sources have expanded, there have been parallel changes in the way students and researchers find and use that information. The role of the library has shifted to embedding information literacy skills into the curriculum as a primary function. This presentation explored how librarians are becoming more involved with information literacy curriculum and how publishers can assist them, particularly regarding access to information and the scholarly publishing process. Since 2015, Rebecca Donlan at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) and Stacy Stanislaw at Taylor & Francis Group have been collaborating on an information literacy program for FGCU students and faculty that focuses specifically on navigating the scholarly publishing landscape. Donlan and Stanislaw provided an overview of the project, its formation, implementation, and progress to date.  相似文献   

Although many governmental and intergovernmental organizations publish vast quantities of grey literature, the importance of the diffusion and impact of this literature are rarely studied. Evidence from an investigation of the grey literature output of GESAMP, the Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (sponsored by the UN and several of the UN-family of organizations), indicated that the literature reached scientific readers and was cited. To determine whether that evidence was representative of international intergovernmental bodies, another intergovernmental organization devoted to marine environmental issues, namely, the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment (GOMC) was studied. GOMC, an American–Canadian partnership, has been working since 1989 to maintain and enhance environmental quality in the Gulf of Maine. Through its own publications and others resulting from studies conducted under contract or in cooperation with other organizations, GOMC provides a complex publishing history for investigation. Over 300 publications were identified and over 500 citations were located after extensive searching using several citation tools. Citation patterns for GOMC publications mirror the findings of the study of GESAMP; grey literature is cited over lengthy periods, but grey literature tends to be cited primarily by other grey literature. Although digital alerting and access tools are increasing in number and coverage, a reliance on grey literature as the primary means of publication continues to pose hurdles for influencing scientific research, public policy, and public opinion. While grey literature is common to organizations such as GOMC and GESAMP, the impact of this literature can be muted because of the limitations of its dissemination and perceptions of its quality.
Bertrum H. MacDonaldEmail: URL: www.management.dal.ca

[目的/意义]理解ACRL《高等教育信息素养框架》(简称《框架》)中阈概念之间蕴含的逻辑关系以及教育层次,是构建大学信息素养教育生态系统的前提与基础。[方法/过程]将《框架》中信息素养的逻辑架构做立体层次性分析,以此为基础对信息素养的教育架构进行说明,并结合香港城市大学图书馆开展的"灯塔历史文化研究"项目案例,阐释大学信息素养教育生态系统构建的方法与过程。[结果/结论]信息素养教育生态系统的构建是以培养学生判断力、分析力、研究力为核心,包含通识教育、技能教育、拓展教育,以及多方人员和组织共同参与合作的完整教育过程,是培养学生信息素养可靠稳定的教育体系。  相似文献   

国家数字图书馆与中国高等教育数字图书馆是国内数字图书馆工程中较为典型的代表,通过对两者建设进展的分析把握当前国内数字图书馆建设模式,得出国内数字图书馆发展需要协调和合作,从战略高度确立数字图书馆建设管理的实体,从而避免分散建设、各行其是,并推动面向用户数字图书馆建设。  相似文献   

以《图书情报工作》2000-2011年刊发的论文为样本,以高频词和知识图谱为考察视角,发现图书馆学情报学相对"不变"的主题域主要有5个:数字图书馆、学科信息服务、竞争情报与知识管理、图书馆学与情报学理论研究和文献计量学研究。以关键词历年频次变化为考察视角,分别挖掘出最近6年新兴主题、增幅明显主题、消失主题及降幅明显主题若干,并筛选出30个左右"突现词"作为最具"变"的意味的关键词,以考察图书馆学情报学的情境性演变。研究发现《图书情报工作》热切关注前沿主题,在某种程度上引领着我国图书馆学情报学的发展方向。  相似文献   

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