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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology promises many benefits to business process automation with real-time context awareness and item level accuracy. Through readers to RFID middleware systems, the information and the movements of tagged objects can be used to trigger business transactions. With the aim to seamlessly incorporate RFID technology into business process automation, this paper investigates the deployment of business logics to RFID edge systems. A comprehensive framework is proposed to model business rules in an event-driven perspective on the basis of event calculus. This framework first elicits the business meaningful events from the large volume of raw RFID reads, and guides the behaviours and interactions of involved objects in response to the elicited events and the pre-defined business rules. The execution and functional invocations are enforced with RFID queries, where a two-block buffering mechanism is proposed to handle the identified delayed effects and thereby improve the RFID query efficiency. Experiments and analysis are conducted to discuss the query efficiency improvements and the scalability to more complex applications.  相似文献   

直觉模糊集在处理模糊性、犹豫模糊性等不确定性方面比传统模糊集更灵活和实用,是模糊集的进一步推广。相似度是刻画两个(直觉)模糊集相似程度的工具,在直觉模糊多属性决策中有重要应用,但通过对现有文献中所采用的相似度方法进行分析,发现在某些情形下反映的相似度与实际相似度不符,为此给出一种新的相似度计算公式,据此提出基于直觉模糊相似度的逼近理想点排序(TOPSIS)法,并将其应用到多属性决策问题中,最后通过实例说明其合理性和有效性。  相似文献   

The conventional modal control theory is concerned with the problem of determining a state feedback matrix-valued gain which drives the system eigenvalues to prescribed positions. When the parameters of the open-loop system involve certain variations, the closed-loop eigenvalues, obtained by using a feedback gain determined as above, also contain variations. In the present paper the problem of choosing an additional state feedback gain such as to reduce the closed-loop eigenvalue variations as much as desired is solved. Specifically, upon the assumption that a nominal set of parameter values is given, and that a feedback modal control law which drives the eigenvalues of the nominal closed-loop system to the desired positions is known, two alternative expressions for the required additional reduced eigenvalue sensitivity feedback controller are derived. Both cases of known and unknown system state vector are considered. The theory is illustrated by several examples.  相似文献   

郭进  徐盈之 《资源科学》2020,42(7):1372-1383
公众作为环境资源的利益相关者,与政府和企业一道,成为推动环境治理的三股力量。本文基于公众在解决信息不对称问题和完善社会舆论监督方面的优势,论述了公众参与环境治理的理论基础和参与路径。在此基础上,本文构建了2011—2015年中国省际平衡面板数据,并将公众参与划分为侧重于后端治理的投诉上访和侧重于前端治理的建言献策两类,对公众参与环境治理的效应进行了评估。研究发现:①在“政府-企业-公众”三元环境治理体系中,公众参与一方面依赖于政府的环境执法迫使企业污染环境的外部成本内部化,进而间接地参与环境治理;另一方面其本身对污染企业的震慑作用也会产生与政府环境执法类似的效果,进而直接地参与环境治理。②两种细分类型的公众参与,其效应表现出异质性,即公众参与环境治理主要体现在以投诉上访为主要形式的后端治理层面,以建言献策为主要形式的前端治理效应不显著。③采用工具变量法来缓解内生性问题后,公众参与环境治理的效应得到了进一步增强,同时发现居民平均受教育程度的提高显著地扩大了公众参与环境治理的水平。据此,本文对进一步扩大公众参与环境治理提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

刘明霞  于飞 《科研管理》2015,36(2):160-166
本文对跨国公司在华投资母子间的知识流动及其决定因素进行实证调查,得到三个结论:(1)母子间存在双向知识转移,且传统知识转移与逆向知识转移程度不同;(2)双向知识转移的决定因素有较大差异,母子关系和受方吸收能力只影响传统转移,而知识相关性、子公司技术依赖和子公司知识活动能力只影响逆向转移;(3)本文根据相关信息推理出在华跨国公司双向转移的逻辑与已往文献不同,传统知识转移不是一个简单的教授过程而是体现母公司意图、子公司认同的教授过程,逆向转移也不是学者所说的子公司说服过程而是母公司主动发现、主宰的选择过程。  相似文献   

数字城市建设是城市信息化发展的战略任务,而构建数字城市建设绩效评价指标体系是衡量数字城市建设水平的关键。在分析国内外研究现状的基础上,根据指标体系构建原则,从城市数字化基础设施、信息化产业发展水平、电子政务发展、城市经济经济发展水平以及民生事业信息化5个维度构建数字城市建设绩效评价指标体系,运用直觉模糊集原理构建数字城市绩效评价模型并展开实例研究,为评判某区域的数字城市建设程度提供参考。  相似文献   

