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中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院是由中国科学院、广东省人民政府、广州市人民政府三方共建,于2006年3月经中编委批准成立的具有独立法人资格的事业单位。研究院隶属于中国科学院。研究院的定位:成为以国家健康和生物医药需求为主导,以国际前沿的致病机理研究、高水平核心技术创新与集成为核心,致力于构筑我国医药、疫苗及诊断的创新研究实体,成为国家健康安全体系中的重要组成部分。建设目标:建成在生物医药和健康领域具有自主创新和国际竞争力的研究开发机构,使之成为疾病发生和致病机理的研究和生物医药关键核心技术的研发平台,成为…  相似文献   

本文在对战后日本技术引进的历史分析基础上,全面地探讨战后日本技术引进的“以软为主”模式,并揭示这种模式形成与发展的原因及其意义。  相似文献   

本文通过回溯陈景润的成名史,简要分析了在各个时期陈景润的知名度的一些情况,重点分析《哥德巴赫猜想》一文的发表何以给陈景润带来了家喻户晓的名声,间带分析了当时的形势和陈景润的自身性格以及《猜想》塑造的"科学英雄"形象对陈景润的成名的作用。此外通过对后续效应的分析得出"陈景润精神"的符号化是90年代以后陈景润的知名度仍得以延续的原因。由整个回溯可以看出《哥德巴赫猜想》是应运而生的,而陈景润的成名是那个时代的产物,但并不完全是政治的需要,他呼应了时代的转变,人性的复苏,也达到甚至可能超越了政治在那个特殊时期的期望。  相似文献   

This essay argues that shifts in patronage for the postwar behavioral and social sciences were linked intimately to both intellectual and institutional changes. This broad argument comprises two subarguments: first, that there were in fact two distinct, successive patronage systems for postwar social science--not one, as is commonly assumed; and, second, that the first postwar patronage system played a major role in enabling a series of behavioral revolutions and interdisciplinary syntheses across the social sciences, while the second postwar patronage system encouraged the development of specialized concepts, techniques, and technologies within the disciplines. The essay also suggests that the widespread concern among social scientists in the 1970s and 1980s that their fields were fragmenting was at least in part an unintended consequence of the rise of the second system.  相似文献   

This paper provides a sketch of the emerging role of the pharmaceutical salesman, or 'detail man', in the growth years of the American post-World War II pharmaceutical industry. Using training manuals, trade literature, in-house company newsletters, memoirs, and a variety of other published sources, the paper follows the delicate tactics employed by salesmen and their managers in their attempts to recast drug salesmanship as a 'professional service' fulfilling vital functions within medical education. As they worked to legitimate their presence in the nation's hospitals and clinics, particular emphasis was given to precise management of the etiquette of doctor-salesman interaction. Ultimately, the techniques employed by mid-century salesmen and their managers were to prove successful in generating a widespread acceptance of the industry representative within the clinical spaces of hospital and clinic. Indeed, many of the practices of market research and market strategy employed across the pharmaceutical industry today have their origins in the practices of the individual detail man. Exploration of the postwar pharmaceutical salesman as an overlooked historical 'type' provides significant insights into the intersection of medicine and the consumer marketplace during the later 20th century.  相似文献   

薛凯鑫  薛沅锐 《科教文汇》2020,(13):79-80,84
针对传统路灯系统中能源浪费严重、信息化程度低和智能化程度低等不足,设计新型路灯系统。在以STM32为核心的嵌入式系统上使用环境传感器、电机、太阳能板和LoRa等模块,为路灯加载太阳能追光、自动调亮、环境检测和组网通信等功能,实现路灯节能最大化、运维信息化、智能互联化、集中管控化、照明智能化。  相似文献   

History of biomedicine is a hybrid domain, intersecting with many other scholarly disciplines. From the 1970s, historians who investigated recent developments in medicine increasingly shared the approaches, presuppositions, and methods of inquiry of historians and sociologists of science and technology. One reason is that the increasing reliance of medicine on technologies, instruments, and drugs makes the demarcation between "medicine," "science," and "industry" more difficult. Another is the "practice turn" in the history of science, which gave greater attention to the ways scientists and physicians work. The impressive achievements of historians who applied these new approaches came, however, at a cost. The neglect of an earlier generation of historians of medicine may have limited more recent ambitions for understanding health and disease in society. Closer links with historians of science and technology and sociologists of science may have blurred the specificity of medicine as a domain grounded in the distinction between the normal and the pathological and lessened scholars' interest in "the clinic" as a unique site of the production of knowledge.  相似文献   

The influential Berkeley theoretical physicist Geoffrey Chew renounced the reigning approach to the study of subatomic particles in the early 1960s. The standard approach relied on a rigid division between elementary and composite particles. Partly on the basis of his new interpretation of Feynman diagrams, Chew called instead for a "nuclear democracy" that would erase this division, treating all nuclear particles on an equal footing. In developing his rival approach, which came to dominate studies of the strong nuclear force throughout the 1960s, Chew drew on intellectual resources culled from his own political activities and his attempts to reform how graduate students in physics would be trained.  相似文献   