组织扁平化的熵模型分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
艾新波  张仲义 《科技管理研究》2005,25(3):118-119,122
以熵理论为基础,分析了组织结构对组织内部信息流的影响,从信息流的时效性和准确度两方面构建了组织结构的有序度评价模型;通过引入信息流的时效和质量的概念,对比分析塔式结构和扁平化结构的有序度,得出扁平化结构有序度优于塔式结构有序度的结论。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(3):104713
This study examines how the identity orientation of founders, i.e., the extent to which they define themselves in terms of their relationships to others and to social groups, is imprinted by their professional logic and influences their ambitions for venture growth. We draw on existing insights regarding the Darwinian, Communitarian, and Missionary orientation of entrepreneurs and on interviews with 29 founders to develop our hypotheses, which we then test in a sample of 58 academic and 113 non-academic founders that participated in a venture competition. We argue that, compared to non-academic institutional logics, academic logics are tied to a stronger Communitarian and Missionary orientation and a weaker Darwinian orientation in founders. A stronger Darwinian orientation values venture growth, whereas a stronger Communitarian orientation appraises the benefit of the technology for a restricted set of people at the expense of such growth ambitions. A stronger Missionary orientation values welfare maximization for society which may to some degree entail higher growth aspirations. We argue and empirically confirm that these identity orientations explain why academic founders hold lower growth aspirations for their start-up than non-academic founders. Our findings can at least partially clarify why academic start-ups do not grow according to expectancies. They theoretically advance our insights in academic entrepreneurship and founders' growth aspirations while also extending the literature on founders' identity orientation.  相似文献   

We examine arguments both for strengthening property rights and expanding the public domain for digital information goods. Specifically, we conduct a Toulminian analysis of arguments made at a cross-disciplinary symposium at Duke Law School on information goods and the public domain. We find that there are two “logics” underlying arguments on issues related to information goods: what we describe as digital and analog logics. We also identify five argument categories—profit motive, economic efficiency, innovation, ethics and fundamental rights, and temporality—and two different time frames used for judging impacts—proximal and distal. We conclude with a number of theory-generating propositions and a provocation for our conceptions of capitalism in the digital age.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(8):104826
We investigate which companies are more inclined to respond with green innovation to ecological community logics. We propose that the noneconomic utility of doing so – in the form of personal reputation gains for business owners – is greater when owner identifiability is higher, and that owner identifiability therefore intensifies the effect of normative ecological community pressures on firm-level green innovation. Our hypotheses are tested on a sample of over 2800 German firms using instrumental variable regression analyses and we find empirical support for our ideas. This study advances the institutional sustainability literature by explaining how community- and firm-level attributes interact to account for heterogeneity in firms' green innovation activities.  相似文献   

Lumped parameter, undamped vibratory system models are studied starting from a vector bond graph representation which yields a symmetric set of equations of motion in terms of momenta and displacements. Four additional formulations are obtained depending upon the choices of displacement or impulse-momentum degrees of freedom including the classical formulation in terms of mass displacements. Differences in terms of forcing and response variables are found among the alternative formulations and differences in system order are explained. A new form of normal mode equations is developed using first order symmetric variables and a bond graph representation is given. Advantages in the use of the new model analysis for subsystem coupling are discussed.  相似文献   

摘要:我国信用评价技术长期围绕“评价指标体系”的思辩式重复研究的现状和水平,不仅远远落后于西方发达国家,而且也远不能满足国内蓬勃发展的信用建设事业的实践需要,更无力承担当前金融危机下信用风险防范和未来信用秩序提升的应有功能。鉴此,本文试图在梳理西方信用评价技术发展逻辑的基础上,探索信用评价技术发展的一般规律;并进一步通过比较分析中西信用评价技术发展的内在动因和外在条件的差异,剖析我国信用技术研究落后的深层原因;最终得出内在基础、必要条件和充分条件是我国信用评价技术创新发展三大必备要件的基本结论。  相似文献   

Finding useful health information should be the highest priority when identifying health information. Predicting information usefulness will significantly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of health information identification, which plays a vital role in fighting against misinformation. Modal behaviors, such as gesture and gaze, are promising indicators of usefulness since they deliver a reliable, thorough, natural, and direct process of user cognitive processing. Therefore, this study aimed to use gesture and gaze behaviors to predict whether information is useful for health information identification. Twenty-four college students were recruited to freely search for information using a smartphone to identify the truthfulness of four propositions (two were true and two were false) about public health epidemics. The participants' gesture behavior, gaze behavior, and information usefulness as perceived by themselves were collected. Based on user cognition, the process of information usefulness judgment was placed into two phases: skimming and reading. Thirty-one features derived from modal behaviors in each phase were extracted. Feature optimization based on the Mann-Whitney U test and random forest was performed. Five common algorithms were used to construct information usefulness prediction models, and these models were compared by the F1_score. Finally, dwell time and gaze entropy in the reading phase were the most important gesture and gaze features respectively. BP neural network was selected to build a unimodal model based on gesture, and gradient boosting decision tree was selected to build a unimodal model based on gaze and a multimodal model combining both. These models all achieved F1_score above 77% and were applicable to different scenarios in health information identification. The model based on gesture could satisfy strong technology or legal constrains, the model based on gaze was ideal for AR, MR or metaverse applications, and the model combining both offered an alternative for multimodal human-computer interaction.  相似文献   

A generalized interpretation of the phenomenon of wave propagation in non-homogeneous multiconductor systems is given by introducing the concent of component waves. It is shown that the familiar analysis of homogeneous systems is only a particular case of the generalized approach developed in this paper.  相似文献   

The incidence of revealed fraud and dishonesty in academia is on the rise, and so is the number of studies seeking to explain scientific misconduct. This paper builds on the concepts of competing logics and institutional fields to analyze a serious case of medical and scientific misconduct at a leading research institute, Karolinska in Sweden, home to the Nobel Prize in Medicine.By distinguishing between a market-oriented, a medical and an academic logic, the study analyzes how various actors ? executives, research leaders, co-authors, journal editors, medical doctors, science bloggers, investigative journalists and documentary filmmakers ? sustained or tried to expose the misconduct. Despite repeated warnings from patient-responsible doctors and external academic reviewers, Karolinska protected the surgeon, Paolo Macchiarini, until a documentary film at the Swedish national public TV exposed the fraud which led to public inquiries and proposals for a new national ethics legislation.The analysis illustrates the power of a market-oriented logic focused on brand and image at the research institute and at a leading journal, but also the perseverance of the logics of scientific scrutiny and medical care among practicing doctors and independent academics although the carriers of these logics were less well organized than the carriers of the market-oriented logic. Furthermore, the analysis shows the problem of fragmented control in the academic institutional field. The discussion of remedies compares the Karolinska case, where media actors were instrumental in sanctioning the perpetrators, with a similar instance of medical misconduct at Duke in the US where the government agency (ORI) intervened and shows the limitations of both types of actors. The conclusion highlights the importance of studying misconduct management and institution-building in different fields to develop effective remedies.  相似文献   

黄昊  王国红 《科研管理》2022,43(3):108-116
    创新型中小企业与外界合作不免陷入“鲨鱼困境”,其社会防御的内涵与机制是本文的核心研究问题。聚焦7家创新型中小企业,结合扎根技术运用探索性多案例研究方法,以制度逻辑为分析视角,细致解析了创新型中小企业社会防御的内涵与机制。研究发现:社会防御是企业利用所嵌入制度环境的规则与规范以实现对关键成员、企业控制权与知识财产的防护与保护的系列措施,社会防御机制由社会防御情境、社会防御措施与社会防御标的构成,蕴含多层次故事线与多重闭环逻辑,统一于规则与规范的制度逻辑框架中,关键成员防护是社会防御机制的核心措施,所有措施共同作用才能全方位实现社会防御效用。  相似文献   

基于直觉模糊集的风险投资项目风险群体评价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对风险投资项目的风险评估是风险投资运作过程中的关键环节。针对风险投资项目的系统风险很难量化的特点,引入针对风险投资项目的系统风险评价指标体系和直觉模糊集理论,建立了基于直觉模糊数的加权平均(IFWA)算子和直觉模糊数混合集结(IFHA)算子的风险投资项目风险评价方法,并进行了实例分析,说明了该方法的实用性和有效性。  相似文献   

Previous works have shown the usefulness of bond graphs for modeling and simulation of interacting lumped and distributed systems. Frequently, when damping is included in the model, the overall system is “stiff”, possessing widely disparate characteristic times. This makes simulation difficult and time consuming.Bond graphs are used here to represent the interacting lumped and modal dynamics of a system while treating the damping as an external forcing onto the system. By performing a second modal decomposition, a second bond graph model can be formulated where the damping can now be physically represented. The result is a total system model in which the characteristic times can be controlled through elimination of high frequency modes.  相似文献   

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