Although the validity of knowledge is critical to scientific progress, substantial concerns exist regarding the governance of knowledge production. While research errors are as relevant to the knowledge economy as defects are to the manufacturing economy, mechanisms to identify and signal “defective” or false knowledge are poorly understood. In this paper, we investigate one such institution - the system of scientific retractions. We analyze the universe of peer-reviewed scientific articles retracted from the biomedical literature between 1972-2006 and comparing with a matched control sample in order to identify the correlates, timing, and causal impact of scientific retractions. This effort provides insight into the workings of a distributed, peer-based system for the governance of validity in scientific knowledge. Our findings suggest that attention is a key predictor of retraction - retracted articles arise most frequently among highly-cited articles. The retraction system is expeditious in uncovering knowledge that is ever determined to be false (the mean time to retraction is less than two years) and democratic (retraction is not systematically affected by author prominence). Lastly, retraction causes an immediate, severe, and long-lived decline in future citations. Conditional on the obvious limitation that we cannot measure the absolute amount of false science in circulation, these results support the view that distributed governance systems can be designed to uncover false knowledge relatively swiftly and to mitigate the costs that false knowledge for future generations of producers.  相似文献   

自20世纪60年代人类首次利用流产胎儿组织建立人二倍体细胞系(HDCs)以来,人胚胎来源的细胞就被广泛应用于生物医学研究领域,为提高人类健康水平作出了重大贡献。近年来,包括人胚干细胞在内的人多能干细胞在再生医学领域展现出巨大的治疗潜力,并受到各国政府和社会公众的高度关注。同时,由于历史文化、宗教信仰、伦理道德等多方面的因素,人胚胎来源细胞的研究和应用一直存在较大争议。文章通过介绍人胚胎来源细胞在生物医药领域研究应用的历史和进展,探究不同国家监管制度的演进,以期为完善我国对该领域的监管框架和技术要求提供有益参考。  相似文献   

科技期刊编辑的选题与信息跟踪   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
科技期刊的编辑离不开信息处理,作为科技期刊编辑过程的第一个环节选题必须依据信息,其中信息跟踪是实现优化选题的重要手段之一,对此加以探讨并就如何实现信息跟踪提出建议。  相似文献   



The educational program for health care personnel is important for reducing preanalytical errors and improving quality of laboratory test results. The aim of our study was to assess the level of knowledge on preanalytical phase in population of biomedicine students through a cross-sectional survey.

Materials and methods

A survey was sent to students on penultimate and final year of Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry – study of medical biochemistry (FPB), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) and School of Medicine (SM), University of Zagreb, Croatia, using the web tool SurveyMonkey. Survey was composed of demographics and 14 statements regarding the preanalytical phase of laboratory testing. Comparison of frequencies and proportions of correct answers was done with Fisher’s exact test and test of comparison of proportions, respectively.


Study included 135 participants, median age 24 (23-40) years. Students from FPB had higher proportion of correct answers (86%) compared to students from other biomedical faculties 62%, P < 0.001. Students from FPB were more conscious of the importance of specimen mixing (P = 0.027), prevalence of preanalytical errors (P = 0.001), impact of hemolysis (P = 0.032) and lipemia interferences (P = 0.010), proper choice of anticoagulants (P = 0.001), transport conditions for ammonia sample (P < 0.001) and order of draw during blood specimen collection (P < 0.001), in comparison with students from SM and FVM.


Students from FPB are more conscious of the importance of preanalytical phase of testing in comparison with their colleagues from other biomedical faculties. No difference in knowledge between penultimate and final year of the same faculty was found.Key words: survey, education, preanalytical phase  相似文献   

科学是西方文化的产物。经过逻辑 ,科学与西方哲学的本体论紧密相连。从苏格拉底到柏拉图到亚里士多德 ,本体论一步一步得以成熟 ,而亚里士多德在发展和完善本体论的同时 ,以本体论为前提和基础创立了逻辑。通过逻辑 ,可以看清楚科学的本体论根源。  相似文献   

Today, the production of knowledge in the experimental life sciences relies crucially on the use of biological data collections, such as DNA sequence databases. These collections, in both their creation and their current use, are embedded in the experimentalist tradition. At the same time, however, they exemplify the natural historical tradition, based on collecting and comparing natural facts. This essay focuses on the issues attending the establishment in 1982 of GenBank, the largest and most frequently accessed collection of experimental knowledge in the world. The debates leading to its creation-about the collection and distribution of data, the attribution of credit and authorship, and the proprietary nature of knowledge-illuminate the different moral economies at work in the life sciences in the late twentieth century. They offer perspective on the recent rise of public access publishing and data sharing in science. More broadly, this essay challenges the big picture according to which the rise of experimentalism led to the decline of natural history in the twentieth century. It argues that both traditions have been articulated into a new way of producing knowledge that has become a key practice in science at the beginning of the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

黄清芬 《情报杂志》2004,23(3):61-63
深入研究搜索引擎的用户跟踪功能是以用户为中心的现代服务思想的体现,同时也是搜索引擎技术发展、完善的必然要求。从搜索引擎用户的信息需求特点、行为特征分析入手,对搜索引擎用户的行为特征的采集、分析技术进行了详细分析。表明无论是搜索引擎的智能化,还是各种代理技术,其核心都必然围绕用户的需求,而提供用户需求与相关技术连接的必然是基于用户跟踪功能研究而产生的跟踪技术。  相似文献   

古DNA:用分子生物学手段探知过去   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
古生物分子遗传研究室成功完成了山东省临淄地区古墓群中古人类群体DNA的分析 ,阐明了不同历史时期山东半岛人群的分布及遗传结构与现代人的异同性。目前正分析殷墟出土的商代晚期古代人群的DNA解析结果 ,以期复原我国商代人群结构、迁徙模式和文明、文化传承途径。  相似文献   

本文探讨了课题经费核算和项目跟踪管理的有关问题,并提出了若干改进意见.  相似文献   

Using a new method of proliferation tracing, named ‘Pro Tracer', researchers settled a long-lasting debate regarding the zonal contribution of different hepatocyte populations during liver homeostasis and regeneration.  相似文献   

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